









External sources (not reviewed)

拥 有 多 年 的 电 信 行 业 从 业 经 验 及 超 过'年 的 管 理 经 验。
He has many years of experience in the telecommunications industry, including over 9 years in managerial positions.
这 类 僭 建 物 一 般 体 积 较亦 甚 少 会 在 单 一 幢 目 标 楼 宇 内 被 大 量 发 现 。
Such UBWs are generally larger in size, and can rarely be found in large numbers in a single target building.
多元化的投资物业组合,包括服务式住 宅资产,将继续为本集团带来经常性收入及现金流。
Our strong and diversified investment portfolio, which includes hospitality assets, will continue to contribute to the Group’s recurring revenue and cash flow.
我们将透过「最优秀代理」及具盈利能力的夥伴分销渠道,提供广泛的产品种 类,专注捕捉区增长机遇。
We will remain focused on capturing the enormous growth opportunities in the region with our broad product range offered through our Premier Agency and profitable partnership distribution channels.
本集团能够累工程合约量,最大原因是我们在兴盛但竞争相当激烈的市场, 采取整体性的策略,(i)透过参与公共房屋等主要市场分部维持重大的市场占有;(ii)根据香港政府 的倡议锁定特定增长范围,如新建铁路线、新建医院及大学扩建;(iii)发展本集团内人力资源的专 业及技术,力争在高价值专项建造工程(如数据中心及医院)中缔造卓越的成绩;及(iv)继续执行 及交付所有已接获项目,保持多年来创造的佳绩。
This strong order book is a direct result of the Group’s cohesive strategies in a strong albeit competitive market to (i) maintain a significant market share via participation in major market segments such as public housing; (ii) target particular growth areas in accordance with the Hong Kong Government’s initiatives such as new MTR lines, new hospitals and university expansions; (iii) developing professional and technical talents and skills of its people resources to pursue excellence in higher-value contracts such as data centres and hospitals; and (iv) continue its convincing track record achieved over many years for execution and delivery of all prior projects.
规 模如需时如此长久的挖泥工程,可能会影响利用这 些水域的中华白海豚的分布和活动。
Suchlarge scale and prolonged dredging activities may influence the distribution and activities of Chinese White Dolphin utilising these waters.
凭藉在多元化的商品组合中进行营销及行业活动的独特组合,本集团规垂直整合的业务模式均有助 於支撑本集团的长期可持续发展及恢复能力。
The Group’s large scale, vertically [...]
integrated business model, with its unique combination of marketing and industrial activities
across a diverse commodity portfolio, serves to underpin the Group’s long term sustainability and resilience.
应收款项及垫款的信贷风险可透 过构成Glencore客户基础户数量、贯穿不同行业及地区的多元化客户群及Glencore藉信用证、净额结算、抵押品及保险安排(如适 当)降低该等风险的政策来降低。
Credit risk with respect to receivables and advances is mitigated by the large number of customers comprising Glencore’s customer base, their diversity across various industries and geographical areas, as well as Glencore’s policy to mitigate these risks through letters of credit, netting, collateral and insurance arrangements where appropriate.
The Group believes Hypex has good growth potentials.
007年'月'0日 召 开 的 本 公 司 第 四 届 董 事 会 第 一 次 会 议 上,第 四 届 董 事 会 续 聘 殷 一 民 先 生 为 本 公 司 总 裁;续 聘 史 立 荣 先 生、何 士 友 先 生、韦 在 胜 先 生(同 时 续 聘 为 本 公 司 财 务 总 监 )、谢 大 雄 先 生、周 苏 苏 女 士、田 文 果 先 生 为
[...] [...] 本公司高级副总裁,新聘邱未召先生为本公司高级副总裁;续聘陈杰女士、方榕女士、赵先明先生、丁明峰先生先 生、樊 庆 峰 先 生、曾 学 [...]
