

单词 庸俗





vulgar art
art in bad taste

See also:






External sources (not reviewed)

For the Greek Fathers write in a more classicizing style than most of the New
Testament writers; none of
[...] them usesquite avulgar or ungrammatical Greek, while some Atticize, eg the Cappadocians and Synesius.
[...] 助而要依赖商业赞助,以致其节目商业化、娱乐化,甚庸俗
It will be immune to government intervention and at the same time will not have to rely on commercial sponsorship due to
its search of funding, thus preventing its programmes from being based on commercial, show
[...] businessand popularcultures.
The candlesticks patterns are studied since the eighteenth century, but a debased form of operating them is simply paying attention to standards without bias or confirmations that are not observed.
如果只以利润作指标来衡量是否有企业精神和好的 企业家,便把所提倡的矮化庸俗
If profit is taken as an indicator of entrepreneurship and good entrepreneurs, such advocacy will become something
[...] which is stunted and vulgarized.
同 时 , 由於青 年是消 费 能力较高的一 ,政府可以因势 利 导 , 将 政 府 资助与 商 业经营相结合, 积极鼓 励及促 进 演 艺 文 化 活动的产业 化 发 展 , 一方面 可以满 足 青 年的需 要,更可令有关 行 业健康 正 常
地发展,提供高质 素 的 演 艺 文 化服务, 最 终 可以达 致 提 升市民生活 质 素,以 及 促 进 经济繁 荣 的 双 重 目的, 更 能 纠 正 目 前 演 艺 文 化
[...] 活动越趋明 显 的“曲 高和寡 ”和“市庸 俗极化倾 向。
It can even rectify the present situation that performing arts and cultural activities are
moving more and more towards two extremes, "too highbrow to be popular" at the one end
[...] and "lowbrow and vulgar" at the other.
User must agree not to transfer any
illegal, intrusive, ill-spoken, virulent,
[...] threatening, harmful, vulgar or obscene information [...]
or data; not to transfer any information
that might abet somebody in a crime; not to transfer any information that encourage negative domestic situation or pertain to national security; not to transfer any information that does not abide by the local legislation, national laws and international laws; not to interfere or disturb network service, not to use network service in any illegal way.
我在电子邮件、线上登载 和其他数码通信中,使用适当的语言。我不会 使粗言秽语、下庸俗校行政人员所认定 任何其他不当的语言。
This includes, but is not limited to, sending out e-mail, creating accounts, or posting messages or other online content (e.g. text, images, audio or video) in someone else’s name.
倘 若市民所关注的 是 某些品庸俗章,刊 载一些 侵犯个人私隐的照片 [...]
和文章,政府应考虑采取相应行动 , 例如透过立法保障 个人在此方面的权利 。
If the concern was
[...] about the bad taste of some newspapers [...]
which published photographs and articles infringing the personal
privacy of individuals, Government should consider actions such as introducing legislation to protect the rights of individuals in this respect.
[...] 2的官方干预的国王和祭司高70,其数量的,由72他们回答问题,第七两天内花了他们的工作,显然任意断言,它是困难的,而且,必须承认,国王亚历山大犹太人通过他们的公众礼拜翻译异教一法,是在请求;最后,在七十语言的版本非常背叛相当不完善的地方知识都希伯来语和巴勒斯坦地形,并对应亚历山大更加紧密地庸俗语。
Some of the details, such as the official intervention of the king and the high priest, the number of the seventy-two translators, the seventy-two questions they had to answer, the seventy-two days they took for their work, are clearly arbitrary assertions; it is difficult, moreover, to admit that the Alexandrian Jews adopted for their public worship a translation of the Law, made at the request of a pagan king; lastly, the very language of the Septuagint Version betrays in places a rather imperfect
knowledge both of Hebrew and of the topography of Palestine, and corresponds
[...] more closely with thevulgar idiom of Alexandria.
Such an approach, he believed, would restrain
[...] believers from leading vulgarliveswhileat the [...]
same time keeping them from attaching
more importance to human culture than to the truths of the faith.
新报总编辑进一步 表 示 尽 管 最近发生 部分报
[...] 章的报道手 法 不 恰 当以及品庸俗件,但 香港仍 是 全 球 华 [...]
文报章的中心 ,而香港的传媒仍 然具有 甚 高 的公 信 力 。
Publisher of the Hong Kong Daily News further said that
despite recent incidents of improper
[...] reporting and bad taste ofsome newspapers, [...]
Hong Kong remained to be the global centre
of Chinese newspapers and Hong Kong media still enjoyed a high degree of credibility.
It makes the irregular black and white seem even flatter. You could say that this section is the most “traditionally dramatic” part – and this is the part that I separated off and pieced together as a collage.
