

单词 座标系



system of polar coordinates

See also:


seat n
base n
stand n

External sources (not reviewed)

在座标之前加上 w,可以使用世座标系统输 入,否则输入的座标预设为使用中作业视窗的工作平面座标。
Type w in front of the
[...] coordinates, to use the world coordinate system; otherwise the construction plane coordinates [...]
of the active view are used.
事件的精座标是 35 48.22N-35 32.21E。该飞机未显示任何敌对态度或动 作,并在飞行中打开了识系统。
The precise coordinates of the incident are 35 48.22N - 35 32.21E. The aircraft did not display any hostile attitude or manoeuvre and was flying with its identification systems open.
它的座系列是根据标准面 板孔径打造的,应用于娱乐工业中。
The chassis connectors are shaped to fit into standardized panels out of [...]
the entertainment industry.
CKPZ-P(T)系列盆式(调高)橡胶支座是根据《客运专线桥梁盆式橡胶支座暂行技术条件》、《客运专线桥梁盆式橡胶支座补充规定》及相关规范,并参照欧洲 座标 准 EN 1337联合设计的, 系 列 支 座采用中间导轨导向和改性超高分子量聚乙烯滑板作为耐磨板,适用于设计时速为350km/h及以下客运专线与设计时速为200km/h及以下客货共线铁路桥梁。
CKPZ-P(T) series product is designed according to the Temporary Passenger Dedicated Line Pot Rubber
Bearing Technical Standards
[...] and the Supplement standards with reference to Europe EN1337 standards. [...]
It adopts middle guide
rail and ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) sliding plate as the wear resistant plate, applicable to bridges for passenger dedicated line with design speed of no more than 350km/h and passenger/cargo railway with design speed of no more than 200km/h.
在受到致命一击后,该机转向叙利亚海岸,在离拉塔基亚海岸 8 海里处坠海,精座标是 35 48.26N-35 37.59E。
After receiving a deadly blow, the aircraft diverted towards the Syrian coast
and crashed into the sea at 8 nautical miles off the coast of
[...] Latakia, precisely at the coordinates 35 48.26N - 35 37.59E.
借助优蒂利意大利公司及Util Canada 加拿大专家团队对该厂进行的技术支持,由与集团模具制造部门的密切 系 沟 通 ,通过引进优质COOR D3 三 座标 测 量 设备及最新一代的冲压设备,优蒂利(广州)得以生产高精度、高质量的产品,并能按需求进行快速修改。
With the support of a team of Util Italy and Util Canada experts, in close contact with tooling manufacturing departments of the Group, Util Guangzhou Brakes is adding a better approach focused on quality, using COORD3 – 3D measuring machines and latest generation presses to produce a final product that is consistently precise, reliable, and that can be quickly modified as needed.
半导体测试及加工:晶片自动输送,盒带搬运,电路板特型铣,IC插装机,晶片抛光机,晶片探测机,晶片切割机,引线焊接机;   测试及测量座标检验 ,齿轮检验,键盘测试,来料检验,显微仪定位,PCB测试,焊点超声扫描检查;   纺织机械:自动织袋机,地毯纺织机,珩缝机,纱绽卷绕机;   军事:自行火炮,坦克等武器的火 系 统 , 车(船)载卫星移动通信,飞机的机载雷达。
Semiconductor testing and processing : chip automatic transmission, cassette handling, circuit boards special-milling, Chap installed IC chip polishing machine, chip detection machines, chip cutting machine,
welding wire; Test and
[...] Measurement : coordinates testing, gear inspection, testing the keyboard, incoming inspection microscope positioning, PCB testing, ultrasonic scanning spot; Textile Machinery : Automatic organization bag machine, carpet weaving looms, Heng Seamer, the deep winding yarn; Military : self-propelled artillery, tanks and other weapons fire control systems, vehicles (boats) [...]
mobile communications
satellites, aircraft airborne radar.
已设立了分类标系统,以监测该区域所有国家青年的 社会和经济处境;这些指标在网上公布,所有利益攸关方均可查阅。
A system of disaggregated indicators has been created [...]
to monitor the social and economic situation of youth in all countries
of the region; these indicators are published online and accessible to all stakeholders.
公司于2003年通过ISO9000质量体系认证,2007年通过TS/16949:2002质量体系认证,为了保证产品质量,公司建立了完善的计量、检 系 统 配 备了精密 座标 测 量 仪、光谱分析仪、X光无损探伤仪、拉力试验机、气密性试漏仪等30余台套检测设备,为产品质量提供了可靠的保证。
In 2003 the company passed through the ISO9000 quality system authentication, and in 2007 passed through the
TS / 16949:2002
[...] quality system authentication, in order to ensure the product quality, the company has established the perfect measuring, checking system equipped with [...]
more than 30 sets product
quality inspection equipments, such as precision three-coordinate measuring machines, spectrum analyzers, X-ray detectors, tension tester and leakage testers, which provide the reliable guarantee.
