

单词 应归于

See also:

belong to
go back to
give back to
division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor
gather together
marry (of a woman) (old)
surname Gui
(used between two identical verbs) despite
(of a responsibility) be taken care of by

External sources (not reviewed)

法院重申了其观点,认为成员国机关的行为无论如 应归于 该 成员 国。
The Court reiterated its view that the conduct of an organ of
[...] a member State should in any event by attributed to that State.
世界银行上报的余额为 311,814 美元,其中 215,000 美应归于 1 个“多年期协定”年度付款。
The World Bank reported a balance of US $311,814 of which US $215,000 is attributable to 1 MYA.
开发计划署保留的余额共计 1,059,230 美元,其中 235,254 美应归于 21 项多年期协 定(MYA)。
UNDP holds a balance amounting to US $1,059,230, of which US $235,254 is attributable to 21 multi-year agreements (MYA).
总之,外国不应轻率地 依赖官员所属国为保护其国家官员所作的相关行 应归于 国 家 而非国家官员个人的声称。
In sum, the claim that acts should be attributed to the state rather than to the state official personally cannot be frivolously relied on by foreign states to protect their state officials”.
工发组织保留的余额合计达 1,060,666 美 元,其中 785,240 美应归于 19 个“多年期协定”。
UNIDO holds a total balance of US $1,060,666 of which US $785,240 is attributable to 19 MYAs.
[...] 的程度确定是否将国家特遣队的行为归于联合国实际上意味着,如果借调国对被 追究行为继续行使行动控制权,责 应归于 借 调 国而不是接受组织。
In the latter case, conditioning the attribution of an act of a national contingent to the United Nations on the degree of the “effective control” over the act or conduct in question implies, in fact, that, where the lending State continues to
exercise operational control over the imputed
[...] act, responsibility should be attributed to the lending [...]
State and not to the receiving organization.
换句话说,国家官员不能对不可于 其 个人 而 应归于 其所代表的国家的不法行为承担后果:他们享有所谓的“职务豁免”。
In other words, State officials cannot suffer the consequences of wrongful acts which are not attributable to them personally but to the State on whose behalf they act: they enjoy so-called “functional immunity”.
[...] 威和美利坚合众国代表的观点,在弃权条 应归于 “合 同中的示范仲裁条款草案”标题内还是标题外 [...]
Shengtao (China) said that her delegation had listened to the views of the representatives of Norway and the United States of America
and had no firm preference as to whether
[...] the waiver clause should fall within or outside [...]
the heading “Draft model arbitration clause for contracts”.
(b) 在你们看来,除上述权利之外,是否还有任何具体权 应归 列 于 团结 权之下?
(b) In your perspective, is there any
[...] particular right that should be included under [...]
solidarity rights other than the rights mentioned herein?
希腊认为,依照欧洲人权法院在Behrami和Saramati案中的判决,26 行应 归于行使 最终控制的国际组织,而不是行使行动控制的国家”(A/C.6/64/SR. [...]
16,第 58 段)。
Greece expressed the opinion that, in accordance with the judgment of the European Court
of Human Rights in Behrami and
[...] Saramati,26 “conduct should be attributed to the international [...]
organization exercising ultimate
control and not to the State exercising operational control” (A/C.6/64/SR.16, para. 58).
应归功于伊拉 克安全部队效力的日益增 强以及该国稳定局势的加强。
It is a tribute to the growing effectiveness of the Iraqi security forces and attests to the increased stability in the country.
双方合作关系的密应归功于地理 位置的优势,两家公司均位于北卡罗来纳州,相距不到两小时的 车程,且双方都高度关注高技术含量的产品。
This close working relationship is facilitated by the proximity of the two companies in North Carolina, less than a two-hour drive apart, along with a relentless focus on highly engineered products.
国 际组织的执行局如对法庭确认其管辖权的判决表示异议,或认为法庭判决因在诉 讼程序上犯有重大错误应归于无效 ,则执行局应将法庭判决是否有效问题提交 [...]
In any case in which the Executive Board of an international organization ... challenges a decision of the Tribunal confirming its jurisdiction, or considers that a decision of the Tribunal is vitiated by a fundamental fault in the procedure followed, the
question of the validity of the decision given
[...] by the Tribunal shall be submitted by [...]
the Executive Board concerned, for an advisory
opinion, to the International Court of Justice. 2.
应归功于联伊 援助团的另一项成就,是援助团提 供技术援助,帮助伊拉克解决境内各种内部边界争 [...]
Another achievement to be attributed to UNAMI is its [...]
technical assistance in settling the various internal border disputes
and in the search for consensus on the status of Kirkuk.
因此,如 果出现某特定行应否归于一国 或一国际组织或同时两者的问题,本条款草案为 确定是否该行为归于国际组织而提供标准,而国家对国际不法行为的责任条款将 [...]
Thus, if an issue
[...] arises as to whether certain conduct is to be attributed to a State or [...]
to an international organization
or to both, the present articles will provide criteria for ascertaining whether conduct is to be attributed to the international organization, while the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts will regulate attribution of conduct to the State.
然而,一个人的特性却应归结于其 基 因特性,因为它涉及复 杂的教育、环境和个人因素以及与他人的情感、社会和文化的纽带关系,具一定的自由度。
Nevertheless, a
[...] person’s identity should not be reduced to [...]
genetic characteristics, since it involves complex educational,
environmental and personal factors and emotional, social, spiritual and cultural bonds with others and implies a dimension of freedom.
任务组认为,应归功于乍得 苏丹联合边境部队提供的威慑、以及综合安全 分遣队为维持难民营的人道主义和民间特点而定期进行的警戒和搜寻活动。
The Task Force attributed this development to the deterrence provided by the Chad-Sudan [...]
