

单词 庸碌无能

庸庸碌碌 noun ()

ordinary n

See also:


mediocre person



External sources (not reviewed)

港人只能眼光光的看庸碌無能的董 建華,竟然可以得到小圈 子七百多票的絕大多數支持而連任。
In that case, we have to consider the issue of complementing facilities, since this will have a direct bearing on the financial commitments to be made for the project.
一种解释能是这 些工具仍然处于早期开发阶段, 碌 的 人 们没有时间既参加虚拟会议又参加面对 面的会议,仅此而已。
One explanation could be that these tools are still too early in their development cycle and busy people simply do not have the time to participate in a virtual world as well as the real one.
我不希望我們的公務 員隊伍只是一庸碌無為的打工者。
I hope our civil servants have a clear sense of duty and work with dedication to serve the public.
虽然玩家运行起来能没有 大屏幕的游戏机那么尽兴,但是 庸 置 疑 , 无 论 是 在灵活的操作性方面还是在画质画面方面都是首屈一指,独一无二的。
As expected, you'll enjoy the application more on a device with a bigger screen, which won't just let you enjoy a bigger image, but also easier controls.
PGX 无线系统是碌的表 演者的理想之选,拥有该系统后表演 无 需 担 心系统的 能 表 现
A perfect system for performers on the go who want worry-free performance.
有人甚至現​​今碌與它 整天,嘗試愚蠢的整個範圍內的 能 應 用程序,它肯定會是一個非無聊。
One could even nowadays busy all day long with it, try out the whole range of stupid to smart apps and it would certainly be a non-boring here.
儿童的一些当地环境可能是充满恐惧和暴力的地方;可能由于对他 们独立行动的限制,他无法接 近当地的一些地方;它们 能 几 乎 没有吸引力和神秘性而变 得乏味和庸;一些街区能在环境上是有毒的;一些地方可能是压迫和囚禁的地方。
Some children’s local environments may be places of fear
and violence; local
[...] spaces may be inaccessible because of constraints on their independent mobility; they may offer little attraction or mystery and become sites of drudgery and mediocrity; some neighbourhoods [...]
may be environmentally
toxic; some may be spaces of oppression and imprisonment.
公务问责监督组织媒体和宣传部负责人 Derek Luyt 介绍了他在南非一个 小村庄 的 经 历 ,他说在南非减贫的一个主要障碍是 治 理 不 善,这里 面 不仅仅有腐 败的问题,而 且 还 有政府官 员 管 理公共资源 不 当,对处理庸无 能的官 员 缺 乏 政 治意愿 。
Sharing his experience from a small village in South Africa, Derek Luyt, Head of Media and Advocacy at the Public Service Accountability Monitor, stated that a major obstacle to poverty alleviation in South Africa is poor governance, which includes not simply corruption, but also poor performance of Government officials in their management of public resources and a lack of political will to act against underperforming officials.
若中文立法時胡亂用字,再庸碌的 師 爺翻譯為更差的英文,也 會損害依賴英語訴訟的人的權益。
If words are used in a casual manner when
legislation is written in Chinese before it
[...] is translated by mediocre translators into [...]
English of an even inferior quality, it
will also jeopardize the interests of the party who rely on English in proceedings.
无庸置疑 的是,今天审议的报告在为建立非洲联 盟能力作 出全面努力、使非洲大陆能够面对和平与 安全领域的挑战以及取得国际社会的积极支持等方 面都是重要的步骤。
Indisputably, the report being considered today is an important step in the overall efforts [...]
aimed at building the capacities
of the African Union, meeting the challenges facing the continent in the field of peace and security, and mobilizing increased support from the international community.
這 位小學 生 正 說 出了普 羅 大 眾 對 選 舉 行 政長官 的基本 希望  ─   市 民 希望擁有決定權,選 擇 一個向市 民 問責及 肯 承擔的 特區最 高 領 導 人,縱 然 選 出 來 的 領 導 人庸碌無能, 但市民 仍 會 心 甘 情 願 , 其 實 , 我便是 一個活 生生 的例子 , 讓我告 訴 你 們 , 我 參 加 競 選時情況 也 一 樣 , 有一 人 寫 了 公 開信給 支 持 我 的工會,認為我是 低能、沒 有 公 信力及 欠缺民 意 基 礎 。
