

单词 廉正



upright and honest

See also:

side wall of a traditional Chinese house (old)
investigate (old)
surname Lian

External sources (not reviewed)

弱势和边缘化民众的权利必须置于经济决策的中心,透明廉 正和问责机制必须予以加强。
The rights of vulnerable and marginalized people must be
put at the centre of economic decision-making, with stronger mechanisms for
[...] transparency, integrity and accountability.
一个没有贪污,以投入加强国家和公共机构定位的国家,其成员 廉正 , 透 明度及负 责任自持。
A nation free of corruption, putting in place
strengthened state and public institutions whose members conduct
[...] themselves with integrity, transparency [...]
and accountability.
毒品和犯罪问题办公室获得“联合国 21 世纪奖”的计算 机化培训方案仍然是其技术援助提供工作的基础,目前正在编制以下 10 个新领 域的计算机化培训教程:移民偷运、打击人口贩运高级技术 廉正 和 道 德、对 妇女的暴力行为、身份犯罪、犯罪现场第一反应人、针对儿童的犯罪、野生动 植物贩运、执法工作人员艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题培训和社区警务。
The UNODC Computer-based Training (CBT) programme, given a “UN 21 Award”, has remained a cornerstone of UNODC technical assistance delivery, and 10 new areas of the CBT curriculum are being developed: the smuggling of migrants, advanced anti-human trafficking techniques, integrity and ethics, violence against women, identity crime, first responders to a crime scene, crimes against children, wildlife trafficking, training on HIV/AIDS for law enforcement staff and community policing.
此外,与经合组织、欧洲科学基金会、欧 盟委员会和相关机构在国家一级的合作也正在进行之中,重点主要是科学不端行为问题廉 正。
In addition, ongoing cooperation with the OECD, the European Science Foundation, the European Commission and relevant bodies at national level has proceeded with an emphasis primarily on scientific misconduct and integrity.
特别程序廉正性和 独立性以及合作、透明和问责原则是确保建立一 个能够加强理事会处理实地人权状况的能力的健全的特别程序制度所不可或 缺的。
The integrity and independence of the special procedures and the principles of cooperation, transparency and accountability are integral to ensuring a robust system of the special procedures that would enhance the capacity of the Council to address human rights situations on the ground.
提议编列 393 000 美元,用于聘用专题专家和专门培训人员编制维持和平 行动实务领域的培训产品,并按照新制订的维和部(262 000 美元)、外勤部(60 000 美元)和综合培训处(71 000 美元)培训课程举办试验性培训班,例如领导、管理 和行政(120 名高级外地人员);道德操守、管理、领导 廉正 意 识 和监督职能等 一般性专题(200 名外勤人员)。
The amount of $393,000 is proposed to engage subject-matter experts and specialist trainers to develop training products on substantive areas of peacekeeping operations and to conduct pilot training courses following the newly developed training curricula for DPKO ($262,000), DFS ($60,000) and the Integrated Training Service ($71,000), for example, leadership, management and administration (120 senior field personnel) and the generic topics of ethics, management, leadership, integrity awareness and supervision (200 field personnel).
但该办公室的 资源有限,使之无法有效地提高人们对道德操守 廉正 以 及该办公室提供的各项 服务的认识,或对外地工作人员面对的具体风险和需要进行评估。
However, the Office’s limited resources have prevented it from effectively raising awareness about ethics and integrity and the services provided by the Office or assess the specific risks and needs faced by staff in the field.
西 门子与毒品和犯罪问题办公室将合作支助三个关键领域内的反腐败努力:减少 公共采购系统的脆弱性;依照《反腐败公约》制定法律激励办法,以鼓励企廉正和合 作;就腐败的真实代价和遵守《公约》如何能够有助于保护公益和企 业利益对当前及今后的企业和公共领导人进行教育。
Siemens’ partnership with UNODC will support anti-corruption efforts in three crucial areas: reducing vulnerabilities in public procurement systems; creating legal incentives in line with the Convention against Corruption to encourage corporate integrity and cooperation; and educating current and future business and public leaders about the true costs of corruption and how compliance with the Convention can help to protect both the public good and business interests.
该 手册述及促进警廉正和忠 诚维持治安等问题;处理关于警务的投诉(收到投 诉、调查和后续行动);设定维持治安优先事项并鼓励政策参与,其中包括警务 以外的政策;并请求外部审查,包括来自独立行为方的审查。
It addresses issues including the enhancement of police integrity and the integrity of policing; dealing with complaints about policing (receipt, investigation and follow-up); setting policing priorities and encouraging policy input, including from outside the police; and inviting external review, including from independent actors.
深信司法机构的独立和公正、司法系统 廉正 以 及独立的法律专业队伍都是 保护人权、法治、善政和民主的必要先决条件,也是确保司法工作不歧视的必要 [...]
Convinced that the
[...] independence and impartiality of the judiciary [...]
