

单词 应验

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如果没有使 用扭矩扳手,应验证螺 丝头下和盖板边沿下 是否有缝隙。
If a torque wrench is
[...] not used, verify there are no gaps under [...]
the screw heads and no gaps under the cover flange.
日期的预言不是为了让我们满足纯粹的 好奇心,而是让《圣经》的学生们在预言的 事应验时能够辨识。
The time prophecies were not given to satisfy mere curiosity, but to enable the student of the Word to recognize the foretold events when due.
APG8201 PINhandy
[...] 1是一款经济实用、结构紧凑的手持式智能卡设备,它能够管理动态的一次性密码、质询— 应验 证 码 和交易数据签名(PKI数字签名)。
APG8201 PINhandy 1 is a portable and cost-efficient handheld smart card device capable
of managing Dynamic One-Time
[...] Passwords, Challenge-Response Authentication Codes, and Transaction [...]
Data Signing (PKI digital signatures).
在 下面的表格中我们列出预言的旧约经文和新约 应验 经 文,供大家参考。
The second column shows a New Testament verse that identifies Jesus as fulfilling that prophecy.
早在几百 年前 先知以赛亚的预言在耶稣诞生时得到 应验。
But in the birth of Jesus all was done Just
[...] as God had promised through the [...]
prophet Isaiah.
这位检察官表示,该监狱最多可容纳 50 名犯人,但第一次前去那里检查时 发现有 104 名犯人,第二次发现有 109 名犯人;划拨的犯人伙食费预算为每人每 天 8.30 伦皮拉(洪都拉斯货币);由于漏雨,一些牢房里遍地是水,许多没有床铺 的囚犯不得不睡在地上,由于人多厕所数量不足而且总是湿乎乎的,使得厕所里 满是污垢而且充斥着难闻的味道;牢房里拥挤不堪,男人、女人、恶势力帮派成 员、精神病人以及正在接受审理和判决的人都挤在一间牢房里,这些直接威胁到 犯人的个人安全乃至群体安全;监狱当局缺少安保和监控措施的后果在 2005 年 10 月 27 日发生的一起暴力事件中得应验, 在那起事件中有一个囚犯丢掉了性 命。
The Attorney for Human Rights noted, inter alia, that the jail had 50 places, but that at the time of the first inspection there were 104 inmates and at the time of the second, 109; the budget allocation for food was 8.30 lempiras a day per inmate; some cells were prone to flooding from water leaks, yet because there were not enough beds many inmates slept on the wet floor; the toilets were constantly foulsmelling and full of filth because there were not enough for the large number of inmates, which constitutes a hazard to their health; overcrowding is a serious risk to the individual and collective safety of the prisoners, with men and women, members of rival gangs, prisoners with mental illnesses, and convicted prisoners and prisoners awaiting trial sharing the same cells; and the lack of security and the absence of authority had led to a violent incident on 27 October 2005, in which an inmate lost his life.
其中前者发起了一个新的地区教育项目。全民教育监测报告在有 关全民教育的讨论和决策中所起的澄清思想和警觉后进的作用, 应验 了 一句老话:知己知 彼,百战不殆的道理。
The role of the EFA Global Monitoring Report in giving clarity and urgency to discussions and decisions on EFA underscores the old adage that if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.
然而,市场是前瞻 性的,展望的变化可能增加借贷成本,致使债务状况进一步恶化,甚至可能导致 预言自应验和实际的降级。
Nevertheless, markets are forward looking, and changes in outlook may increase borrowing costs and lead to a further deterioration of the debt position, possibly leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy and an actual downgrade.
我们的承诺,提供优质,功能丰富的智能手机是今天再 应验 系 统与银河引进的三星尽情享受,这将让消费者体验到Android操作系统中获得巨大好处的同时MetroPCS的4GLTE服务,并说:” [...]
罗杰ð 。
Our commitment to offering premium,
feature-rich smartphones was once again fulfilled
[...] today with the introduction of the Samsung [...]
Galaxy Indulge, which will allow consumers
to experience the vast benefits of both MetroPCS’ 4GLTE services and the Android operating system,” said Roger D. Linquist, president, CEO and chairman of MetroPCS.
