单词 | 底线 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 底线 noun —minimum nless common: bottom line n • spy n 底线 —underline • baseline • base line (in sports) 底线 verb —plant vSee also:底 n—bottom n • base n • background n • lip n 底—towards the end of (last month) • the end of a period of time
我们是德国私家车定期检验服务的领军者,我们为私人和商业车队公司、汽车经销商和维修店提供全方位的服务,致力于提高他们的三 重 底线。 tuv-sud.cn | We are number one in Germany when it comes to periodic technical inspection of private vehicles and offer a holistic range of services to [...] private and commercial fleet companies, car dealerships and repair shops that aim to [...] improve their triple bottom line. tuv-sud.com |
电池故障和维护成本引起的停机时间将直接影 响 底线。 tuv-sud.cn | Downtime due to cell malfunction and maintenance cost will [...] directly impact bottom line. tuv-sud.com |
注意:“EXAMPLE”中所有字符的起始行都相同,不论是扩 展参数还是压缩参数,所有字符均已根据同一条 基 线 ( 或 底线) 对齐。 printronix.cn | Notice the same starting row is used for all “EXAMPLE” [...] characters, and they are all aligned on the [...] same baseline (or bottom), regardless of expanded or compressed [...]parameters. printronix.cn |
该税种还可为受多种金 融危机不利影响的人提供补偿,并且为实行社会保 障 底线 方 面所需的国家预算提 供补充。 daccess-ods.un.org | The tax could also provide compensation for those adversely affected by various financial crises, and could complement national budgets in the introduction of a social protection floor. daccess-ods.un.org |
由总统任 命成员组成的宪法法庭做出了一项有争议的判决, 由此引发的争论导致一些法庭成员遭到弹劾诉讼, 并最终辞职,这凸显了立法机构的权力,以及政治 体系在转型中所面临的风险,因为新组建的部门会 不断试探其上级的底线。 crisisgroup.org | A dispute over a controversial ruling by the presidentially-appointed Constitutional Tribunal led to impeachment proceedings and the resignation of the tribunal members, highlighting both the power of the legislature, and the risks to a political structure in transition as new institutions test the boundaries of their authority. crisisgroup.org |
底线是您 的企业运行于一整套应用程序之上。 softtek.com | The bottom line is that your [...] business runs on a suite of applications. softtek.com |
第三,地球底线的出 现及其对经济 增长的影响、包括材料使用增加,给发展中国家目前及未来的福祉带来了严峻挑 战。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thirdly, the emergence of planetary boundaries and its implications for economic growth, including growth in material use, poses a critical challenge to the current as well as future welfare of developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
那些应急的员 工培训总是收效甚微,而现今的组织 [...] 又面临着前所未有的激烈竞争和绩效 底线值不断抬升的压力,这使得那些 独立于其它因素之外的员工培训项目 [...]所能带来的微薄回报,已无力满足组 织的发展要求。 wilsonlearning.com.cn | The truth is that ad hoc training of employees rarely works, and that [...] today’s organizations — facing unprecedented [...] competition and bottom-line performance [...]pressures — can ill afford the traditional [...]returns on isolated investments of the past. wilsonlearning.eu |
然而,这并不是 [...] 为了改变而改变,而是为了在品质、安全、环保以及客 户底 线等诸多方面获得提升。 volvospiritmagazine.com | It’s been change for the better, in terms of quality, safety, environmental [...] care… and our customers’ bottom line. volvospiritmagazine.com |
底线:并 非每个人都应当定期服用阿司匹林来预防疾病。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Bottom Line: Not everyone [...] should take aspirin regularly for prevention. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
中美洲最大的一家公司——2010 [...] 年在哥斯达黎加收入超过 5.7 亿美元—— 自愿制订了三重底线标准 ,不仅以经济指标而且也以社会和环境指标衡量它的 [...]成功。 daccess-ods.un.org | One of Central America’s largest companies — with revenues of over $570 [...] million in 2010 in Costa Rica — [...] voluntarily set triple bottom line standards [...]to measure its success by not only economic [...]but social and environmental indicators. daccess-ods.un.org |
底线,出色的照片可以增加预约服务。 instantworldbooking.com | Bottom line, excellent photos [...] can increase bookings. instantworldbooking.com |
与会者还认识到一个基本的社会保障 底线对 于减轻金融危机负面影响的重要性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The importance of a basic social protection floor as a way of mitigating the negatives effects of the financial crisis was also acknowledged. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,对该条文 [...] 精神实质的理解不应走向另一极端,即允许要求国选择任何文物作为“替代”物品:该原则 的安全条款划定的底线是, 不能要求负有责任的国家送回与该国的文化联系比要求国更密切 [...]的文物。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, the spirit of the provision is not to be interpreted to the other extreme, i.e. to allow the requesting State to choose as [...] “replacement” objects any object(s) of their [...] choice: a clearcut bottom line is drawn by [...]the safety clause in the Principle that [...]exclude from the obligation of return for the responsible State objects having a closer cultural link to this State than to the requesting State. unesdoc.unesco.org |
160 这次会议触动了不干涉他国内政这一敏感政 治 底线, 首 次决定以东盟的名义由某一成员国对其他成员国 行使安全监督的职责,为今后类似问题的处理奠定 了基础。 crisisgroup.org | Natalegawa himself later noted that ASEAN’s new role made some uncomfortable.160 The meeting pushed against the sensitive boundaries of the non-interference doctrine, as it laid the groundwork for the first ever security monitoring mission from one member country to another under the ASEAN banner. crisisgroup.org |
