

单词 座无虚席

See also:


seat (at banquet)
by ext. guest of honor

External sources (not reviewed)

代表们踊跃参会,各会议大厅 座无虚席。
Attendance was high in all the conference rooms, with every available seat taken.
由Holland编剧、主演,Ann于2010年夏天在Texas的Galveston第一次公演,当时现 座无虚席 , 现 在已经演到了New York City的Lincoln Center。
Written and performed by Holland, Ann first opened in Galveston, Texas to a sold out crowd in the summer of 2010 and has now made its way to New York City’s Lincoln Center.
但是,这种应用是很容易使用,功能更 座无虚席。
However, this App is so much easier to use and is more feature packed.
从海外前来参加研讨会的研究学者、提名作品的单位及相关用户参加了此次竞赛,可容纳400名的会议大 座无虚席。
The venue with capacity of 400 was full with guests from all over the world.
每场演出座无虚席,有 些观众在没有座位的提供下甚至不惜站在席后方欣赏这场难得的音乐飨宴直到表演结束。
All seats were filled and many of the audience [...]
stood at the back and sides of the concert halls until the end of the show.
结果大会未能如期举行,2011 年 10 月 27 日办事处通知取消,但是, 音乐会没能取消,照常举座无虚席 , 结 果办事处为此支付昂贵费用。
The conference did not take place in the end and the Bureau was notified of the decision to cancel on 27 October 2011, but the concert, which could not be cancelled, was open to a large audience and turned out to be very costly for the Bureau.
第二天则有以 PCB 为主题的四场 Technical session 及 TPCA 顾问-白蓉生主讲『除胶渣 镀通孔之原理与失效分析』以及『电镀铜原 理与填孔添加剂机制』workshop,吸引邻近 组装与 PCB 业到场全程聆听,现座无虚 席。
On the second day there were four technical sessions about PCB and the workshop “The Theory of Desmearing/PTH and Failure Analysis” and “The Theory of Copper plating and Mechanism of Additives for Microvia Filling” held by Mr.Frank Bai, attracted many audiences from assembly and PCB industries.
12月13日晚,北京大学百周年纪念讲堂观众 座无虚席 , 哈 佛大学首位公开课讲授者、美国著名哲学家迈克尔·桑德尔(Michael Sandel)教授应北京论坛之邀走进北大,为全校两千余名师生带来题为“金钱不能买什么:金钱与公正的正面交锋”的公开演讲。
In the evening of December 13, Peking University Hall was fully packed. The famous American philosopher, Professor Michael Sandel, the first lecturer of public class at Harvard University, visits Peking University at the invitation of the Beijing Forum.
Aastra 的解决方案包括强大的IVR模块虚拟 的 座席 、 自动电子邮件回复和SMS回复。
Aastra´s solution includes a
[...] powerful IVR module, a virtual agent, automatic [...]
E-mail response and SMS response.
系统最多可支持30个端 口,每个端口都可设定座席、电话 或 无 线 电 线路。
The system supports up to 30 ports, with each assignable to either operator, telephone or radio circuits.
检查所有滚珠和座有无划伤或 划痕;必要时更换。
Inspect each ball and seat for nicks or scratches; [...]
replace as required.
在非洲,教科文组织席网络和非 虚 拟 姊 妹大学研究与培训 网由于收集信息并作出必要安排有困难而被推迟。
In Africa, the project on the
[...] network of UNESCO Chairs and African Virtual UNITWIN Research [...]
and Training Network experienced
delays due to difficulties in gathering information and making necessary arrangements.
当有灾祸,或者员工因为流行病而被迫呆在家里工作是,Aastra 呼叫中心解决方案能座席在任 何地方登录,建 虚 拟 的 呼叫中心,不间断地为客户提供服务。
When a disaster strikes or a pandemic keeps employees at home, Aastra call center
solutions allow your agents to log
[...] in from anywhere, creating a “virtual call center” with no interruption [...]
in service for your customers.
虚拟网络座席 - 虚拟座席是一个互动的网络回复应用程序,能够使客户的自助服务实现自动化 虚 拟 座席无 需 座 席帮助的情况下通过使用客户定制的知识数据库自动回复客户的询问。
Virtual Web Agent - Virtual Agent is an interactive web response application that au­tomates customer self-services.
理事会通过了理事会及其席团举行 虚 拟 会议的指导方针,通过了允许 政府间组织和非政府组织代表出席理事会会议的条件和标准。
The Council
[...] adopted guidelines for virtual meetings of the IFAP [...]
Council and its Bureau and conditions and criteria for admission
to meetings of the Council for representatives of intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations.
