

单词 座号



fig. put sb in his place
accept one's social role
admit criticism

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

当电机座号不同,设计结构 不同时可能出现不同的零件。
Its only purpose is to facilitate the assignment of components to the spare parts lists.
如下所示,座编号自左 至右、自前至后依次为一到六。
As shown
[...] below, the cradles are numbered one through [...]
six, from left to right, from front row to back row.
要订购其它座材料的阀时, 在订号中用一阀座材料代号来取代 K。
To order valves
[...] with other seat materials, replace K in the ordering number with a seat material designator.
沈阳市东北摩托车市场G座3号档口的业主左某, 2008年10月上旬从山东省济南市购入假冒“铃木”商标的后转灯总成、前大灯、启动电机总成、点火线圈总成、活塞环组合、前转向灯总成、启动继电器等配件共计245个,准备以购入价格2-10倍的价格对外销售。
In October 2008, a stall owner surnamed Zuo,
[...] running business in No.3 stall, Building G, Dongbei [...]
Motor Market in Shengyang, purchased
counterfeit auto-parts bearing SUZUKI trademark, including 245 units of back indicator light, headlight, start motors, ignition coils, piston rings, front indicator light, starting relays, etc., and prepared to sell these auto-parts at the price of 2-10 times to purchase.
该车的设想起始于1943年中期,在1944至1945年期间制造完成,不过已经太迟了,这种装甲列车上安装了 座 IV 号 H 型 坦 克的炮塔,装备7.5 cm KwK L/48火炮,可以提供足够强的反坦克火力。
It was suggested in mid-1943 to make the Triebwagen 51 , but by the time design and construction was completed in 1944-45, it was too late to be of any significant use in WWII. It was
equipped with an armored railcar 7.5cm
[...] KwK L/48 guns(in Panzer IV/H), which provided strong [...]
enough firepower to be used for anti-tank purposes .
1764年5月23日)“星团,在一架普通3英尺 [焦距 ]的望远镜中呈现出星云形状;但在极好的仪器中,能看到它是由大量的小 [暗 ]恒星组成的;星团附近有颗相当明亮的恒星,被一团非常暗的光晕包围;按照Flamsteed命名法,这是人 座 的9 号 恒 星 [人 座 9 ], 是颗7等星:这个星团呈现出拉长的形状,沿东北-西南方向伸长,介于人马的弓和蛇夫的脚之间。
(May 23, 1764) `A cluster which appears in the shape of a nebula when observed with an ordinary telescope of 3 feet [FL]; but with an excellent instrument one perceives nothing but a large quantity of small [faint] stars; near this cluster is a fairly bright star, surrounded by a very faint
glow: this is the
[...] ninth star of Sagittarius, of seventh magnitude, according to Flamsteed [9 Sgr]: [...]
this cluster appears
in elongated shape, which extends from North-East to South-West, between the arc of Sagittarius & the foot of Ophiuchus.
例如,当同时显示时,这些消息表示 :1 号台座中 的仪器已通过标定,2 号台座中的仪器则没有通过标定。
For example, when displayed together, these messages indicate that the instrument in cradle 1 passed calibration and the instrument in cradle 2 failed calibration.
同样,对于配有座 O 形圈的号,每次卸下歧 管时更换 O 形圈。
Also, on models with seat o-rings, replace the o-rings [...]
every time the manifold is removed.
座安装组件号说明 : 安装单泵以及双联泵的基脚座时,将泵的 安装螺栓、缓冲垫片一起作为脚座组件销 售。
When only the mounting feet are required for [...]
a single pump or double pump, pump mounting bolts, washers and other parts
are sold together as the Foot Mounting Kit.
要订购时, 请把 PEEK 阀座低温阀订号 上的 L 替换为 G 。
To order, replace L with G in a PEEKseated, low-temperature valve ordering number.
产品号: 在相应的座或插头的产品号后加 上色 环编码即可。
Part-numbers: add the
[...] corresponding colour code to the part-numbers of the sockets and plugs
Jabra GO 6470 底座中的清晰号音开 关和/或麦克风音量设置可能不正确。
The clear dial-tone switch and/or microphone-level setting in the Jabra GO 6470 base may be set incorrectly.
13 时 30 分一武装恐怖团伙在 Ba‘ath 住宅区扣押一辆马自达双座皮卡车, 车号:951545,车主为 Mihlajat al-Assi。
At 1330 hours, an armed terrorist group in the Ba‘ath quarter seized a Mazda double-cabin pickup truck, licence plate No. 951545, belonging to Mihlajat al-Assi.
配备INA轴座,与轴承号匹配 , 带一个灌装外表面的轴承对轴偏心进行弥补;见偏心弥补。
In conjunction with an INA housing matched to the bearing type, bearings with a crowned outside surface compensate for shaft misalignments; see Compensation of misalignments.
雅克-38U“铁匠”B是前苏联海军使用的 座 型 号 , 该 型的机头加大,以容纳双座的驾驶舱,该机于1978年12月15日开始服役,截止1981年停产,共生产了38架。
Yak-38U "Forger-B" is Two-seat training version [...]
for the Soviet Naval Aviation, this version differed from the basic aircraft
in having an enlarged fuselage to accommodate a two-seater cockpit.
大会同届会议还请新闻部组织和鼓励记者实况调查采访团前往包括东耶路 撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土和以色列;在国际、区域和国家各级举办记者讨论 会座谈会(第 64/18 号决议)。
At the same session, the General Assembly requested the Department of Public Information to organize and promote fact-finding news missions for journalists to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and
Israel; and to organize international, regional and
[...] national seminars or encounters for journalists (resolution 64/18).
(b) 建议对第20 号会议室的座位安 排进行调整,以便所有与会者、包括轮 椅使用者和残疾人的个人助手能够与他人平等地参与人权理事会的工作
(b) Proposing
[...] adjustments to the seating arrangements in room XX to allow all [...]
participants, including wheelchair users and
personal assistants of persons with disabilities, to take part in the work of the Human Rights Council on an equal basis with others
