

单词 康干盛世

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External sources (not reviewed)

康和安全干事的 职能包括提供健康和安全政策方面的咨询,并协调为任务区的军事和文职人员举 办的健康和安全培训方案,他直接向医务长报告。
The functions of the Health and Safety Officer, who would [...]
report directly to the Chief Medical Officer, would include the
provision of advice on health and safety policy and the coordination of health and safety training programmes for military and civilian personnel in the mission area.
東京國立劇場、東京國立博物館、NHK (電台交響樂團) 及日本愛樂交響樂團皆發源於東京,因此, 干世 界 級 文化與科 盛 會 均 由東京主辦。
Home to the National Theatre, the National Museum, the NHK (Radio Symphony Orchestra)
and the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, Tokyo
[...] plays host to some of the world's finest cultural and scientific [...]
世界各地的健身康盛、美 容、体育和康复中心行之有效的成功经验,pro5™机型同样适合作为家庭健身的解决方案。
A proven success in
[...] fitness, wellness, beauty, sports and rehabiltation centres around the world, the pro5™ model [...]
is equally suitable as a home fitness solution.
城市化扩 大使人们生活疏于活动,不康的饮 食 盛 行 以及烟草等有害 康 物 品在 全 世 界推 销,都是促使这些人数增加的因素。
The increase in sedentary living associated with growing urbanization, the prevalence of unhealthy diets and the global marketing of health risks, such as tobacco, are also factors contributing to that increase.
[...] 务能力而出台的各种举措,诸如太平洋最大的海洋保护区——基里巴斯的菲 尼克斯群岛保护区、以及涵盖亚太区域 干 国 家 的珊瑚礁三角区倡议——这 一地区拥世界最 大面积的红树林,提供了金枪鱼和其他全球重要鱼种产卵 和幼体生长的重要区域。
The Commission was informed of initiatives that were being undertaken by Pacific island developing countries to protect biodiversity and the maintenance of ecosystem services, such as the Phoenix Islands Protected Area in Kiribati, the largest marine protected area in the Pacific Ocean, and the Coral Triangle Initiative, which covered a number of countries in the Asia-Pacific
region, included the
[...] greatest extent of mangrove forests in the world and provided a critical spawning and juvenile [...]
growth area for tuna
and other globally significant fish species.
参与的合作伙伴包括:伦敦吸烟与 康 行 动, 华 盛 顿 特 区吸烟与 康 行 动 ,支持不吸 烟者权利美国人,无烟草青少年运动,英国癌症研究院,印度健康桥,国际抗癌联合 会,国际防痨与肺部疾病联合会,约翰霍普金斯大学彭博公共卫生学院全球烟草控制 研究所,强生公司,辉瑞公司,推动无烟草环境行动,Roswell Park癌症研究所,欧 洲无烟合作组织,东南亚烟草控制联盟 世 界 心 脏联盟,以 世 界 肺 健基金会。
Partners include Action on Smoking and Health – London, Action on
[...] Smoking and Health – Washington, D.C., Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Cancer Research UK, HealthBridge India, International Union Against Cancer, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Institute for Global Tobacco Control, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Promoting Action for Tobacco Free Environments (APALTA), Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Smokefree Partnership Europe, Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance, World Heart Federation, and World Lung Foundation.
(b) 從經濟、人力資源、教育、房屋、土地供應、環保、與內地 關係等各方面,進行檢討和研究,以確保香港的資源得到適 當運用,使香港能夠跟世界競 爭潮流,保持 盛 的 經 濟發 展。
(b) to conduct reviews and studies on Hong Kong’s economy, human resources, education, housing, land supply, environmental protection and relations with the Mainland to ensure that Hong Kong’s resources are
well-used, and that Hong
[...] Kong keeps up with world trends in competitive terms, and to maintain the vitality of [...]
economic development.
总之世卫组织的干预措 施覆盖全球所有的卫生保健方面,包括危机干预和人道主义紧急情况的反应,建立各国必须遵守的国际卫生条例,以确定疾病暴发和阻止它们蔓延,预防慢性疾病,以及努力实现与 康 有 关的千年发展目标。
In short,
[...] WHO interventions cover all areas of the global health-care spectrum, including crisis intervention and the response to humanitarian emergencies; establishing International Health Regulations, which countries must follow to identify disease outbreaks and stop them from spreading; preventing chronic diseases; and working to achieve the health-related Millennium [...]
Development Goals (MDGs).
我们的旅游业有赖于康和旺盛的珊 瑚礁生态系 统。
Our tourism industry is dependent on healthy and flourishing [...]
reef ecosystems.
在教育和康领域,有干法定 措施是为了保护儿童的利益和福祉实施的,例如 义务教育。
In the areas of education and health, several statutory measures [...]
in place are geared towards protecting the interests and
well-being of children, for example, compulsory education.
