


surname Lian
investigate (old)
side wall of a traditional Chinese house (old)



extra allowances paid government officials in the Qing dynasty


Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong (ICAC)


Williamsburg, Virginia

External sources (not reviewed)

The rights of vulnerable and marginalized people must be
put at the centre of economic decision-making, with stronger mechanisms for
[...] transparency, integrityandaccountability.
委员会强调必须:(a) 为适应和缓解气候变化影响提供稳定的资金;(b ) 能获低碳和清洁的技术;(c) 增加贸易机会。
The Commission underscored the need for (a) a steady flow of funding for adaptation and mitigation, (b) access to affordable, low carbon and clean technologies, and (c) increased trade opportunities.
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建立网络和平台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.
即使在这种设施、 物资和服务的提供涉及私营部门或民间社会实体的地方,国家也有责任确保其质 量覆盖面,并有义务保护个人免遭私营服务提供商的违规行为。
Even where such facilities, goods and services are provided with the involvement of private sector or civil society entities, States are responsible for ensuring quality, affordability and coverage and have the duty to protect individuals against abuses committed by private service providers.
此外,与经合组织、欧洲科学基金会、欧 盟委员会和相关机构在国家一级的合作也正在进行之中,重点主要是科学不端行为问题
In addition, ongoing cooperation with the OECD, the European Science Foundation, the European Commission and relevant bodies at national level has proceeded with an emphasis primarily on scientific misconduct and integrity.
他们强调必须使能源多样化,开发 先进的、更清洁的、效能较高的和成本效益高的能源技术,包括化石 燃料技术和可再生能源技术,并且以彼此商定的优惠条件向发展中国家转让此 类技术,以促进可持续能源系统,增加其对能源供应总量的贡献,同时确认国 家倡议和优先事项以及自定目标(若有)的作用,并确保能源政策支持发展中国 家旨在消除贫穷的各项努力,并定期评价可用的数据,以审查这一目标的进展 情况。
They emphasized the need to diversify energy by developing advanced, cleaner, more efficient, affordable and cost-effective energy technologies, including fossil fuel technologies and renewable energy technologies, and their transfer to developing countries on concessional terms as mutually agreed in order to promote sustainable energy systems with the objective of increasing its contribution to total energy supply, recognizing the role of national initiatives and priorities and voluntary targets, where they exist, and ensuring that energy policies are supportive to developing countries’ efforts to eradicate poverty, and regularly evaluate available data to review progress to this end.
一个没有贪污,以投入加强国家和公共机构定位的国家,其成员透明度及负 责任自持。
A nation free of corruption, putting in place strengthened state and public institutions whose members conduct themselves with integrity, transparency and accountability.
但该办公室的 资源有限,使之无法有效地提高人们对道德操守及该办公室提供的各项 服务的认识,或对外地工作人员面对的具体风险和需要进行评估。
However, the Office’s limited resources have prevented it from effectively raising awareness about ethics and integrity and the services provided by the Office or assess the specific risks and needs faced by staff in the field.
论坛在贫困与人权和全球化进程的社会影响等主题下,听取了专家发言,并就 以下议题及其与贫困的关系展开了问答式辩论:人权的规范框架与赤贫问题;外 债;国际贸易政策;国家、公民社会和跨国公司在消除贫困中的作用和责任;在 减贫和消除贫困方面的国际援助与合作;体面和良好的工作条件;善政/腐败;得本药品和医疗保健;气候变化;和粮食安全、粮食危机和食物权。
Under the main themes of poverty and human rights and the social dimension of the globalization process, the Forum heard expert presentations and held interactive debates on the following topics and their relationship to poverty: the normative framework of human rights and extreme poverty; foreign debt; international trade policies; the role and responsibility of the State, civil society and transnational corporations in poverty eradication; international assistance and cooperation in poverty reduction and eradication; decent and favourable work conditions; good governance/corruption; access to affordable essential drugs and health care; climate change; and food security, the food crisis and the right to food.
在其下一次定期报告中提供资这方面采取措施,及其对少数 群体实际上行使宗教自由方面产生的影响。
(f) Provide, in its next periodic report, information on measures taken in this regard and their impact on de facto exercises of freedom of religion by minority groups.
[...] 指标,劲道指数,MACD指标,动量指标,振荡器移动平均线,相对强弱指数,相对活力指数,随机指标,三重指数平均, 比范围,离散指标,资金流量指数,能量潮指标,成交量柱状图,加速器振荡器,鳄鱼指标,OA振荡指标,分形指标,GATOR [...][...]
