

单词 废寝忘食

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External sources (not reviewed)

让您的味蕾踏上令人忘的美食之旅 !五大著名厨师将加入到MSC邮轮船队2011-2012航季一系列邮轮特别主题中,您可以在船上享受精致的美食创作过程。
Five famous chefs will be joining the MSC Cruises fleet for a series of special theme cruises during the 2011-2012 season, and you’ll be able to enjoy their exquisite culinary creations on board.
[...] Khaled)和东部贝卡谷地的农村及非正规安置点的难民,难民目前的生活条件令 寝食 难 安
She said she had been emotionally affected by the conditions the refugees
were facing in villages and informal
[...] settlements she’d visited in Wadi Khaled [...]
in the north and in the eastern Bekaa Valley.
在它寿终寝之后 , 它还可能作为一种心态,在受害者及其后代的心中、在实行奴隶制的继承者 的心中冥顽不灵。
It can persist as a state of mind — among victims and their descendants and among the inheritors of those who practised it — long after it has formally ended.
当代的最大失误就是忘记战争废墟 会导 致人们愤怒、绝望和极端化。
The greatest blunder
[...] of our time is to forget that the ruins of [...]
war breed angry, desperate and radicalized people.
对国际社会来说,统治利比亚 40 多年之久的这 个政权由于利比亚人民的意愿已寿终 寝。
For the international community, the regime that has ruled Libya for more than 40 years has come to an end by the will of the Libyan people.
2006 年,哈萨克斯坦加入了欧盟关废除 死 刑的 忘 录 ,该 备 忘 录是 2007 年 12 月 18 日题为“暂停使用死刑”的联合国第 [...]
62/149 号决议的基础,该决议 也得到了哈萨克斯坦的支持。
In 2006, Kazakhstan joined the
[...] European Union Memorandum on abolition of the death penalty, which [...]
became the basis of General
Assembly resolution 62/149 of 18 December 2007 entitled “Moratorium on the use of the death penalty”, also supported by Kazakhstan.
种族隔离在欺 骗与暴力之中孕育成形,但却在真理与和解之中寿终寝。
Apartheid was conceived in deceit and violence, but it ended in truth and reconciliation.
[...] 及保健与营养的千年发展目标方面取得了实质性的进展,但委员会仍然关注儿童 中间日益严重的肥胖症情况,这与加 食 品 ,包 括 废 物 、 糖类和油 食 品 的 广告 与消费有关。
Additionally, while the Committee welcomes that the State party has made substantial progress toward the Millennium Development Goals related to health and nutrition, it remains concerned at the increasing obesity
among children, which is linked to advertising and
[...] consumption of processed food, including junk, sugary and fatty foods.
马来西亚代表团在哥斯达黎加的支持下,反对废除 ALINORM 06/29/7 号文件附 件 II 中关于食品类别
02.1(基本无水的油脂)的九项食品添加剂规定,这些规定未列 入 ALINORM 06/29/12 号文件附录 XI 中食品类别
[...] 02.1.2(植物油脂),鉴于这些添加 剂对食品工业的重要性,提议将建 废 除 的那 些 食 品 添 加剂规定退回食品添加剂和污 染物法典委员会进一步讨论。
The Delegation of Malaysia, supported by Costa Rica, opposed the revocation of 7 food additive provisions for Food Category 02.1 (Fats and oils essentially free from water) in Annex II of ALINORM 06/29/7 which were not listed in Food Category 02.1.2 (Vegetable oils and fats)
in Appendix XI of ALINORM 06/29/12 and
[...] proposed that those food additive provisions [...]
whose revocation were recommended be
referred back to the CCFAC for further discussion, in view of the importance of those additives for food industry.
与会者也指出了若干优先部门:流动/交通 运输、住房和建筑食物、废物管 理、可持续城市和可持续旅游。
Participants also identified a number of priority
sectors: mobility and transport, housing
[...] and construction, food, waste management, [...]
sustainable cities and sustainable tourism.
