

单词 底界

See also:

the end of a period of time
towards the end of (last month)

External sources (not reviewed)

欢迎来到令人目眩神迷的底世界。 Or is品牌大使Carlos Coste 再度刷新金氏世界记录,成为自由潜水世界纪录保持者。
Welcome to the fascinating underwater world of Carlos Coste, Oris ambassador and world record holding freediver.
沙夫豪森IWC萬國錶長久以來一直投入探索並保護脆弱的 底 世 界 , 品 牌與水肺潛水運動的淵源,可追溯至1960年代。
The involvement of IWC Schaffhausen in the exploration and protection of the fragile underwater world has a long tradition: indeed, the company’s connection with scuba diving goes back to the 1960s.
他戴着标志性的红色羊毛帽,他的考察活动第一次将深邃的 底 世 界 展 现 在世人眼前。
He wore a trademark red woollen cap and his expeditions gave human beings their first collective view
[...] of the depths of the underwater world.
到 2010 年底,世界商品出口数量已经完全恢 复到危机前的高峰,不过仍然明显低于其长期趋势。
By the end of 2010, the volume of world merchandise [...]
exports had fully recovered to the pre-crisis peak, although it remained
markedly below its long-term trend.
然而,令秘书处关切的是,2009 年底世界 银行可用于今后相关活动的资金可能高于年初核准用于这些活动的费用(680 万美元), 而且执行进展似乎比预期的要慢,可能无法在预期的时间框架内实现目标。
However, the Secretariat raised
[...] concerns with the World Bank that the funding available at the end of 2009 for future [...]
activities might
have been higher than the expenditures of US $6.8 million authorized at the beginning of that year for those activities, that the progress in implementation appears to be slower than anticipated, and that the objectives might not be met within the time frame anticipated.
例如,秘书长将报告自他去 年 6 月关于冲突结束后立即建设和平的报告
[...] (S/2009/304)以来所取得的进展,今年 底 , 世 界银 行将就冲突和脆弱性的主题提出《世界发展报告》。
For example, the Secretary-General will report on progress since launching his report on peacebuilding in the immediate
aftermath of conflict (S/2009/304) last
[...] June, and, at the end of the year, the World [...]
Bank will present its World Development
Report on the themes of conflict and fragility.
西北大西洋渔业组织最近根据缔约方收集的 1987-2007 年的数据,批准了现 有底层捕捞划界。
NAFO recently approved delineation
[...] of its existing bottom fishing based [...]
on data collected from Contracting Parties for 1987-2007.
土木工程拓展署會在今年諮詢有關區議會,籌備在 2010 年底展開新界 綠化總綱圖的工作。
CEDD will consult the relevant District Councils this year to start the preparation
[...] work for the New Territories GMPs in late 2010.
自2011年底和2012年初起,界经济进入了一个困难时期,经济面临巨大的 下行风险及脆弱性,且水产品贸易的主要市场也出现了明显低迷。
Since late 2011 and early 2012, the world economy has [...]
entered a difficult phase characterized by significant downside risks
and fragility, and key markets for fisheries trade have slowed sharply.
在后一种情况中,特别令人满意的是,教科文组织通过 2003 年底在世界银行 和联合国发展小组之下建立的多种捐赠者信托基金,获得了用于在伊拉克执行的几个项目的 资金。
In the latter context, it is particularly gratifying that UNESCO has been successful in obtaining funding for several projects in Iraq through the multi donor trust fund established for this purpose in late 2003 under the World Bank and the United Nations Development Group.
[...] 册“迁移中的人”(2008 年);关于欧洲和西非人口自由流动问题的比较研究报告 (K.Touzenis,2009 年底),“无国界移民”,该书被译成了法文、西班牙文、俄文和中 文;法文期刊特刊“人与迁移”,此书即将由教科文组织和剑桥大学出版社出版,《国际多 [...] [...]
文化社会杂志》特刊,第 9 卷,第 2 期,第 10 卷,第 1 期;《国际多文化社会杂志》特刊 “移民应享有的人权”,2009 年底;以及为“国际移民日:1812 事件播放”活动编写的宣 传材料。
Publications include the handbook on key terms of migration management: “People on the Move”, 2008; the comparative research report on free movement in
Europe and West Africa,
[...] K. Touzenis (end 2009); the translation of the book “Migration without Borders” to French, Spanish, [...]
Russian and Chinese;
as well as a special issue of the French journal “Hommes et Migration”; a forth-coming book by UNESCO/Cambridge University Press; special issues of IJMS: Volume 9, No. 2; Volume 10, No. 1; and a special issue of IJMS on Human Rights for Migrants, end 2009; as well as the preparation for the International Migrants Day: Radio 1812 event.
