

单词 廉价小物件

See also:



价廉 adj

inexpensive adj

物件 n

objects pl
object n

External sources (not reviewed)

赫尔辛基的物范围 广泛,包括顶级时装,大型百货商场 小 精 品店 , 廉价 的 跳 蚤市场,以及其间的一切。
Helsinki offers
[...] a wide range of shopping opportunities, including top fashion, large department stores, small boutiques, inexpensive flea markets, and [...]
everything in between.
论坛在贫困与人权和全球化进程的社会影响等主题下,听取了专家发言,并就 以下议题及其与贫困的关系展开了问答式辩论:人权的规范框架与赤贫问题;外 债;国际贸易政策;国家、公民社会和跨国公司在消除贫困中的作用和责任;在 减贫和消除贫困方面的国际援助与合作;体面和良好的工作 件 ; 善 政/腐败;得廉价基本药品和医疗保健;气候变化;和粮食安全、粮食危机和 物 权。
Under the main themes of poverty and human rights and the social dimension of the globalization process, the Forum heard expert presentations and held interactive debates on the following topics and their relationship to poverty: the normative framework of human rights and extreme poverty; foreign debt; international trade policies; the role and responsibility of the State, civil society and transnational corporations in poverty eradication; international assistance and cooperation in poverty reduction and
eradication; decent and
[...] favourable work conditions; good governance/corruption; access to affordable essential drugs and health care; climate change; and food security, the food crisis and the right to food.
全部的现存资料,包括网上资料, 显示针对目标人群价廉物美的 教学计划很缺乏。
A recent inventory on existing
materials, including on the Internet, has revealed a
[...] lack of good and inexpensive pedagogical programmes [...]
for the target group.
今天,我们强调我们遏制非传染性疾病蔓延的真 诚决心,并申明我们坚定的政治意愿和有力的承诺, 致力于:所有预防、治疗和护理方案的国家自主原则;
[...] 无条件地加强国际合作与援助,以 使我们的利益最大 化;根据各会员国和社区的具体特点,加强我们的努 力,以消除各国确定的非传染性疾病决定因素,从而 实现我们共同的小目标;通过全面审查和评估已有 进展廉价现代技术采用情况,加强国际合作,以实 现《政治宣言》(第 66/2 号决议,件)的各 项目标; 通过 2014 全面审查和评估预防和控制非传染性疾病 方面所取得的进展,加紧开展国际合作。
Today we emphasize our sincere determination to combat the spread of NCDs and affirm our firm political will and strong commitment to the principle of national ownership of all prevention, treatment, and care programmes; to strengthening international cooperation and assistance, without conditionality, in order to maximize our benefits; to enhancing our efforts to address the nationally identified determinants of NCDs, in accordance with the specificities of each Member State and community, so
as to realize our common goals and objectives; to intensifying international cooperation through a
[...] comprehensive review and assessment of the progress achieved and the use of modern technology at affordable prices in order to achieve the objectives of the Political Declaration (resolution 66/2, annex); [...]
to stepping up international
cooperation through a comprehensive review and assessment in 2014 of the progress achieved in the prevention and control of NCDs.
这种CCD 也是外观无法分辨的 其实这些是防不胜防的,只要你购买正规生产厂家的产品那是不会有问题的,再例如现在为了降低成本很 小 公 司的产品把运放电路省掉、把保护电路省掉、省 件 以 及采 用 廉价 的 次 品 物 料 , 这些我们能随便看得出来吗?
The CCD is also the appearance can not be resolved In fact, these are hard to prevent, as long as you buy the products of the regular manufacturers that there is no problem, another
example in order to reduce the cost of many small companies op amp circuit eliminating the need to dispense with the protection circuit, the provincial component and cheap inferior materials, we can not just see that?
我对此产品非常满意,因为它能让我从一物美价廉、操 作简单的设备中得到所有我期待的特性和功能。
I’m very satisfied with the product, especially [...]
since I was able to get all of my desired features and functions in one
affordable, easy-to-manage unit.
东莞市厚街久顺鞋模机械厂位于东莞市厚街镇环冈第一工业区,成立于2001年,专业生产各种制鞋用制具及各类鞋机 件 , 在生产中尤其重视客户的具体诉求,追求让客户用的顺手,用的顺心;同时在劳动密集型产业面临巨大挑战的大环境下,本公司也力求为客户提 价廉物 美 的产品,同时也 小 型 化 ,实用化机械方面投入心力,希望能为客户在节约成本,节约人力方面做出一些贡献.
Houjie long shun shoes mold machine factory is located in Hastings, houjie town, dongguan village, was established in 2001, specializing in the production of all kinds of shoes and all