721 200 美元的经费用于支付培训活动方面的差旅费,尤其是:驻地审计 工作人员和总部审计员参加在恩德培举行的年度内部审计大会的差旅费(321 200 美元);咨询人在年度内部审计大会期间前往恩德培举行各种培训所需差旅费 (32 800 美元);席驻地 审计员到纽约参加年度规划会议的差旅费(90 400 美元); 来自内罗毕、纽约和维也纳以及维持和平行动的 12 名调查员参加的面试技巧基 本和高级外部课程的差旅费(89 600 美元)以及所有调查员前往纽约参加 虚 会,接受培训的差旅费,以期改善对可能不当行为进行的调查(167 500 美元);检查 与评价司工作人员参与关于维持和平行动方案评价的高级培训课程(19 700 美 元)。
The provision of $721,200 would cover travel requirements in connection with training activities, specifically: travel of resident audit staff and Headquarters-based auditors to participate in the annual internal audit conference in Entebbe ($321,200); travel of consultants to conduct various training courses during the annual internal audit conference in
Entebbe ($32,800); and
[...] travel of the chief resident auditors to New York for the annual work-planning conference ($90,400); the travel of 12 investigators from Nairobi, New York, Vienna and peacekeeping operations to participate in external courses on basic and advanced interview techniques ($89,600), as well as travel for a retreat in New York [...]
to train all investigators
with a view to improving the conduct of investigations of possible misconduct ($167,500); and participation of Inspection and Evaluation Division staff in advanced training courses on programme evaluation of peacekeeping operations ($19,700).
Your agents can be located anywhere - across multiple sites, working at home, etc. – and still have access to the corporate information and support they require to provide excellent customer service.
为支 持全球测地系统,地球观测卫星委员会开发了以特定参数观测为重点 虚 拟天座的概念。
In support of GEOSS, CEOS has developed the
[...] concept of virtual, space-based constellations that [...]
focus on the observation of particular parameters.
英飞凌服务于各种汽车应用,比如:汽车动力系统(包括发动机和变速箱控制装置,用于优化燃耗,满足政府的排放要求,还包括适用于各种新兴技术的芯片,例如混合动力汽车、起动机、发电机和配气机构)、车身和便利装置(包括车灯控制装置、HVAC、门锁系统、电动车窗 座 椅 记 忆器 无 钥 匙 进入系统)、安全管理(例如电动助力转向系统、防碰撞系统、防抱死制动系统、安全气囊、稳定性控制、胎压监控)和信息娱乐系统(包括电子呼叫、信息调用、无线通信和全球定位)。
Infineon serves automotive applications such as the car's powertrain (comprising engine and transmission control for optimized fuel consumption and to meet government emission regulations addressing chips for emerging technologies, such as hybrids, starter alternators, and electromechanical valve-trains), body and convenience (including light control; heating, ventilation and
air-conditioning HVAC; comfort
[...] locking; power windows; seat memory and keyless entry), [...]
safety management (e.g. electronic
power steering, collision avoidance, anti-lock brake system, airbag, stability control, tire pressure monitoring) and infotainment (including e-call and information access).
当事方或是其正式指定的代表必须亲自 席 听 讯, 如 无 法 亲自 出 席 , 须 通过 视频连接、电话或其他电子手段参加。
The parties or their duly designated
representatives must be
[...] present at the hearing either in person or, where unavailable, by video [...]
link, telephone or other electronic means.
如果会议副席无法出席,他 可指定本国代表团的成员代其出席。
If a Vice-President is unable to attend, he [...]
may designate a member of his delegation to take his place.
对人权的影响并非都是正面的,灾后恢复工 作有时受到所谓的“土地最佳使用原则”的指导,这
[...] 一原则忽视了贫困社区的权利,将他们驱逐出土地, 从而为商业和旅游设施让路,或 虚无 的 公 共安全或 灾害风险缓解问题为掩护。
The implications for human rights were not all positive, as disaster recovery efforts were sometimes guided by the so-called principle of “optimal use of land”, which disregarded the rights of poor communities, evicting them to make
way for business and tourism
[...] facilities or under the guise of groundless public safety [...]
or disaster risk mitigation concerns.