为适应业务不断发展壮大的需要,富沅模型于3月21日搬迁至广州市白云区沙太北路 2 8 3 号 天 健 广 场 A 座 T 4 1 29
To accommodate the continuously
growing business, Fuyuan R/C Model
[...] has moved to No. T4129, Building A, Tianjian Plaza, 283 [...]
North Shatai Rd, Guangzhou since March 21th.
例如,虽然NAC 552默认设置为CD输入按钮选择第2号输 入 插 座 , 输入赋值自定义 编程可以通过按下CD按钮选择输入插座。
For example, while the NAC 552
default setup is for the CD input button to
[...] select input socket No. 2, custom programming [...]
of input assignment could enable any
input socket to be selected by pressing the CD button.
在所有号的插座和插 头上均可配备一个氯丁橡胶防尘帽(PP选项)。
A version fitted with a chloroprene protector (PP option) is
[...] available on all models of sockets and plugs.
北京市东城区朝阳门北大街8号富华 厦 E
Block E, Fuhua
[...] Mansion, No.8 Chaoyangmen North Street, [...]
Dongcheng District, Beijing
用户可以通过谷歌通讯录为每一位联系人添加多种电 号 码 ( 手机 座 机 等 ),多个电子邮箱地址,联系人地址和即时聊天账户等等。
To each contact, Google Contacts allows you to add several telephone numbers, several email addresses, as well as the contact’s own address and their instant messenger accounts.
成长于巴黎市的 VAHRAM 最近出版了名为《PARIS
[...] VS NEW YORK》的新作,他在这一艺术作品中大胆启用图像 号 , 探 寻了 座 大 都 市看似迥异的相同之处。
Through his adopted city of Paris, Vahram recently came into the limelight for his newly published book Paris
vs New York, a work of art which
[...] compares the two great cities with graphic signs exploring [...]
their different similarities.
必须将该插头插入按照当地规定和要求正确安装并接地的电 源座上。
The plug must be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.
以昭和41年竣工的数寄屋桥交叉路口的索尼大厦为开端,四丁目交叉路口的三爱大厦 号 称 银 座 最 大 的东芝大厦、银座狮王大厦、名铁MELSA、资生堂The•Ginza等,备受瞩目的楼宇如同雨后春笋般拔地而起。
In 1966, the completion of the Sony Building at the Sukiyabashi intersection was the start of high profile buildings popping up one after another, including the Sannai Building on the 4-Chome intersection, the Toshiba Building that is the largest building in Ginza, the Ginza Lion Building, Meitetsu Melsa, Shiseido The Ginza, and more.
所有号: 在机座的长 度方向上用法兰固定机体,固定孔来绷紧V型皮带轮和固定发动机,通过V型皮带来带动发动机,通风器散热叶片有塑料涂层,装有吸附式望远镜支架发动机外侧也有塑料涂层。
All Compressor Versions: L-shaped frame
[...] with special base plate for the compressor [...]
block and motor allowing fast and simple
belt tensioning, V-belt drive (SPZ belt), Plastic fan shroud with integrated holders for the telescopic intake tube, Steel carrying handle fixed to the base plate allows easy transport by two people (rails on both sides of the unit), Rubber anti-vibration feet, Integrated fill adapter brackets for two hoses with DIN and ISO connections.
5 齿链轮是最新的专利设计(欧洲专号 2 047 141 B1),导座由可 靠的球墨铸铁材 料制成,这些保证了葫芦使用寿命长久,并 [...]
You will find the new patented 5-pocket chain sprocket (EP 2 047 141 [...]
B1) and the fieldproven, robust chain guide in spheroidal
graphite cast iron convincing.
我們在這個範圍的工作,包括發展不同的能源效益指引,以推廣 在商業物業節約能源;推行香港建築物能源效益註冊計劃,以推廣自願 採用建築物能源守則;籌辦香港能源效益獎,以推廣可持續能源使用及 表揚良好節省能源工作;推行公眾教育活動,以推廣能源效益及可再生 能源;經技術座、網 絡為本的教育工具、學校 座 、 宣 傳單張及能源 最終使用數據,為公眾提供有關資訊;在「藍天行動」計劃下推動公眾 盡個人力量採用節約能源措施。
Our efforts in this area include the development of various energy efficiency guidelines to promote energy conservation in commercial properties; launching the Energy Efficiency Registration Scheme for Buildings to promote voluntary compliance of Building Energy Codes; organizing Energy Efficiency Awards to promote sustainable energy use and recognize good energy saving practices; carrying out public awareness programmes for promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy; providing information to the public through technical talks, web-based education kits, school talks, information leaflets and energy end-use databases; and mobilizing the community to take action at personal level to adopt energy saving measures under the “Action Blue Sky” campaign.
大会第六十六届会议强调指出继续对《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可 持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的后续行动和执行情况进行实质性审议的重 要性,并决定在其第六十七届会议上审议为第六十六届会议印发的秘书长关于更
好地执行《小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展的行动纲领》和《关于进一步执行小岛 屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的具体建议的报告
[...] (A/66/278)以及秘书长关于审查联合国系统对小岛屿发展中国家支持情况的报 告(A/66/218)(第 66/198 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly stressed the importance of the continued substantive consideration of the follow-up to and implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and decided to consider at its sixty-seventh session the reports of the Secretary-General on concrete recommendations to enhance the implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (A/66/278) and on the review of United
Nations system support to small island developing States (A/66/218), issued for the
[...] sixty-sixth session (resolution 66/198).




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