

单词 店面

店面 ()

shop front

External sources (not reviewed)

多渠道项目可以店面开始 实施,企业在短短三至四个月即可完成品牌命名、与订单履行系统和支付服务提供商进行整合的过程。
Multichannel projects can now start
[...] with fully working storefronts, enabling businesses [...]
to go live in just three to four
months as they only need to rebrand and perform the essential integrations with their order fulfillment system and payment service provider.
一旦Gus Thomasson和Lakeland两家店开张,公司 店面 总 数 将达到三家,公司将致力于向股东提交Market 99的真实财报。
Once the Gus Thomasson and Lakeland locations are
[...] opened and bring the total number of company owned stores to three, the [...]
company will focus on submitting
to the shareholders the actual financial statements regarding Market 99.
在无人监管的情况下,一般店面在 一年之内至多会损失其运营业绩的 5%。
A typical store might lose as much [...]
as 5 percent of its operational performance in a year without oversight.
然而,一旦调试结束或者新店开张运营,由于缺 店面 基 础 设施操作的有效监督,效率低下的问题很快卷土重来。
However, as soon as the commissioning is
[...] complete or the new store is in operation, inefficiencies quickly start to slip back into the picture because of a [...]
lack of effective oversight
of store infrastructure operations.
免费美颜礼宾服务及全新乔治·阿玛尼美妆专柜化妆品进驻装茸一新 店面 内 ,定会为所有 光临新加坡DFS环球免税店的顾客带来多方位感官的奢华享受。
The inclusion of complimentary Beauty Concierge services and new-to-market Giorgio Armani Beauty cosmetics housed in the newly renovated space promises a multi-sensorial experience for all patrons of DFS Galleria Singapore’s Beauty Hall.
网络印刷解决方案中没有“万能方案” MARKETMOVER
[...] 商业优势解决方案提供全套的咨询服务和业务解决方案,旨在帮助印刷和营销服务提供商开发定制化在线服务以及专门针对您的营销目标的独 店面 功 能
There is no “one size fits all” web-to-print solution. MARKETMOVER Business Advantage Solutions offer a full suite of consulting services and business solutions designed to help print and marketing service
providers develop customized online
[...] offerings and unique storefront features that specifically [...]
address your marketing goals.
2009年是犀牛王集团进军中国市场的第一年,为了能在中国有更加卓越和稳步的发展,犀牛王中国区总公司就在素有江南水乡的苏州建成了,秉承苏州独有的五千年文化气息,结合意大利经典艺术的氛围,犀牛王创造了自己独特的风格和理念,旗下产品艾伦德蒙更是以重品质,要舒适,讲环保的理念很快的占据了国内各大商场和专柜以及国内各类主流媒体平台,影响力可见一斑,也因此像信嘉外贸、艾伦德蒙品牌旗舰店这样的实 店面 也 孕 育而生。
2009 is the Rhino King Group to enter the Chinese market in the first year, in order to have a more outstanding in China and steady development, Rhino King Corporation in China, Yangtze River Delta, Suzhou is known as built, adhering to the unique five thousand years in Suzhou cultural atmosphere, combined with the atmosphere of classical art in Italy, rhino king to create their own unique style and philosophy, its product is more important the quality of Allen Edmond, to comfort, about environmental ideas quickly occupied the country in major shopping malls and counters as well as various types of domestic mainstream media platform
influence is evident, therefore, like CITIC Ka trade, Allen
[...] De flagship stores such as physical stores have bred for us.
孙文西路是19世纪后期复原的主要商业步行街 店面 兴 旺,商品琳琅满目。
Enjoy shopping at Sun Wen Xi, a commercial pedestrian street of restored late 19th
[...] century pastel-coloured shop fronts.
除了絕佳的音色外,HP-02 Live全新設計的精美包裝可提供嶄新 店面 陳 列 形象。
The Genius noise-isolating HP-02 Live headphones offer true audio with superior bass and crystal clear highs by blocking noise outside your ears.
店面优惠 :提供部分仅可在实体店兑现的优惠,顾客可在线选择具体的实体店兑现这些优惠;这种方式可以吸引顾客进店购物,使零售业从单件商品销售转型为购物篮店内销售或交叉销售。