The primary school pupil expressed precisely the most basic expectation of the general public for the election of the Chief Executive — the public wants to have the right to decide and elect the highest leader of the SAR who will be accountable to the public and willing to commit himself.
审计委员会感到关切的是,缺乏对实物和环境的充分控制措施可能导致擅 自使用服务器室,近东救济工程处 能无 法 防 止服务器受到危害。
The Board was concerned that the lack of adequate physical and environmental controls might lead to unauthorized access to the server room and the inability of UNRWA to prevent hazards to the servers.
在这方面,秘书处认为该公司利用二氧化碳/乙醇技术制造设 备的产量能力是毋庸置疑的。
In this context, the Secretariat considered that the capacity and the capability of the company to manufacture the equipment for CO2/ethanol technology was without doubt.
无庸置疑 的,中国大陆将会是远东集团二十一世纪再度大显身手之重要舞台,但是发展必须要有策略,要有国际观,更要有执行力,以市场为导向,并善用科技为顾客提供附加价值,如此才有 能 在 无 疆 界的全球竞争环境中,脱颖而出,永保领先地位。
However, to rise above its competitors and maintain its leading position, the Group must possess strategic insight, an international outlook, and execution ability, and it must also remain in tune with the market and make the best use of technology to provide added value to its [...]
Silvia G.
[...] Priori教授在科学会议上发表的报告针对遗传疾病的性别差异,论述了为什么性别在遗传性心律失常疾病的表现度中是一 无庸 置 疑 的修饰基因。
Professor Silvia G. Priori's presentation at the scientific session addressed gender differences
in inheritable disorders and discussed
[...] how gender is an undisputed modifier of the [...]
expressivity of inherited arrhythmogenic disorders.
[...] 人似乎认为反对意见的连续性无庸 置 疑 的。555 这种看法看来是合理的,因为 [...]
部分撤回并没有消除最初的保留,也不构成一项新保留;按照推论,对保留提出 的正当反对意见只要其提出者不撤回就将继续有效。
In the light of practice, there
[...] is scarcely any doubt that this assumption [...]
of continuity is essential, and the Secretary-General
of the United Nations, as depositary, seems to consider that the continuity of the objection goes without saying.555 This seems fairly reasonable, for the partial withdrawal does not eliminate the initial reservation and does not constitute a new reservation; a priori, the objections that were made to it rightly continue to apply so long as their authors do not withdraw them.
无庸置疑,在这同一部分中还会检查教科文组织在国家、地区和国际各级与非政府组 [...]
Needless to add, UNESCO’s [...]
cooperation with NGOs, which takes place on an ad hoc basis at national, regional and international
levels, would also be looked into, in that same context.
Elsewhere, hectic and inconclusive efforts by the Government to carry out negotiations with armed groups that are not part of the Libreville peace process have increased tensions in the Vakaga and Bamingui-Bangoran prefectures.
(h) 吴哥保护和开发国际协调委员会的作用是必要的,其合法 无庸 置 疑 ,其作为一 个论坛,而不是一个管理机构的作用受到了欢迎。
(h) The coordinating role of CIC was appropriate,
[...] and its legitimacy “unquestionable”.
但是,由於公眾對情緒病的認識有限,往往令患者及其家人 能 察 覺 情緒病 已開始形成,以為只是偶爾由於生活壓力,或那段時間較為 碌 而 情 緒不 穩,因而錯過診斷或治療的機會。
However, due to limited public understanding of mood disorders, patients, as well as their family members, had very often failed to
notice the onset of their emotional disorders
[...] in thinking that emotional disturbance was merely occasionally caused by life stress or a hectic schedule during a certain period.
