

单词 廉洁

廉洁 adjective ()

clean adj

廉洁 noun ()

incorruptibility n
probity n
civilization n

See also:

side wall of a traditional Chinese house (old)
surname Lian
investigate (old)

External sources (not reviewed)

该组织欢迎巴巴多 斯采取行动通过一项关廉 洁 的 新 的 立法。
CRED welcomed Barbados initiatives to adopt new legislation on integrity.
虽说我们并不质疑这些人员的诚实廉洁,但我们对 FABS 系统可能发生差错仍表示关切。
While we do not question the honesty and integrity of these individuals we are concerned that errors can occur in FABS.
(a) 工作方式和信息对于维护所有评价处的独立性、公正性 廉洁 性 都 具有特殊 意义。
(a) The modus operandi and the flow of information occupy a special place to maintain independence, impartiality and integrity in all evaluation offices.
如上所述,执行局第 2011/24 号决定呼吁道德操守办公室就加 廉洁 与 合规 组织文化问题向管理层提出建议。
As mentioned above, Executive Board decision 2011/24 calls on the Ethics Office to make recommendations to management on strengthening an organizational culture of integrity and compliance.
该Julianists坚廉洁的基 督的身体,即基督不是自然受一般要等饥饿,干渴,疲劳,也不是疼痛,但他以为他的缘故,他们为我们的自由意志。
The Julianists upheld the incorruptibility of the Body of [...]
Christ, meaning that Christ was not naturally subject to the ordinary
wants of hunger, thirst, weariness, etc., nor to pain, but that He assumed them of His free will for our sakes.
所有委员均应是本组织之外的独立人士,他们 廉洁 正 直、专业技术精湛,并以私人身份 供职。
The members, all of whom shall be external to and independent of the Organization, shall reflect the highest level of integrity and professionalism and shall serve in their private capacity.
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增 廉洁 和 问 责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建立网络和平台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.
我们秉承福伊特的一贯传统和风格,实施可持续发展战略,实现环境舒适 廉洁 公 正 、长期繁荣的业务发展。
With our concept of sustainability we are carrying on the tradition and style of Voith, a family-owned
company, which includes the obligation to conduct
[...] environmentally compatible, clean and fair business with [...]
long-term success.
开发署支持反腐败的目的是,加强国家和地方两级公共机构的效率、透 明度廉洁;就 反腐败与媒体和民间社会开展互动协作;支持国家立法和政策框 架;把反腐败作为跨领域问题纳入工作主流,包括为此加强公共机构。
UNDP support to anti-corruption aims at strengthening efficiency, transparency and integrity in public institutions both at national and local levels; engaging with media and civil society on anti-corruption; supporting national legislation and policy frameworks; and mainstreaming anti-corruption as a cross-cutting issue including through strengthening public institutions.
必须尽最大的努力来强调使用兴奋剂所带来的危害,它不仅有害健康而且有悖体 育道德,一定要尽最大的努力来保护运动员的身心健康,保护公平竞赛和竞争的美 德、体育界廉洁以及 人们参与各级体育运动的权利”(教科文组织,1978 年)。
“No effort must be spared to highlight the harmful affects of doping, which is both injurious to health and contrary to the sporting ethic, or to protect the physical and mental health of athletes, the virtues of fair play and competition, the integrity of the sporting community and the rights of people participating in it at any level whatsoever” (UNESCO, 1978).
在联合国内发展清廉 洁的文化,有利于提高其信誉;这一点依然是秘书处 优先事项。
Fostering a culture of ethics and integrity within the Organization served to enhance its credibility and remained a priority of the Secretariat.
然后指出,这些 措施除其他以外应着重于加强执法机构或检察官同包括企业界在内的有关私人 实体之间的合作;促进制定各种旨在维护公共和有关私人实 廉洁 性 的 标准和 程序;采取措施,防止有组织犯罪集团对法人以及当局为商业活动所提供的补 贴和许可证作不当利用。
It then suggests that this should focus on, among other things, the strengthening of cooperation between law enforcement agencies or prosecutors and relevant private entities, including industry; promoting the development of standards and procedures designed to safeguard the integrity of public and relevant private entities; and measures for the prevention of the misuse by organized criminal groups of legal persons and subsidies and licences granted by authorities for commercial activities.
政府及国 家司法当局面临的核心挑战是如何保障东帝汶国家警 察的清廉洁,并确保其内部的纪律制度是有效的。
The core challenge facing the Government and the country’s judicial authorities is how to safeguard the integrity of the PNTL and ensure that its internal discipline systems are effective.
此外,人们担心此类巨额商业利益会影 响薪水偏低的公务人员、媒体和民间社会 廉洁 ,这 一点也需要给予重视。
Further, concerns about the influence that such huge commercial interests could have on the integrity of an underpaid public service, the media and civil society will require attention.
2007 年启动了一期定制的讲习班,题为《采购工 作中的清廉洁》,总部约 400 名工作人员参加。
A customized workshop entitled “Ethics and integrity in procurement” had been launched in 2007 and almost 400 staff at Headquarters had participated in it.
2010-2014 年司法机构战略计划”,将司法机构列为实现司法卓越运作的核
[...] 心,如同第一个“司法机构行为守则”一样,紧紧抓住了法官的六个核心原则: 独立;公正廉洁;适 度;胜任和尽职,以及法律和法庭前面人人平等。