2.1.1 用户提供信息是正确、完整、真实、合法的,不存在虚假、欺诈、骚扰性的、中伤他人的、伤害性的、诽谤、侮辱、恐吓庸俗等违反法律、公序良俗或社会伦理道德的信息或内容,也不存在危害网络或计算机系统的安全性、完整性、稳定性、连续性的病 毒、木马程序等电脑软件、文档或其他数据资料。
2、The user to provide information   2.1:The user guarantees:     2.1.1 The information is correct, complete, true and legitimate by users, there is no false, fraudulent,
harassing, libelous, harmful, defamatory,
[...] abusive, threatening, vulgar and obscene, [...]
and other violations of the law, public
order and good morals or social ethics information or the content of morality, there was no harm the network or computer system security, integrity, stability, continuity of viruses, trojans and other computer software, documentation or other data.
一直想送给我们的好朋友一个有意义的礼物来见证我们珍贵的友谊,新颖但庸俗前想后,还是觉得任何物质的东西都不足以诠释、代表我们共同走过的日子,我们一起合作完成的项目,倒不如,发挥飘飘的优势和特长,结合行学一族的特点,送给诺培一个可以永久保存的创意,所以,《让龚琳娜忐忑的河马》就在我们优秀的Flash设计师 [...]
Always wanted to give our friends a meaningful
gift to the witness of our precious
[...] friendship, but notvulgar novel,afterthinking [...]
it over, or that any material things
are insufficient to interpret, we have come together on behalf of the day, we work together to complete project, it would be better to play Peopeo strengths and expertise, combined with the characteristics of a family line of study, gave Mobiledu a permanent preservation of the creative, so, “Let Gong Linna apprehension of Hippo” was born in our hands of our best Flash designers Miana.
Wang’s finest works still shine above this output to the trained eye, but the extraordinary success of his skills as a teacher in both his chosen media may have threatened his legacy as an artist in the short term bydebasing the currency of his obvious genius.
You agree not to post on or transmit through this site any
unlawful, infringing, threatening,
[...] harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene,profane, [...]
indecent, offensive, hateful or otherwise
objectionable material of any kind, including without limitation any material that encourages criminal conduct or conduct that would give rise to civil liability, infringes others' intellectual property rights or otherwise violates any applicable local, state, national or international law.
我觉得议会在这个问题上的表现真的有庸俗我们的教育制度 里 (大家也是接受这样的教育),从幼稚园开始已没有教我们要创意,不 [...]
I think that this Council's performance on this issue is
[...] really quite vulgar andin bad taste.
由于巴西近年来改善了本国的社会经济指标,它改变了与捐助方和联合国驻巴西系统 的关系,这一点
Brazil has undoubtedly changed its relationship with donors and the United Nations system in Brazil, as the country has been improving its social-economic indicators over the years.
虽然包括联合国主要机关在内的国际社会一直承认,是亚美尼亚发动了战 争,攻击并占领阿塞拜疆领土,包括 Daghlyq
Garabagh(纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫)地 区,开展大规模的种族清洗,在战争期间犯下其他骇人听闻的罪行,在被占领的
[...] 阿塞拜疆境内成立了同族裔人组成的实体;奇怪的是,亚美尼亚的宣传 [...]
机器继续把对阿塞拜疆的侵略说成是“纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫人民和平要求行使其 自决权,是符合宪法的要求”。
Whereas it has been internationally recognized, including by the principal organs of the United Nations, that Armenia unleashed the war, attacked Azerbaijan and occupied its territories, including the Daghlyq Garabagh (Nagorno Karabakh) region, carried out ethnic cleansing on a massive scale, perpetrated other heinous crimes in the course
of the war and established the ethnically
[...] constructed subordinateseparatist [...]
entity on the captured Azerbaijani territory,
it is curious that Armenian propaganda continues to qualify the aggression against Azerbaijan as “a peaceful and constitutional demand of the Nagorno Karabakh people to exercise its right to self-determination”.
利害关 系涉及的内容包括:⑴ 激进的立场,要求完全改变国家的经济战略或发展模式, 向不同但尚未完全确定的替代性政策转变(例如包括对贸易政策、公共部门职责、 社会政策等同时作出重大改变);⑵,谋求实行更好的政府干预措施(加 强监管,早期警示系统,提高透明度等);⑶ 基本被动的立场,希望通过外因推 动复苏(新的经济秩序,加强国际发展援助,较为发达的经济体通过增长重振经 济需求等)。
