单词 | 康復 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 康復 noun —rehabilitation n
公共房屋設施方面,有關屋邨內殘疾人士設 施的設計和提供,房委會亦一直諮詢殘疾人士團體 和 康復 機構的意見。 legco.gov.hk | On public housing facilities, it is the Housing Authority’s established practice to [...] consult associations for persons with [...] disabilities and rehabilitation organisations in [...]its design and provision of facilities [...]for persons with disabilities in its estates. legco.gov.hk |
政府當局的初步回應:透過學前康復 服 務,我們一 直致力為初生至六歲的殘疾兒童提供早期介入服務,以助 其身心發展和提升社交能力,從而提高他們入讀普通學校 和參與日常活動的機會,並協助他們的家庭應付其特別需 要。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration’s initial response: We have all along been striving to provide children with disabilities from birth to the age of six years with early intervention through pre-school rehabilitation services to enhance their physical, psychological and social developments, thereby improving their opportunities for participating in ordinary schools and daily life activities, and helping their families meet their special needs. legco.gov.hk |
公約》在香港特區實施後,康復諮詢 委員 會一直積極邀請殘疾人士及其代表組織,以 及 康復 界 、 商 界、社會大眾、其他有關的諮詢/法定組織及政府政策局 /部門,共同推展主要的公眾教育活動,以推廣《公約》 的精神及價值。 legco.gov.hk | With the application of the Convention to HKSAR, RAC has been actively involving persons with [...] disabilities and [...] their representative organisations, together with the rehabilitation sector, the business sector, the community at large [...]and other relevant [...]ASBs and Government bureaux and departments in developing major public education programmes to promote the spirit and values enshrined in the Convention. legco.gov.hk |
事實上,委 員會會就廣泛的政策事項和服務範疇向香港特區政府提供 意見;有關事項和範疇遍及無障礙通道、教育、就業及職 業訓練、資訊及通訊科技、醫療康復 、 藝術及文化、康樂 及體育、社會及社區康復,以 至交通運輸等。 legco.gov.hk | RAC advises the HKSAR Government on a wide span of policy subjects and service areas, ranging from barrier-free access, education, employment and [...] vocational training, [...] ICT, medical rehabilitation, art and culture, recreation and sports, social and community rehabilitation and transportation, etc. legco.gov.hk |
醫護人員會在病人離院前先作準備,包括先安排物理 治療師和職業治療師檢查家居環境,確保環境適合病 人康 復和日常活動。 legco.gov.hk | Before the discharge of the patient, health care staff will make pre-discharge preparations by arranging physiotherapists and occupational therapists to assess the home [...] environment of the patient to ensure that the environment [...] is conducive to the rehabilitation and daily activity [...]of the patient. legco.gov.hk |
以上服務可滿足服務使用者不同階段的社 會 康復 服 務 需 要,並致力改善他們適應社會的能力為重新適應社區生活 [...] 作好準備,並幫助他們發展社交技巧及職業技能, 以及提 高市民重視精神健康的意識。 legco.gov.hk | The above services cater for the different [...] stages of the social rehabilitation of the service users, [...]and seek to improve their social [...]adjustment capabilities, prepare them to re-adjust to community living, help them develop their social and vocational skills and raise public awareness of the importance of mental health. legco.gov.hk |
康復界非 政府機構與香港特區政 府、社區和聽障人士組織共同協作,定期為聽障人士、手 語翻譯員、政府部門和公共機構員工及公眾提供手語訓 [...] 練,並出版香港手語訓練手冊和舉辦公眾推廣活動,以推 廣手語的使用,促進聽障人士融入社區。 legco.gov.hk | Rehabilitation NGOs, in collaboration with Government departments, [...] local communities and groups of persons with hearing [...]impairment also regularly conduct sign language training for persons with hearing impairment, sign language interpreters, staff of Government departments and public organisations and members of the public, publish training manuals on Hong Kong Sign Language and organise publicity activities to promote the use of sign language with a view to enhancing the integration of persons with impairment into the community. legco.gov.hk |
