

单词 底层

底层 ()

bottom (of a pile)
ground or first floor
lowest rung (of society)


底层涂料 n

primer n

See also:


bottom n
base n
background n
lip n

towards the end of (last month)
the end of a period of time

External sources (not reviewed)

在这方面,参与者决心评估各底层 捕 捞 活 动是否给脆弱海洋生态系统带来重大不利影响,对这些活动实行管理,防止出现 [...]
In that regard, participants had resolved to assess
[...] whether individual bottom fishing activities [...]
would have significant adverse impacts
on vulnerable marine ecosystems, and to manage those activities to prevent such impacts.
这有助于对付需要支持 Web 服务,而本身底层传输 和协议的安全性支持可能并不充分的情况(例如 JMS)。
This can help address situations where Web services need to be supported where inherent security support of underlying transport and protocols may not be sufficient (e.g., JMS).
此外,如果资源丰量不变,一底层 拖网 和耙网渔业可能不再经济(尽管被动网具和围网渔业可能受影响小)。
Moreover, if resource abundance
[...] remains static, some bottom trawl and dredge [...]
fisheries may become uneconomic (although passive
gear and seine net fisheries may be less affected).
在 2006--2007
[...] 年双年度期间,蓝翼和红翼楼区以及三号楼的翻修工程将与餐厅用房工 程和印刷所从丰特努瓦大底层迁至 地下室的工作协同进行。
During the 2006-2007 biennium, the renovation of the blue and red wings as well as Building III will be coordinated with the works in the
restaurant premises and with the works for the relocation of the printing shop from the
[...] Fontenoy ground floor to the basement.
提高信息访问水平 更强大的信息访问将多种制造应用融合到单个平台后将 更便于您远程或在企业内部访问工 底层 的 实 时信息。
Converging multiple manufacturing disciplines into a single platform gives you greater access to real-time information on the plant floor, remotely, or throughout the enterprise.
它提供的新的编程模式使得用户能够将方面(比如,事务) 底层 业 务逻辑中分离出来,从而能够缩短软件开发周期。
It provides a new programming model allows users to areas ( eg , transactions ) from the underlying business logic separate , which can reduce software development cycle.
在第 61/105 号决议第 83
[...] 段(a)分段中,大会吁请区域渔业管理组织和安排 根据现有最佳科学资料,评估各 底层 捕 捞 活动是否会对脆弱海洋生态系统产生 [...]
重大不利影响,并确保如评估表明这些活动将产生重大不利影响,则对其进行管 理以防止这种影响,或不批准进行这些活动。
In paragraph 83 (a) of resolution 61/105, the General Assembly called upon RFMO/As to assess, on the basis of the
best available scientific information,
[...] whether individual bottom fishing activities [...]
would have significant adverse impacts
on VMEs, and to ensure that activities that would have significant adverse impacts on these ecosystems were managed to prevent such impacts, or not authorized to proceed.
许多国家还报告,在国家管辖范围内建立各种特定 禁渔区,以禁底层捕捞 活动,保护脆弱海洋生态系统不受重大不利影响(保加 [...]
利亚、加拿大、智利、哥伦比亚、克罗地亚、丹麦、冰岛、意大利、墨西哥、挪 威、帕劳、美国)。
Many States also reported on a variety of specific
closures within areas of national
[...] jurisdiction to prohibit bottom fishing activities [...]
and protect VMEs from significant adverse
impacts (Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Palau, United States).
底层延绳钓可能接触和损害海 底层 动 物, 使 底层 物 体 位置 不规范,延绳钓渔业的确有潜力在捕鱼时不对生境造成严重损害,并按照相对节 省能源的方式进行。
While bottom-set longlines may snag and damage benthic epifauna and irregular objects [...]
on the bottom, longline fisheries
do offer the potential to conduct fishing without severe habitat damage and to do so in a relatively energy-conscious manner.
底层打包 是成功组建单元载荷的关键因素之一。
Baselayer sub-assembly is [...]
one of the most important keys to building successful unit loads.
2006 年以来,作为预防措施,西北大西洋渔业组织在其管制区内所有已 知海山以及大浅滩南端大珊瑚区禁 底层 捕 捞
Since 2006, as a precautionary measure, NAFO has closed to bottom
fishing all the known seamounts in its Regulatory Area as well as a large coral area
[...] on the south end of the Grand Banks.
与其他阶段不同的是,这一阶段的工程包括一系列开支很大的技术性工作,包括对主 楼地下层进行重大改造以便安置目前位于红翼楼 底层 的 印 刷车间、使热水供水设备用房符 合标准、扩建目前的机房以便安装新的发电机、Ségur 大厅和图书馆的墙面翻新工程、及丰 特努瓦大楼七层餐厅的翻修工程,这些工程于 2007 年完成。
