

单词 应受到

See also:

应受 v

deserve v

受到 v

receive v
suffer v

External sources (not reviewed)

获得咨询和意见的权利 不同于做出医疗同意的权利, 应受到 任 何 年龄限制。
The right to counselling and advice is distinct from the right to give
[...] medical consent and should not be subject to [...]
any age limit.
因此,数字遗产资料,尤其是公有 的数字遗产资料的使用应受到不合 理的限制。
Accordingly, access to digital heritage materials, especially those in the public domain, should be free of unreasonable [...]
虽然鲣鱼产量到2009年一直保持增加趋势,但进一步扩 大产应受到严格 监测,因为这可能会给大目和黄鳍金枪鱼带来负面影响(多品 种渔业)。
Although skipjack tuna continued its
increasing trend up to 2009,
[...] further expansion should be closely monitored, as it may negatively affect bigeye [...]
and yellowfin tunas (multispecies fisheries).
最后,委员会确定 存在侵犯权利的情况对决定每一案件时也许作出的赔偿产生直接影响,这一点应受到忽视
Finally, it should not be overlooked that the violations
determined by the Committee have a direct
[...] impact on any reparation which it may determine when it decides each individual case.
绝不允许某些国家利用 《条约》的退出规定,以逃避因退约之前违约应 受到的制裁和处罚。
Countries should not be allowed to use the withdrawal provision of the Treaty to evade sanctions and penalties for violations committed prior to withdrawal.
此外,言论自 由是任何民主制度的支柱,应受到 任 何 限制。
Furthermore, freedom of speech is a mainstay of any democracy, which precludes prior restraint.
[...] 们确认,各国在和平利用核能领域做出的选择和决 应受到 尊 重 ,不应损害其 和平利用核能的政策或国际合作协定和安排以及其核燃料循环政策。
In this connection, they confirmed that each country’s choices and
decision in the field of peaceful uses of
[...] nuclear energy should be respected without [...]
jeopardizing its policies or international
co operation agreements and arrangements for peaceful uses of nuclear energy and its fuel-cycle policies.
供应商因 个人慈善活动提供的任何礼物 应受到 礼 物 一般指导方针的约束。
Any gifts
[...] offered by a supplier for a personal charity are subject to [...]
the general guidance on gifts.
关于根除对酷刑和其他对囚犯的不法待遇有罪不罚、对这种案件做独立 的调查的建议,土库曼斯坦就相关法律规定、包括《宪法》第 2 部分第 23 条提供 了 资 料 ,该条规定,公民应受到酷刑 、 残 忍 或 不人道 或 有 辱 人 格 的待遇或惩 罚,也不应在没有事先同意的情况下接受医疗或医药实验(第 2 部分第 23 条)。
On the recommendation of excluding impunity for torture and other unlawful treatment of prisoners and undertake independent investigations of such cases, information was provided on the relevant legal provisions, including part 2, article 23 of the Constitution, which stated that no citizen can be subject to torture, cruel or inhuman or humiliating treatment or punishment, nor subject without consent to medical or medicinal experiments (part 2, art 23).
At the same time, the feed supply is prey to natural events such as the recent drought in North America, creating a significant ripple effect in the food supply.
(d) 确保任何残忍、不人道或有辱人格的处罚,如作为纪律措施在恶劣情 况下的单独监应受到绝对禁止。
(d) Ensure that any cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment, such as solitary confinement in appalling conditions as a disciplinary measure, is absolutely prohibited.
老挝 代表团指出,打击世界毒品祸患应继续以共同承担 责任的原则为指导,减少供应和需求的战 应受到 重视
The principle of common and shared responsibility should continue
to prevail in the fight against the global drug problem, with priority
[...] given to strategies to reduce supply and demand.
[...] 保护人权、法治、善政和民主的必要先决条件,也是确保司法工作不歧视的必要 先决条件,因此在任何情况下 应受到 尊重
Convinced that the independence and impartiality of the judiciary and the integrity of the judicial system as well as an independent legal profession are essential prerequisites for the protection of human rights, the rule of law, good governance and democracy, as well as for ensuring
that there is no discrimination in the
[...] administration of justice, and should therefore be respected in [...]
all circumstances
因此,缔约国有权利 和义务,以一种免服兵役不会捣乱公共安全和公共秩序的方式来评估依良心拒服 兵役的权利是应受到限制
