

单词 应接不暇

See also:


attend to
deal with


provide support
come to the rescue


be too busy (to do sth)
have no time (for sth)

External sources (not reviewed)

丰富多样的款式都能与金黄色、白金色调和玫瑰金色等各种金色调相搭配,绝对令 应接不暇。
With a variety of gold shades from yellow,
[...] white and rose there is a style to please every [...]
填写各式各样的调查表,撰写 没有用处且无法使用的报告和情况汇报,常常令会员 应接不暇。
All too often they are overwhelmed by questionnaires and requests for reports or useless and unusable information.
到 2002 年,联合国的文件情况达到令人震惊的程度,因此,秘书长在题为 《改进大会事务和会议事务部的工作情况》的报告(A/57/289)第 49 段中警告,
[...] 文件工作是联合国长期存在的问题,近来更为恶化,使联合国文件泛滥,大有令应接不暇之势(第 49 段)。
In paragraph 49 of his report on improving the performance of the Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services (A/57/289), the Secretary-General warned that documentation had been a chronic problem of the United Nations and
that it had worsened to such an extent that the Organization was in danger of
[...] being overwhelmed by a flood of documents.
尽管少数意见认 为国际日和活动的数量可能造 应接不暇 的 危 险,但深信世界音像遗产日可以促进政治行动 和具体活动,使保护音像遗产的努力受到公正对待。
would lead to the generation of political actions and concrete activities that render justice to the efforts undertaken for the preservation of audiovisual heritage.
人们时刻都能感到一种紧迫感,因而不再有 闲暇去怀古论今;我们周围充斥着廉价易用的产品,这些大规模生产的产品让人 应接不暇 , 疲 于招架, 进而变得麻木。
In contemporary experience time has become so compressed that concerns for the past and present are often eclipsed by the urgency of the now, and the glut of convenient, cheap industrialized items available to us, bombards the individual, creating oversaturation, and in turn a numbness.
酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚问题特别报告员在2010 年10 月访问希腊后警告说,监狱过度拥挤,每天不断流入的非法移民令执法人应接不暇。
The Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, following a visit to Greece in October 2010, warned that prisons were overcrowded and law enforcement officials were overwhelmed by a constant flow of migrants in irregular situations entering on a daily basis.
在月饼的种类搭配上,“馨月香”、“月满宫”、“八宝汇”和“群星聚”四款“香传”系列月饼礼盒内含多种口味,令 应接不暇 , 以 “群星聚”礼盒为例,12块月饼就有12种不同口味。
Combining embroidered satin and classical elements, the China Grand, one of the four kinds of gift box available, is designed as a drawer and features Chinese scenery, and the moon cakes are baked using a combination of Chinese traditional and modern techniques.
精彩的表应接不暇,7号 选手一曲震撼的《Rolling in the Deep》让现场的气氛瞬间翻滚,8号选手又将我们带入了令人安心、感受到平凡幸福的《简单爱》,9号选手的《别怕我伤心》却让人忍不住感受到了浓浓的伤感之情,来自10号D&C组合的《Come [...]
Holy Spirit》抚慰了我们刚刚的悲伤,令人感觉心灵的平静,11号选手一曲动听的《会呼吸的痛》,让全场观众心都碎了,而12号选手的《昨日重现》,精典的旋律带我们一起温顾了昨日的每一个精彩画面。
[...] performances were ceaseless, No. 7 player brought us the amazing Rolling in the deep, letting the atmosphere [...]
achieved to the highest,
then No.8 player’s Simple Love took us to a calm and peaceful happy world, however, Don’t Let Me Be Sad of No.9 player let us feel deeply sad, Come Holy Spirit of the No.10 team D&C comforted us and calmed down our heart and soul, No.9 player sang a piece of the Breathing Pain, letting us feel heart-broken, besides, the classic Yesterday once more from No.12 reminded us of the wonderful memory in the past.
上海素以中国闻名遐迩的购物天堂而著称,从大型购物商场到精致独特的精品小店, 应 俱 全 ,令您 不暇接。
In Shanghai, you can choose from the largest of malls to the smallest of exclusive boutiques.