kinds of shoes with with
[...] the machine parts, in production is especially customer specific appeal, let the customer work out well for, with satisfactory; At the same time in the labor-intensive industries are facing a great challenge of the environment, the company also seeks to provide customers with cheap and fine products, [...]
and also in miniaturization, practical mechanical
in heart, hope to help customers in saving costs, to save human aspects make some contribution.
即使在这种设施物资和 服务的提供涉及私营部门或民间社会实体的地方,国家也有责任确保其质 量廉价和覆 盖面,并有义务保护个人免遭私营服务提供商的违规行为。
Even where such facilities, goods and services are provided with the involvement of private sector or civil society entities, States are responsible [...]
for ensuring quality, affordability
and coverage and have the duty to protect individuals against abuses committed by private service providers.
他们强调必须使能源多样化,开发 先进的、更清洁的、效能较高的 廉价 的 和成本效益高的能源技术,包括化石 燃料技术和可再生能源技术,并且以彼此商定的优惠 件 向 发 展中国家转让此 类技术,以促进可持续能源系统,增加其对能源供应总量的贡献,同时确认国 家倡议和优先事项以及自定目标(若有)的作用,并确保能源政策支持发展中国 家旨在消除贫穷的各项努力,并定期评价可用的数据,以审查这一目标的进展 [...]
They emphasized the need to diversify energy by developing advanced, cleaner, more efficient, affordable and cost-effective energy technologies, including fossil fuel technologies
and renewable energy
[...] technologies, and their transfer to developing countries on concessional terms as mutually agreed in order to promote sustainable energy systems with the objective [...]
of increasing its
contribution to total energy supply, recognizing the role of national initiatives and priorities and voluntary targets, where they exist, and ensuring that energy policies are supportive to developing countries’ efforts to eradicate poverty, and regularly evaluate available data to review progress to this end.
我们在 第 2 章中提到,这种情况发生的前提件 是 强制许可的威胁必须是可信的——因为有一个 潜在的获得许可的人能够以比专利人更低 价 格 廉价 提 供 专利产品。
We note in Chapter 2 that this is
only likely to be the case where
[...] the threat is a credible one in terms of there being a potential licensee capable of supplying the patented product economically at a lower price than the patentee.
自決定提出檢控並在 2012 年 7 月 13 日落案起訴後,專小組便 一直廉署合 作,為法院聆訊( 包括在東區裁判法院進行的提訊,及稍 後在進行交付審判程序的法院和原訟法庭的聆訊) 進行件籌備工作, 以及處理所有件管理事宜-包括採取適當措施確保證據可獲法庭接 納並可在法庭上以條理有序的方式呈述,以及在審訊前和在正式審訊 期間為負責檢控的律師提供所有必要支援。
Since the decision made to prosecute and the charges laid on 13
July 2012, the Team has been working with the ICAC in preparation for the court hearings (including the mention hearings in the Eastern Magistracy, and the forthcoming hearings before the committal court and the Court of First Instance) and attending to all case management matters – including taking appropriate measures to ensure that the evidence is in admissible form and that the same can be presented in an orderly and organised manner in court, as well as providing all necessary support to prosecuting counsel at the pre-trial stage and during the trial proper.
发展中国家的渔业严重依赖发达国家,不仅作为产品的出路,还作为 当地消费的进口品(主要是价小型 中 上层种类以及提供给新型经济体的 价渔 业物种)或加工业的供应国。
The fishery industries of developing countries rely heavily on developed countries, not only as outlets for their exports, but also as suppliers of their
imports for local
[...] consumption (mainly low-priced small pelagics as well as high-value fishery species for emerging economies) [...]
or for their processing industries.
廉价的无须改造设备的 CFC-12 替物质进入市场以及 HFC-134a 和 HCFC-22 价格的 下跌,氟氯化碳库的储存很快将成为一笔高昂债务。
With the entry into some markets of cheap drop-in substitutes for CFC-12 and with declining prices for HFC-134a and HCFC-22, CFC stockpiles could quickly be transformed into a costly liability.