应用领域包 括汽车座椅、室内装潢寝具泡 沫、高性能弹性体、用于 建筑和冷藏货物的各种隔热材料、包装、电气和电子设 备、鞋底、休闲和运动设备、工业和办公设备的辊轮等。
These include automotive seating, upholstery and bedding foam, high performance elastomers, various insulation material for buildings and refrigerated goods, packaging, electrical and electronic equipment, shoe soles in footwear, leisure and sports equipment and rollers in industrial and office equipment.
同期,食用鱼废弃物贸易也显著增长,原 因是来自加工的渔业残余物用于生产鱼粉和其他产品的量增加(见上述水产品利 [...]
Trade in inedible fish waste has also grown [...]
remarkably in this period, owing to the increasing production of fishmeal and
other products deriving from fishery residues from processing (see the Fish Utilization and Processing section above).
委员会建议缔约国采取措施使公众认识到加工食品对保健的不 利影响,并且制定条例限制和监废 物 食 品 、糖类食品和油腻食品的广告与销 售。
The Committee recommends that the State party take measures to raise public awareness of the negative
health impacts of
[...] processed food and establish regulations to restrict and monitor advertising and marketing of junk, sugary and fatty foods.
局長剛才 提到政府及很多志願機構均有“派飯”的服務,但大家不 忘 記 ,隨 着 食品 價格不斷上升,這些志願機構“派飯”的質素和分量也會隨之下降。
The Secretary mentioned earlier that meal delivery service is provided by the Government and
many voluntary
[...] agencies, but let us not forget that as food prices increase incessantly, the quality and portion of meals delivered [...]
by the voluntary agencies will drop accordingly.
不過,自由黨亦希望政府不忘記, 飲 食 業 和 零售業等服務業對香 港經濟的重要性。
However, the Liberal
[...] Party at the same time hopes that the Government will not forget the importance of [...]
services industries, such
as the catering and retail industries, to the economy of Hong Kong.
施工时间的安排对于学校项目而言非常关键,因 寝 室 、 教室和公共生活及学习区域一年当中只在特定的时期使用,如果在这些期间的任何其他时间关闭这些场所,承包商将会因为无法按时完工而增加成本,同时也会给教育机构和学生带来很大的不便。
Timing is crucial in school projects as dormitories, classrooms and common living and learning spaces are only occupied for certain spans of time during the year, and any other closures of the space can mean that plumbing contractors lose money for missing their goals, and educational institutions and their students can be majorly inconvenienced.
Oops, I forgot the names of the food.
餐厅供应的正宗意式美食以及随处可见的香格里拉周到热情的服务, 食 客 带来 难 忘 的 用 餐体验,自2002年起便被誉为马来西亚最佳餐厅之一。
The restaurant is touted as one of Malaysia’s best restaurants since
2002, Peppino promises patrons impeccable
[...] authentic Italian cuisine complemented by unforgettable Shangri-La hospitality.
与其他部长一起编写了有关移徙与发展以及农业、农村经济发 展和食安全的备忘录。
Memorandums were written together with other ministers on migration and development and on agriculture, rural
[...] economic development and food security.
拟建中心总部将设在位于萨瓦王寝 宫 内 雄伟的维纳里亚王宫城堡群中,后者于 1997 年被列入《世界遗产名录》。
The headquarters of the proposed Centre will be hosted in the monumental Venaria Reale castle complex, located within the Residences of the Royal House of Savoy, which were inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1997.
鲢鱼和鳙鱼通过施 肥增加的浮游生物为食,以及在同一多物种混养系统养殖物种 废 弃 物 和剩食 料为食。
Silver carp and bighead carp feed on planktons proliferated through intentional fertilization and the wastes and leftover feed materials of fed species grown in the same multispecies polyculture systems.
图8给出了一个上下铺的实例,其寝 空 间 、面积以及通风条件都符 合最低标准,并且可以从一侧上床。
Figure 7 gives an example of bunk beds which conform to minimum standards in terms of the size of sleeping space, floor space and ventilation, and which allow lateral access.
2010年 1090亿美元的鱼和渔业产品出口值不包括另外13亿美元的水生植物(62%)、食 用的鱼废弃物(31%)以及海绵和珊瑚(7%)出口值。
The US$109 billion exports of fish and fishery
[...] products in 2010 do not include an additional US$1.3 billion for aquatic plants (62 percent), inedible fish waste (31 [...]
percent) and sponges and corals (7 percent).