那些不能在指定时刻认 识真理的人们也不能在那时得到恩惠。在这 个时代的末期也正是如此:那些被疑惑和世 俗蒙蔽了双眼,看不到现应验了的 真理的 人们,也就不能接受如今应赐给他们的特别 恩惠。
The worldly and overcharged ones, the full ones, will not discern either the prophecies or the signs of the times fulfilling them, until the harvest is past and the summer of special favor is ended.
真空系统、工作台模块和附件有很广的选择范围,这些在日常的 验应 用 中已 被很好地验证。
There is a broad choice of vacuum pumping units, workplace modules and
[...] accessories available well-proven in daily laboratory use.
所有测试中所设定的横向位移值,应该是从未锁紧螺栓的设置试验中获得的,设置 验应 使 用 章节 4.6 中 所述的预紧力。
In all attempts transverse displacement setting
for all tests were
[...] determined by experimental settings on the unsecured bolts with the preload forces shown in section 4.6.
验 应使用之前未做过其他试验的电池或元件电池进行。
The test sample shall be observed for a [...]
further 6 h. The test shall be conducted using test cells or component cells that
have not previously been subjected to other tests.
接纳小组认为,“相关验”应被理 解为“与本法庭实践相关的经验”。
The Admission Panel holds that
[...] “relevant experience” should be interpreted as [...]
“experience relevant to the practice before the Tribunal”.
马尔文在了解您需求的同时,还拥有一批具有丰富应用知识的专家及专业 验 ( 应 用 文 章、在线研讨会)。
Malvern understands your needs
and has the expertise and experts backed up by an extensive
[...] range of applications know-how (applications notes, webinars).
委员会重申其先前的意见(A/64/7, 第五.14 段),即通过新设办事处取得的验应 在 各 区域委员会之间分享。
The Committee reiterates its earlier
opinion (A/64/7, para. V.14)
[...] that the lessons learned through the establishment of new offices should be shared among [...]
the regional commissions.
一些发言者认为可将防治艾滋病病毒和艾滋病领域的成功 验应 用 于相关特定地区/国 家的其他疾病防治工作中。
Some speakers felt that successful work in HIV and AIDS may be applied to other diseases as relevant to the specific area/country.
针对验应力分 析的各种用途,无论是生产前原型评估、现场服务试验、故障分析或纯研究项目,我们都可以提供相应的整套传感器、仪器、设备和配件,以获取精确、可靠的应变和应力数据。
For purposes of experimental stress analysis—whether [...]
preproduction prototype evaluation, field-service testing, failure
analysis, or pure research—we offer a full complement of the sensors, instruments, equipment, and supplies necessary to obtain accurate, reliable strain and stress data.
开发 署正在逐步结束它在俄罗斯的工作,并将有关 验应 用 到 黑山和白俄罗斯,在这 两个国家推广这一工作,以解决地方一级的贫穷问题。
UNDP is phasing out its engagement in Russia and
[...] is taking the lessons to Montenegro [...]
and Belarus, where this effort has been replicated
to address poverty at the local level.
The application "The Five Dimensions of Quality" is based on the state-of-the-art web technology HTML5.
同样在这方面,那些长期为和平行动 提供协助的部队派遣国的验应该有 一个综合培训 部门来吸收借鉴。
Here, too, the experience of troop
contributors with a long history of assisting in
[...] peace operations should be fully drawn [...]
upon by an integrated training service.
经讨论后,执行委员会决定核准在巴西聚氨酸泡沫塑料制造业中将甲酸甲酯确认为 一种发泡剂的验项目(第一阶段),总费用为 401,500 美元,外加开发计划署的机构支 助费用 30,113 美元,同时指出,该项目符合第 55/43(e)号决定,其目的是在全球传播经过 确认的在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料用途中使用的甲酸甲酯技术,且有一项谅解,即:该项 目是关于甲酸甲酯在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料制造中 应 用 的 最后确认项目,且核准该项 目不妨碍执行委员会审议今后为该项目第二阶段提出的供资申请。
Following a discussion, the Executive Committee decided to approve the pilot project for validation of methyl formate as a blowing agent in the manufacture of polyurethane foam (phase I) in Brazil at a total cost of US $401,500 plus agency support costs of US $30,113 for UNDP, noting that the project was consistent with decision 55/43(e) and that it had been designed to disseminate the results from the validation of methyl formate technology in rigid and integral skin polyurethane foam applications globally, and on the understanding that the project would be the final validation project for methyl formate in the manufacture of rigid and integral skin polyurethane foams, and that approval of the project was without prejudice to consideration of the future funding request for phase II of the project by the Executive Committee.
