单词 | 废木屑 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 废木屑 noun —wood scrap nSee also:废—abandoned • crippled • abrogate • depose • oust 木屑 n—wood chip n 木 n—wood n • tree n • numbness n 屑—crumbs • bits • filings • fragments • trivial • condescend to • trifling
(d) 踢球員可直接把球放置在地上或放置在砂、 鋸 木屑 或 協會認可的豎球墊 上。 irblaws.com | (d) The kicker may place the ball directly on the [...] ground or on sand, sawdust or a kicking [...]tee approved by the Union. irblaws.com |
据估计, 越南的沼气方案提供足以取代木柴 、农 业 废 物 、 木 炭 、 煤油和液化石油气等通常 能源的廉价清洁能源。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is estimated that the programme in Viet Nam provides enough clean and cheap energy to [...] replace the usual sources of [...] energy, such as firewood, agricultural waste, charcoal, kerosene [...]and liquefied petroleum gas. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,将生产废料中的软木与VI NNEX®瓦克的粉末粘结剂混合制粒,可以生产出软木聚合物复合材料(CPC)。 wacker.com | Cork pellets made from [...] production waste and scrap are therefore blended [...]with VINNEX® powder binder from WACKER to produce [...]a cork polymer composite (CPC). wacker.com |
Compost 堆肥 由腐烂的食物碎屑、作物和植物废料 、 粪和其 他有机物制成的天然植物养料。 hesperian.org | Compost natural plant food made from decomposed food scraps, crop and plant wastes, manure, and other organic matter. hesperian.org |
Rader 的总部设在美国佐治亚州阿尔法利塔,主要生产和销售气力输送系统、筛选设备、工程存储和取料系统以及倾倒车等,用于全球纸浆和造纸以及森林制品行业的树皮 和 木屑 加 工; Razorback™ 破碎机用于木质纤维加工过程中树皮 和 废木 料 的 粉碎;EDK 给料机/破块机用于全球石化工业聚丙烯和聚乙烯的生产工作。 jeffreyrader.cn | Rader, which is headquartered in Alpharetta, Georgia, manufactures and markets pneumatic conveying systems, screening equipment, engineered storage and reclaim systems and truck dumpers for processing bark and wood chips for the global pulp [...] and paper and forest [...] products industries; the Razorback™ sizer which is used to size bark and waste wood in wood fiber processing applications; [...]and the EDK [...]feeder/delumper which is used by the worldwide petrochemical industry in manufacturing polypropylene and polyethylene. jeffreyrader.com |
实现他的作品所需要的技术十分简单和迅速,集中一 些 废 弃 的 旧 木 板 ,连 同 木 板 的 碎 屑 和 旧 木 器 上的古色光泽,在其中的一面刷一层色泽较暗淡的漆,用粉笔画出之后需要雕刻的夸张的线条,有时只是轻轻的掠过表面,有时则需要有力度和技巧性的刀法刻出蜿蜒曲折的纹路。 laplantation.cn | To achieve his work require echnology very simple [...] and quick, focused some of the old wood waste, together with the wood debris and [...]old glossy patina on [...]the wood,brush a layer of dark print on the side of it,then paint all the exaggerated lines which need to be carved by the chalk, sometimes only lightly swept surface, and sometimes you need to have strength and skill of the knife carve meandering lines,here,the vitality and spontaneous it’s part of artistic inspiration. laplantation.cn |
极致的闪耀夺目!娇韵诗调和身体磨砂霜——蕴含迷迭香精华油、紫檀、薄荷、糖盐结晶体——感受 老 废 角 质、 皮 屑 和 污 垢被清除时的奢华惊喜,重焕肌肤深层细胞。 clarinsusa.com | Clarins’ spa-fresh body polisher — with essential oils of Rosemary, Rosewood, Mint, Sugar and Salt Crystals — feels ooh la la luxurious as it smoothes away dry cells, flakes and impurities to reveal the glowing skin beneath. clarinsusa.com |