The stakes range from radical positions advocating a total change in the economic strategy or development model of the country and a move towards different — albeit not welldetermined — alternative policies (for instance, major, simultaneous changes in trade policy, public sector roles, social policy, etc.), tointermediate positions seeking better government interventions (enhanced regulation, early alert systems, more transparency, etc.) and essentially passive positions that anticipate a rapid recovery as a result of external factors (a new economic order, enhanced international development aid, recovery of economic demand from growth to come in the more advanced economies, etc.).
由於郑海泉议员希望两局有更佳的联系,而我亦敬重他为㆒个 表现出色,但有点古怪的银行家(众笑) ― 他的才干,本身亦具有成为 部长的潜质 ― 我会支持有关建议,即行政局及立法局所有议员每月㆒起举行闭门 会议,在自然的情况㆘,大家畅所欲言,事後亦不会有投诉、误解、歪曲事实或泄漏 消息的事情。
Since Mr Vincent CHENG wants a better connection and since I respect him as a brilliant and eccentric banker (Laughter), a man of undoubted talent and a potential minister himself, I can support the proposal to have a monthly closed-door meeting between all of the Executive Council and all of the Legislative Council, no holds barred and no subsequent complaints or misunderstandings or misrepresentations or leaking, which is a natural phenomenon.
所以,我想再次重申,我以这 10 方面的工作作为例子,代理主席,是 希望向各位议员表明,工贸署、创新科技署及政府资讯科技总监办公室等部 门的工作将会延续,而特区政府对工业和科技看重是的,并会持续 发展下去。
Therefore, Deputy President, by citing the work in these 10 areas as examples, I wish to reiterate and make it clear to Members that the work done by such departments as the Trade and Industry Department, the Innovation and Technology Commission and the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer will continue and there is no doubt about the importance attached by the SAR Government to industry and technology.
除了宪法保障的基本权利 之外,该法令进一步规定了儿童的生存和发育权;姓名权;国籍权;健康和卫生 服务等权利;隐私权;父母关爱、保护和养育权;需要特别保护措施的儿童的权 利;胎儿受保护免受危害等的权利;获得父母财产的权利;社交活动权;与父母 在一起的权利;受保护免受有害的社会和影响的权利;受抚养的权利; 和在所有情况下获得法律援助的权利。
In addition to the fundamental rights guaranteed in the Constitution, the Act further provides for the right to survival and development of children; right to name; right to nationality; right to health and health services, etc; right to privacy; right to parental care, protection and maintenance; right to a child in need of special protection measures; right of the unborn child to protection against harm, etc; right to parental property; right to social activities; rights to social activities; contractual rights of the child; right to opinion; right to education; child’s right to stay with parents; protection from harmful social and customary practices; right of child to be maintained and the right of children to legal aid in all cases.
和平、民主和增强人民权能有着千丝万缕的联系;和平是人道发展的组成部 分;全球和平是地方和区域和平之和;不消除压迫、不平等和贫困的一切根源, 和平就无从谈起;在富裕的世界上,不减缓并最终消除贫困及经济差距,和平就
[...] 真正地从政治、经济和社会三方面增强妇女权能,和平就无从谈起;不具备态,不维护多样性和多族裔性,和平就无从谈起;不把边缘化的群体包括进 [...]
that peace, democracy and empowerment of the people are inextricably linked; peace is integral to humane development; global peace is the sum total of local and regional peace; peace is impossible without the removal of all sources of repression, inequality and deprivation; peace is impossible without alleviation and eventual eradication of poverty and economic disparity in a world of opulence; peace is impossible without institution-building on human rights, constitutional rights and justice; peace is impossible without true empowerment of women,
political, economic and social; peace is
[...] impossible without a secularmindsetand embracing [...]
diversity and multi-ethnicity; peace
is impossible without including the marginalized; peace is impossible without job creation; peace is impossible without transparency and accountability of Governments to citizens and a total respect for the rule of law.
间接的后果包括:因劣质或地下堕胎手术生造成的死亡;孕妇 死亡;有害的死亡;与贩毒、有组织犯罪和团伙活动相关的死亡;仅仅 因忽视、饥饿或虐待造成女孩或妇女的死亡;以及国家蓄意的行为或不行为造成 的死亡。
The indirect category includes: deaths due to poorly conducted or clandestine abortions; maternal mortality; deaths from harmful practices; deaths linked to human trafficking, drug dealing, organized crime and gangrelated activities; the death of girls or women from simple neglect, through starvation or illtreatment; and deliberate acts or omissions by the State.




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