

单词 店家

External sources (not reviewed)

8 时,一武装恐怖团体在 Muzayrib 的街道展开,胡乱扫射,迫使店家关 门, 并在 Ash‘ari 路口封锁了通往 Dar`a 的公路。
At 0800 hours, an armed terrorist group deployed in the
streets of Muzayrib, fired at
[...] random, forced shop keepers to close their shops and blocked the [...]
road to Dar`a at the Ash‘ari junction.
相關活動辦法、未盡事項或變更請隨時注意本行網站anz.tw或合 店家 現 場 公告。
For details, unmentioned matters
or any changes in this promotion, please visit our website at anz.tw, or see
[...] announcements at all participating stores.
讨价还价现象在澳大利亚并不普遍,除非在二手市场或在 家店 铺 购 买一衣柜的全新衣服,在这种情况下, 店家 要 一 个小小的折扣可能不会被认为不妥。
Bargaining is not the norm in Australia, unless
you're at a second-hand market or buy
[...] a whole new wardrobe from one store, in which case it probably wouldn't hurt to ask for a small discount.
請點店家位置 找尋距離最近的經銷商。
Should you find a watch that you can’t live without,
[...] please click on the Store Locator to find [...]
your nearest Oris stockist.
這個地區於一八六零年代因舖設鐵路線興起,是堪薩斯市最初的市中心,兩河距離相近,再加上地勢平坦適合鐵路發展,故很快成為當地經濟發展重鎮,運用鐵路業掀起的工業革命,形成牲畜交易中心,將中西部牛隻配送至全國,其他如種籽倉庫 家 具 店 、 家 庭 用 品等小型產業也相當繁榮。
The area capitalized on the industrial revolution of the railroad industry allowing for the Livestock Exchange to be the distribution hub of Midwestern cattle
around the nation and other smaller industries such as seed
[...] warehouses, furniture stores, and household products [...]
to prosper.
如果您對這類的服務和維修能力有任何的疑惑,請帶著自行車向合格 店家 尋求 協助。
If you have any doubt whatsoever regarding your service/repair ability, please take your
[...] bicycle to a qualified repair shop.
[...] 種零售及服務行業,包括中式酒樓、茶餐廳、新鮮/冰鮮、 冷藏食品及雜項食物店、麪店、家品店、中西藥店、西 醫及牙醫診所等。
The adjacent Choi Tak Shopping Centre in Choi Tak Estate also has various retail and services trades such as Chinese restaurant, Hong Kong style cafe, shop
selling fresh/chilled, frozen and general
[...] provision, bakery, household store, medicine store, medical [...]
and dental clinics.
[...] Pound)格外成功,網站上指出,「地方經濟如同會滲漏的籃子,財富流入後,只要花費在與外界聯繫更密切的商家,這筆錢就消失了」,托特納斯英鎊只能用在當地接受這種貨幣 店家 , 確 保金錢在當地經濟內流動。
A local economy is like a leaky bucket,” says the Totnes Pound
website, “wealth comes in and as soon as it
[...] is spent at a shop or business that [...]
has more connections outside Totnes than
inside Totnes, that money disappears.
以家族形式经营出租画廊“清月堂画廊”、咖啡店“LINTARO CAFÉ”以及法国料理店“清月堂新宿 店 ” 这 3 家店 铺 的 水原商事的董事长兼社长。
President of Mizuhara Shoji , the company that runs three establishments — the Seigetsudo Gallery rental gallery, Lintaro Café, and the Seigetsudo Shinjuku French restaurant.
本優惠專案合店家之個別營業時間、固定休館日、例行維修日及平假日定義均依 店家 之 現場或官方網站公告為準,為保障使用權益,敬請提前預約並預先查詢相關資訊。
Individual office hours, regular day-off,
[...] routine maintenance, weekdays and holidays will be defined and announced at participating merchants or their official websites.
[...] [...] 2.0般,讓觀看者具備內容編輯權力,但對擁有者與觀看者來說,都是一種全新體驗,擁有者(通常是企業)透過互動式數字告示的輸入裝置,與使用者產生了直接連結,例如:設計互動遊戲,當觀看者闖關成功後,就列印出一張實體折價券,或是經由2.5G、3G網路傳輸出觀看者的手機中,讓觀看者持這張虛擬折價券至附 店家 消 費 ,而觀看者在與數字告示互動的同時,還可能吸引路過民眾的目光並聚焦於此,順利達到營銷效果。
from unidirectional to bidirectional, digital bulletin information class direction change, although is not look like Web 2.0, lets the viewer have the content edition authority, but to the owner and the viewer, is one kind of brand-new experience, the owner (usually is enterprise) by the interactive type digit bulletin input device, produced with the user has linked directly, for example: Design interaction game, when after the viewer overcomes an obstacle successfully, leaves an entity on the series printing to give a discount the ticket, perhaps by way of 2.5G, the 3G network transmits in viewer's handset, lets the viewer hold this
hypothesized to give a discount to expend the
[...] ticket to the neighbor shop owner, but viewer [...]
while with digital bulletin interaction,
also possibly attracted the passing by populace's vision and focuses in this, achieved the marketing effect smoothly.