and the integrity of the judicial system as well as an
independent legal profession are essential prerequisites for the protection of human rights, the rule of law, good governance and democracy, as well as for ensuring that there is no discrimination in the administration of justice, and should therefore be respected in all circumstances
要发展就需要廉正的公 共部门和尽可能少的繁文缛节。
Development needs a public sector without corruption and as little red tape as possible.
继续通过强制性在线学习方案廉正 意 识 倡议”提供在线道德操守培训, 这项倡议针对的是各级工作人员,其重点放在核心价值观和在工作环境下应遵守廉正标准
Online ethics training
[...] continued to be provided via the mandatory online learning programme “Integrity Awareness Initiative”, which is directed at personnel at all levels and focuses on core values and the standards of integrity to be observed within the workplace environment.
Any unlawful arrest or detention could be contested in a court of law and submitted to the Human Rights Commission or the Police Integrity Commission.
向管理层提供关于道德操守标准制定的指导,以确保本组织的规则、 政策、程序和做法加强和促进《联合国宪章》所要求的最 廉正 标 准、 其他可适用的工作人员细则和条例,以及国际公务员制度的行为准则。
Providing guidance to management on ethics standard-setting to ensure that the rules, policies, procedures and practices of the organization reinforce and promote the highest standards of ethics and integrity required by the Charter of the United Nations, other applicable staff rules and regulations, and the standards of conduct for the international civil service.
这一职能用以预防、减轻和解决实际存在或主观认为的利益冲突,并 从而加强项目厅及其工作人员廉正 品 格
This function serves to prevent, mitigate and resolve actual or perceived conflicts of interest, and in so doing enhances the integrity of UNOPS and its staff.
对获取与本法所涵盖的采购相关的法律、条例和其他一般适用的法律文本 及其一切修正案文,最好不要收取费用,因为这与《采购法》促进和鼓励竞 争、增进采购程序廉正和公 信度以及实现采购程序的透明度的目标是相悖 的。
Ideally, no fees should be charged for access to laws, regulations and other legal texts of general application in connection with procurement covered by this Law, and all amendments thereto, because this will be against objectives of the Model Law to foster and encourage competition, to promote the integrity of and public confidence in the procurement process and to achieve transparency in the procurement procedures.
[...] 件和其他事务的处理程序、为通过司法判决而举行的秘密审议以及禁止要求取消 这种秘密性等保证了法官廉正;切 合法官身份的其他保障和为法院工作提供的 [...]
The independence of judges is, furthermore, ensured by the statutory procedure for their appointment, suspension and removal from office; their integrity is ensured by the procedure for processing cases and other matters, by the holding of confidential deliberations for the adoption of judicial decisions and by a prohibition on requests for any lifting of
that confidentiality; liability for contempt
[...] of court or interference in the court’s [...]
activities is secured by other guarantees
befitting the status of judges, as well as by the provision of the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the work of the courts.
这次讲习班将于 2011 年 6
[...] 月在开罗的阿拉伯联盟总部举办,联合国开发计划署 (开发署)以及阿拉伯反腐败廉正 网 络 将参加,参加该讲习班的还有阿拉伯 [...]
The workshop will take place in the headquarters of the Arab League, in Cairo, in June 2011, with the participation of the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) and the Arab
[...] Anti-Corruption and Integrity Network, and [...]
will bring together high level representatives
of anti-corruption agencies of Member States of the Arab League, in charge of supervising mutual legal assistance and asset recovery requests.
根据该《法》,总督对直布罗陀警务工作廉 正、诚 实和独立以及包括内部治安在内的国家安全负全责。
In accordance with the Act, the Governor has overall, ultimate responsibility for the integrity, probity and independence of policing in Gibraltar and for the policing aspects of national security, including internal security.
行政首长应每两年进行一次工作人员 廉正 意 识 调查并在各自组织的内联网 上公布结果。
The executive heads should undertake biennial staff surveys on integrity awareness and publicize the results on the intranets of their respective organizations.
由于迄今尚未对披露内容进 行审查,一旦高级别工作人员认识到本组织为了维护自己的健全和保持工作人廉正而更 加重视在工作人员行为举止这些重要问题上遵守规定,这些领域的询问 数量可能大幅增加。
