单词 | 庖厨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 庖厨 noun —cook n庖厨 —chef • kitchen See also:庖—kitchen 厨 pl—kitchens pl 厨—kitchen
让您的味蕾踏上令人难忘的美食之旅!五大著 名 厨 师 将加入到MSC邮轮船队2011-2012航季一系列邮轮特别主题中,您可以在船上享受精致的美食创作过程。 msccruises.com.cn | Five famous chefs will be joining the MSC Cruises fleet for a series of special theme cruises during the 2011-2012 season, and you’ll be able to enjoy their exquisite culinary creations on board. msccruises.co.uk |
主席,我問這個問題是有理由的,李少光今天不親自前來回應, 要由其他人越俎代庖。 legco.gov.hk | Chairman, I have a reason to ask this question, for Ambrose LEE has not come in person to respond to the proposal but let others not in the capacity to respond on his behalf. legco.gov.hk |
如果香港市民以“一人 一票” 決定不要“2012雙普選” 的話,特區政府便有一百分之二百的理 由,明正言順地作此宣布;如果香港的同胞投票不要“2012雙普選”的 話,中央便無須越俎代庖、無 須喬曉陽來此釋法。 legco.gov.hk | Should Hong Kong people decide not to have dual universal suffrage in 2012 by "one person, one vote", it would be more than justified for the SAR Government to formally announce that, as Hong Kong people have voted against the implementation of dual universal suffrage in 2012, it will be unnecessary for the Central Authorities to exceed their functions or for QIAO Xiaoyang to come here to interpret the law. legco.gov.hk |
正如財政司司長在去年預算案公布 前,在他的網誌中表示,(我引述)“每年的預算案是為了配合行政長官 的施政報告,作出資源調撥,以實施各項有益於社會的政策和措施...... 預算案一般都不會提出新政策的......各政策局尚未完成有關政策的決 定時,財政司司長一般都不會越俎代 庖 ” (引 述完畢)。 legco.gov.hk | As the Financial Secretary said in his blog before the delivery of the budget last year, to this effect: "The budget each year is compiled in line with the policy address of the Chief Executive and it aims at making appropriations to implement policies and measures beneficial to society …… In general, a budget will not introduce any new policy …… If the relevant bureau has not made any decision on any policy, the Financial Secretary will under normal circumstances not do it on its behalf. legco.gov.hk |
安 全理事会这种表面上看来难以阻挡的越俎 代 庖 的做 法令人担忧,对像我们这样的会员国而言尤其如此, 因为我们主要大会成员、安全理事会 15 个成员对另 外 177 个非成员的职能和权力的任何不必要的侵犯, 将损害最为重要的据此建立联合国的令人信服的逻 辑和独特的目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | Any unnecessary encroachment by the 15 members of the Council into the functions and powers of the other 177 non-members will serve to undercut the compelling logic and unique goals under which the United Nations was established. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們認為涉及商業決策的問題,應該由有關商業機構,按其分析來決定,立法局是 不應越俎代庖。 legco.gov.hk | We think that commercial decisions should be left to commercial bodies, which will make them on the basis of commercial considerations. legco.gov.hk |
因此,作為代 表新界東,特別是將軍澳區的立法會議員,我覺得就今天這項議題提出修正 案及發言,絕非越俎代庖。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, as a representative of New Territories East, especially a Member of the Legislative Council serving the Tseung Kwan O area, I think for me to propose an amendment to this motion and to speak on it is far from being minding some business that is not my own. legco.gov.hk |
净价人民币88元的午餐套餐包括当日例汤或绿色沙拉,客人可选择的主菜包括各种亚洲和西方美食,如肉酱意粉,咖喱羊肉以及The COOK•厨餐厅的咖喱叻沙。 shangri-la.com | Priced at RMB 88 net, the lunch set comes with the soup of the day or a green salad and the guest’s choice of a main food dish, which includes a large selection of Asian and Western cuisine such as Spaghetti Bolognese, Lamb Curry and The COOK Curry Laksa. shangri-la.com |
不過,我覺得有一點矛盾,便是因近期林瑞麟局長在討論政改時, 談到未來時,他不斷要求我們不要說得太長遠,討論得太長遠便是越俎 代庖,現在我們討論“生果金”時,張局長說2033年時有四分之一人口是 長者,如果我們不制訂有關政策,到時情況嚴重豈不是很糟糕? legco.gov.hk | However, I think that there is some contradiction because recently, when Secretary Stephen LAM was talking about constitutional reform and about the future, he kept asking us not to talk about the too faraway future because doing so was to take someone else's job into our hands. Now, when discussing the "fruit grant", Secretary CHEUNG said that by 2033, a quarter of the population would be elderly people, adding that if we do not formulate the relevant policy now, would the situation not be very bad by then? legco.gov.hk |