循此方向,醫管 局近年推行多項新措施加強精神科社康服務,包括推行毅 置安居計劃,為長期住院的精神科病人提 供 康復 訓 練 ,以 協助他們早日出院重投社區;推出試驗計劃為經常入院的 精神科病人提供出院後社區支援;推行「社區復元支援計 [...] 劃」為有需要的出院精神科病人提供復元社區支援,以及 加強老人精神科外展服務。 legco.gov.hk | Under this direction, HA has implemented a number of new initiatives in recent years to strengthen community psychiatric services, including implementing the “Extending Care Patients [...] Intensive Treatment, [...] Early Diversion and Rehabilitation Stepping Stone” (EXITERS) project to provide rehabilitation training to long-stay [...]psychiatric patients [...]with a view to facilitating their early discharge and re-integration into the community, launching a pilot programme to provide post-discharge community support to frequently readmitted psychiatric patients, implementing the “Recovery Support Programme” to provide recovery community support to discharged psychiatric patients in need, and enhancing psychogeriatric outreach services. legco.gov.hk |
在制訂涉及殘疾人士福祉 的主要政策措施和發展策略時,香港特區政府需要諮 詢康 復諮詢 委員會,並在確立政策計劃時充分考慮其意見,這 安排一方面肯定了殘疾人士在康復政 策發展方面的貢獻, 另一方面亦確保在制定康復政策 時有充分考慮服務使用者 的需要。 legco.gov.hk | This arrangement can, on one hand, recognise [...] persons with disabilities’ contribution in the development of rehabilitation policy and services in HKSAR, and ensure that the formulation of rehabilitation policy can take into consideration the needs of service users on [...]the other. legco.gov.hk |
獲資助的計 劃包括學校和社區的預防教育計劃、戒毒治療 和 康復 計 劃 、研究 和及早辨識計劃。 legco.gov.hk | Projects sponsored included preventive [...] education projects in schools and [...] community, treatment and rehabilitation programmes, research, [...]and early identification projects. legco.gov.hk |
除了提供治療及康復運動 外,跨專業團隊亦協助服務 使用者克服在日常家居遇到的適應問題,亦會就取 得 康復 器材 、輔助器材/設備和家居改裝工程提供專業意見和援 助。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from therapy and maintenance exercises, the multi-disciplinary teams also assist clients to [...] overcome adaptation [...] problems at their homes, and provide professional advice and assistance in acquiring rehabilitative equipment, adaptive aids / devices and home modifications. legco.gov.hk |
因此,在《公約》適用於香港後, 康復 諮 詢委員會便擔當 上新的角色,就推廣《公約》和監察其在香港特區的實行 情況向政府提供意見。 legco.gov.hk | In this regard, with the entry into force of the Convention, the RAC has taken on the new role of advising the HKSAR Government on the promotion and monitoring of the implementation of the Convention in HKSAR. legco.gov.hk |
中毒較輕者或會局部康復,但情 況嚴重者則可能會昏迷。 cfs.gov.hk | The patient may partly recover from the symptoms in a less severe case or may fall into a coma as a result of severe case. cfs.gov.hk |
按著這個發展趨勢,香港特 [...] 區政府已採取合適的立法和行政措施,鼓勵殘疾人士參與 制定政策,尤其是康復政策 和措施,並保證他們能享有政 治權利。 legco.gov.hk | In line with this development trend, the HKSAR Government has taken suitable legislative and administrative measures to encourage participation of persons with disabilities in the [...] formulation of policies, [...] particularly in rehabilitation policies and initiatives, [...]and to guarantee their enjoyment of political rights. legco.gov.hk |