人口基金的孕产妇、新生儿和生殖康干预措 施,有助于减少由于残疾和过早死亡造成的健康寿命年数的损失,有 [...]
利于实现更广泛的发展目标,包括提高教育、经济生产力和社会公平程度,并帮 助家庭脱贫。
UNFPA maternal, neonatal
[...] and reproductive health interventions help reduce [...]
the loss of healthy years of life because of
disability and premature death and contribute to the achievement of broader development objectives, including higher levels of education, economic productivity, and social equity, and help lift families out of poverty.
此 外 , 根 據 吾 等 與 估 值 師 的 溝 通 , 吾 等 獲 悉 , 在 估 值 師 考 慮 來 自 現 有 資 源 及 儲 備 的 預 期 收 入 時 , 彼 等 亦 已 考 慮 鐵 礦 石 的 預 計 市 價 , 而 預 計 市 價 乃 參 考 由干 享 有 盛 譽 的 投 資 銀 行( 包 括 但 不 限 於 瑞 信 、 City Group Markets 、 高 盛 、 摩 根 士 丹 利 及 瑞 銀 )發 佈 的 市 場 研 究 報 告 進 行 預 測 。
Furthermore, according to our interview with the Valuer, we understand that, in their consideration of the expected income from the existing resources and reserve, the Valuer has taken into account of the projected market prices of iron ore which are forecasted with reference to the market research reports issued by certain reputable investment banks including but not limited to Credit Suisse, City Group Markets, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and UBS.
所 开展的活动包括:监测,为刚果民主共和国、卢旺达和 干 达 的 世 界 遗产地质作卫星图像 (与欧洲宇航局联合开展的项目);利用卫星图像为中非提供遗产保护图(与欧洲宇航局联 合开展的项目);与国际航天大学合作,2003 [...]
年 10 月为遗产保护专业的学生举办了讲习 班;2003 年 12 月为阿拉伯国家举办了“利用航天技术开展自然和文化遗产的保护工作”讲 习班。
Activities included monitoring,
[...] satellite image of the World Heritage sites in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda (joint project [...]
with the European
Space Agency); acquisition of maps for conservation derived from satellite images for Central Africa (joint project with the European Space Agency); workshop organized jointly with the International Space University for young heritage conservation students in October 2003, and for the Arab States on the “Use of space technologies for natural and cultural heritage conservation”, in December 2003.
(b) 秘书长的说明,转递教科文组织干 事 关于 2001-2010 世界儿 童和平非暴力 文化国际十年的年度进展报告和关于过去十年教科文组织和其他联合国实 体、会员国和民间社会(包括非政府组织)为促进和执行《行动纲领》而开展 的活动的总结报告(第 64/80 号决议)。
(b) Note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report of the Director-General of UNESCO on the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, 2001-2010, and a summary report on the activities carried out in the past ten years by UNESCO and other United Nations entities, Member States and civil society, including non-governmental organizations, to promote and implement the Programme of Action (resolution 64/80).
除了增加資助長者照顧及支援服務的供應外,未來我們會繼續與安 老事務委員會合作,做好上游的工作、源頭的工作,進一步推廣“積極 樂頤年”的信息,讓長者可以活出 盛 健 康 的 “ 黃金晚年”。
Apart from increasing the supply of subsidized elderly care and support services, we will also continue to co-operate with the Elderly Commission to improve the upstream work, the work at source, so as to further promote the concept of "active ageing" and enable the elderly to live an enriched and wholesome life in their "golden twilight years".
(a) 在短期而言,P2路會為中環填海區現有的發展項目提供 一條替代路線,紓干諾道中和康樂 廣 場路口的擠塞情 況;及 (b) 在中、長期而言,當中環至灣仔繞道建成後,P2路將負 起分配往返由中環至灣仔繞道和林士街天橋組成的策略 性東西向交通走廊至鄰近地區(包括中環、中環填海區、 金鐘、中半山、灣仔和灣仔北)的交通的責任。
(b) in the medium to long term, after the completion of the Central-Wan Chai Bypass, Road P2 will serve to distribute traffic from the strategic east-west traffic corridor formed by Central-Wan Chai Bypass and the Rumsey Street Flyover to the neighbouring areas including Central, Central Reclamation, Admiralty, Mid-levels, Wan Chai and Wan Chai North, and vice versa from these areas to the corridor.
[...] 低儿童死亡率,特别是在生育率偏高的低收入国家,必须扩大计划生育机会,结 合振兴各项努力,扩大旨在改善儿童 康 的 干 预 措 施,这对确保实现千年发展目 标 4 至关重要。
In order to accelerate the reduction of child mortality, particularly in low-income countries with high fertility, expanded access to family planning
combined with reinvigorated efforts
[...] to expand interventions to improve child health is crucial to [...]
ensure the achievement of Millennium Development Goal 4.