拟编列 204 500 美元,用作与进行以下活动的技术支助有关的差旅费:在 西班牙瓦伦西亚建立一个二级运行状态电信设施,监督工程工作、场地施工,建立
数据中心和实施信通技术系统,会见机场管理层、政府官员和西班牙国防系统工程 公司(106 800
[...] 美元);在乌干达恩德培建立一个后勤中心,就拟议的谅解 忘 录与外交部和其他政府官员举行会议,现场审查各特派团的计划,以确保可达到目标的 [...]
一致性,会见安全评估小组,审查其最后报告,提供反馈和意见(97 700 美元)。
An amount of $204,500 is proposed for travel resources in connection with technical support for the following: the establishment of the secondary active telecommunications facility in Valencia, Spain, to oversee the engineering work, construction of the site, the establishment of the data centre and the implementation of ICT systems, and to meet with airport management, Government officials and Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España, S.A. ($106,800); the establishment of a logistics hub in Entebbe, Uganda, to meet with Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and other Government officials regarding
[...] the proposed memorandum of understanding, [...]
to review plans with various missions
onsite to ensure consistency of deliverables and to meet with the security assessment team to review its final report and provide feedback and comments ($97,700).
为了提高公众对吉尔吉斯共和国被 忘 的 和 流落街头的青年与儿童情况的认识,并动 员政府、民间和捐助者采取行动,教科文组织支持由吉尔吉斯共和国教科文组织全国委员会 组织的题为“被忘的和 流落街头的青年与儿童问题及其出路”的科学与实践大会,吉尔吉 斯全国委员会被指定为该国实施此项目的联系中心。
With a view to raising public awareness on the situation of neglected and street children and young people in Kyrgyzstan and mobilizing efforts of the government, civil society and donors, UNESCO supported the scientific and practical conference on “Problems of neglected and street children and young people and ways of their solution”, organized by the National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for UNESCO, which had been designated the focal point of the project in the country.
(i) 修訂第(4)款為“ 諒解忘錄的訂立方競委會及通 訊事務管理局須在各訂立方均簽署該 諒解忘 錄或對其作出的修訂後 6 個星期內,將該忘錄 或對其作出的修訂,按 各訂立方它們認為適當的 方式發布。
(i) to amend
[...] subclause (4) as “The parties to a Memorandum of Understanding The Commission and the Communications Authority must, within 6 weeks after the Memorandum of Understanding, or any amendment [...]
of it, is signed by all
parties them, publish it in any manner the parties they consider appropriate.
如果没有持续停止暴力,联合国工 作人员没有完全的行动自由,在其它方面——六点计 划的所有其它方面没有取得迅速和有效进展的话,那 么我们就必须作出结论,监督团将寿终 寝。
If there is not a sustained cessation of violence, full freedom of movement for United Nations personnel and rapid, meaningful progress on other aspects — all other aspects — of the six-point plan, then we must all conclude that the Mission will have run its course.
这里曾先后充当过图卢兹伯爵、图卢兹伯爵夫人、阿德莱德夫人以及小夫人们的第二候见厅,1767年成为了索菲夫人 寝 宫 , 1769年又变成了维克多尔夫人 寝 宫。
It was the second antechamber of the Count of Toulouse, then the Countess of Toulouse, followed by Madame Adelaide and lastly the youngest Mesdames, in 1767 it became the bedroom of Madame Sophie and in 1769 that of Madame Victoire.
主要产品 绮丽物语 特美龙物语 产品 儿童、青少年特美龙内衣系列 男性特美龙内衣系列 女性特美龙内衣系列 典雅內衣系列 雪之恋系列 特美龙贴身系列 特美龙贴心系列 特美龙内裤、束裤系列 特美龙手套、裤袜系列 特美龙袜子系列 特美龙配饰系列 特美龙护具系列 特美寝具系列 外出服系列 居家休闲系列 - 限量 饰品系列 - 限量 关于特美龙 检测报告下载 元气生活物语 妮菲达物语 认证专区 辅销品 网络订单查询 产品须知 洗涤保养 订购须知 产品明细下载(PDF) 缺货明细 电子目录
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