

单词 廉宜

See also:

surname Lian
side wall of a traditional Chinese house (old)
investigate (old)

surname Yi


suitable adj
appropriate adj

External sources (not reviewed)

近期目标:协助查明用以增进群岛和岛屿发展中国家的航运服务的定期性、 可靠性廉宜性方 面的可能办法和途径。
Immediate objective: to assist in identifying possible approaches to enhancing the regularity, reliability and affordability of the shipping services of archipelagic and island developing countries.
市民 必須先有租廉宜的房 屋,然後才能儲夠錢支付買樓所需的訂金以及償還樓宇按揭 貸。
Only when citizens can get the low-rent housing will they be able to save money and then be able to put down a deposit and mortgage for a flat.
[...] 为适应和缓解气候变化影响提供稳定的资金;(b ) 能获廉宜、低碳和清洁的技术;(c) 增加贸易机会。
The Commission underscored the need for (a) a steady flow
of funding for adaptation and mitigation,
[...] (b) access to affordable, low carbon [...]
and clean technologies, and (c) increased trade opportunities.
由此而导致的“每况愈下的恶性循环”,致使航运 服务在定期性、可靠性廉宜性方 面不断恶化。
This results in a ―vicious downward spiral‖ as the regularity, reliability and affordability of services deteriorates.
[...] 倍租金而陷於經濟困境,但亦不希望,㆒些有能力交雙倍租金,而仍然享受這些廉 宜而由其他納稅㆟資助的房屋。
But we have no wish either to see people who are
perfectly capable of paying double rent continuing to
[...] enjoy the very cheap rent, thanks to [...]
the subsidy of other taxpayers.
郭家麒議員強調,當局應遵守以人為本的 規劃原則,以及在擬議新發展區提供足夠的交通設 施,使居民能以廉宜的交 通費及使用較少時間前 往市區的工作地點上班。
Dr Kwok Ka-ki stressed that the principle of people-oriented planning should be observed and adequate transport facilities must be provided in the proposed NDAs to enable the residents to travel to their work places in the urban area at less cost and time.
這樣的收費,較其他大城市 肯定極廉宜。
These surely compare most favourably with fares charged in other major cities.
因此,我們建議一系列措施,包括寬減都會區,包括港島、九龍、荃灣 和葵青的“現有工業大廈改作商業用途暫准費”,以減輕業主的負擔;放寬 單一及多個工業大廈單位改為商業用途的審批條件,例如容許工廈飯堂(如 消防或結構許可的話)對外開放,使其與一般食肆無異,以及在新界發展次 都市中心,提供廉宜的工 商用地遷徙,讓都會區的工業轉往較便宜的次都 市中心。
We have therefore suggested a series of measures, which include reducing the "Forbearance Fee for Commercial Use in Existing Industrial Buildings" in the Metro Area in, say, Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing, so as to relieve the burden of property owners; relaxing the approval criteria for converting single or multiple industrial buildings units to commercial use, for example, allowing the canteens of industrial buildings to open to the public (if the fire safety or structural requirements permit) and operate in the same way as ordinary restaurants, as well as developing suburb centres in the New Territories to provide cheaper industrial and commercial land and create more job opportunities for the new towns in their vicinity.
由現時至2013年這段過渡期 間,是否應該想想有沒有更快廉宜 的 方 法,讓我們盡快擁有可供停泊 [...]
深水郵輪的設施,而無須過於着重要待大樓及所有配套設施竣工後,才 提供郵輪碼頭的設施?
During the interim from now to
2013, should the Administration try to
[...] identify faster and cheaper ways to expeditiously [...]
provide deep-water berthing facilities
for cruises in Hong Kong instead of emphasizing that cruise terminal facilities would only be provided after the completion of the terminal building and all ancillary facilities?
(5) 成立大廈管理審裁處,以有效率 廉宜 的 方 法去仲裁業主、住戶及管理公司之間 的糾紛。
(5) Set up a tribunal for building management so as to perform an arbitration role in an efficient and economical way in respect of disputes among owners, residents and management companies.
維持健康的基本要素是有益的食物、適當的居所、潔淨的食水、基本教育(特別 以婦女而言)、不吸煙、以及可 廉宜 和 科 技要求不高的基層預防疾病健康服務,其㆗ 包括免疫注射和家庭計劃指導。
The basic determinants of health are nutritious food, adequate shelters, clean water, elementary education (especially of women), being a non-smoker, and having access to low-cost, low-tech primary preventive health services, which include immunization and family planning.