Localized, in-store offers: having offers that can only be executed in-store, including [...]
where the customer can opt-in for
the offer while online, provides a hook for bringing customers in to the store, moving the retailer away from item selling into a basket-selling or cross-selling model.
而在美国的波士顿、芝加哥、达拉斯、明尼阿波利斯、旧金山、华盛顿与纽约,Thomas Pink 都拥有全球最大的衬衣专卖店,仅Madison大道一处就有575平方米 店面。
The US boasts stores in Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Washington, Michigan, Las Vegas, Los
Angeles, Miami and New York, where Thomas Pink has the world's
[...] largest shirt store, with 575 square metres on [...]
Madison Avenue.
这些都是小哈瓦那的生活特点,充满脉动的音乐,五颜六色 店面 , 以 及独一无二的画廊和饭店。
These scenes of daily life in Little
Havana, Miami play out amidst a backdrop of pulsating
[...] music, colorful storefronts, unique art galleries, and restaurants.
山都平™热塑性硫化弹性体(TPVs)用于幕墙 店面 、 建 筑窗和天窗等耐候密封中,具有耐用性,使用寿命长和上佳的密封性能。
Santoprene thermoplastic vulcanizates (TPVs) provide durability,
longevity and exceptional sealing performance in
[...] curtain wall, storefront, architectural [...]
window and skylight weatherseal applications.
该集团因精通各种运营领域且代理着全球一些顶级品牌而在此地区广为人知,集团将会监督在阿曼苏丹国开设的所有 21 家 店面 的 发 展情况,包括11家Extreme Pita分店及10家Purblendz分店。
Widely known in the region for specializing in various operational arenas and representing some of the top brand names around the globe, the group will oversee the development of all 21 units in the Sultanate of Oman, including 11 Extreme Pitas and 10 Purblendz.
无论您在检视生产现场、穿越城市,还是在走访各 店面 , 您和您的员工都可以随时随地访问 Kronos 系统。
So no matter where you go — across the shop floor, across town, or when traveling store to store — you and your employees will have access to your Kronos® system.
该项目还设有一个体育综合体,包括健身房、羽毛球室、壁球场、游泳池、休闲中心、一个零售中心,商业中心主要是一家美 店 , 面 积 约 2,500平方米,以及酒店、会议中心、餐厅,甚至还设有小型机场,目的是为了打造与圣彼得堡新机场连接设施。
The development also comprises a sports complex, including gymnasia, tennis and squash courts, swimming pools, and recreation
centres, a retail centre anchored
[...] by a food store of around 2,500m2, a hotel and a conference [...]
hall, restaurants and even
a helipad in order to provide a connection facility to the new St Petersburg Airport.
With gadgets
[...] piled high in shopfronts, the evolution [...]
of consumer electronics is all around; the on-demand lifestyle is palpable.
工程項目包括擴建交通設施,改善大眾運輸工具,增建道路、隧道及單車道,引進尖端基礎建設科技,提升供水、衛生、電力、瓦斯、電信建設網絡,興建共500萬平方公尺的高級辦公室 店面 , 重 新開發使用率較低的區域,例如在舊港區改建奧運都會公園,還有卡拉特拉瓦(Santiago Calatrava)設計的「明日博物館」等知名建築。
The plans include public transportation enhancements, more roads, tunnels and bike paths; incorporating new cutting edge infrastructure technologies; improving water, sanitation, electric, gas and telecom infrastructure networks; 5 million square meters of class A office and retail; and redeveloping underutilized areas like Porto Maravilha (the old Port) with “Olympic” urban parks and iconic architecture like Santiago Calatrava’s Museum of Tomorrow.
但很显然,目的是表明该公司依然致力于中国市场,关 店面 是 日 常业务定期调整的一部分。
But clearly the aim is to show the company is still committed to
[...] China, and that any store closures are part [...]
of a routine periodic business adjustment.
2010 年2 月,澳派景观设计工作室中标取得了高度达350
[...] 米普利门中心的设计合同,竣工后该中心将成为济南最高的大楼,中心有高端写字楼、零 店面 和 一 座新公园。
In Feb 2010, ASPECT Studios has won a design contract for the 350-metre high Pulimen Center, which will be the