但是, 如果要求香港特區政 府正式 向 中 央 政 府 提 出要求,給予這些持 外 國 護照但 屬 香港永 久 性 居 民 的人士免 簽證安 排 , 以 方 便進入國 內 的 話 , 這 肯 定 超 越 了 香港政 府 的 職責範 圍 ;正如 我 剛 才 表 示 , 這 是 越俎代庖,根本 是 不對的 。 legco.gov.hk | However, it is certainly not within the remit of the SAR Government to formally request the Central Government to make visa-free arrangements for these Hong Kong permanent residents holding foreign passports to facilitate their visits to the Mainland. legco.gov.hk |
代理主席,既然廣管局的調查正在進行,我們是否應先由廣管局 處理,立法會不需要越俎代庖,把 工作搶來做。 legco.gov.hk | Deputy President, given that the BA's investigation is in progress, we should let the BA do its job first. There is no need for the Legislative Council to take BA's place and conduct its investigation. legco.gov.hk |
我已經說過多遍,你要懲罰那位辭職的議員,他辭職後尋求選民 對他再確認,其實反面便是他尋求選民對他不確認,懲罰機制應該是 這樣,是內置的,用不着你越俎代庖。 legco.gov.hk | As I have said time and again, the resigning Member may be penalized when he seeks affirmation from his electors after resignation as he is at the same time seeking non affirmation from his electors. legco.gov.hk |
假如立法局插手這事,則奪取了籌備委員會的權力; 如果㆗英政府插手,亦是越俎代庖? legco.gov.hk | Then, would any interference from the Legislative Council be regarded as an attempt to usurp the Preparatory Committee’s power; and would the Chinese and British Governments be viewed as back seat drivers if they meddle in this matter? legco.gov.hk |
證監會作為監管機構, 不宜越俎代庖;至 於聯交所,並非負責執行法定制度,所以 也不宜提供有關意見。 legco.gov.hk | And since SEHK will not be responsible for enforcing the statutory regime, neither will it be in a position to give advice on it. legco.gov.hk |
口粮供应助理(质量控制)将负责对 62 个地点的军事特遣队的厨房 和 储藏设施进行每月食品安全和卫生检查,对混合行动储存在 [...] 62 个队部和 4 个 区总部的 14 天口粮袋和水储备进行每月食品安全检查,以及对混合行动在 4 个 地点的 6 个承包商所属餐厅进行每月食品安全和卫生检查。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Supply Assistant (Quality Control)-Rations will be responsible for monthly food [...] safety and hygiene inspections of military [...] contingents’ kitchens and storage facilities [...]in 62 locations, monthly food safety [...]inspections of the Operation’s 14-day ration pack and water reserve stored in 62 contingent locations and at 4 sector headquarters, and monthly food safety and hygiene inspections of 6 contractor-owned cafeterias at 4 locations within the Operation. daccess-ods.un.org |
保安局局長:主席,我 們 也 曾 考慮過 這 個問題, 但 鑒於那 些 是 廣 東省公安廳 的 數 據,所以我們認為不應越俎代 庖 , 刊登他 們 的 資料。 legco.gov.hk | However, since those data belongs to the Guangdong Public Security Bureau, we consider it inappropriate for us to interfere with its business by publishing its data. legco.gov.hk |
在这里,你可以找到Fontevraud L'修道院(13世纪),其中包括回廊, 厨 房 ,雕绘的墓碑英格兰的亨利二世,他的王后,埃莉诺的阿基坦大区和狮心王理查德,他们的儿子。 leapfrog-properties.com | Here you can find the Fontevraud l’Abbaye (13th century) which [...] includes a cloister, kitchen, and the carved and [...]painted gravestones of Henry II of England, [...]his queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine, and Richard the Lionheart, their son. leapfrog-properties.com |
地方社区还利用一种称之为“平底 [...] 锅行动”的预警系统,包括利用锅盆和其 他 厨 房 用 具制造噪音,防止遭到国防和 安全部队或其他安全机构的杀害、绑架和其他侵犯人权行为的侵害。 daccess-ods.un.org | Local communities also used a warning [...] system consisting of making noise with sauce [...] pans and other kitchen tools, known as [...]“opération casseroles,” to prevent killings, [...]abduction and other violations by the FDS or other security agencies. daccess-ods.un.org |
最終來說,我們覺得,從何地入口,是否應該 留給油公司按它們的成本和價格的市場考慮,自行決定,政 府是否應該越俎代庖,為它們決定呢? legco.gov.hk | At the end of the day, we can say that the question of importing from which places should be left to the oil companies and they will decide on the basis of cost and price consideration. legco.gov.hk |
在总部楼房维修和正常运作范围内完成的其它紧急工程主要有:VI 号楼变压器漏机油 [...] 修理工程,紧急修理电话继电器(自动交换机)出现的渗漏现象,更 换 厨 房 的油槽,更换 V 号和 VI 号大楼雨水管,改善丰特努瓦大楼内银行分理处(会客室)的空间和环境。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Other urgent work relating to the maintenance and smooth functioning of the Headquarters buildings was carried out, including the repair of pyralene leaks from the transformers in Building VI, emergency repairs of leaks in the telephone system [...] (automatic switchboard), replacement of the [...] grease traps in the kitchens, replacement of [...]the drainpipes in Buildings V and VI, improvement [...]and adaptation to the available space and surroundings of the reception area at the Fontenoy site. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果我們可以越俎代庖,隨意影響行政部門的具體 人事任免,那麼我們豈不是更有理由影響終審法院法官與高等法院法官的任 免? legco.gov.hk | I mean, if we ever think that we [...] can supersede the executive authorities [...]and influence their decisions on personnel appointment [...]and removal whenever we want to, then, is it correct to say that we have even stronger reasons to influence the appointment of the Judges of the Court of Final Appeal and the Chief Judge of the High Court? legco.gov.hk |