沒有了批發層面的競爭,消 費者將不能享有這些競爭在零售層面帶來的 廉宜 及 多種類服 務。繼續為這些樓宇提供強制性第二類互連,直至樓宇連接最 少另一個客戶接達網絡,或直至電纜解調器服務升級,令有線 電視的混合光纖同軸電纜網絡足以作為另一個接達網絡,將可 增加消費者的選擇和促進有效的競爭,而由此產生的利益將可 抵銷投資意欲有可能減降的損害(因政府已發出信息,表明一 旦有關樓宇已連接最少另一個客戶接達網絡,強制性第二類互 連的規定便會在過渡安排完結後取消)。
The continuation of mandatory Type II interconnection in these buildings until the buildings are connected by at least one alternative customer access network, or until the cable modem service is upgraded so as to qualify HKCTV’s HFC network as an alternative customer access network, would generate substantial benefits from expanded consumer choice and more effective competition which would outweigh any detriment from potential dampening of investment incentive given the clear signal that once the buildings are connected to at least one alternative customer access network, mandatory Type II interconnection would be withdrawn after a transitional arrangement.
長 遠 來 說 , 我們相信會 有更多軟 件 開 發商(包括本地 企 業)投 入
[...] 資 源 發 展 產 品 , 以廉 宜的價 格 為 用 家提供 更多選擇。
In the long run, we believe that more software developers
(including local enterprises) will devote resources in product development to provide users
[...] with more choices at cheaper prices.
我們會繼續密切留意再造紙張的價格,並尋求擴大使用再造紙張的機會; 但我們亦會考慮是否可以使用其他可重新再用而價格 廉宜 的 紙 張。
We will continue to monitor the price of recycled paper and explore opportunities for extending its use; but we will also bear in mind the possibility of using other renewable sources of paper which are competitive in price.
此外 , 學童私家小巴營辦商在 補 充 燃料方面有較大彈性,可以使用廉 宜 的車用石油氣,加上豁免 首次登記稅的建議優惠,應足 以吸引 他們轉用石油氣小巴。
Moreover, private school light bus operators have more flexibility in refilling (and hence could take advantage of the lower motor LPG price) as well as the proposed FRT exemption should constitute a reasonable attraction to private school light bus operators in switching to LPG light buses.
如果我 要購買所有曾 閱讀的 報 章,每 天 可 能 要 花 費 數 十 元 , 但現時我 卻 能 閱讀這 麼 多 份報章,而所付出的 費用卻 較 別廉 宜 。
If I purchase all the newspapers I read, I may have to pay for tens of dollars, now that I can read so many newspapers, I am paying a price much lower than others.
可是,租援計劃其實是基於恩恤考慮, 租戶在連續 3
[...] 年申請後,房屋署可要求租戶搬遷至另一個租金 廉宜 的單 位,這很明顯是一個過渡的安排,但租金佔入息的比例則是一個法定認可的 [...]
租金上限水平,是房委會制訂租金時必須考慮的條件,兩者完全是兩碼子的 事。
However, eligibility for the Rent Assistance Scheme is in fact based on compassionate grounds and after a tenant has applied for assistance for three years in a row, the
Housing Department can request him to move
[...] to a unit charging cheaper rent, so this [...]
is obviously a transitional arrangement,
whereas the rent-to-income ratio is a statutory ceiling for rent and a condition that the HA must take into consideration when determining rent.
新加坡中华总商会中小企业中心 (SMECentre@SCCCI ,简称 “企发中心”) 通过综合利用会员在管理、财务与科技等方面的专长,为企业提供收 廉宜 的 商 业咨询服务,协助企业扩展业务,申请政府提供的各种援助与津贴,开拓如中国、印度等海外市场。
The SCCCI SME Centre (SMECentre@SCCCI) taps on to the vast management, financial and technological resources within the membership of the SCCCI to provide affordable business consultancy and advisory services for business expansion, especially in gaining access to government assistance schemes and overseas markets such as China and India.
因應委員對租援計劃的關注,房委會已 同意作出多項修正,主要包括把租援計劃的租金與入息比例規定由 20%調低 至 18.5%;放寬入息限額規定,由低於所屬組別輪候冊入息限額的 60%提升 至低於 70%;非長者住戶在連續 3 年接受租援後,如有適當單位,才須遷往 租金廉宜的單位。
To address members' concern about the RAS, the HA agreed to make a number of amendments, which mainly include revising the RIR of the RAS from 20% to 18.5%; relaxing the income threshold from 60% to 70% of the respective Waiting List Income Limits; requiring non-elderly RAS beneficiaries to move to cheaper flats after receiving rent assistance for a continuous period of three years if there are suitable flats available.