我們在立法會的相 關 委 員會  ─   福利事務委 員會上,曾經多 次 提 出 , 家 庭 是 我們社 會的基本組成單位 , 在 太盛 世 的 日 子裏, 這 單 位已經 存 在不 少 問題, 在 惡 劣 的環境下,所 產 生的問題便 會 更 多。
At the meetings of the relevant committee of this Council — Panel on Welfare Services — we have pointed out many times that family is the basic unit of society, and that while this basic unit already has enough problems in halcyon days, even more problems would arise when conditions deteriorate.
修正案第 33 條建議,刪去原條例草案中規定某些關於雪茄及其他煙草 的零盛器上展示康忠告的規格。
The amendment to clause 33 proposes deleting certain specifications of the health warning displayed on the retail container of cigar and other tobacco products as prescribed under the original Bill.
进一步加强了由研究与能力建设中心组成的国际网,包括由弗 兰德大区政府提供资金,在智利拉塞雷纳为拉丁美洲和加勒比地区设立了一个地区性的干旱 和半干旱地区水资源中心,建立一 世 界 干 旱 和半干旱地区水资源网(G-WADI),以及与 荷兰共同建立国际地下水资源评估中心(IGRAC)。
Further strengthening of the international network of research and capacity-building centres was carried out, including the start-up of a regional water centre of arid and semi-arid regions for LAC in La Serena, Chile, with Flemish funding, the establishment of a global network on water resources in arid and semi-arid zones (G-WADI) and the initiative with the Netherlands for setting up the International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC).
主席,我想說,即使其他人說:“你喝了這碗孟婆湯,你忘記六四, 便盛世開始 ,便會發達”,我們也不可以這樣違背良心、見利忘義的。
President, I wish to say that even if other people said, "Drink this 'soup of forgetfulness', and the moment that you forget the 4 June incident would be the start of a prosperous era and richness", we still could not act against our conscience and forsake justice for benefits.
关于秘书长的说明所转递的教科文组织 干事 就 2001-2010 世界儿 童和平非暴力文化国际十年提交 的报告(A/64/312),大韩民国满意地注意到教科文组 [...]
With regard to the report of the UNESCO Director-General on the International Decade for a
Culture of Peace and Non-Violence
[...] for the Children of the World, 2001-2010, transmitted [...]
by the note by the Secretary-General
(A/64/312), the Republic of Korea notes with satisfaction the gains made by UNESCO on that important issue.
如果粮农组织世卫组织的干事邀 请专家以个人身份参加本委员会及其附属 机构的会议,他们的费用应从供本委员会工作之用的正常预算经费中支付。
Should experts be
[...] invited by the Directors-General of FAO or WHO to attend [...]
sessions of the Commission and its subsidiary
bodies in their individual capacity, their expenses shall be borne out of the regular budgetary funds available for the work of the Commission.
能够在如此重要盛世中获 得认可代表意大利创新力量,证实了Vibram在诠释了新一代人的品味方面更进了一步,也再度肯定了全球客户对Vibram产品的喜爱(Vibram ® FiveFingers ®五趾鞋被《时代》杂志选为“2007年度最佳发明”之一,还获得2008年度“意大利创意发明奖”)。
The recognition to represent the Italian creativity in an event of this importance is a clear evidence that Vibram is one step forward in interpreting the tastes of the new generations and reaffirms once again the appreciation of the worldwide audience for its products (in 2007 Vibram ® FiveFingers ® have been selected by Time Magazine as one of the best inventions of the year and in 2008 it won the Italian Award for Creativity).
按照规则 IX.6 条,执行委员会审议了五个非政府组织的申请,并建议粮农组织世卫组织总干事授予它们食品法典委员会观察员地位。
In accordance with Rule IX.6, the Executive Committee had considered the application of five international non-governmental organizations and had recommended to the Directors-General of FAO and WHO to grant them Observer status with the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
为了进一步加大对公众康指标的积 干 预 力度,新的 2006-2010 年国家 预防和抗击糖尿病计划“MoldDiab”中包含相关的补充方案(即向糖尿病人供应人 [...]
In order to further improve the
[...] positive impact over the public health indicators, supplementary [...]
proposals have been included
in the new Prophylaxis and Diabetes fight Programme “MoldDiab” for years 2006–2010 (supply of diabetes patients with human insulin; supplying children with glucose-meters and tests to identify the glycaemia under ambulatory conditions).
然而,為避免濫用康文署會就干 開 支項目(例如機票費用、 酒店住宿、教練及工作人員薪酬)設立規限,確保公帑使用得當, [...]
Nevertheless, to
[...] prevent possible abuses, LCSD will set conditions for [...]
the use of certain expenditure items (e.g., air fares,
hotel accommodation and pay rates for coaches and officials) to ensure that public money will be spent properly and that coaches and officials are appropriately remunerated.




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