这包括:车库甩卖、社区市场、二手经销、电子产品 店 、 家 具 店 , 或 者在购买机动车时,若您提出现金支付或在竞争对手店铺看到更优惠价格,都可以讨价还价。
These may include: garage sales, community
markets, second-hand dealerships,
[...] electrical goods’ stores, furniture shops, or when [...]
purchasing a motor vehicle if you are
offering to pay in cash or have seen the item at a competitor store for a better price.
專家預估,今年的電玩產業產值上看五百億歐元,其中,貢獻最大的機種,為遍佈在十萬 店家 及 一 千六百家遊樂場、根據新法申設的comma [...]
6A拉霸機檯(約佔四成),目前市場上約有卅萬餘部掛名comma 6A的拉霸機檯。
According to experts' estimation, the output
[...] value of the Italian game industry [...]
this year is expected to hit EUR 50 billion;
among all machine types, slot machines that are placed in 100,000 shops and 1,600 game locations according to Comma 6A generate the most output value.
加入我的MyOris简单又快速,只要填写以下表格,将能进入您个人专属的新闻页面、最接近 店家 位 置、观看影片、管理您的腕表文件夹,并了解您最喜爱的品牌大使。
MyOris registration is quick and easy. Fill in the form below and you will be able to access your personalised news and nearest retailers, watch videos, check your watch portfolio and read about your favourite ambassadors.
该集团因精通各种运营领域且代理着全球一些顶级品牌而在此地区广为人知,集团将会监督在阿曼苏丹国开设的所 有 2 1 家店 面 的 发展情况,包括11家Extreme Pita分店及10家Purblendz分店。
Widely known in the region for specializing in various operational arenas and representing some of the top brand names around the globe, the group will oversee the development of all 21 units in the Sultanate of Oman, including 11 Extreme Pitas and 10 Purblendz.
一旦Gus Thomasson和Lakeland两家店开张 ,公司的店面总数将达到三家,公司将致力于向股东提交Market [...]
Once the Gus Thomasson and Lakeland
locations are opened and bring the total number of
[...] company owned stores to three, the [...]
company will focus on submitting to the shareholders
the actual financial statements regarding Market 99.
就在几个星期前,偶像级吉他制造商Gibson在城市的另一侧设立了自己的旗舰店,这是其在美国以外开设的第一家,也是全球第 家店。
Just a few weeks earlier across town, iconic
guitar-manufacturer Gibson had opened a flagship store of its own—its first location outside of the U.S.
[...] and only its third total.
来自公司创始地所在小镇的 Jean-luc Carrucciu 和
[...] Sandrine Guibert 使纽约的家店面成 为购买平价桌面装饰和 [...]
Jean-luc Carrucciu and Sandrine Guibert, who is from
the town where the company was born, have
[...] made the New York shop a popular destination [...]
for affordable table adornments and home accents.
其實家店最成 功的地方,應該是試吃的水果繁多,還有銷售人員也非常積極的推銷水果。
The reasons why the fruit stall is so popular are the abundance of free fruit tasting and the efficiency of the staffs.
而且,很有可能,就此失去这位顾客,下次她想到 家店 时 , 恐怕首先浮现在脑海的就 是上次买东西时痛苦的经历。
The next time this customer needs to purchase apparel, she will likely remember how difficult it was to shop at this particular retailer.
USCE购物中心很有可能是塞尔维亚最具创意其最为现代化的零售和休闲中心,它位于贝尔格莱德的中心地带,设有1 20 多 家店 铺 、 几 家 影 院 、一家保龄球馆、俱乐部以及及家庭娱乐区。
Set to be Serbia’s most innovative and modern retail and leisure centre, Usce is situated in
the heart of Belgrade, and
[...] has more than 120 shops, as well as cinemas, bowling, casino and a family entertainment area.
更加可能的结果是,合资企业在扩张中遇到各种各样的问题,结果在预定的时间框架内可能只新开出10 0- 2 0 0 家店 , 远 不能达到 1, 0 0 0 家店 的 目 标。
A far more likely scenario would be to see this new partnership run into numerous problems as it tries to expand, with the result that its store count could be still be stuck in the 100-200 range over the time frame of its expansion — far short of the 1,000 figure the company has targeted.