Adaptive Moving Average, Average Dierectional Movement Indey, Average Movement Index Wilder, Bollinger Bands, Double Exponential Moving Average, Envelopes, Fractal Adaptive Moving Average, Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, Moving Average, Parabloic SAR, Standard Deviation, Triple Exponential Moving Average, Variable Index Dynamic Average, Average True Range, Bears Power, Bulls Power, Chaikin Ocillator, Commodity Channel Index, DeMarker, Force Index, MACD, Momentum, Moving Average of Oscillator, Relative Strenght Index, Relative Vigor
Index, Stochastic Oscillator, Triple
[...] Exponential Average, William's PercentRange, [...]
Accumulation/Distribution, Money Flow Index,
On Balance Volume, Volumes, Accelerator Oscillator, Alligator, Awesome Oscillator, Fractals, Gator Oscillator, Market Facilitation Index.
(f) 阿拉伯住房和建筑部长理事会与各成员国合作,努力通过提会 住房和建设新城镇,落实特别是关于改善贫民窟居民生活和根除贫民区的千年发 展目标 7 具体目标 d。
(f) The efforts exerted by the Council of Arab Ministers of Housing and Construction, in cooperation with member States, to implement Millennium Development Goal 7, target d., particularly with respect to improving the lives of slum dwellers and eradicating slum areas by providing low-cost social housing and building new towns.
In addition, a message was delivered by
Denise Coghlan on behalf of the Nobel Peace Prize co-laureates the International Campaign to
[...] Ban Landmines andJody Williams.
倘 获 准 保 释 者 或 其 律 师 申 请 延 长 保 释,使 获 准 保 释 者 可 在 一 较 原 定 报 到 日 期 为 後 的 日 期 才 前 往 报 到,有 关 方 面 应 通 知 获 准 保 释 者 必 顸 在 原 定 报 到 日 期 前 前署,重 新 具 结 或 再 缴 付 现 金,以 取 得 批 准 在 一 较 後 日 期 才 报 到 。
When a request is received from a bailee or his legal adviser to extend the bail to enable the bailee to report on a later date than the original reporting date, he should be informed that he must surrender to his bail before the existing reporting date and enter into a fresh recognizance or deposit cash to appear at the later date.
我对此产品非常满意,因为它能让我从一台 物美作简单的设备中得到所有我期待的特性和功能。
I’m very satisfied with the product, especially since I was able to get all of my desired features and functions in one affordable, easy-to-manage unit.
安理会成员欢迎伊拉克政府为伊拉克发展基金的过渡期作出符合第 1956(2010)号决议的后续安排,并欢迎伊拉克政府作出持续努力和承诺,以确保 石油收入造福于伊拉克人民,并确保过渡安排始终符合《宪章》和在透明性、问 责制面的国际最佳做法。
Council members welcomed the establishment by the Government of Iraq of a successor arrangement for the transition of the Development Fund for Iraq, consistent with resolution 1956 (2010), and the ongoing efforts and commitment of the Government of Iraq to ensure that oil revenue is used in the interests of the Iraqi people, and to ensure that transition arrangements remain consistent with the Constitution and with international best practices in respect of transparency, accountability and integrity.
如超出部份较所收购附属公司资产净值之公平价值 少(买),则其中差额直接於损益内确认。
If this is less than the fair value of the net assets of the subsidiary acquired in the case of a bargain purchase, the difference is recognised directly in the profit or loss.
毒品和犯罪问题办公室获得“联合国 21 世纪奖”的计算 机化培训方案仍然是其技术援助提供工作的基础,目前正在编制以下 10 个新领 域的计算机化培训教程:移民偷运、打击人口贩运高级技术道德、对 妇女的暴力行为、身份犯罪、犯罪现场第一反应人、针对儿童的犯罪、野生动 植物贩运、执法工作人员艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题培训和社区警务。
The UNODC Computer-based Training (CBT) programme, given a “UN 21 Award”, has remained a cornerstone of UNODC technical assistance delivery, and 10 new areas of the CBT curriculum are being developed: the smuggling of migrants, advanced anti-human trafficking techniques, integrityand ethics, violence against women, identity crime, first responders to a crime scene, crimes against children, wildlife trafficking, training on HIV/AIDS for law enforcement staff and community policing.
任何人意图行贿,亦 属违法,房委会会将个案转 署查究,不论是否因此被起诉或定罪,房委会均可取消其申请。
HA will refer the case toICAC for investigation [...]
and cancel the application irrespective of whether such person has been
prosecuted or convicted of the relevant offence.
然而,因特网问题 对于发展中国家的大学和科研机构来说是至关重要的,并且不久可能会成为发展中国家中 等、甚至于初级教育的中心问题,因为因特网接入与建造图书馆存储图书相比成本要
However, Internet issues are crucial to universities and scientific research in the developing world, and may soon be central to secondary and even primary education in developing nations since Internet access will be much less expensive than the construction and stocking of libraries.