塔 吉克斯坦还报告说,该国正在筹备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸
[...] 物受害者进行一次需求评估,主要目的是为了建立一个有效的受害者信息系统, 该系统符合排雷行动信息管系统的 标 准 , 将成为地区和州两个层面系统和可靠 的机制。
In addition, Tajikistan reported that it is preparing to conduct a needs assessment of landmine and other ERW victims in mine affected districts with the main goal being to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), which would
comply with the
[...] Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a [...]
systematic and reliable mechanism
at the district and oblast level.
黑者标系列于 2010年开卖,其中黑者及黑者魔战很荣幸的同时选入WCG的官方指定使用产品 。
BLACK mouse series was first [...]
introduced in year 2010, with both BLACK and BLACK Element that were honorably selected as
WCG’s Official Hardware sponsor in 2010.
优质教育的下列方面受到了重视:支持课程 系 的 审 查 和修订,特别是根据各国的优先工作和阿拉伯世界的需求纳入价值观教育和伦理教育;“以 学习者为中心”的教育;改进教学工作,包括能力培养和教师培训;提高教师地位;制标 准进行评估;制订关于优质教育的国 标 准。
The following elements of quality education were highlighted: focus on assistance in curricula review and revision, particularly the
introduction of values
[...] education and ethical approaches, in accordance with national priorities and Arab needs; “learner-centred” education; improvement of teaching including capacity-building and teacher training; improvement in the status of teachers; development of benchmarking and assessment; elaboration of national standards regarding quality education.
该图书馆包括:(a) 历史档案,包含有 1945 年以来 在联合国和有关机构主持下谈判和通过的法律文书的文件和视听材料; ( b) 系列 讲座,关 于国际法(包括海洋法)的永久收藏讲座,讲演者为重要的国际法学者和 从业人员;(c) 研究图书馆,提供在线国际法图书服务,具有条约、判例、出版 物和文件、学术著作和研究指南的链接。
It consists of: (a) historic archives containing documents and audiovisual material relating to the negotiation and adoption of legal instruments under the auspices of the United Nations and related organizations since 1945; (b) a lecture series featuring a permanent collection of lectures on international law, including the law of the sea, given by leading international law scholars and practitioners; and (c) a research library providing an online international law library with links to treaties, jurisprudence, publications, documents, scholarly writings and research guides.
此外,在表背狭小的空间中融合了星图、地平线及地 座标 显 示、太阳时、恒星时、日出及日落时间,以及昼夜及曙暮光显示。
But squeezed into very little room on the back of the watch is a star
chart together with displays for the
[...] horizon and geographical coordinates, solar time, sidereal [...]
time, sunrise and sunset times,
as well as a display that shows daytime, nighttime and twilight.
它出台了教科文组织未来论坛新方针和教科文组织未来 座系 列 ,以 21 世 纪的重大挑战作为重点。
It has launched a new line of UNESCO Future Forum and a UNESCO Future Lecture series, focusing on the great challenges of the 21st century.
英飞凌服务于各种汽车应用,比如:汽车动力系统(包括发动机和变速箱控制装置,用于优化燃耗,满足政府的排放要求,还包括适用于各种新兴技术的芯片,例如混合动力汽车、起动机、发电机和配气机构)、车身和便利装置(包括车灯控制装置、HVAC、门 系 统 、 电动车窗 座 椅 记忆器和无钥匙进 系 统 )、安全管理(例如电动助力转向系统、防碰撞系统、防抱死制动系统、安全气囊、稳定性控制、胎压监控)和信息娱乐系统(包括电子呼叫、信息调用、无线通信和全球定位)。
Infineon serves automotive applications such as the car's powertrain (comprising engine and transmission control for optimized fuel consumption and to meet government emission regulations addressing chips for emerging technologies, such as hybrids, starter alternators, and electromechanical valve-trains), body and convenience (including light control; heating,
ventilation and
[...] air-conditioning HVAC; comfort locking; power windows; seat memory and keyless entry), safety management [...]
(e.g. electronic
power steering, collision avoidance, anti-lock brake system, airbag, stability control, tire pressure monitoring) and infotainment (including e-call and information access).
因此,《公约》第八十四 条第 2 款要求各沿海国将标明大陆架外部界限的海图或地 座标 表 妥 为公布,并 且,如果大陆架延伸至 200 海里以外,则沿海国须将该海图 座标 表 的 一份副本 交存于管理局秘书长。
For this reason, article 84, paragraph 2, of the Convention requires coastal States to give due publicity
to charts or lists of