在《公 約》適用於香港後,康復專員便擔當香港特區政府內實行 有關《公約》事宜的協調中心,而各有關的政府政策局及 部門則有責任確保其政策範疇的政策及措施,為殘疾人士 提供平等機會,以符合《公約》的精神和規定。 legco.gov.hk | Following the application of the Convention to HKSAR, while C for R serves as the focal point within the HKSAR Government for matters relating to the implementation of the Convention, relevant Bureaux and Departments have the responsibilities to ensure that the policies and measures under their purview provide equal opportunities and rights for persons with disabilities in compliance with the spirit and provisions of the Convention. legco.gov.hk |
此 外,我們亦提供其他支援服務,包括為面對債務問題的人 士提供輔導服務,以及為精神病康復 者 及 其家人提供社區 精神健康連網服務以及社區精神健康照顧服務。 legco.gov.hk | We also provide other support services including various debt counselling projects for persons facing [...] debt problems, as well as services of [...] Community Mental Health Link and Community [...]Mental Health Care Service for ex-mentally [...]ill persons and their family members. legco.gov.hk |
她認為,議 案的措辭應予修正,促請政府當局委任一個高層次的 工作小組,從速統籌與重置位於下徑的戒毒治療 及康 復中心相關的工作,以達致雙贏局面。 legco.gov.hk | She considered that the wordings of the motion should be amended to urge the Administration to appoint a high-level working group to expeditiously coordinate the work relevant to the reprovisioning of the DTRCs in Ha Keng with a view to achieving a win-win situation. legco.gov.hk |
(iv) 制訂更有系統地評估和監察院舍治療 康復 服 務 的效率和成效的方 法,包括把服務資訊系統推廣至其他戒毒治療及康復中心( 下稱 「戒毒中心」) 。 legco.gov.hk | (iv) To develop a more systematic assessment and monitoring of the efficiency and effectiveness of residential T&R programmes, including the extension of a service information system to other drug treatment and rehabilitation centres (DTRCs). legco.gov.hk |
就此,我們一方面已訂定多項法例 [...] 和行政措施,以期為殘疾人士提供合理的通道,讓他們可 以在平等的基礎上自由進出實際環境和使用交通服務、資 [...] 訊和通訊科技及公共服務和其他設施;另一方面,香港特 區政府會繼續與康復界、 商界和社區共同協作,以持續改 善香港特區各方面的無障礙設施。 legco.gov.hk | While we have put in place various legislative and administrative measures with a view to facilitating persons with disabilities with reasonable access on an equal basis with others to physical environment, transportation, information and communications, and to other facilities and services provided to the [...] public, the HKSAR Government, in [...] collaboration with the rehabilitation sector, the business [...]sector and the community, will [...]continue to strive for sustainable improvements in various aspects of accessibility in HKSAR. legco.gov.hk |
研究發現,拖延接受治療會 令康復進展緩慢,康復得不 夠徹底,在就診前長期出現 精神病徵狀,似乎會造成更 差的預後情況,提早復發的 機會亦更高。 psychosissucks.ca | It has been found that delays in receiving treatment are associated with slower and less complete recovery and that long duration of psychotic symptoms before treatment appears to contribute to poorer prognosis and a greater chance of early relapse. psychosissucks.ca |
至於 其餘的已評級歷史建築,則由於現有用途(例如駐軍、精神 科 康復 中 心 、宿舍、 水務設施等)的限制,或因空置以待翻新(例如油麻地戲院),而未有對外開放。 devb.gov.hk | For the remaining, they are not open to public due to limitations [...] by their current usages (e.g. [...] Garrison, psychiatric rehabilitation centre, quarters [...]and waterworks facilities etc.) or [...]are left vacant pending renovation (e.g. Yau Ma Tei Theatre). devb.gov.hk |
在移送這類被捕的殘疾人士 時,警方會通過醫療輔助隊或香港 復康 會 安 排適當的交通 工具。 legco.gov.hk | When transferring these arrested persons with disabilities, appropriate means of [...] transportation should be arranged through either the Auxiliary Medical Service or the [...] Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation. legco.gov.hk |