近期目标:协助查明用以增进群岛和岛屿发展中国家的航运服务的定期性、 可靠性方面的可能办法和途径。
Immediate objective: to assist in identifying possible approaches to enhancing the regularity, reliability and affordability of the shipping services of archipelagic and island developing countries.
这些因素包括:因氟氯烃淘汰战略及南部非洲邻国政府的行动计划出现非法贸易的风险; 可广泛获得HCFC-22,以及获得替代制冷剂的途径有限且其全球升温潜能值很 [...]
高;改造将在 2015 年之后仍有较长使用年限的使用氟氯烃的制冷设备的成本和效力;可
以报废的使用氟氯烃的设备数量很少;以及制冷行业成本效益高且可能节省能源的新型替 代技术的市场供应情况。
These factors included the risk of illegal trade depending on the HCFC phase-out strategy and action plan of the
Government of neighbouring South Africa; the wide
[...] availability andlow price ofHCFC-22, [...]
coupled with limited availability and high-global-warming-potential
(GWP) of alternative refrigerants; the cost and effectiveness of retrofitting the HCFC-based refrigeration equipment that would still have a significant useful life past 2015; the small number of HCFC-based equipment that could be retired; and the market availability of new cost-effective and possibly energy-efficient alternative technologies in the refrigeration sector.
普遍的看法一致认为,巴西采取 的战略以如下三项主要原则为依据:从总统开始,实行最高一层的政治领导;让民间组织和社区组织积极参与 有关活动,因为这些组织是接近穷人并帮助他们掌握复杂药理的主要力量;通过国家生产药品并与国际药品公 司进行有效的谈判,使治疗病人的药品更
It is generally agreed that the Brazilian strategy relies on three key principles: political leadership from the top starting with the President; heavy involvement of civic and community organizations which are essential for reaching the poor and helping them take the complicated regimen of drugs; cheap medicine to treat the patients as a result of national production and effective negotiation with international drug companies.
预计,石油价格水平将随着不同的政策组合而变动,但有明显迹象表 明,油的时代”已经结束,在无政策行动的情况下,石油价格将会大幅 上涨。
Oil price levels were projected to vary according to different policy scenarios, but there were clear indications that the “age of cheap oil” was over and that, in the absence of policy action, oil prices would rise substantially.
基 金会和私人捐赠包括:更美好世界基金会、纽约卡内基
[...] 公司、人道主义联盟基金会、犹太世界守望组织、肯西 基金会、 罗拉·海尔立特基金会、亨特奥特纳 [...]
提夫基金会、韩国基金会、约翰 D 及凯瑟琳 T 麦克阿 瑟基金会、开放社会协会、西格丽德·瑞思基金、洛克
菲勒基金会、维克多·平丘克基金会、瑞德克里夫基金 会、洛克菲勒慈善事业、和维瓦阿洛基金会。
The following institutional and private foundations have provided funding in recent years: Adessium
Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Elders
[...] Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett [...]
Foundation, Humanity United, Henry Luce
Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Oak Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Ploughshares Fund, Radcliffe Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Stanley Foundation, The Charitable Foundation, Tinker Foundation Incorporated.
现在看来,汽车、电子产品和服装等一些商品和服务 的产出,可能还会集中在一些劳动力成本人文化水平和 受教育程度相对较低的一些国家。
The production of goods and services such as automobiles, electronic goods, and clothing is likely to continue to take place in other countries where there are lower labor costs and workers with lower literacy levels and educational attainment.
9.3 若有充份证据显示举报事件可能涉及刑事罪行或贪污情况,有关事宜将由企业内审 向当地的有关执法机构 (如香署、中国的公安机关等)举报。
9.3 If there is sufficient evidence to suggest that a case of possible criminal offence or corruption exists, the matter will be reported by the CASD to relevant local authorities (for instance, the Independent Commission Against Corruption in Hong Kong, thePublic Security Bureau in China, etc).
To resolve this problem, you need to look at the needs of small and medium-sized features: First of all, a small number of small and medium-sized computer, the number of users, therefore, I do not need special high-end database, and to the application of the main; Secondly, the small and medium-sized simple workflow, so function does not require particularly complex, and will be skills-oriented; again, the lack of small and medium-sized IT professionals require easy-to-use products and superior
maintenance; Finally, the small and medium enterprises with limited funds, so the
[...] need for relatively inexpensiveproducts.




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