

单词 庚寅

See also:

seventh in order
letter "G" or roman "VII" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc

3rd earthly branch: 3-5 a.m., 1st solar month (4th February-5th March), year of the Tiger


age n

External sources (not reviewed)

林健鋒議員:主席,正所謂“光陰似箭”,以農曆年計算,今天的會議 已經庚寅年的最後一次立法會會議,而下星期,我們便即將踏入辛 卯年。
According to the Chinese Lunar calendar, this is the last meeting of the Legislative Council in Gengyin year and next week will mark the beginning of Xinmao year.
三个独立的部署乔队:第一队由庚 浩 , 路障,潜行者和海滩头管理夺回阿拉斯加HAARP阵列,并解救人质被关押Destro和男爵夫人。
Three separate Joe teams are deployed: The first team
[...] consisting of Gung-Ho, Roadblock, [...]
Stalker and Beach Head manages to recapture
the HAARP array in Alaska, and free hostages being held by Destro and the Baroness.
其他屬港 同盟會員的本局寅,將會討論我們希望檢討所及的範圍,以及專利權問題為何對香 [...]
My colleagues from the United Democrats [...]
of Hong Kong will discuss the areas that we hope the review will cover as well as
why the subject of public franchises is so important to Hong Kong.
劉江華議員詢問政府當局有 否 答 應 雅典居
[...] 、 烏 溪沙新 村 和庚 村 等 居 民 提出的要 求T設立石棉塵數量 [...]
監察點T以及 定期匯 報 有關結果。
Mr LAU Kong-wah enquired if the Administration had acceded to the request from
residents of Villa Athena, Wu Kwai Sha New
[...] Village, Cheung Keng Village, etc [...]
to set up dust-level monitoring points and to
report on the results regularly.
希望本局寅在明 白到目前我們缺乏有關這個問題的資料後,會支持劉 千石議員的動議,促使當局早日擬備㆒份全面的諮詢文件。
When Members realize the lack of information currently available on the subject, I hope that they will support the Honourable LAU Chin-shek's motion so that the Administration will prepare a comprehensive consultative document as soon as possible.
(庚 ) 沒 有 參 與 教育署 的 融 合 教育計 劃 的 普 通 公 營 學 校,如有取 錄 弱 能 學 生,可以申 請“為有特殊 教育需要的 學 生 而 設 的 雜 項費津 貼 ” ,津 貼 額為每名 弱 能 學 生 每年 700 元 。
(vii) Ordinary public sector schools admitting disabled students not covered by the ED's integrated education programme can apply for the Special Educational Needs Incidental Charges Grant at the rate of $700 per disabled person per year.
無論今日的投 票結果如何,最重要是本局寅能夠 ㆒心㆒意繼續督促、催促及監察政府,盡快提出 和推行㆒個完善及對所有港㆟有保障的退休計劃。
Whichever way the voting result goes, what is most important is that Members of this Council can work together to keep on urging and monitoring the Administration to the effect that it will propose and implement as soon as possible a sound retirement system for the protection of the people of Hong Kong.
( 第五条(寅)项) 委员会建议缔约国采取措施,保护《宪法》中未明确规定的少数民族成员不受歧 视地行使政治权利,并采取措施确保所有少数民族群体都有代表进入议会和地区 民选机构。
The Committee recommends that the State party adopt measures to protect persons belonging to minorities not explicitly provided for in the Constitution, in the exercise of their political rights without discrimination, and take measures to ensure that all groups of minorities are represented in Parliament and in regional elected bodies.
如果各寅希望 當局不要就這個十分重要的問題做些什麼,就應該支持修訂動 議。
If Honourable Members wish this Administration to do nothing about this very important issue, they should vote for the amendment.
我 也 深切希望本局寅雖然 爭辯激烈, 但他們切記要以香港利益為重,為促請㆗英重開談判來達致港㆟的協議而繼續努 力。
I sincerely hope that though Members debated heatedly, they should put the interests of Hong Kong in the forefront and continue to do their best to urge China and the United Kingdom to reopen negotiation for an agreement.
挪威驻上海总领事诺和平先生和挪威商会主席斯 庚 ( Geir Sviggum)先生对出席晚餐会的各位嘉宾表示了欢迎。
The guests at the Norwegian seafood dinner were upon arrival welcomed by Consul General Mr. Fred H. Nomme and the Chairman of NBA Mr. Geir Sviggum.
海鲜晚宴大厅以(挪威北部)罗弗敦群岛风光为装饰主题,来宾们在进门后便受到挪威驻沪领事叶德翎(Elin Gjedrem)女士和挪威在华商会会长斯 庚 ( Ge ir Sviggum)的热烈欢迎。
Upon entering the ballroom decorated in a theme from Lofoten, the guests at the Norwegian seafood dinner were welcomed by Consul Mrs. Elin Gjedrem and the Chairman of NBA Mr. Geir Sviggum.
人权事务委员会依据《任择议定书》第五条第4 款行事,认为现有事实没 有显示存在违反《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第七条和第十四条第 3款 ( 庚) 项的情况。
The Human Rights Committee, acting under article 5, paragraph 4, of the Optional Protocol, is of the view that the facts before it disclose a violation of article 7 and article 14, paragraph 3 (g), of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Whenever we stand in this auditorium, we are reminded that the older generation of immigrants helped to build modern Singapore.
3款(庚) 项,但提交人提供给委员会的法庭文件副本中并未提及 这一问题。在这种情况下,委员会认为,提交人未能为指控提供充分证据,以满 足受理要求,因此,根据《任择议定书》第二条,来文的这一部分不予受理。
In these circumstances, the Committee considers that the author has not substantiated this allegation sufficiently for purposes of admissibility, and finds this part of the communication inadmissible under article 2 of the Optional Protocol.