里约+20”峰会的两大主题-可持续发展体制框架和支持 绿色经济-已在粮农组织的主要观点中有所反映,即提高整个 物价 值链 的管理水平和效率有助于在减少自然资源使用量的基础上加强粮食安全, 也就是说小成本,大产出。
Two themes underpinning Rio+20 – the institutional framework for sustainable development and the support of a green economy – were reflected in
FAO’s main message that
[...] improved management and efficiencies throughout the food value chain can increase food security while using fewer natural resources, i.e. achieve more with less.
從另一角度看,如果當局不扶助商販市場,在租金及物價等經營成 本持續高企下,小本經營的市場只會越來 小 , 而 價 廉物 美 的商販市 場,亦只會不斷萎縮,最後對基層市民也只會帶來更大的沖擊。
Viewing from another perspective, if the authorities do not support the market for traders, with rents and operating
costs remaining high, the
[...] market for small businesses will only get smaller and the trading market for low-priced quality goods will also [...]
keep dwindling, creating
finally a bigger impact on the grassroots.
(a) 將任何物件當如私人行李帶上公司的船隻,除非 物件 為 小 型 手 提籃、袋或包 裹,而重量全都不超過 12 公斤或體積全都不超過 [...]
0.028 立方米,則不在此限, 但乘客可在任何繁忙時間以外時間乘坐公司的船隻時,攜帶合理數量的手提行 李。
(a) take on to any of the Company's vessels as
[...] personal luggage anything other than small handbaskets, bags [...]
or parcels all of which shall
not exceed either 12 kilograms in weight or 0.028 cubic metre in measurement, except that passengers may take with them on to the Company's vessels a reasonable quantity of hand baggage at any time except during rush hours.
一般情 况下,熔融粘度较高使得在小物件 上 狭 窄表面操 作的难度很大。
The generally high melt-viscosities
[...] make close work on small objects difficult.
至於這落實執行,亦不應只針小規 模的承建商,因為過 去很多須予檢控的件,也是廉政公署(“廉署”)經調查發現有違例、貪 污舞弊情況,即可說是由廉署引發調查,只是在檢控之後,政府及屋宇署才 隨後跟隨 ─ 主席,我強調,是隨後才跟隨進行處理的。
Concerning implementation and enforcement, the targets
[...] should not be limited just to small contractors because in the past, in many cases in which prosecution [...]
was called for, it was
only on investigation by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) that many offences involving corruption and dishonest practices were discovered.
例如,政府和赞助机构可以检查其软件采购政策,更多地考 价 格 低 廉 的 商用 软 件 产 品 , 包括可以广泛使用和获取的通用和开放源码产品。
For example, governments and donor organisations could review their software procurement policies with a view to
giving greater
[...] consideration to low cost business software products, including generic and open-source products that are widely available.25 The second problem is that where the source code of software is also protected, [...]
this may make
it harder to adapt the products for local needs.
全球化带来的与阿拉伯区域劳动力市场现有 件 相 关的关键挑战包括:(a) 所需技能发生迅速变化,但教育领域还没有适当的变化来匹配;和(b)建立跨 国公司分公司,往往从其他区域雇 廉价 的 外 国劳动力。
Key challenges posed by globalization
[...] associated with existing conditions in the labour market in the Arab region include (a) the rapid changes in required skills that have not been matched by appropriate changes in education; and (b) the establishment of branches of multinational companies that tend to employ cheap foreign labour, [...]
often from other regions.
总干事欢迎本报告中向大会、秘书长以及联合国系统各组织提出的建议,即全力支持 会员国选择使用开放源码进行开发的行动以实现千年发展目标;鼓励会员国推 廉价 硬 软件 的普 及利用,包括基于开放源码软件的硬软件并促进能力建设计划,为正在进行中的开放源 码软件的本地开发和支持采取鼓励措施;尽可能利用开放源码软件许可权开发应用软件并将 其放在网上供有关各方方便地获取。
The Director-General welcomes the recommendations of this report addressed to the General Assembly, the Secretary-General and the United Nations system organizations, namely to provide their full support to Member States opting to develop initiatives for using OSS to reach the MDGs targets; to encourage Member States to promote access to low-cost hardware and software including those based on OSS and to foster capacity-building programmes and providing incentives for ongoing local OSS development and support; and to develop software applications under OSS licences whenever possible and make them readily accessible online to various stakeholders.