东正教徒似乎无法应付新的思路,德国更高的批评,达尔文的进化论,弗洛伊德的心理学,马克思主义的社会主义,尼采 虚无 主 义 ,以及新的科学自然,所有这些破坏信心圣经犯错误和洪水超自然的存在。
Orthodox Christians seemed unable to cope with the flood of new ideas, German higher criticism, Darwinian evolution, Freudian psychology, Marxist socialism, Nietzschean nihilism, and the naturalism of the new science, all of which undermined confidence in the infallibility of the Bible and the existence of the supernatural.
为此,必 须对此种会议举行地点的无线网络设备进行升级改造,以便使之得
[...] 以同时向为数众多的与会者提供网络服务,以便他们更好地 席无 纸型会议。
The Wi-Fi infrastructure at such venues
must therefore be upgraded to enable it to service the larger number of users that would
[...] be present at a paperless meeting.
那一天,即 2001 年 9月11日, 提醒我们世界仍然是一个真正的战场,这 不 是 许多人 声称的宗教之间的战场,不是国家之间的战场,而是 每一个宗教、每一个国家和每一种文化内部的战场; 是建设者和毁灭者之间的战场;是那些选择自由的人 和那些发誓要消灭自由的人之间的战场; 虚无 主义 和文明观念之间的战场。
That day, 11 September 2001, reminded us that the world remained a true battlefield — a battlefield not among religions, as many people claim, or of nations, but a battlefield within every religion, every nation and every culture; a battlefield between those who try to build and those who seek to destroy, between those who choose freedom and those who pledge to eradicate it; a battlefield between nihilism and the very idea of civilization.
在 8 月底和 10 月分别召开了两次席座谈会 ,敦促各国政府与民间社会开 [...]
展互动,由此为瑞士国内及国际民间社会与各国政府同其他国家政府、学术界、 国际组织及其相互之间就如下论坛议题集思广益创造了条件:2010 年墨西哥论坛 的成果;这些成果与
2011 年论坛专题方案之间的关系;民间社会在论坛中的作 用;以及,如何在 2010 年工作的基础上在 2011 年论坛期间深入推动民间社会与 政府之间的互动。
The two joint symposiums convened at [...]
the end of August and October entailing interaction between Governments and civil society
offered a space for Switzerland and international civil society and Governments to brainstorm with Governments, academics, international organizations and each other with respect to Forum issues, namely, the outcomes of the 2010 Forum in Mexico, the connections between those outcomes and the thematic programme for the 2011 Forum, the role of civil society in the Forum, and how to build on the efforts of 2010 so as to strengthen interaction between civil society and Governments in the 2011 Forum.
本次12315平台改造将呼叫中心平台更换为基于IP技术的网络呼叫中心架构,分别在市局中心和19个区县分局增至30个人 座席 和 30 个远程人 座席 , 所 有区县分局均部署IP远 座席 , 实 现工商12315、消协96315和分布在各区县尾数为12315电话号码的统一呼叫接入,对所有呼叫提供语音播报、排队等待、电话移转、电话录音、数据统计、实时监控等多项功能,从而实现了统一规划、统一运营、统一录音、统一监控、统一数据管理。
The call center platform is changed to network call center architecture with
IP-based technology, with
[...] manual working seats and 30 remote manual working seats added respectively in Beijing headquarter and sub-centers in 19 district or county branches and all IP Remote seats are deployed [...]
to achieve unified calling
access with 12315 of Industry and Commerce Administration, 96315 of Consumers' Association and telephone number ending in 12315 in district and county level centers with functions like audio broadcasting, queuing, call transfer, call recording, data statistics, real-time monitoring and many other functions, realizing unified planning, unified operation, unified recording, unified monitoring and unified data management.
[...] 充分反映出宗教或信仰的问题上人的多样性,也许应该保留或公开展示一些座 席,表示还有群体未派代表出席。
To symbolically demonstrate the awareness that human diversity in questions of religion or belief will never fully be reflected in any concrete communicative
setting, it might be a good idea to reserve and publicly
[...] display some empty seats as a reminder [...]
of those not represented.




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