Thus, States parties have the right and responsibility to appreciate limits of the right
of conscientious objection in such a way that
[...] exemption from military service does not perturb public safety and order.
[...] 身的法律和行政程序进行协调时有时可能会遇到困难,但认为这些义务对食典委的 工作和地位来说是至关重要的, 应受到 任 何 形式的削弱。
While recognizing that difficulties can arise from time to time in reconciling the obligations of the acceptance procedure with the laws and administrative procedures of a Member Country, the CCGP and the CAC have
determined that the obligations are essential to the work and status of the
[...] CAC and that they should not be weakened in [...]
any way.
该定义明显比信息的定义更为狭窄—— 例如,该定义似乎并不包括样品——但既然法律规定的基本获取权适用于信息,那么在实践 中获取权就应受到后一定义的限制。
This is distinctly narrower than the definition of information – for example it would not appear to include samples – but since the
primary right of access as defined by the Law applies to
[...] information, this should not limit the right of access in practice.
I. 然而,即使没有这样一个机构,有关个人和实体进行尽责调查的情况 应受 到独立审计。
I. However, even in the absence of such
a body, due diligence implementation by relevant
[...] individuals and entities should still be subject to [...]
independent audits.
我们愿提醒安全理事会, 它对未能执行一些规定受影响的巴勒斯坦民众应 受到保护 的决议,特别是其最近的一项决议,以及未 能阻止对巴勒斯坦民众的屠杀负有完全责任。
We would like to remind the Security Council that it is fully responsible for its failure to enforce its most recent resolution, among several others that provide for the protection to which the afflicted Palestinian people are entitled, and to stop the massacre being committed against them.
同样,国际刑事法院罗马规约第 8 条规定,该法 院有权审判犯下战争罪行者,无论——我重复一遍, 无论——犯下战争罪行者是冲突的哪一方, 应受到 审判,审判应依据互补原则、以同该法院开展有效合 作的方式进行。
Likewise, through the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the Court’s jurisdiction to try those who commit war crimes was established pursuant to article 8 of the Statute, regardless — and I repeat, regardless — of which party to the armed conflict commits them, under the principle of complementarity and through effective cooperation with the Court.
难民或处于类 似难民地位的人应受到其所 居住或曾旅居的第三 国的强迫遣返。
Refugees or persons in
[...] refugee-like situations should not be subject to [...]
forced return by a third country in which they resided
or to which they had travelled.
非法侵占位于大陆架或土耳其专属经济区内的固定平台是另一个可能与海 盗活动有关的罪行,应受到惩罚 ,可处以 5 至 15 年监禁(第 224 条)。
Another criminal offence that may be relevant to piracy-related activities is the illegal seizure of a fixed platform located on the continental shelf or exclusive economic zone of Turkey, which is also punishable with a penalty of imprisonment for a term of 5 to 15 years (article 224).
(a)项清楚表明,债务人的资产和事务 应受到 控 制 或监督;如果外国程序 仅涉及其中的一项,那是不够的。
Subparagraph (a) makes it clear that both assets and
[...] affairs of the debtor should be subject to control [...]
or supervision; it is not sufficient
if only one or the other are covered by the foreign proceeding.
[...] 意见中提出的建议,并强调为国内外监督组织或机构提供信息的人 应受到 任何 处罚,也不应因为提供了此类信息而招致其他不良结果。
The SPT reiterates its recommendations made in the preliminary observations and emphasizes that those providing information to
international or national monitoring bodies or
[...] institutions should not suffer any punishment [...]
or otherwise negative consequences
for having provided such information.
重申所有人,包括境内流离失所者,均享有自由移徙权利和居住权, 应受 到保护 ,不被任意迁移,2 注意到国际社会对全世界境内流离失所者问题的认识日增,并注意到迫切需 [...]
要消除造成流离失所的根源,寻求持久解决办法,包括确保安全、有尊严地自愿回 返以及在流离失所者目前所在地区自愿就地安置或在该国另一个地方自愿安置
Reaffirming that all persons, including those internally displaced, have the
right to freedom of
[...] movement and residence and should be protected against [...]
being arbitrarily displaced,2 Noting the international community’s