各特派团普遍存在这一问题,情况如下: (a) 联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团的 任务已于
2008 年 7 月 31 日结束,但仍有价值 1 864 万美元的 5
[...] 200 件资产待核销,另有价 值 862 万美元的 3 568 件资产待处置;(b) 在 联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团),截至 2010 年 8月3日价值265万美元的509件物品等待 核销和(或)处置时间超过一年;(c) 在联合国 后勤基地,价值 270 万美元的 40 件资产等待核 销时间超过六个月,等待期最长的达 [...]
596 天。
This was a common problem in missions, as shown by the following: (a) the mandate of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea was terminated on 31 July 2008, but 5,200 assets, valued at $18.64 million, were still awaiting write-off, while 3,568 assets, valued at $8.62 million, were still awaiting disposal; (b) at
UNMIS, as at 3 August
[...] 2010, 509 items, valued at $2.65 million, had been awaiting write-off and/or disposal for more than one year; (c) at the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, [...]
40 assets, valued
at $2.70 million, had been awaiting writeoff for more than six months, with the longest period being 596 days.
基本上,顾客得到一个精确的腔体模具,它可以以一个很有竞争力的价格提出一个尺寸上很精确的原型 件 ( 高 达1, 0 0 0 件 取 决 于模具的材料).就如和其它的CAD/CAM项目一样,和产品和模具设计相关的数据,和加工都被电子储存起来为将来的参考做准备:因为原型产品经过了多中循环,并且从市场和领域测试中得到反馈,储存的CAD/CAM信息允许快速,准确 廉价 的 更改产品,模具或注塑模塑过程来在大规模生产之前完善最终产品。
Basically, the customer gets a precision cavity mold that faithfully renders dimensionally
accurate prototype parts
[...] (up to 1,000 pieces depending on the mold material) at a very competitive price. As with all CAD/CAM projects, data relating to product and mold design, and processing is retained electronically for future reference: as the prototype product moves through multiple iterations given feedback from marketing and field testing, the stored CAD/CAM information allows for quick, accurate, inexpensive changes to the product, [...]
mold or injection
molding process to perfect the finished good before large scale production.
[...] 者的仲裁协议,原因是,对消费者来说,进行规定的仲裁既费钱又复杂,因此 是件难事;而一廉价、简 易和快捷的争议解决制度不会招致此种批评。
It was pointed out that courts often quash agreements to arbitrate which involve consumers for the reason that engaging in the specified
arbitration would be costly and
[...] complex for the consumer, and thus a hardship; but a cheap, easy and [...]
fast system of dispute resolution
would not attract such criticism.
2004 年,政府又推出政策,鼓勵大學和應科院攜手成立汽車零 件 、 物 流 及供應 鏈管理科技、紡織及成衣、納米科技及先進材料、通訊科技、消費電子、集成電路設計,以及光電 子的研小組。
In 2004, the government
[...] unveiled a policy of encouraging applied research clusters in automotive parts and accessory systems, logistics and supply chain management enabling technologies, textiles and clothing, nanotechnology [...] [...]
and advanced materials, communications technologies, consumer electronics, integrated circuit design and opto-electronics hosted by combinations of universities and ASTRI.
此外,价小组应 询问下列事项:禁止进 口和销售大量受管物质的条例的有效性;它们如何有助于削减这些物质的消费量;以及 为确保这些条例的实施还需采取哪些额外执法措施。
In addition, the
[...] evaluation should inquire on how effective were the regulations banning import and sales of bulk quantities of controlled substances; on how they helped [...]
reduce the consumption
of these substances; and on what additional enforcement measures are required to ensure the implementation of these regulations.
在专家小组 2011 年 10 月访问突尼斯时,突尼斯国防部代表告诉专家小组 说,利比亚危机爆发后,一直在收缴军火和有 物 资 ; 突尼斯当局大约收缴了来 自利比亚的 50 件小武器和 14 千克 Semtex 炸药。
During its visit to Tunisia in October 2011, representatives of the Ministry of Defence told the Panel that seizures of arms and related materiel had been occurring since the Libyan crisis and stated that
approximately 50 small arms and
[...] 14 kg of Semtex explosives originating from Libya had been seized by the authorities since the beginning of the crisis [...]
in Libya.




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