PCr位於肌肉中,可以快速恢復並維 持ATP的濃度,可以因應短跑、跳躍、 舉重和拋物等激烈運動的需求。 herbalifenutritioninstitute.com | PCr is localized in the muscle so that it can rapidly restore and maintain ATP levels for intense exercises such as sprinting, jumping, lifting and throwing. herbalifenutritioninstitute.com |
由政務司司長主持的香港特區支援四川地震災區重建督導委員會(督導委員會), [...] 負責督導和統籌香港特區政府支援四川地震災區重建的工作,當中包括 151 個重 建項目,涵蓋基建、教育、社會福利 / 復康 、 醫療衞生,以及重建卧龍自然保護 區 (卧龍)等 5 個範疇。 devb.gov.hk | The Steering Committee on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’s Support for Reconstruction in the Sichuan Earthquake Stricken Areas (“the Steering Committee”), chaired by the Chief Secretary for Administration, oversees and coordinates the HKSARG’s efforts in support of the reconstruction of the quake stricken areas which include 151 reconstruction projects comprising five categories [...] : infrastructure, education, [...] social welfare/rehabilitation, medical and health as well as [...]reconstruction work at the Wolong [...]Nature Reserve (“Wolong”). devb.gov.hk |
其 餘 126 個項目, 即 56 個教育、35 個社會福利/復康和 3 5 個醫療衞生項目,則分別由督導委員會 的其他成員負責,即教育局、勞工及福利局和食物及衞生局。 devb.gov.hk | The remaining 126 projects, viz. 56 education, 35 [...] social welfare/rehabilitation and 35 medical and health projects [...]are led by other members of [...]the Steering Committee, i.e. Education Bureau, Labour and Welfare Bureau and Food and Health Bureau respectively. devb.gov.hk |
關於第 9(c)段 ,機電工程署將獲 委 託進行工程可 行性 研究、擬訂規 格、設計及工程計劃、監督招標過 程,以及進行 工 地 監督、安裝監督、測試及啟用系統,並在故障修理責 任期 內 監察修 復 故障的工 作。 legco.gov.hk | As for paragraph 9(c), the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department will carry out the project’s feasibility study, prepare the specifications, design and project programme, oversee the tendering process, undertake site inspection, installation supervision, testing and commissioning of the system, and monitor the defect rectification during the defect liability period. legco.gov.hk |
促成 2009-10 年度工務計劃修訂預算增 加的主要工程項目包括:淨化海港計劃第 2A 期 (建造污水輸送系統及改善昂船洲 [...] 污水處理廠前期工程)、港島西雨水排放隧道、荔枝角雨水排放隧道、中環填海計 劃第 3 期、更換及修復水管工程第 2 階段,及牛潭尾濾水廠。 devb.gov.hk | Examples of major projects contributing to the increase in the revised estimate for PWP in 2009-10 include Harbour Area Treatment Scheme, stage 2A (construction of the sewage conveyance system and advance works for upgrading of Stonecutters Island sewage treatment works); Hong Kong West drainage tunnel; Lai Chi Kok drainage [...] tunnel; Central Reclamation phase 3; replacement and [...] rehabilitation of water mains, stage [...]2; and Ngau Tam Mei treatment works. devb.gov.hk |
在同一時間,我們亦正推行其他重要的工 程項目,以改善城市的環境質素,例如港島西、荃灣和荔枝角的雨水排放隧道工 程計劃,以及更換和修復水管 工程計劃第 3 及第 4 期工程。 devb.gov.hk | At the same time we are also implementing other important projects to improve the quality of city environment, for example the drainage tunnel projects in Hong Kong West, Tsuen Wan and Lai Chi Kok; and the stages 3 and 4 of the watermains replacement and rehabilitation project. devb.gov.hk |
1.3.3 日後若系統出現的問題,運作實體進行前線維修後,如問題仍不能被解 決,則被判給人應就將來的運作實體或澳門特別行政區政府的要求,作出 適當的措施,以保證將系統回復運作 正常。 gdtti.gov.mo | 1.3.3 In case of any problems that cannot be fixed by the first line maintenance performed by the Operator, the contractor may be requested by the Operator or the Government to carry out remedy actions to resume the system back to normal operational conditions. gdtti.gov.mo |