[...] geographical coordinates of the outer limit lines of the continental shelf and, in the case of those extending beyond 200 nautical miles, to deposit a copy of such charts or lists with the Secretary-General [...]
of the Authority.
北极圈座标,66 °34´N 023°51´E,清楚印在圣诞老人村外边的地上,那是不少游客争相拍照留念的热点。
The coordinates of the Arctic Circle, [...]
66°34´N 023°51´E, have been imprinted on the ground, and the spot is a popular photo-op.
建议在《防 治荒漠化公约》进程中让定期科学同行审评发挥作用,以此为手段,不仅可促进
[...] 吸收新的观点,对不断发展的科学、用户需要以及因执行《公约》而产生的具体 目标做出回应,而且还有利于树立 标系 统 的可信度,以及应对《公约》涉及的 其他科学问题。
It was recommended that a role be built into the UNCCD process for periodic scientific peer reviews as a means not only to facilitate integration of new ideas in response to evolving science, user needs and specific objectives arising from the implementation of the
Convention, but also to build
[...] credibility for the indicator system, as well as other [...]
scientific issues addressed by the Convention.
運動展覽和運動座 以一系列共八項以運動為主題的資料展覽板和專題 座系 列, 加深學生了解持續參與運動的益處。
Exhibitions featuring a set of display panels and a series of subject talks covering eight topics of sports are held so that students can have a better understanding of the benefits of regular exercise.
其结果就是,这些机 构决定实施司法和人权标系统, 以确保有关尊重人权和寻求司法公正的情况的 信息协调、系统化和更新。
As a result, these authorities decided
[...] to implement a system of justice and human rights indicators to guarantee [...]
the coordination, systematization
and updating of the information on the situation of respect of human rights and the access of justice.
名称有助于查找包含备份的驱动器和 标系 统 分 区。
The names will help you in finding the drive containing your backups as
[...] well as the target system partition.
[...] 和天然气建造和生产服务仓、海底石油和天然气井室型歧管、预测设备发送和收 回过程中船只和有效载荷移动的计算机模拟系统、海洋学和气象学测量 标系 统、 深水海洋热能转换系统(OTEC)以及勘测船仪器和定制。
Examples of projects include: specialized remotely operated vehicles and autonomous underwater vehicles; service capsules for subsea oil and gas construction and production; chamber manifold for subsea oil and gas wells; computer modelling system to predict vessel and payload motions during equipment launch and recovery; oceanographic
and meteorological
[...] measurement buoy systems; deepwater ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) system; and survey [...]
vessel instrumentation and customization.
粘贴标签-粘贴标签是一个非常特别的 系标 签 与 控件的功能。
Sticky Labels - Sticky Labels is a special function, which connects Label to the control.
除了监督项目外,我亦负责计算顾客所选位置 座标 方 格 (准确至米),例如巴黎的凯旋门。
In addition to project supervision, I calculate – to the metre – the grid reference of the customer’s chosen location – say the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
關於上文第 11 段 (h)項,1,240,000 元的預算是用以在為期 5 年的展 期內,舉辦多樣的教育節目,如 座系 列 、 工作坊及展覽導賞服務等。
On paragraph 11(h) above, the estimate of $1,240,000 is for organisation of a wide range of educational programmes within the five-year exhibition period (such as talk series, workshops, docent services, etc.).
小组集合本会会员与管理学院的力量,与新加坡复员技训企业管理局合作推行一项涵盖四大行动,包括:职训与就业、善后扶持服务、励志 座系 列 、 家庭参与活动的社会公益计划,短期 标 为 协 助前妇女囚犯重返社会,最终的愿景,是扶持前妇女囚犯开创自己的事业,设立社会企业,自助助人。
The short-term goal is to help female ex-offenders re-enter the workforce.
为了宣传相关的公共政策,正在建立一个接受 教育权利方面的标系统。 (b) 委托进行的系列研究将作为本组织在人权领域开展研究行动 的基础。
A system of indicators on the right to education is to be developed in order to inform relevant public policies; (b) a series of studies were commissioned that will serve as a basis for the research initiatives of the Organization in the field of human rights.
这项提案应由教科文组织进一步完 善,它所涉及的是每个国家都采用一个相宜的警报和风险 标系 统 , 建设监测各种指标的能 力,评估教育发展趋势,加强管理能力,确保及时做出反应。
The proposal, to be further developed by UNESCO,
concerned the adoption of
[...] an appropriate system of warning and risk indicators for each [...]
country, the building of capacities to monitor indicators and the evaluation of
trends in education and to strengthen management capacities to ensure timely reaction.




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