附件一所列每一缔约方应核算下列碳集合的所有变化:地面生物量、地下 生物量、废弃物、枯木、和 土壤内的有机碳。 daccess-ods.un.org | Each Party included in Annex I shall account for all changes in the following carbon pools: above-ground biomass, below-ground biomass, litter, dead wood and soil organic carbon. daccess-ods.un.org |
市面上只有木屑设备,没有加 工麦秆的机器。 paiz.gov.pl | There were no machines available for straw usage, only machines for saw dust. paiz.gov.pl |
因为LEICOMELT®熔炉基本上为感应熔炼炉,所以可采用返 回 废 钢 、 铁 屑 和 海 绵状金属作为炉料,无需利用昂贵的圆锭。 ald-vt.com | Because LEICOMELT® furnaces are basically induction melting furnaces, they can be charged with casting revert scrap, turnings and sponge [...] rather then utilizing expensive round ingots. web.ald-vt.de |
MX-1080PB 自动模切排废机 主要用途和特点: 自动排废模切机具有自动模切机性能外,又增加了排废系统,它能在模切生产的同时,排除其所有(除叼纸边外)与包装盒无关 的 废屑 和 废 边 ,大大提高了生产效率,尤其适用于复杂的纸盒烟包的自动模切清废,使纸盒生产达到了合理化。 sino-corrugated.com | Introduction: This machine adds the function of stripping system besides that of the automatic die cutting and creasing machine, it can remove all the useless blocks or edges(except gripper edge), so the production efficiency is greatly improved, it is especially used in the automatic die cutting and stripping of the complicated cartons and cigarette boxes, which makes the operation reasonable. sino-corrugated.com |
要填补地板间的缝隙并使其与地板的其余部分融为一体,请将打磨过程中产生 的 木屑 与 博 纳木地板填充腻子混合。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | To fill gaps in the wood and make them blend in with the rest of the floor, mix wood dust from the sanding process with Bona Wood Filler Mix. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
他们发现平时清洗吃过咖哩的餐盘,即使 洗过之后仍有咖哩味,而这次不使用任何洗碗剂,只用了酵素液、 酵素渣和木屑,竟 然能让所有的餐盘在触感和嗅感方面都非常洁净 清新。 enzymesos.com | In the past, they used dishwashing detergent to wash all the dishes and failed to remove curry smell remaining on them. enzymesos.com |
表明与废木材回 收利用相联的排放量未 [排除 ] [或 ] [结转 ]。 daccess-ods.un.org | (h) Showing that emissions associated with the harvesting of salvaged wood were not [excluded] [or] [carried over]. daccess-ods.un.org |
首先以工业为例:Emerson [...] 的创新成果使得客户可以交替地运用多种可再生能源或废弃物燃料资源— — 木 头 废 料 、 食物副产品、动物粪便或者包括焦炭和废气在内的制造业副产品,从而稳定可靠地产生蒸汽并维持运作。 emerson.com | An industry first, Emerson’s innovation gives customers the ability to [...] interchangeably use a number of [...] renewable or waste fuel sources – wood waste, food [...]byproducts, animal waste, or manufacturing [...]byproducts like pet-coke and off-gases – to consistently create steam to power their operations. emerson.com |
此外,木浆和废纸的 原料市场竞争日趋激烈,原材料供应更加前途未卜。 voith.com | In addition, a keenly contested market for wood fiber and waste puts a question [...] mark on the future availability of raw materials. voith.com |
备选1:( 同备选A,第21段) 备选2 :附件一所列每一缔约方应核算下列碳集合的所有变化:地面生物 量、地下生物量、废弃物、枯木、土 壤内的有机碳和伐木制品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Option 2: Each Party included in Annex I shall account for all changes in the following carbon pools: above-ground biomass, below-ground biomass, litter, dead wood, soil organic carbon and harvested wood products. daccess-ods.un.org |