无庸置疑,联 合国可在这方面发挥重要作用,我们支持联阿援助团 [...]
Needless to say, the United [...]
Nations has an important role to play in this regard, and we support UNAMA’s efforts to that end.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、 精神 或教育,由于父 母或 监护人的不 道 德无能, 遭到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that the minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.
在土地(相对人口而言)严重稀缺的情况下,用资本-劳动双密集化来尽能 提高土地生产无庸说是 具有一定的经济理性的。
Given the severe scarcity of land relative to population, the economies that come with capital-labor dual intensifying agriculture to maximize productivity per unit of land are obvious.
禁止酷刑委员会感到不安的是,在丹戎 碌 ( 1 9 84 年) 、东帝汶(1999年)和阿 倍普拉(2000年) 案中,人权法院、包括特设法院能 确 保 对任何被控严重侵犯人 权的人定罪,尤其是现在最高法院已经宣判 在行使司法职责方面遇到严重困难,造成事实上对于严重侵犯人权者有罪不罚, 因此缔约国应考虑修订关于人权法院的立法。
CAT was troubled that human rights courts, including ad hoc ones, were not able to secure the conviction of any of the alleged perpetrators of gross human rights violations in relation to the Tanjung Priok (1984), East Timor (1999) and Abepura (2000) cases, especially now that the Supreme Court had acquitted Enrico Guterres.
很多時候,正如我最初 所說,人便是人,有時候真的會遺漏了一些事情,在 碌 的 時 候,便能會把事情遺漏。
Very often, as I said at the outset, human beings are human beings,
and sometimes we will really forget and omit something, and
[...] especially when we are busy, we may have omitted something.
適合對個人電腦具有下列需求的人士:優異的效能、時尚設計及物超所值,而 能 夠 滿 足其 碌 生 活 所需。
Anyone who demands performance, style and a great value from a PC that can keep up with their busy lifestyle.
因为,尽管预算拮据,而且还有各种与改革和调整工作相关的困难,但总干事(DG) 正尽力为工作人员参与不断改进本组织的效率并为其做出贡献提供方便,这 无庸 置 疑 的。
In spite of budgetary constraints and difficulties linked to the reform and restructuring processes, the Director-General is undeniably making every effort to facilitate the staff’s participation in and contribution to the constant improvement of the Organization’s efficiency.
在这种情况下,与国际造型艺术协会(AIAP)开展新的合作的基础便不复存在了,尽 管它固有的作用无庸置疑 的,但是在目前的情况下,它的运转遇到了严重的结构性问题, 它已无法履行其使命。
In the same context, it seems difficult to continue cooperation with the International Association of Art (IAA), whose intrinsic usefulness is not in doubt but which no longer fulfils its mission in current circumstances, as a result of major structural difficulties inherent in its operation.
正如现在摆在安理会面前的秘书长报告 (S/2010/127)也注意到的情况,那就是在加强采取军 事行动之际,我们面临着碌不堪 的政治活动,其中 包括订于 9 月举行的国民议会选举、卡尔扎伊总统刚 在一个多月前宣布的和平支尔格以及当然在此之后 举行的喀布尔会议。
As also noted in the Secretary-General’s report now before the Council(S/2010/127), in the midst of heightened military operations, we face a crowded political calendar, including in light of the planned National Assembly elections in September, the Peace Jirga announced by President Karzai in just over a month, and, of course, the Kabul Conference after that.
做出相对较少的投资,提供可提升生活质量和活动能力、协助老年人进行洗 澡、烹饪、打扫、洗衣等日常活动的辅助设施,不仅能帮助脆弱的老年人保持独 立,能减轻过于碌的照 顾者的负担。
Relatively small investments in the provision of assistive equipment to improve quality of life and mobility and assistance with daily activities such as bathing, cooking, cleaning and laundry, can help frail older persons to remain independent and can also lessen the burden of overstretched caregivers.




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