至于对捷克共和国领 土进行真正底的(世界上独 一无二的)地质勘探问题,不太可能发现任何新的石 油或天然气储量,也不需要签署新的国际协议对其共同开采和/或利用进行管理。
With regard to
[...] the really thorough (unique in the world) geological [...]
exploration of the territory of the Czech Republic,
no new oil or natural gas deposits are likely to be found and requiring a new international agreement that would regulate their shared exploitation and/or use.
在 2009 年 6 月底,依照世界银行资金发放的定义,即从银行账户转往国家客户特别账户的实际资 金的数额,根据本协定发放的资金为 9%。
At the end of June 2009, the disbursement for this Agreement – according to the World Bank’s definition [...]
of disbursement
which is actual funds that flow from the accounts of the Bank to the country client’s special account – was at 9 per cent.
(b) 在 2015 年底前,使世界上每日收入低于一美元的人口比例和挨饿人 口比例降低一半,并在同一日期之前,使无法得到或负担不起安全饮用水的人口 [...]
(b) To halve, by 2015, the
[...] proportion of the world’s people whose income is [...]
less than one dollar a day and the proportion
of people who suffer from hunger and, by the same date, to halve the proportion of people who are unable to reach or to afford safe drinking water.
就其本身而言,汽車行業的增長,豪雅家族對這個新的運動方式,是充滿激情的檢測,將 底 改 變 世 界 , 是一個巨大的成功。
For its part, the automotive industry also grew, and
Heuer family is passionate about this new way of moving, sensing that will
[...] revolutionize the world, be a resounding success.
全国人民政权代表大会国际关系委员呼吁世界各国议会着手采取具体步骤, 以底消除全世界的核 武库,让子孙后代能够生活在没有核武器的和平世界中。
The International Relations Committee of the National Assembly of Peoples’ Power calls on all of the
world’s parliaments to initiate concrete
[...] steps towards the complete elimination of the [...]
world’s nuclear arsenal, so that future
generations may live in a world of peace that is free from nuclear weapons.
可持续发 展将确保安全、稳定,归根底是 保障 世 界 和 平
Sustainable development will ensure security,
[...] stability and, ultimately, peace in the world.
刪 除“促請” , 並以“ 強 烈 反 對 ” 代 替 ; 刪 除“必須正 視 加價風 潮 , 繼 續 凍 結 ” , 並以“增加”代 替 ;在“ 政 府服務 收 費 ”之後加上 “ , 包括水 費 、排污 費及郵 費等” ; 刪 除“呼籲” , 並以“ 強 烈 反 對 ”
代 替 ; 刪 除“凍 結 ” , 並以“ 及 交 通 運 輸
[...] 機構( 包括香港電 燈 、 大 老山 隧 道、大 欖隧道、西 區底 隧 道、新界巴 士 及 天 星 小 輪 ) 增加”代 替 ;及刪 除“, 與 市民共度時 [...]
艱 ” 。
To delete "urges" and substitute with "strongly opposes"; to delete "to face up to the surge of fees and charges, and continue to freeze government" and substitute with "increasing its"; to add ", including charges for water, sewage and postage" after "direct impact on people's livelihood"; to delete "calls on" and substitute with "strongly opposes increases in fares and charges by"; and to delete "to go through the hard times with the public by freezing their fees and charges" and substitute with "and transport companies, such as Hongkong Electric Company
Limited, Tate's Cairn
[...] Tunnel, Tai Lam Tunnel, Western Harbour Crossing, New World First Bus Services [...]
Limited and Star Ferry Company Limited".
這是一部3D影片,為觀眾全面展現這個充滿文 底 蘊 的 奇妙 界。
This is a movie that should be seen in 3D to fully
[...] appreciate the depth of this wonderful world.
為了能更底地諮詢業界的意 見,有關的 小型工程建議在委員會的同意下從草案中刪除。
In order
[...] to allow for more thorough consultation with [...]
the industry, the minor works proposal was withdrawn from the Bill
with the agreement of the Bills Committee.
同时,鉴于北方粮食危机的影响,中央应急基金 于 10 月底向世界粮食 计划署和联合国儿童基金会拨款 [...]
100 万美元,用于针对儿 童的治疗和营养护理项目。
Meanwhile, in response to the impact of the food crisis in the north, the
Central Emergency Response Fund allocated
[...] $1 million to the World Food Programme and [...]
the United Nations Children’s Fund at
the end of October, for therapeutic and nutritional care projects for children.
方案》、3 《约翰内斯堡可持续发展宣言》、4 《可持续发展问题世界首脑 会议执行计划》(《约翰内斯堡执行计划》)、5 《发展筹资问题国际会议蒙特雷共 识》、6 《2005 年世界首脑会议成果》7 和《发展筹资问题多哈宣言:审查蒙特雷
[...] 重申《联合国千年宣言》9 第 19 段所述目标,即在 2015 年底前使世界上 每 日收入低于一美元的人口比例和挨饿人口比例降低一半, [...]