目的:本文件的第一部分是总部委员会关于其在2002--2003年双年度阶段间开展的活动的报 [...] 告,主要包括该委员会向总干事提出的有关下述事项的建议:贝尔蒙计划安排的总部 [...] 大楼的修复和改造工程的实施,丰特努瓦大楼 内 厨 房 的 翻修工程峻工 ,米奥利斯/邦 万大楼修复和改造工程所需的技术预测,总部楼房的维修和保护,为改善总部的安全 [...] 保卫工作所采取的措施;有关政府间组织(OIG)和非政府组织(ONG)在副VI号楼的 [...] 安置以及将这些组织在V号楼腾出的办公室重新分配给常驻代表团等问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Purpose: Part I of this document contains the report of the Headquarters Committee on its activities during the 2002-2003 biennium, in particular its proposals and recommendations to the Director-General on the restoration and improvement of the Headquarters buildings under the Belmont [...] Plan; the completion of the renovation [...] work on the Fontenoy kitchens; the technical opinion [...]on the Miollis/Bonvin buildings [...]required for their restoration and improvement; the maintenance and conservation of the Headquarters buildings; the measures taken to reinforce security and safety at Headquarters; the installation of the intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations (IGOs and NGOs) concerned in Building VI bis and the redistribution to the Permanent Delegations of the offices released by IGOs and NGOs in Building V. unesdoc.unesco.org |
国家主 权的这一核心职能不能由任何外部或国际机构来越 俎代庖。 daccess-ods.un.org | This core function of State sovereignty cannot be arrogated by any external or international institution. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于巴勒斯坦、埃及、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国和 瑞典提出的关于在她的报告中没有提到戈德斯通报 告的问题,Pillay 女士指出人权理事会已经通过了关 于此问题的 A/HRC/RES/S-12/1 号决议,该决议将在 联合国大会上进行审议,她不想越俎 代 庖。 daccess-ods.un.org | In response to the representatives of Palestine, Egypt, the Syrian Arab Republic and Sweden regarding the lack of references in her report to the Goldstone report, she said that the Human Rights Council had adopted resolution A/HRC/RES/S-12/1 on the matter, which would be examined by the General Assembly, and that she had not wanted to encroach on its mandate. daccess-ods.un.org |
越俎代庖” 及 “現屆政府成為跛腳鴨”的情況。 legco.gov.hk | The situation has been criticized by the public as leading to the situations of "two Chief Executives co-existing in one single Special Administrative Region", "the Chief Executive-elect doing the work of the present Government" and "the present Government being turned into a lame duck administration". legco.gov.hk |
其實,現在這個替補機制都沒有尊重議會制度,因為議員是由市 民選出來的,他們應否再坐在議會內,亦應該是由市民決定,而不是 由政府來決定,由政府決定便是越俎 代 庖 , 便 是霸佔了決定權,這便 是最錯的事情。 legco.gov.hk | If the Government makes the decision, it will be exceeding its functions and seizing the right to decide, which will be a grave mistake. legco.gov.hk |
第 二 點 是關於 調整機制的責 任,仍 然 由 該 機 構 的 董 事局制訂 , 並 非 由 立 法會越 俎 代 庖 的 。 legco.gov.hk | The second point is that the responsibilities of the adjustment mechanism are still determined by the managing board of the body, rather by the Legislative Council, for this does not come under the latter's ambit. legco.gov.hk |
主席先生,針對今日的辯論,社聯屬㆘的安老服務部已向各位同事及有關部門提 供大量參考資料和立場,希望李家祥議員不會誤會本㆟要越俎 代 庖 , 因 為維護老㆟服 務權益,是我們的責任和使命。 legco.gov.hk | Mr President, in view of today's debate, the Elderly Division of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service has provided each colleagues and each relevant department with a large amount of reference materials and information about its stance on the matter. legco.gov.hk |
我會 對 一些意見 作出回應,但 對 於大部分涉及我負 責 的工商範疇以 外 的 評 論和建議,例如數位 議員提及 的北上就 業 所涉及的 各 種 問題, 為 免 越 俎 代 庖 , 我 會 轉 達 有關政 策 局 考慮。 legco.gov.hk | But for most of the comments and proposals involving matters not within my purview, that is, outside the areas of commerce and industry, such as the problems involved in seeking employment northward as mentioned by a number of Members, I will refer them to the relevant Policy Bureaux for consideration in order to keep to my remit. legco.gov.hk |