site of the tallest building in Jinan after completion, comprising high quality
[...] offices, retail outlets and a new park.
因为ZITRO专店面式游 乐场经营,因此金融危机对我们来说,影响才没这么严重。
Because Zitro operates its own game establishments, the financial crisis has not affected us that seriously.
正如立法會文件 編號CB(1)975/07-08(06)數碼港計劃報告(二零零八年三月) 第 6段及第8段所述,截至二零零八年一月,寫字樓及零售店面積的租用率,已分別上升至86.8%及 84.8%。
As reported in paragraphs 6 and 8 of LC Paper No. CB(1)975/07-08(06) (Report on the Cyberport Project, March 2008), as of January 2008, occupancy has increased to 86.8% and 84.8% for office and retail space respectively.
台灣環境保護署於是由二零零六年六月 起豁免店面的餐 廳,使其不再受限用政策規管。
The Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency had therefore exempted
[...] restaurants with storefronts from the scheme [...]
since June 2006.
因此,Apple(苹果)开始提供直观的产品以及实际透明 店面 , 提 供工作人员耐心陪同我们,了解我们的需求。
Then Apple came along with intuitive products and
[...] literally transparent stores, staffed by people [...]
who will take time with us and understand what we are looking for.
新天地是另一個政府指定創意聚落,正在準備舉行上海時裝週,這項大型活動促進合作活動與創新經濟,城市若要在全球創意舞台上站穩腳步,此類活動不可或缺,這個區域經過仔細美化工程,掩飾週遭區域的高壓特質,大量連 店面 也 只 強化與眾隔絕的氛圍。
The area’s meticulous beautification belied the
oppressive urbanity of the surrounding city – and the
[...] presence of chain stores only served to catalyse this isolative mantra.
尽管Gucci各专门店个性鲜明,各有特色,如纽约专门店流光溢彩的楼梯结构,或上海专门店金碧辉煌的玻璃幕墙,对自然光线与亲切材质的执着成为所有专门店不懈承袭的全新美学认知,而自然光线在整 店面 的 挥洒亦缔造出浑然天成的内外景致。
Though each store offers its own impressive and distinctive features such as a free floating
stair case in New York or a golden
[...] glass façade in Shanghai, all of these stores adhere to a new [...]
aesthetic which prioritizes
natural light and warm materials.
現在,企業可以在已全面運作店面 中 啟 動多渠道專案,只要3到4個月就可以讓業務上線運作,他們只需要更換品牌,以及對自己的訂單履行系統和支付服務供應商進行必要的整合即可。
Multichannel projects can now start with
[...] fully working storefronts, enabling businesses [...]
to go live in just three to four
months as they only need to rebrand and perform the essential integrations with their order fulfillment system and payment service provider.
Giannini的创店面设计 概念,采用开放式空间、温馨奢华材料和自然光线以达到壮观的效果,从传统的时尚零售空间出发,为Gucci [...]
Giannini’s innovative store design concept, which [...]
employs open space, warm luxurious materials and natural light to spectacular
effect, is a departure from traditional codified fashion retail spaces, and paves the way for Gucci’s 21st century contemporary look.
北京雅品T3店现代与传统结合店面 设 计坐落在庞大的三号候机楼里,让客人不但可以感受到现代机场的简明快捷,又能体会到中国餐厅的博大精深,金色 的铝合金装饰和古色古香的青砖交相辉映,柔软宽大的沙发一扫您旅途中的疲惫,青翠的绿竹让人心旷神怡,各色经典的菜肴更是让众多中外友人耳目一新、赞不绝 口。
Ya goods shop in Beijing T3 combination of modern and traditional design store located in the massive Three Terminal, where guests can feel not only fast and simple modern airport, but also appreciate the extensive and profound Chinese restaurant, aluminum trim and gold antique brick each other, swept away the soft, large sofa in your journey tired, green bamboo people relaxed and happy, colorful classic dishes is refreshing to many Chinese and foreign friends, full of praise.
李志威表示:「是時候走入人生的另一個旅程,那就是選這一區的市議員,這個社區需要很多幫助,我們在Geary大道上有八十個 店面 , 還 有Alexandra電影院閒置多年,而且中列治文區也沒有一個大超市。
We need common sense leadership that
focuses on policies that will actually
[...] fill our empty storefronts, spend our tax [...]
dollars wisely and protect our families.




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