及《世界粮食首脑会议:五年之后宣言》,11 包括通过持续努力在各国消除饥饿 来实现每个人的粮食都有保障的目标,以便近期至迟于 2015 年将营养不足的人 数减少一半,并回顾关于实现《千年发展目标》的承诺
Recalling the Rome Declaration on World Food Security and the World Food
Summit Plan of Action,10 the
[...] Declaration of the World Food Summit: five years later,11 [...]
including the goal of achieving food
security for all through an ongoing effort to eradicate hunger in all countries, with an immediate view to reducing by half the number of undernourished people by no later than 2015, as well as the commitment to achieving the Millennium Development Goals
有意见认为,必须开始就外层空间的定义和 界 进 行 彻 底 讨 论,即使是在 理论层面进行讨论,以便在实际问题出现之前建立某些机制。
The view was expressed that it was
[...] important to begin thorough discussions on the definition and delimitation of outer space, [...]
even at the theoretical
level, in order to have certain mechanisms in place before real problems occurred.
底,全世界都驚 愕地看著颶風珊蒂造成的災情畫面,其中最引人注意的場景,應該都是攝自紐約的照片,例如曼哈頓天際線一片漆黑、知名地鐵系統變成巨型泳池,紐約運輸局局長稱之為「史上最慘重天災」,還有災後幾天,排隊想搭公車前往曼哈頓的長長人龍。
Perhaps the most attention-grabbing were the photos taken of New York: the Manhattan Skyline blacked out, the iconic subway system turned into a virtual swimming pool in what the head of the MTA called “the worst disaster in this agency’s history,” and in the days after, the enormous lines to get on buses into Manhattan.
该数值引自《石油与天 然气杂志》,不过,另一份知名的行业出版物《 界 石 油 》估 计,2006 年底,缅甸的石油探明储量为 1970 万桶。
This is according to Oil & Gas Journal, though another reputable
industry publication, World Oil, put their estimate of
[...] Myanmar’s proven reserves at year-end 2006 at 197 million barrels.
菲律宾政府呼吁尽快 完成对界含水层的底调查 ,并建立时空管理制 度,以供决策之用。
His Government called for the
[...] urgent completion of transboundary aquifer mapping and [...]
the establishment of spatial and temporal
management regimes for use in policy and decisionmaking.
[...] 呼吁裁军谈判会议为实现这一重大条约开展谈判,深信这一禁止使用核武器或以 核武器相威胁的多边、普及和有约束力的协定,将有助于消除核威胁,并为底 消除全世界核武 器的谈判创造有利气氛。
Uruguay is convinced that a multilateral, universal and binding agreement prohibiting the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons would help to dispel the nuclear
threat and create a climate conducive to negotiations
[...] aimed at the total elimination of nuclear weapons throughout the world.
2011 年 7 月 23
[...] 日混合委员会在阿布贾举行的第二十八届会议上,重申决心 在 2012 年底前完成边界地图划定工作,并强调需要为完成剩余工作进行全面规 [...]
During the twenty-eighth session of the Mixed Commission, which took place in Abuja, on 23 July 2011, the Mixed Commission reiterated
its determination to complete
[...] the cartographic demarcation work by the end of 2012 and stressed [...]
the need for comprehensive
planning of the completion of the remaining tasks, including the assessment of all boundary lines, the extraction of coordinates and the drawing of the final maps.
(f) 在所有安排下,承 建商均 須要在車站月台的北端, 即 廣東 道及九龍公園徑界處的地底,以 明挖隨填的方法建造連 接行車隧 道的通風系統及設施,此舉 會對路面交通造成嚴 重 影響。
(f) All the three variants would require a cut
and cover section at
[...] the northern end of the station platforms under the complex Canton Road/Kowloon Park Drive junction for [...]
tunnel ventilation connections
and equipment, which would impose serious impacts on road traffic during construction.
意识到《宣言》发挥了重大作用,帮助非自治领土人民按照《宪章》争取自 决和独立的努力和继续鼓励他们进行这一努力,并且动员 界 舆 论 要求 底 消除 一切形式和种类的殖民主义
Conscious of the fact that the Declaration has played an important role in assisting the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories and will continue to serve as an inspiration in their efforts to achieve self-determination and independence in
accordance with the Charter and in
[...] mobilizing world public opinion for the complete elimination of [...]
colonialism in all its forms and manifestations




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