干燥程序和变压比验应按第 7 和 8 节的要求进行。
The drying process and transformer ratio test are to be performed in accordance with sections 7 and 8.
[...] 出,这项举措对难民署而言是一个重要转变,而从这一经历所得到的 验应 当加 以充分的介绍和分析,以便为难民署以及在开展类似项目的联合国系统其他实体 [...]
It points out that this initiative constitutes an important
change for UNHCR, and that the
[...] lessons to be learned from this experience should be fully developed [...]
and analysed, for the
benefit of the Office as well as the other entities of the United Nations system that are embarking on similar projects.
由于监管该项目的小组非常有验, 应该牢 记,任何变动都可能产生不利于实现项目宗 [...]
Since the team supervising the project was very
[...] experienced, it should be borne in mind [...]
that any changes might have effects that
did not serve the purposes of the project.
这些项目包括“不丹智能型 城市水资源设计”、“菲律宾绿色学校发展的可持续设计的 验应 用” 和“蒙古戈壁沙漠流动安全饮水供应系统”,以解决城市水资源 匮乏问题,在可持续城市发展的背景下提高各种资源的效率。
They included “Smart urban water design in Bhutan”, “Pilot application of sustainable design for green school development in the Philippines” and “Mobile safe water supply system to Gobi desert in Mongolia” to address issues of the scarcity of urban water and to enhance the efficiency of resources in the context of sustainable urban development.
U.S. RE有限公司董事长兼首席执行官Tal Piccione表示:“TCIP能够选择我们,我们感到非常高兴,我们将把在为灾难多发地区(包括佛罗里达)提供巨灾保险保障方面的丰富 验应 用 到 这一重要任务中来。
We're pleased to be selected by TCIP and will apply our extensive experience in placing catastrophe protection in disaster prone areas including Florida to this important assignment," said Tal Piccione, Chairman and CEO of U.S. RE Companies, Inc.
[...] 合国各机构的报告的形式出现的经验以及其他经验共同构成了丰富的实践 验, 应当被 纳入联合国相关机构特别是人权理事会的工作中。
Such experience, in the form of judicial decisions, treaty bodies’ general comments and concluding observations, special rapporteurs’ reports to the United Nations
bodies, and others, constitute a rich body
[...] of practice that should be incorporated [...]
in the work of the relevant United Nations
organs, in particular the Human Rights Council.
联合国东帝汶过渡行政当局(东帝汶 过渡当局)(现为联合国东帝汶支助团)、以及联合国科索沃特派团(科索沃特派
[...] 那特派团(波黑特派团)和联合国塞拉利昂特派团(联塞特派团)等特派团的主 管两性平等事务的单位和两性平等问题顾问的 验应 该 有 助于在这些单位和顾 问的任务、位置、报告渠道和资源方面提供有益的见解,以实现最大功效。
The experience of gender units and gender advisers in missions such as the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) (now the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor (UNMISET)), as well as the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC), the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina
(UNMIBH), and the United Nations Mission in
[...] Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL), should provide useful insights [...]
on the mandates, location, reporting
lines and resources of such units or advisers for maximum effectiveness.
加拿大参加了支持这一 进程的活动,包括欧盟于 2011 年 7 月主办的一个研讨会和 2011 年 11 月国际原 子能机构(原子能机构)的论坛,这两次会议的目的是探讨如何将其他区域现有无 核武器区的验应用于中东。
Canada has participated in events to support this process, including a July 2011 seminar hosted by the European Union and a November 2011 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) forum to discuss how the experience gained by other regions through existing nuclear-weapon-free zones could be relevant to the Middle East.




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