忠 先 生、徐 慧 俊 先 生、於 涌 先 生、叶 卫 民 先 生、锺 宏 先 生、倪 勤
先 生 为 本 公 司 副 总 裁,新 聘 武 增 奇 先 生 为 本 公 司 副 总 裁;续 聘 冯 健 雄 先 生 为 本 公 司 董 事 会 秘 书。
At the first meeting of the Fourth Session of the Board of Directors held on 30 March 2007, Mr. Yin Yimin was reappointed President of the Company, Mr. Shi Lirong, Mr. He Shiyou, Mr. Wei Zaisheng (concurrently re-appointed as Chief Financial Officer of the Company), Mr. Xie Daxiong, Ms. Zhou Susu and Mr. Tian Wenguo were re-appointed Senior Vice Presidents of the Company, Mr. Qiu Weizhao was appointed Senior Vice President of the Company, Ms. Chen Jie, Ms.
Fang Rong, Mr. Zhao Xianming, Mr. Ding
[...] Mingfeng,Mr. Pang Shengqing, Mr. Fan Qingfeng, [...]
Mr. Zeng Xuezhong, Mr. Xu Huijun, Mr.
Yu Yong, Mr. Ye Weimin, Mr. Zhong Hong and Mr. Ni Qin were re-appointed Vice Presidents of the Company, Mr. Wu Zengqi was appointed Vice President of the Company and Mr. Feng Jianxiong was re-appointed Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Company.
凭藉雄厚的资本、经验丰富的管理队伍、与供应商的良好关系转售商网络及 於业界的領导地位,本集团已准备藉着现时的良机开拓业务商机、巩固市场地位及争取具盈利增长的机会。
With a strong balance sheet, an experienced management team, excellent relationships with vendors, a wide reseller network coupled with our industry leading position, the Group is well positioned to explore business opportunities, strengthen our position and pursue opportunities for profitable growth during this time.
With regard to the wings for the CSeries aircraft, Mr. Dewar commented: "Subsequent to the extensive research and test program at Bombardier Aerospace Belfast, which was used to optimize the final production design for weight and performance for the wings, the CAST will be used to confirm their static strength along with that of the other components of the airframe.
数位资讯的整合打破区域限制,亚洲及国际 的市场规模造机,本公司也将藉由 策略合作或投资方式,将自产业中所累积的 经验及影响力延伸到大中华及其他区域,以 创造公司长期的利益。
Through alliances and investments, the Company will extend its position and influence to tap into the Greater China and other markets in the region.
我 们 的 投 资 者 服 务 中 心 代 表 能 助 您 确 定 哪 类 账 户 最 能 切 合 您 的 需 要 , 替 您 完 成 开 户 手 续 , 以 及 就 我 们 功交 易 平 台 和 投 资 工 具 , 为 您 提 供 亲 切 的 个 人 示 范 。
Our Investor Centre representatives can help you identify the account that is right for you, complete the account opening process, and offer a personalized demonstration of our powerful trading platforms and investing tools.
集 团 现 时 拥 有 七 个 以 生 产 纸 品 为 主 的 基 地规 模 经 济 优 势 进 一 步 显 现,物 流 成 本 持 续 减 轻。
The existing seven paper production bases allow the Group to enjoy huge economies of scale and further savings in logistics costs.
With a wealth of data suggesting the general public have a real interest in online interactions with the built environment, is it time that the planning system opened itself up to the world wide web and the vast amount of data being generated by social media interactions, encouraging engagement from the masses?
贸易应收款项源自数客户、遍布各行各业及不同地 区。
Trade receivables consist of a large number of customers, spreading across diverse geographical areas.
继中国商用飞机有限责任公司(COMAC)公司于2011年3月24日签署《合作框架协议》后,今天,中国商飞董事长金壮龙总裁兼首席执行官Pierre Beaudoin签署了一份涉及C919和C系列飞机项目共性的正式合作协议。
Further to the framework agreement signed on March 24, 2011, Jin Zhuanglong, Chairman, Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd (COMAC) and [...]
Pierre Beaudoin, President and Chief Executive
Officer, Bombardier Inc. signed today a definitive agreement covering program commonalities between the C919 and CSeries aircraft.