There is
[...] nothing as fresh as cheap as Medan Selera [...]
議員當年通過這項修訂,正正是出於公營房屋政策的原意:“為 低下階層提供租廉宜的居 所,而這些租金也是居民可負擔的。
In passing the amendment, Members of the former Legislative Council were abiding by the original intention of the public housing policy in providing low-cost housing to the lower classes and ensuring the rent was affordable to tenants.
香港政府為安頓災民,開始興建簡單實用而租 廉宜 的 徙 置大廈,並為香港公共房屋發展揭開了序幕。
In order to provide shelter for the victims, the Government commenced the construction of functional and affordable public housing for rent.
為了 打 破 目前的 壟 斷 局 面 ,政府應帶頭同時使用沒 有版權的 LINUX 軟 件,從 而 鼓勵更 多 機構採 用 一些價廉 宜 甚至免費的 軟 件,令 軟 件 市場更多元化 。
To break this monopoly, the Government should take the lead to use LINUX as well, which has no copyright, in order to encourage more companies to use less expensive or even free software, thereby rendering the software market more pluralistic.
條例草案亦有條文載明,農村㆞擁有㆟可循簡 廉宜 的 手續,向㆞政總署署長提出申 請,使其土㆞(包括不可分割份數的土㆞)免受新界條例第 II 部有關習慣繼承法的規管。
The Bill also contains provisions to facilitate those owners of rural land who wish to avoid the effect of customary rules of succession on their property by providing for the exemption of land, including undivided shares, from the application of Part II of the New Territories Ordinance, by the Director of Lands upon application of the landowner concerned by a simple and inexpensive procedure.
[...] 縮減規模,調整生產方式,又或把業務或生產工序遷至勞工和其他資源較廉宜的鄰 近地區,都會導致整體就業機會下降和失業率上升。
If owing to higher costs, employers have to scale down their operations, change their mode of production, or relocate their
business or production processes to nearby
[...] places with a cheaper workforce or [...]
resources, a decline in the overall job opportunities
available and a rise in the unemployment rate will result.
这些地区新的或现有的 Equinix 客户将能通过减低ISP带宽合约以及利用 廉宜的 AWS Direct Connect 数据传输费用,以降低进出 AWS 的网络成本。
New and existing Equinix customers in these regions will be able to lower network costs into and out of AWS by reducing bandwidth commitments to ISPs and taking advantage of reduced AWS Direct Connect data transfer rates.
从经济角度考虑,安装它们更加实用,因为材料更 廉宜 , 安 装时需要的人工更少,而且出了工地后并无转售价值。
From an economics standpoint, they are more practical to install, because the material is less expensive, their installation process is less labor intensive, and they have no resale value away from the construction site.
总商会的礼堂 (嘉庚堂)、展览暨多元活动室以及会议厅,收 廉宜 , 可 供会员租用,举办各种商贸、文化相关活动。
The auditorium, exhibition / multi-purpose function room and conference room within the SCCCI Building are available for use by members at concessionary rental rates (discounts up to 30% off public rates).
除服務現有客戶外,更透過與各社會服務團體,如香港家庭福利會、鄰舍輔導會、基督教香港信義會、聖雅各福群會等各分區辦事處等合作,向有需要人仕提 廉宜 以 至義務的醫療服務,提升生活質素,並使Kinetics各員工獲得寶貴的經驗。
We also team up with social service organizations such as Hong Kong Family Welfare Society, The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council, The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong and St. James' Settlement, etc., to assist people towards health living by providing medical care in low price or in voluntary, all staffs of Kinetics earn valued experience in the meanwhile.
締造區域性成本結構階梯:在都會核心以外開拓租金相 廉宜 的新 商業區讓貿易相關行業集聚發展,將有助維持本港的競爭 力。
Specific  projects  under  the  master  plan  included  the  construction  of  the  new  airport  and  its  supporting  facilities,  the  transport  and  reclamation  developments  along  the  shore  of  the  Victoria  Harbour,  and  the  new  town  in  North  Lantau.




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