应当 指出的是,南斯拉夫是一个新的会员国,此前曾加入过联合国,但它 不接 替 南 斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国,不接替前南斯拉夫联邦共和国。
It should be noted that Yugoslavia is a new Member State, which has also been admitted to the United Nations, and is not a successor either to the Socialist Federal Republic of [...]
Yugoslavia (SFRY)
or to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
亚洲购物商城汇集了各种各样的产品,让您 不暇接 , 包括服装、电子产品如电脑和MP3、鞋、包、体育用品、书籍、DVD音像产品以及其他商品。
Clothes, electronic items such as computers and MP3 players, shoes, bags, sporting goods, books, DVDs and tons of others line the shelves at SM Mall.
在缓慢流淌的水道上静心冥想,沿岸 不暇接 的 美 景尽收眼底,远离现代生活的压力,洗脱尘世间的疲乏
A slow, contemplative way to travel through a land that is rich with scenic waterways, if ever there was a way to banish the stresses and strains of modern life, this would surely be it
因为国际体育联合会(例如足球、板球、垒球、篮球和曲棍球)具有教育和塑造 作用,教科文组应该与 其结成联盟,以在儿童和青年中推广保健价值观,防止 吸毒和暴力行为,进行团队合作不 歧 视 并合理使用 暇 时 间
UNESCO should develop alliances with international sports federations (e.g. football, cricket, baseball, basketball and hockey) owing to their
educational and formative
[...] role, in order to promote among children and youth the values of healthcare, the prevention of addiction and violence, teamwork, non-discrimination and proper use of leisure time.
[...] 可測量師登記的契據會否令其他㆞點或分段界線合法化、有關界線的糾紛會否增加, 因而令法庭接不暇。
The Real Estate Developers Association’s main concerns are whether there is an adequate number of qualified land surveyors in the private sector, whether other sites or section boundaries would be legalized when a deed is registered by
an authorized surveyor and the likelihood of increase in boundary disputes which the
[...] courts may not be able to cope with.
该组织的宗旨和目标在于:充当交流信息和经验的中央信息中心 应 请 求 帮 助各国建立中央休闲服务机构;促进世界休闲运动的发展,从而通过合理使用暇时丰富人类的精神;鼓励利用资源培养领军人物并 不 同 年 龄的群体发展娱乐 休闲;提供让娱乐休闲机构携手合作的媒介;与联合国及其他附属机构合作,确 保人人享有休闲的权利并有机会选择。
The goals and objectives of the organization are to: serve as a central clearing house for the exchange of information and experience; aid countries to establish central recreation service agencies upon request; promote the development of a world recreation movement in order to enrich the human spirit through wholesome use of leisure; encourage the use of resources to train leaders and develop recreation and leisure for all ages; provide a medium through which recreation authorities may work in unity; and work with the United Nations and other affiliated organizations to ensure that everyone has a right to leisure and the opportunity to choose.
咨询委员会注意到,依照安理 会第
[...] 1904(2009)号决议第 21 段,在任命监察员后,第 1730(2006)号决 议所设协调人机制(P-4)应不再接受个人和实体提出的从综合名单除名的 请求,而应继续接受个人和实体提出的从其他制裁名单除名的请求。
The Committee notes that, in accordance with paragraph 21 of Council resolution 1904 (2009), after the
appointment of the
[...] Ombudsman, the focal point mechanism (P-4) established in resolution 1730 (2006) shall no longer receive [...]
requests from individuals
or entities seeking to be removed from the Consolidated List, but shall continue to receive requests from individuals and entities seeking to be removed from other sanctions lists.
但是,根據報章的報道,其實鄭家富議員近來很忙,因為他的證 婚人生意接不暇。
However, according to newspaper reports, Mr Andrew CHENG has been very busy these days.
不仅是 因为这些经济体的人均收入水平高,而且还因为大多数发达的欧洲经济 委员会经济体,特别是北欧经济体普 接 受 教 育、享受 暇 和 保健的机会且预期 寿命长。