growing awareness of the issue of internally displaced persons worldwide and the urgency of addressing the root causes of their displacement and finding durable solutions, including voluntary return in safety and with dignity, as well as voluntary local integration in the areas to which persons have been displaced or voluntary settlement in another part of the country
国际社会一致认为这些行动将延续冲突并不利于和平事业,它们是非法的应受到谴责 ,但遗憾的是占领国以色列仍然顽固坚持实行这种非法和好战的政策 [...]
和措施,其唯一目的是加强控制 1967 年以来它用武力占领的土地。
Regrettably, despite the international consensus that these actions
[...] are illegal, reprehensible and serve to [...]
perpetuate the conflict and do not serve
the cause of peace, Israel, the occupying Power, remains intransigent and insistent on carrying out such unlawful and belligerent policies and measures, which are solely aimed at entrenching its control of the land it has been occupying by force since 1967.
外在费用包括与遗留问题有关的费用,如:过时的储备和受污染的场地;由于产前或产后受到 化学品影响而发育不全的儿童;因受到化学品影响健康受损的其他人;在受害者无法支付保健 服务时,提供保健服务的机构;财产价值或功效因化学品污染而减少的业主或用户;生计受到 化学品污染损害的渔民、猎人、小农和其他人;由于传统粮食受到污染生活方式受损的土著人 民;水应受到污染的民众等。
Externalized costs include those related to legacy issues, such as obsolete stockpiles and contaminated sites; children whose development has been impaired as a result of prenatal and post-natal chemical exposure; others whose health has been injured as a result of chemical exposure; those providing health-care services to such people when the injured are not able to pay for the services; property owners or users whose property value or utility decreases as a result of chemical contamination; fishers, hunters, small farmers and others whose livelihoods are impaired by chemical contamination; indigenous peoples whose way of life has been undermined through contamination of their traditional foods; and people whose water supply is contaminated.
董事会可以交托及赋予董事总经理、联席董事总经理、副董事总经理、执行董事 或任何董事,可按其认为合适的条款及条件并带有其认为合适的限制而行使的任
[...] 何权力,此权力可附带于或摒除董事会本身的权力,也可不时撤销或全部或部分 更改,但忠实而没有收到撤销或更改通知的人 应受到 影 响
The Board may entrust to and confer upon a managing director, joint managing director, deputy managing director, an executive director or any Director any of the powers exercisable by it upon such terms and conditions and with such restrictions as it thinks fit, and either collaterally with, or to the exclusion of, its own powers, and may from time to time revoke or vary all or any of such
powers but no person dealing in good faith and without notice of such
[...] revocation or variation shall be affected thereby.
援助和(77 国集团和中国)} {JZ 、欧盟主张删除}
[...] 合作方案应该与国家发展战略相 配合(JZ 、欧盟) 基于国家所有权(JZ) 并反映相互负责和问责{ 且应受到条件限 制。
They {Aid and (G77&CHINA)}{JZ, EU delete} Cooperation programmes should be aligned with national development strategies (JZ, EU) based on
country ownership (JZ) and reflect mutual responsibility and
[...] accountability {and should not be subject to conditionalities.
因此,发展具有复原能力的社会经济系统所需的政策和行动,应有助于解决 与跨部门和专题议题都有关的问题,在国家、区域和国际对话中 应受到 更 大关 注。
Thus, the policies and actions required for the development of resilient socio-economic systems should help
to resolve problems related to both crosssectoral and
[...] thematic issues and should receive greater attention [...]
in national, regional and international dialogues.
然而,有与会者补充说,一人不当 使用或登记遭到恶意更改的,有担保债权人的权利 应受到 所 谓用户身份和口 令使用适当这一结论性假设的不利影响。
However, it was added that, in the case of wrongful use by a person and of registration of an adverse
amendment, the rights of the
[...] secured creditor should not be negatively affected by a conclusive presumption that the user identification [...]
and password were properly used.




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