更多的再使用支架减少了用于零部件包装的纸板 和 木 材 废 料 的 产生且同时符合了相关包装规定的要求。 yale.com | The increased use of returnable racking has reduced the amount of cardboard and wood waste created from component packaging and ensuring legal compliance with the relevant packaging regulations. yale.com |
虽 然 只 有 锯 木 厂 的 木 屑 被 用 于 制 浆 , 但 在 生 产 纯 [...] 的 或 混 合 的 硫 酸 盐 浆 制 造 特 殊 纸 制 品 时 , 其 优 异 的纤 维 结 构 仍 是 人 们 所 追 求 的 。 wrcea.cn | Although only sawmill residues are used in [...] pulping, its excellent fiber morphology is sought after in the production of [...]pure or mixed kraft pulps for the manufacture of specialty paper products. wrcea.org |
燃烧废木球丸的锅炉 maxicom.de | a boiler for burning pellets made from wood waste - customers for wood pellets maxicom.de |
Herman Miller 能源中心通过焚烧废木,可 以为密歇根州 Zeeland 主运 营点制造过程提供加热与冷却所需的 92% 能源。 hermanmiller.cn | The Herman Miller Energy Center generates 92 percent of the energy needed for heating and cooling Zeeland, Michigan Main Site’s manufacturing operations from the incineration of wood waste. hermanmiller.com |
让•汀格利(Jean [...] Tinguely,1925-1991)是瑞士引以自豪的艺术家。他的设计冲满创造力,丰富多彩,蕴含哲理:机器无意产生 的 废屑 能 够创造特殊意义。 swissworld.org | Switzerland also boasts Jean Tinguely (1925-1991) with his creative and [...] colourful installations, whose philosophy was that though [...] machines made of scrap metal have no purpose [...]they can have a meaning. swissworld.org |
要修补或填补地板间的缝隙,请将打磨过程中产生 的 木屑 与 博 纳木地板填充腻子混合。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | To repair or fill up gaps in the floor, mix wood dust from the sanding process with Bona Wood Filler Mix. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
在项目最初的规划阶段,CWA与Harmac的管理团队密切合作,彻底改造了原 料 木屑 接 收 、堆料、取料以及存储设施,使Harmac能灵活的根据卑诗沿海不断变化的纤维供应,来平衡纸浆厂 对 木屑 的 需 求。 cwaengineers.com | Working closely with Harmac’s management team during the initial planning stage, CWA reinvented the pulp mill’s chip receiving, [...] out-stocking, reclaim and [...] storage facilities, providing Harmac the flexibility to balance the constantly changing fiber supply on the BC coast and meet the pulp mill’s chip consumption requirements. cwaengineers.com |
形成由反应在酚和甲醛下热和压力,通常 与 木屑 补 白 ,它是由综合性聚合物做的第一塑料。 professionalplastics.com | Formed by the reaction under heat and pressure of phenol and formaldehyde, generally with a wood flour filler, it was the first plastic made from synthetic polymers. professionalplastics.com |
请注意,根据国际运输惯例,禁止使用稻草、干草 或 木屑。 united.com | ) Please note that the use of [...] straw, hay or wood shavings is prohibited [...]for international shipments. united.com |
此外,宽型的后期处理排屑器( 选项)和淋浴冷却液(标准)的组合提供了更高 的 屑 片 处 理能力,可以长期自动运 行。 moriseiki.com | Additionally, the combination of a wide rear disposal chip conveyor (option) and shower coolant (standard) offers higher chip disposal ability, enabling long-term automatic operation. moriseiki.com |
Rader 产品包括 Razorback™破碎机,用来在木质纤维处理中粉碎树皮 和 废木 料,EDK 给料机/破块机用于石化行业制造聚丙烯和聚乙烯。 jeffreyrader.cn | Rader products include the Razorback™ sizer, which is used to size bark and waste wood in wood fiber processing applications, and the EDK feeder/delumper, which is used by the worldwide petrochemical industry in manufacturing polypropylene and polyethylene. jeffreyrader.com |