除上文所披露者外,并无任何其他有而根据创业板上市规则第17.50(2)条 (h)至 (v)段须予披露或须知会股东之事宜。
Save as disclosed above, there is no other matter about Mr. Pang which are required to be disclosed pursuant to paragraphs (h) to (v) of Rule 17.50(2) of the GEM Listing Rules or need to be brought to the attention of the Shareholders.
如不兴建主干道及相关通 路,该走廊的容车量将不足以应付策略及地区层面通需求。
Without the Trunk Road and its access roads, there will not be sufficient capacity to serve the heavy traffic demands at both strategic and local levels.
倘若涂掉部分十以致原有文件变得并无意义或有误导成分,则应考虑提供一 份清楚易明的纪录撮要,或如果这做法不可行,可考虑拒绝 要求,并提述拒绝理由。
If the extent of obliteration is such that the original document becomes meaningless or misleading, consideration should be given to providing an intelligible summary of the record or, if this is not possible, to refusing the request, with reference to the reasons for refusal.
Cities that find themselves in economic stagnation (or decline) are now enacting policies to encourage the creativity of their inhabitants (and to attract the ‘creative class’), all with the prospect of stimulating economic recovery and urban renewal.
亚太环通拥有及营运亚洲区内营海底光缆网络EAC-C2C,该网络长达36,800公里及备有17.92Tbps至30.72Tbp的设计网络容量往返每个登陆国家,以及9,620公里跨越太平洋,并提供高达1.92Tbps容量往来亚洲和北美的EAC Pacific海缆。
Pacnet owns and operates EAC-C2C, Asia’s largest privately-owned submarine cable network at 36,800 km, with a design capacity of 17.92 Tbps to 30.72 Tbps to and from each of the landing countries, as well as EAC Pacific, which spans 9,620 km across the Pacific Ocean and delivers up to 1.92 Tbps of capacity between Asia and North America.
业务规模及稳健的财务状况,亚洲卫星将不断 开拓商机,包括类似我们与 Thaicom 合作之夥伴关系及其他协作项目和收购,帮助我 们巩固业务根基,迎接未来更大的增长。
With its strong market presence and healthy balance sheet, AsiaSat will continue to explore opportunities involving partnerships similar to our cooperation with Thaicom, as well as other collaborative ventures and acquisitions that will help to strengthen our foundation for future growth.
此外,顾玉灿先生亦提出,兴建 P2 道路 网的工程延误「会对机场铁路车站、国际金融中心及中 区填海第一期地段内各项设施的运作构成影响,造经济损失,并引致公众不便。
Mr Koo Yuk Chan has also pointed out that a delay in the construction of the Road P2 network “will adversely affect the operation of the Airport Railway Station, the IFC and the facilities in the CRI area, resulting in considerable economic loss and public inconvenience” [Enclosure 2.9].
Computer And Technologies Holdings Limited ("C&T" or the "Group", Stock Code: SEHK 00046) is one of the leading IT services providers in Asia involved in the design, delivery and operation of total IT solutions that meet customers' business requirements.
随 着 国 内 经 济 迅 速 发 展,国 民 消 费 能 力 不 断 增 加,加中 国 人 口, 对 生 活 用 纸 消 费 量 仍 有 增 长 空 间。
Rapid development of the domestic economy, coupled with increasing purchasing power of the enormous population in China, contributes to the growth potential in consumption of household tissue paper products.
鉴於本集团架构以及我们用以管理风险的 方法合理,英国年金业务信贷准备英国分红及业务遗产雄厚,资产管理及亚洲业务风险较低,而 IGD 盈余水平 相当高,因此我们拥有优势可应对未來监管发展及业务压力。
The structure of the Group and the approach we have taken to managing our risks, with a sizeable credit reserve in the UK annuity book, a strong inherited estate in UK with-profits and the relatively low risk nature of our asset management and Asian operations, together with a high level of IGD surplus means we have positioned ourselves well for future regulatory developments and stresses to our business.




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