This is due not only to their high levels of per capita income but also to access to education, leisure and health care, and high life expectancy in most of the advanced ECE economies, especially in [...]
the Scandinavian economies.
执法人员和司法部应接受适 当的人权培训,尤其是关于平等不 歧视原则的培训。
Law enforcement officials
[...] and the judiciary should receive adequate human rights training, in particular on the principle of equality and non-discrimination.
關於這項自駕遊試驗計劃,公民黨在街上收集市民的簽名時,市 民基本上是蜂擁而至,在短短個多兩個小時之間便已收集了超過 2 000個簽名,簡直是接不暇。
During the signature campaign launched in relation to this scheme by the Civic Party on the streets, members of the public basically came in droves, and within a matter of two hours, more than 2 000 signatures were collected.
反 覆 及 多 餘 的 證 據 會 令 法 庭接 不 暇 , 訴 訟 程 序 曠 日 持 久 , 花 費 更 大 。
The court would be swamped by repetitious and superfluous evidence and the proceedings would be lengthened and become more costly.
例如,如果中国是用海军军舰而非 渔政或海监船只对美国海军暇号进 行骚扰的话, 美方的应将会激烈得多。
For example, the U.S. would have likely replied far more robustly had Chinese naval vessels, as opposed to Fisheries and China Marine Surveillance vessels, harassed the USNS Impeccable.
根据保留的效接受保留的后 果问题不是、而不应该是 被提出,其探究停止在可允许性的阶段,这一点不 是、也不能够作接受的 结果予以获取。
The question of the
[...] consequences of acceptance in terms of the effects of the reservation is not and should not be raised; the inquiry stops at the stage of permissibility, which is not and cannot be acquired as a result of the acceptance.
女性囚犯的医疗保密权利,具体而言包括不分享信息 不接 受 对 她们生殖卫 生史进行检查的权利,应始终 受到尊重。
specifically the right not to share
information and not to undergo
[...] screening in relation to their reproductive health history, shall be respected at all times.
公园人行道两旁的桃树不暇接,粉 红色的花朵争奇斗艳。
Walkways of the park are straddled by peach trees wrapped with blossoms in all sorts of pink hues.
此外,所有相关人员、包括医务人 应接受 关于如何确定酷刑和虐待迹象的培训、包括使用《酷刑和其他残忍 不 人 道 或有 辱人格的待遇或处罚的有效调查和文件记录手册;伊斯坦布尔议定书》,应该有 效利用这一文件。
Furthermore, all relevant personnel, including medical personnel, should receive specific training on how to identify signs of torture [...]
and ill-treatment, including training
on the use of the Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Istanbul Protocol), which should be utilized effectively.
在過往 1 年,社會福利界的制度已有不少的改變,令人有 接不暇 之 感, 甚至覺得雜亂無章,社會福利界內有不少聲音都希望政府制訂千禧年的社會 福利發展白皮書,透過制訂的過程,引發社會上更廣泛的討論,為社會福利 的未來發展,訂立清楚目標、方向和策略。
Such a process would induce more widespread discussion in the community and lead to the setting of clear goals, directions and strategies for the future development of social welfare.
该组织特别建议以色列, 这 种安排应 严 格 处于文职管 制 之 下,符 合 拒 服 兵役的性质 ,与服 兵役相不 是 惩 罚 性的,应 接 受 良 心 声 明不 做 任 何 伤 害。
The Organization commended to Israel in particular that arrangements be firmly under civilian control, compatible with
the nature of the objections, not punitive in nature by
[...] comparison with military service and that it should accept declarations of conscientious without [...]
与此同时, 前所未有的季风暴雨导致了空前的洪灾,使泰国全 国陷于瘫痪,而暇应对各 种国际问题。
As the new administration of Yingluck Shinawatra was finding its way on this policy issue and others, the country was inundated by record monsoonal rains that caused unprecedented floods and put all international issues to the side.




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