只要最終能夠達致協議,本港幹練優秀的法律草擬㆟員及本局寅㆒定 能夠在更緊湊的時間表㆖,發揮更大的效率,悉力以赴,去完成法例的草擬和審議 的工作。
Provided that an agreement can finally be reached, Hong Kong's well-trained, elitist law drafting team and Members of this Council can make their best effort and display greater efficiency even under a tighter schedule in order to complete the drafting and examination of the Bill concerned.
我想政府告知本局,會否進行㆒項全面性 調查黑社會滲入學校的真實情況,使本局 寅 得 悉 ,加以討論?
Could the Administration therefore inform this Council whether a comprehensive review will be conducted with a view to revealing the real situation of triad infiltration in schools so that this Council will be in a better position to discuss the matter?
[...] ST-121和MBO可提供更高的油相溶解度,这已通 庚 烷 中 的受控溶解度测试获得验证。
Unlike commonly used HHT biocide, CONTRAM 121 and
MBO are engineered to provide greater oil phase solubility, as demonstrated by a
[...] controlled solubility study in heptane.
諮詢文件內有 很多的問題,確實令我們擔憂,剛才有多位 寅 亦 已提出很多問題,我現只就幾個方 面提出幾個問題,希望陳祖澤先生稍後可以作出回應。
Many colleagues have already raised a lot of questions. Now, I would only bring out serveral questions relating to certain aspects and hope that Mr John CHAN will respond to them later.
我促請各寅以設立退休計劃為第㆒步,待日後時機更有利時,始謀求設立㆗央公積 金。
I would call on my
[...] honourable colleagues to push for a retirement [...]
scheme first as a start and to move on to CPF when the time is more favourable.
局內寅將須 作出㆒項困難的決定,選擇是否不惜㆒切代價去維護個㆟權利,堅持 直到審訊完結時㆒直假定被告清白,認定每個㆟必須獲得保障而不受常被形容為代表 極權的警察騷擾。
For Members of this Council, a hard decision will have to be made as to whether individual rights must be preserved at all costs, to insist that the presumption of innocence must be maintained right through to the end of the trial, and the individual to be conceived of as needing protection from the police, who are often portrayed as representing the potential tyranny of the state.
3款(庚) 项, 理由是:他是在压力之下称自己有罪的,因为他得到许 诺如果认罪则三个月后可获释,并受到威胁称如不认罪将推迟开审。
(i) Paragraph 3 (g), on the grounds that he was pressured into declaring himself guilty by being promised that he would be released after three months if he confessed and threatened with a delay in the opening of his trial if he did not.
总商会的礼堂 (嘉庚堂)、展览暨多元活动室以及会议厅,收费廉宜,可供会员租用,举办各种商贸、文化相关活动。
The auditorium, exhibition / multi-purpose function room and conference room within the SCCCI Building are available for use by members at concessionary rental rates (discounts up to 30% off public rates).
( 庚 ) 套餐服務︰新醫院須為特定比例的住院日數提供以套餐收 費的服務,套餐收費應涵蓋醫院服務的主要元素,例如醫 生費用、住院費用、診症服務及手術服務等;以及
(g) packaged charge: the new hospitals will be required to provide a certain percentage of bed days for services provided at packaged charge, which should include the major elements of hospital service such as doctors’ fees, maintenance fees, diagnostic procedures, surgical operations, etc.; and (h) service standard: the new hospitals will be required to attain hospital accreditation on a continuous basis to ensure service standards and quality.
(包括修訂編號 1 及更正編號 1) 內的歐洲標準(EN) 除了最新標準把若干測試程序採
[...] 用的抽提溶劑由“1,1,1- 三氯乙 烷 ” 改為“庚烷”外,兩個版本 相若。
(incorporating Amendment No.1 and Corrigendum No. 1) The two versions are almost identical except that the updated
standard changes the extraction solvent used in certain testing procedures from
[...] "1,1,1-trichloroethane" to “n-heptane".
副主席先生,我謹此陳辭,希望政府能積極推廣善終服務,並預祝本局 寅 和 香港 政府都能夠善終。
Mr Deputy President, with these remarks, I hope the Government will play an active role in promoting hospice services and wish all my fellow Members as well as the Hong Kong Government all the best in their twilight years.
[...] 保密的原則㆘提交立法局省覽,好讓大部份由選舉產生的立法局 寅 , 代 表市民對公 用事業公司之經營作出有效的監察。
Data on operation of such public utility companies should therefore be submitted to the Legislative Council confidentially for scrutiny, so that Members of this
Council, who are mostly elected, can represent the public to monitor the
[...] operation of such utilities in [...]
an effective manner.
此项问题应包括:关于维持国际和平及安全之建 议,安全理事会非常任理事国之选举,经济及社会理事会理事国之 选举,依《宪章》第八十六条第一项( 寅 ) 款 所 规定托管理事会理事 国之选举,对于新会员国加入联合国之准许,会员国权利及特权之 停止,会员国之除名,关于施行托管制度之问题,以及预算问题。
These questions shall include: recommendations with respect to the maintenance of international peace and security, the election of the non-permanent members of the Security Council, the election of the members of the Economic and Social Council, the election of members of the Trusteeship Council in accordance with paragraph 1 c of Article 86 of the Charter, the admission of new Members to the United Nations, the suspension of the rights and privileges of membership, the expulsion of Members, questions relating to the operation of the trusteeship system, and budgetary questions.




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