底线:如 果患了感冒,去看医生并没有做错,医生可以为您评估感冒的严重程度,从而决定您是否应当采取抗生素治疗。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Bottom Line: There is nothing [...] wrong with seeing your doctor when you have a cold to evaluate its severity and determine [...]if your condition warrants antibiotic use. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
在所有这些中,中国移动的底线是公 司目前应该把注意力集中在国内市场的机会,能让其投资者获得实际回报,不要再想潜力很小而且难以执行的海外机会了。 youngchinabiz.com | The bottom line for China Mobile in [...] all of this is that the company should stay focused on opportunities in its domestic [...]market for now, where it can achieve real returns for its investors, and stop thinking about overseas opportunities that offer much less potential and are harder to execute. youngchinabiz.com |
Provide Support 即时聊天可以采用更有效的操作和更好的公共关系提高您 的 底线。 providesupport.cn | Provide Support live chat [...] can improve your bottom line with more [...]efficient operations and better public relations. providesupport.com |
通过显示屏或继电器显示以下情况的报警:缺补, 过补, 过电压, 过负载, 互感器没连接,电流低于底线。 cn.circutor.com | Indication of the following alarms by display or relay: Lack of compensation, overcompensation, voltage surge, overcurrent, disconnected transformer, current below limit circutor.com |
因此,在对非洲内 外很多国家包括安理会成员构成安全威胁的问题上,他 们已经超过了底线,暴 露了他们的弱点。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a consequence, a line has been crossed in relation to security threats to many countries inside and outside Africa, including members of this Council, exposing their vulnerabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是我清楚,为 了 牟 利⽽⽆休止地追求利益,贪婪地追逐金 钱,同 时 越过道德和伦理底线,将物质资 源置于人之上,这些加剧了世界经济体 制的崩溃。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, it seems clear to me that the reckless pursuit of profit for the sake of profit, the greed of chasing money while circumventing moral or ethical boundaries and the valuing of material resources above people have fuelled this breakdown of the world economic system. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由于处于最佳状态的奶牛是一头能产生利润的奶牛,所以,我们通过在适当的时间输送适当的饲料,来提供可提高您的成 本 底线 的 饲 喂解决方案。 delaval.cn | Because a cow in tip-top condition is a [...] profitable cow, we deliver feeding solutions that [...] can boost your bottom line by delivering [...]the right feed at the right time. delaval.ca |
总拥有成本的底线 显然 还有其他我们需要考虑的场景,但是我们已经考虑了两个合 理的实例,最终结果是 adaptec.com | Obviously there are other scenarios that we could consider, but we have considered two reasonable cases. adaptec.com |
国家工作队强调说,依然需要开展工作,确保《社会保 障 底线 》 以 国内和 国际人权框架为依据,促进两性平等,并着重保护弱势群体,比如非常贫困的 人、残疾人和LGBT 社区等社会边缘化群体。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNCT emphasized that work still needs to be undertaken to ensure the Social Protection Floor (SPF) is based on national and international human rights frameworks, promotes gender equality, and gives special protection to vulnerable groups such as the very poor, the disabled and socially marginalized groups such as the LGBT community.115 47. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 继续在其任务范围内就不断演变的社会保 障 底线 概 念 ,为发展中国家 特别是正在走出政治危机和冲突的发展中国家,尤其是非洲的这类国家,以及为 最不发达国家提供分析和技术支持; (b) 协助区域合作组织更好地应对经济危机和把握经济机遇,包括在全球 化方面 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) Continue to provide analytical and technical support in the evolving concept of social protection floors within its mandate for developing countries, particularly those that are emerging from political crisis and conflicts, especially in Africa and LDCs daccess-ods.un.org |
我们的商业理念是兼顾经济、社会和环境三个 方面 – 我们称之为“三重底线”。 novonordisk.com | our business philosophy is one of balancing financial, social and environmental considerations – we [...] call it ‘The Triple Bottom Line’. novonordisk.com |
实现简化性绝非易事,员工的分 红,您的客户,您的品牌和商业底线 , 点滴即可影响全局。 siegelgale.cn | While achieving simplicity is anything but easy, the dividends for your employees, your customers, your [...] brand and your bottom line are remarkable. siegelgale.com |
希尔思仪表有幸能够为我们的客户提供能源节约解决方案,走在我们的客户发展绿色事业的前线,帮助减少能源浪费对地球的伤害,同时大大降低成本和提 高 底线。 csinstrument.com | CS Instruments takes pride in being able to offer energy saving solutions to our clients that places them at the forefront of Going Green and helping reduce the [...] waste of energy that threatens the planet, while at the same time dramatically reducing costs [...] and improving the bottom line. csinstrument.com |
主权财富基金执行官们表示,他们承诺为可持续发展进行投资,同时也强 [...] 调,政府基金和东道国之间的利益必须平衡,让主权财富基金投资能够获利;这 方面的底线是,投资必须盈利,私人投资如此,主权财富基金亦如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | While expressing their commitments to investing in sustainable development, sovereign wealth fund executives emphasized that a balance of interests between government funds and host countries was essential to [...] reap the benefits of sovereign wealth fund [...] investment; the bottom line was that [...]investment must be profitable, which was as [...]true for sovereign wealth funds as it was for private investment. daccess-ods.un.org |
该计划借助了为支 [...] 持行政首长协调理事会就业和体面工作主流化工具包而开发的平台,以及通过 “全球就业契约”和“社会保护底线 ” 两项联合应对危机倡议开展的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The plan builds on the platform already developed in support of the CEB toolkit for mainstreaming employment and decent work, as [...] well as the work undertaken through the Joint Crisis Initiatives on the global jobs [...] pact and the social protection floor. daccess-ods.un.org |