At its 161st session (22 June 2006), the Headquarters Committee was informed by the Director-General in his report to the Executive Board at its 175th session (175 EX/37) that the third stage of the work under Phase 2 was under way in the blue wing, which differed from the other stages in that it entailed costly technical interventions: significant modifications to the basement of the main building prior to transferring to it the print shop previously located on the ground floor of the red wing; standardization of hot water distribution premises; enlargement of existing rooms prior to the installation of new generators; renovation of the ground floor façades of Ségur Hall and the library; and renovation of the restaurant on the seventh floor of the Fontenoy building, which was completed in 2007.
本报告所论的都是热带风暴及以上等级的热带气旋频数, 底层 近 中 心最大平均风速大于等 于 17.2 [...]
This report discuss about tropical storm and levels above tropical cyclone
frequency levels, that is maximum average wind
[...] speed near the bottom center is greater [...]
than or equal to 17.2m/s (level 8).
安全的 Web 服务容器的服务质量(Quality of Service,QoS)建立底层 J2EE 应用程序服务器本身的 QoS 需求和功能(例如完整性)的基础之上。
The Quality of Service (QoS) of a secure Web service container is based on the QoS requirements and functionality of the underlying J2EE application server itself (e.g., integrity).
在那里, 来自社底层的儿童通过 与植物和土壤接触,培养 了对生态问题的理解。
There, children  from underprivileged  backgrounds develop  an understanding of  ecological issues while  working with plants and  the soil.
若干代表团响应执行主任的话,敦促儿童基金会将注意力集中于 底层 的五 分之一人口和被遗忘的孩子,到 [...]
2015 年以公平、可持续的方式实现千年发展目 标。
Echoing the words of the Executive
Director, several delegations urged UNICEF
[...] to focus on the bottom quintile and forgotten [...]
children in order to achieve the
Millennium Development Goals by 2015 with equity in a sustainable manner.
底层资源 只需定义一次,即可在任何地方进行调 用实时数据引用您最初定义的资源(如标签、显示画面 [...]
和报警等),随时随地提供信息,不必通过额外的数据 库来转储。
Live data references resources [...]
you’ve defined initially, such as tags, displays and alarms, and then delivers that information
when and where you need it without unnecessary sharing.
一个能说明当前变革的有力事例是,一名来自土著 群体和曾经身处社底层的妇 女如今已担任司法部 长。
A striking example of the changes under way was the current Minister of Justice, an indigenous woman from a severely disadvantaged background.
向前移动命令 和向后移动命令会将所选内容向指定的方向移动一步,而移至顶层命令和移 底层命 令会将所选内容移至 Z 型顺序的指定末端。
The Move Forward and Move Backward commands move the selection one step in the
indicated direction, while the Move To Front and
[...] Move To Back commands move the selection to the indicated end of the z-order.
底层通讯 采用标准的GMPLS协议组,路由协议采用OSPF-TE,信令协议采用RSVP-TE,资源管理采用标准的LMP协议实现。
The system adopts standard
[...] GMPLS protocols for bottom layer communication, OSPF-TE [...]
routing protocol, RSVP-TE signaling protocol,
as well as standard LMP protocol for resource management.
结果国际社会投入大量的资源,追查和惩罚的只是那些处于海盗金字塔 底层的 人 ——他们多数是贫穷、半文盲的青年人,很容易用其他人取代——而与此同时, [...]
As a result, the international community is
investing enormous resources to pursue and punish
[...] those at the bottom of the piracy [...]
pyramid, most of whom are impoverished, functionally
illiterate youth who are easily replaced, while virtually guaranteeing impunity for those at the top of the piracy pyramid, who bear the greatest responsibility and profit the most.
它提供多个抽象层来满足不同的编程风格: 底层 ( P D F对象模型)到高级(PDF文档结构和内容流)。
It provides multiple
[...] abstraction layers to satisfy different programming styles : from the bottom (PDF object [...]
model ) to advanced (PDF document structure and content streaming ) .
四栋大小型制各不相同的小楼看似随意地散布在整个场地中:居中横跨于船坞之上的 底层 大 部 架空的会所;二层是一个内向透明的四进三院结构,四进不同功能的实体由四片相互倾斜的不规则屋顶所覆盖,两两之间由狭长的庭院分隔或联系。