joint border force combined with
regular cordon and search exercises conducted by DIS in order to maintain the humanitarian and civilian character of the camps.
然而,有人坚决支持土地改革,认为它有助于逐步实现人类的食物权,至少 在下述特定情况下如此:(a)土地所有权高度集中(例如,不平等程度高于 0.65 个基尼系数),以及(b)农村贫困在很大程度 应归 因 于 没 有土地或小农户耕 种极小块的土地。
There are strong arguments, however, in favour of land reform as contributing to the progressive realization of the human right to food, at least in contexts characterized by (a) a high degree of concentration of land ownership (such as
a level of
[...] inequality higher than a Gini coefficient of 0.65), combined with (b) a significant level of rural poverty attributable to landlessness [...]
or the cultivation of
excessively small plots of land by smallholders.
南非的研究显示,来自游客参观增加的经济效 应归 功 于 蓝 旗 奖。
Studies from South Africa show economic benefits from increased tourist visits due to the Blue Flag award.
代表团强调,人权问题受到关应归 功 于 1 9 7 9年8月3 日的自由政变及其 后的行动,这场政变使政府得以建立民主国家的法治,消除前政权下的不公与侵 权行为。
The delegation stressed that human rights issues were taken up thanks to the action taken starting from the Freedom Coup of 3 August 1979 which allowed the government to install the rule of law in a democratic state, in order to eradicate the injustices and violations of the previous regime.
有意见认为,和平利用外层空间委员会及其法律小组委员会在推进空间法 领域的工作以及在以促进而不是阻碍外层空间的探索和利用的方式制定空间法 方面有着不凡的记录,取得这种成 应归 因 于 小 组 委员会有能力注重实际问题 并通过协商一致、着眼于结果的进程来解决此类问题。
The view was expressed that the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and its Legal Subcommittee had an extraordinary record in advancing the field of space law and developing space law
in a manner that
[...] promoted, rather than hindered, the exploration and use of outer space and that such success was due to the Subcommittee’s ability to focus on [...]
practical problems and
to address such problems through a consensus-based, results-oriented process.
(c) 影响力:在实现《公约》的总体目标方面取得 应归 因 于 执 行 “战 略”的进展的程度
(c) Impact: the
[...] extent to which there has been progress towards achieving the overall objectives of the Convention that can be attributed to the implementation [...]
of The Strategy
在普通住房、别墅、办公室和官邸中,其纯木质观感给人带来无比愉悦的感觉 – 而这些应归功于博纳自然漆。
In family homes, villas, offices and official residences, the pure natural look and feel of wooden floors are fully enjoyed – thanks to the unique Bona Naturale.
她认为她能减掉 41 磅、 戒烟并使健康得到改善,应归功于 她 的 同事。
She credits associates at work with helping her shed 41 pounds, stop smoking and improving her health.
[...] 功加深统一的程度,除其他外,一部 应归 功 于 通 过 “一体行动”基金和开发署 和西班牙实现千年发展目标基金项下扩大筹资窗口提供更多资金,这些资金促进 [...]
The success of countries voluntarily adopting the “Delivering as one” approach in
achieving a deeper level of harmonization
[...] is partially attributable to, among other [...]
things, additional funding that is made
available to the United Nations country teams through the “Delivering as one” funds and the expanded funding window under the Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund of UNDP and Spain, which give impetus to coherence on programmes, thereby creating the need for cooperation on business operations.
他说,他并不认为在任何情况下,司法 当局也要承担律师疏忽的责任,但在本案中,刑事法院的过失相当严重,可以得 出如下结论:未用尽国内补救办法 应归 咎 于 缔 约 国当局。
He explains that he does not consider that responsibility is shared by the courts in all cases of counsel negligence, but in the present case the omissions of the criminal court were sufficiently serious to conclude that the failure to exhaust domestic remedies was also attributable to the State party authorities.
当中兴通讯(HKEx: 763; Shenzhen: 000063)两周前公布了其亏损的第三季度财报时,大家都认为部分责 应归 咎 于 其 智 能手机业务,因为该公司以牺牲利润换取快速成长。
When ZTE (HKEx: 763; Shenzhen: 000063) warned 2 weeks ago that it would post a massive third-quarter loss, everyone assumed that its smartphone business was partly to blame as the company sacrificed margins in exchange for fast growth.
缔约国还指出,提交人在艾 克斯普罗旺斯上诉法院没有提出这些申诉,因为该法院宣布上诉不可受理,这种 情况应归咎于提交 人自己,他错过了提出上诉的最后期限,这是他在其来文中 没有指出的。
The State party further notes that the author did not bring these claims before the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal because the Court had declared the appeal inadmissible, a situation for which the author himself was to blame for failing to lodge his appeal within the deadline, a fact he does not mention in his communication.
与其它矿物纤维比较,Lapinus工程纤维具有更为优异的性能, 应归 功 于 其 表 面处理,其优异性能确保了纤维和复合材料之间的物理和化学结合性。
The superior performance of Lapinus engineered fibres compared with other mineral fibres is a result of their surface treatment, which ensures chemical or physical bonding between the fibres and the matrix material.
不过,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国公民的权利仍 然受到有计划的侵害,他们仍然是频发暴力行为的 受害者,这些暴力行应归咎于朝鲜 当局。
Despite such developments, the people of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea continued to be subject to systematic rights violations and frequent acts of violence at the hands of the authorities, with particularly devastating consequences for women and children.




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