OASIS 2012春夏系列广告册,你可以在OASIS全球任何 家店 里 找 到它们。
OASIS SS2012 Collection Lookbook. Or in other words, you can find all
[...] this in any OASIS store in China and internationally.
该两层、总可租赁面积达43,000平方米的综合体是该地区首个现代零售、娱乐、住宅及酒店项目,聚集了首个多屏幕影院(影城)、美食广场、多家餐厅、咖啡馆、一家约3,000平方米的超市以及 1 8 0 家店 铺 , 这些店铺为瓦乌布日赫的人民提供了众多颇受欢迎的波兰及国际品牌。
The two-storey complex of over 43,000 square m  GLA is the first modern retail, entertainment, residential and hotel development in the region, bringing together the first multiplex cinema (Cineam City), a food court, restaurants,
cafes, a supermarket of approximately 3,000
[...] square m and 180 shops offering a great [...]
variety of the most popular Polish and international
brands to the people of Wałbrzych.
(18) 經營作為書商、書籍製造商、釘裝商、印刷商、出版社以及各類報章、雜誌、 書籍、期刊、門票、場刊、簡介、宣傳單張及其他刊物、機器、凸版印刷機 東主、雕刻師、製模工、設計員、繪圖員、報販、報章代理、新聞從業員、 文學代理、文店店主與 版畫、圖畫、照片及繪圖生產商及交易商、製圖員、 廣告代理及承辦商、藝家、雕塑家 、 設 計師、裝飾師、插畫師、攝影師、 錄像師、各類攝影及錄像用品及器材交易商、菲林沖曬公司、電影製作人、 監製及發行商、宣傳代理、佈置專業人員之所有或任何業務,以及任何其他 本公司可能視為可以基於上述項目經營之業務。
(18) To carry on all or any of the business of book-sellers, book manufacturers, bookbinders, printers, publishers and proprietors of newspapers, magazines, books, periodicals, tickets, programmes, brochures, promotional literature and other publications whatsoever of all description, machine, letterpress, engravers, diesinkers, designers, draughtsmen, news agents, press agents, journalists, literary agents, stationers, manufacturers of and dealers in engravings, prints, pictures, and drawings, cartographers, advertising agents and contractors, artists, sculptors, designers, decorators, illustrators, photographers, videographers and dealers in photographic and videography supplies and equipment of all kinds, film-processors, film makers, producers and distributors, publicity agents, display specialists and any other business which may seem to the Company capable of being carried on in connection with any of the foregoing.
丸红从 2005
[...] 年开始,就通过北京外红向中国华北、东北、西北地区等约 1600 家店铺配 送资生堂集团企业的化妆品,将这些经验和诀窍与 [...]
VCS 的主要面向日企 提供服务的功能相结合,形成了本次向网购事业提供的新业务。
Marubeni’s experience and know-how has led to this business tie-up as BWH has been providing distribution
services for Shiseido’s cosmetics to
[...] approximately 1,600 stores in North China since [...]
2005, and VCS has been providing call
center services in China mainly for Japanese companies.
例如僱員須養成打 卡習慣,家店鋪管理人員須有能力及認知,判斷於不同情況下如何 [...]
記錄工時,如僱員要求早走、工傷及上課等,在各層面的員工都需要 時間滲透教育及培養新的作業習慣。
To ensure careful computation and
[...] recording of the number of hours worked [...]
by employees, employers and employees have to
make necessary adjustments. For example, employees have to develop the habit of recording their attendance using a timecard machine, and the management of each shop will need to know how to decide in what way the number of hours worked by employees should be recorded when, for example, an employee requests release from work early, suffers from work injury or attends classes.
通过与艾默生环境优化技术合作,这家全国性的连锁企业已经在 1000 多家店铺内部署 Emerson 的 Intelligent [...]
Working with Emerson Climate Technologies,
the nationwide chain has deployed
[...] Emerson’s Intelligent Store® solution to continuously [...]
monitor refrigeration, heating,
cooling, and lighting systems at more than 1,000 of its stores.
虽然零售商不需要雇建筑公司来设计一个高高的玻璃入口或把 家店 都 变 成一个“创意中心”,但店面环境确实是品牌生存的根本,并且在以需要的体验方式展示品牌方面,其功能是不可替代的。
Though retailers need not hire an architectural firm to design a
towering glass entrance or
[...] turn every store into a "creative hub," the fact is the store environment [...]
is the lifeblood for their
brand and unmatched in its ability to present their brand in the way it is meant to be experienced.




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更新时间:2025/3/29 1:15:31