The quadruple volume's spaces of different functions are covered with four irregularly shaped roofs with two pairs connected with or separated by a narrow courtyard.
这座现代博物馆位于东方明珠电视 底层 , 由 上海著名的建筑学家邢同和设计而成。
The modern museum constitutes the base of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.
以色列一向在被占领的东耶路撒冷采取单方面的 挑衅措施,包括在伊斯兰和基督教圣地特别是在“尊 贵禁地”附近底层进行 挖掘;拆除民宅;阻挠巴勒 斯坦捐赠管理当局进行的工作;没收土地;驱逐阿拉 伯居民;和继续在当地制造新的现实状况、改变被占 领的东耶路撒冷的人口性质、抹灭该城的阿拉伯、伊 斯兰和基督教特征以及改变该城在以色列占领下的 法律地位。
Israel has pursued its provocative unilateral measures in occupied East Jerusalem, including excavation around and underneath sacred Islamic and Christian sites, in particular the Al-Haram Al-Sharif; the demolition of homes; the obstruction of the work of the Palestinian Endowment administration; the confiscation of lands; the expulsion of Arab residents; and ongoing attempts to create new realities on the ground, to change the demographic nature of occupied East Jerusalem, to obliterate the Arab, Islamic and Christian features of the city, and to alter the legal status of the city under Israeli occupation.
印涂马口铁生产线配置英国CRABTREE酒精润版系统双色印铁机、德国LTG自动连续烘房系统;奶粉罐生产线配备瑞士苏德罗尼克AFB108无汞环保型焊机、全自动焊线喷涂烘干系统、法国萨巴帝尔(SABATIER)罐身组合机及空气洁净度可达十万级标准的制造环境系统;化工罐生产线配备 底7层 卷 封技术,拥有自配的模具加工中心,能够满足客户多样化的需求。
Printed and coated tinplates production line using UK CRABTREE alcohol dampening system color printing machine, Germany LTG automatic continuous drying system; milk powder cans production line is equipped with Swiss Soudronic AFB108 environmentally friendly mercury-free welding machine, automatic wire spray drying system, France SABATIER Can body composition machine and air cleanliness standards up to 100,000 manufacturing environment systems;
chemical cans production line is
[...] equipped with can bottom 7 layers seal technology, equipped [...]
with self-mold machining center
to meet customer diversified needs.
底层提供 良好的保护薄膜明确、直接地受到这些因素的影响,包括材料是否具有规定的分布,同时具有良好的流动和应用属性,这可通过 [...]
Bohlin 的流变仪来测量。
The goal of thin films giving excellent
[...] protection to the substrate underneath is [...]
clearly directly influenced by the ability
to make materials of a defined distribution but with the desired flow and application properties as measured with a Malvern rheometer.
未经 B&W
[...] 或版权持有者的事先书面许可,您不得复制、再现、重新出版、下载、张贴、播放或传输任何文本、图像、图形、徽标、按钮、图标和及其选项和/或排列,以及任 底层 源 代 码和软件,以用于任何商业或公共用途。
You may not copy, reproduce, republish, download, post, broadcast or transmit any text, images, graphic, logo, button, icon,
image and their selection and/or
[...] arrangement, and any underlying source code [...]
and software, for any commercial or public
purpose without prior written permission from B&W or the copyright holder.
2)布局:为保证园区整体风环境,建 底层 建 议 局部(尤其是地块东面和南面)采用架 [...]
空设计,建筑平面布局应采用错落式布局,沿市政道路一侧采用板式布局形式,垃圾站、公 共厕所、商业餐饮等潜在污染源应尽量设置于下风向;建筑立体布局应遵循东南低西北高的 设计原则。
(2) Layout: In order to ensure the overall wind environment of the
[...] park, the ground floor of the structure [...]
is suggested of partial use of aerial design
(especially the east and south of the land; the plane layout of the structure shall adopt random layout; the side along the municipal roads adopt plate-type layout; such potential sources of pollution as garbage station, public lavatory and business catering, etc. shall be set at the downwind; the stereoscopic layout of the structure shall adhere to the design principles of low southeast and high northwest.
在其东北和西北两侧成犄角之势各布置两栋长短不一的条式体量的客房楼,东侧的平行临河,西侧的垂直临河;它们的内部布局都是线形串联结构, 层 双 坡 ; 底层 的 中 心是一个位于临水平台上的四面可开敞的明轩式客厅。
The north-eastern side one is parallel with the river and the north-western side one is perpendicular to the river.




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