In May 2010, the Strategic Plan 2010-2014 of the Judiciary was launched to make the judiciary a centre of judicial excellence, as was the first Code of Judicial Conduct, which
encapsulated six core principles: independence;
[...] impartiality; integrity; propriety; [...]
competence and diligence of the judges; and
equality of all before the law and the courts.
为阿富汗建设更 美好的未来需要一个稳定、正常运作 廉洁 、 能 够化 机遇为成功的政府。
Building a better future for Afghanistan will require a
[...] stable, functioning and clean Government that is [...]
capable of turning opportunities into successes.
2010 年,内审办通过电话、传真、信函或电子邮件,以及儿童基金会在内联 网和互联网上提供的匿名举报专用电邮地址(又称 廉洁 1 号热线”),收到许多 举报。
In 2010, numerous issues were brought to the attention of OIA, by phone, fax, mail or email or by a dedicated email address accessible from the UNICEF Intranet and the Internet, known as the Integrity 1 hotline, which allows anonymous reporting.
财政部、国家行政部门以及 总理办公厅与联合国及发展伙伴方廉 洁、高效政府问题举行了工作组会议。
Working group meetings including the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration and the Office of
the Prime Minister, as well as the United Nations and development
[...] partners, were held on clean and effective Government.
我们还认为,任命一个 P-5 级的工作人员负 责对该计划的监督工作,并直接向总干事报告,将是教科文组织为保证秘书处 廉洁 和 职业 道德迈出的重要一步。
We also believe that, with the appointment of a P-5 staff member to supervise the programme, reporting direct to the Director-General, UNESCO will have taken a great step towards guaranteeing professional integrity and ethics in the Secretariat.
基督一性往往分为两大类:Julianists,谁举行的不朽和身 廉洁 基 督 的化身,越正统Severians,谁拒绝Eutychian认为,人类和神圣的化身完全混在一起了。
Monophysites tended to divide into two main
groups: Julianists, who held to the
[...] immortality and incorruptibility of Christ's incarnate [...]
body, and the more orthodox Severians,
who rejected the Eutychian view that the human and divine were completely mingled in the incarnation.
此外,关于提高对清廉洁的认 识的强制性 在线学习方案自 2005 年制定以来,已有约 12 000 名工 作人员毕业,其中包括 2008 年报告所述期间的 2 000 多名工作人员。
In addition, the mandatory online learning programme on integrity awareness had been completed since its inception in 2005 by approximately 12,000 staff members, including more than 2,000 in the period covered by the 2008 report.
实现环境舒适廉洁公正 和长期繁荣的业务发展。
The Obligation to conduct
[...] environmentally compatible, clean and fair Business [...]
with long-term Success
令人失望的是,尽管本组织 努力征聘和雇用在能力、效率、尤其 廉洁 方 面具有 最高水准的工作人员,仍出现了太多的行为失检和犯 罪行为的事件。
It was disappointed that, despite the Organization’s efforts to recruit and employ staff with the highest levels of competence, efficiency and, in particular, integrity, there were still too many incidents of misconduct and criminal behaviour.
九,十至十四),其中他就恳求他的意 廉洁 问 题上的基督的身体。
IX, x-xiv) in which he begged his opinion on the
[...] question of the incorruptibility of the Body of Christ.
因此,透明度既是有助于提高采廉洁 度和 采购制度公信度一个关键因素,又是一个有利于对照各项目标评价采购制 度和各个采购程序的工具。
It is thus a critical support for integrity in procurement and for public confidence in the system, as well as a tool to facilitate the evaluation of the procurement system and individual procurement proceedings against their objectives.
前进道路上的另一个核心优先事项是建立一个廉洁、更 称职的政府这样一个强有力的新重点, [...]
Another core priority on the way forward will be a strong new focus on
[...] establishing a cleaner and more competent [...]
Government, through strengthening governance,
fighting corruption and enforcing the rule of law.
就培训、教育和外联工作而言,在两次两个报告 期内,约有 5 000 名工作人员参加了题为《协同努力: 在日常工作廉洁奉公 》的半天讲习班。
With regard to training, education and outreach, some 5,000 staff members had attended a half-day workshop entitled “Working together: professional ethics and integrity in our daily work” during the two reporting cycles.
请 请请
[...] 请秘书长向大会第六十八届会议提出报告,说明 廉洁 措 施、执行关于 联合国与私营部门伙伴关系的联合国订正准则和加强联合国全球契约地方网络 [...]
the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at
its sixty-eighth session a report on
[...] specific progress on integrity measures, on the [...]
implementation of the revised United Nations
guidelines for partnerships between the United Nations and the private sector and on the strengthening of the United Nations Global Compact Local Networks.
教科文组织的最大资产是一大群能力超强 廉洁 正 直 、积极进取、勇于奉献的工作人 员。他们的地理分布衡平、性别均衡,他们努力追求成果,有能力实现本组织的使命和战略 目标。
The greatest asset of UNESCO is a motivated, dedicated staff of the highest competence and integrity, representing equitable geographical distribution and gender balance, empowered to achieve the Organization’s mission and strategic objectives through a commitment to managing for results.




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