As the disclosures have not been reviewed to date, the numbers of queries in these areas are likely to increase substantially once senior staff realize that the organization is placing greater emphasis on compliance with these important issues of comportment of staff in the interests of the well-being of the organization and for maintaining the integrity of the staff.
因此,《示范法》为在系统中注入 廉正 、 公 平和公信度”而 规定的措施,以及要求给予“公平、平等和公正待遇”(客观性)和提高“透明 度”的措施(见以下各节),都是相辅相成义务的例子。
The Model Law’s measures to instil “integrity, fairness and public confidence in the system”, and to require “fair, equal and equitable treatment” (objectivity) and “Transparency” (see the following sections) are therefore examples of mutually supporting obligations.
政府根据 2006 年签署的查访协议,允许马尔代夫人权委员会、警 廉正 委员会及红十字国际委员会查访监狱。
The Government permits prison visits by the Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM), the Police Integrity Commission and the ICRC under the access agreement signed in 2006.
为此,政府间体育运动委员会建议这次会议集中力量讨论以下三个主题领域:(1) 参与 体育运动是所有人的基本权利(根据《国际体育运动宪章》);(2)
[...] 促进对体育运动计划的 投入;(3) 维护体育运动廉正。
Accordingly, CIGEPS proposed the Conference concentrate on the following three thematic areas: (1) Sport as fundamental right for all (in the context of realizing the International Charter of Physical Education and
Sport); (2) Promoting investment in physical education and sport programmes; and (3)
[...] Preserving the integrity of sport.
会议指出,必须遵循战略的实施原则和拟订优先领域的联合方 案,包括城市贫穷和问责制度、透明度 廉正。
The meeting noted the importance of adhering to the implementation principles of the strategy
and developing joint programmes in priority areas, including urban poverty and accountability,
[...] transparency and integrity.
同我的特别代表一样,我也敦促 东帝汶政府和司法当局采取一切必要措施,确保国家警察 廉正。
As my Special Representative has done, I urge the Government and judicial authorities to take all measures necessary to ensure the integrity of the national police.
执行局在题为“开发署、人口基金和项目厅道德操守办公室的报告”的第 2011/24 号决定中称,执行局“根据第 2010/17 号决定,特别是向管理层提出的将 加强组廉正文化 的建议,期待着审议这三个组织道德操守办公室未来的年度报 告”,根据该决定以及为答复人口基金道德操守办公室提出的建议,人口基金高 [...]
In consonance with Executive Board decision 2011/24: Reports of the ethics offices of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS,
wherein the Executive
[...] Board “looks forward to the consideration of future annual reports of the ethics offices of the three organizations, pursuant to decision [...]
2010/17, particularly
recommendations to management that will strengthen the organizational culture of integrity and compliance” and in response to the recommendation made by the UNFPA Ethics Office, the Fund’s senior management expanded the membership of the UNFPA Operations Committee, which is chaired by the two UNFPA Deputy Executive Directors, to include the Ethics Office.
几位 发言者欢迎毒品和犯罪问题办公室在预防犯罪和刑事司法领域开发工具和提供 技术援助的工作,包括制定区域和专题方案和实质领域的具体项目,如得到公 正审判和法律援助的机会、对警察的监督和警 廉正 、 儿 童司法等。
Several speakers welcomed the work of UNODC in developing tools and providing technical assistance in the areas of crime prevention and criminal justice, including through the development of regional and thematic programmes and specific projects in substantive areas such as access to justice and legal aid, police oversight and integrity and justice for children.
4 办公室协助署长, 确保所有管理人员和工作人员秉持《联合国宪章》规定的最 廉正 标 准、适用的 工作人员条例和细则及其他有关的行政指示,以及《2001 年国际公务员行为标 准》,遵守和履行其职能规定。
4 The office assists the Administrator by ensuring that all management and staff observe and perform their functions consistent with the highest standards of integrity, as envisaged in the Charter of the United Nations, applicable staff regulations and rules and other related administrative issuances, and the Standards of conduct for the international civil service, 2001.
在联合国公共服务奖活动期间,就下列主题共组办了 3 期能力建设讲习班: (a) 以廉正和创 造性领导公共治理;(b) 让公民和民间社会组织参与提高自然灾 害后重建和恢复战略的成效、问责制和透明度;以及(c) 非洲在能力建设方面的 电子化领导。
A total of three capacity-building workshops were organized during the United Nations Public Service Awards on the following themes: (a) leading with integrity and inventiveness in public governance; (b) engaging citizens and civil society organizations to promote effectiveness, accountability and transparency in reconstruction and recovery strategies after natural disasters; and (c) African e-leadership in capacity-building.




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