

单词 序列

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,上述三個取向並非按優先序 列出, 教師應在合適的情況下採用這些取向。
The three approaches above are not listed in any order of preference but should be adopted where appropriate.
[...] 「只建構修改的部分」,如此一來,當您只稍做修 改時,便不需要重新建構整個視 序列。
SmartRender allows "changes only" rendering, eliminating the need to re-render
[...] an entire video sequence when slight modifications [...]
have been made.
請按序列出當 局將進行的公眾參與活動內容、採用的方式、開始及結束時間, 以及每項活動涉及的開支。
Please provide a chronological breakdown of such [...]
activities with details, the approach to be adopted, the launching and
closing dates for such activities and the expenses to be incurred by each activity.
收集到的意見經整合 後,依其受歡迎程度序列於下 面表 1 和表 2,較受歡迎的意見以深色顯示,括 弧內的數字顯示該意見曾被提及的次數2 。
Their ideas were collated and summarised in order of popularity with more popular ideas set out in bold as shown in Tables 1 and 2 on the next two pages.
請按檢討的序列出 當局進行檢討的各項步驟,包括與古物諮詢委員會討論的次數,曾作諮詢的 團體的名稱及次數、以及曾作出文獻研究的次數。
Please list out the various procedures taken to conduct the [...]
review, including the number of discussions held with the Antiquities
Advisory Board, the name of the organisations consulted and the number of consultations made, as well as the number of literature surveys conducted in chronological order
附件十序列正生 書院申請在現有校舍營辦 新高中課程的主要事項。
A sequence of events of CSZC’s application [...]
for operating the NSS courses in its existing school premises is at Annex 12.
欲執行,開 啟電腦的 設定,控制台,系統,裝置管理員,在 通序列匯流排控制器 中可以看到支援的 USB。
To do so, open Settings, Control Panel, System, and under Device Manager you should see that you have the class Universal Serial Bus Controller for USB support.
如果您選取多個素材,「改變素 序列 」 對話方塊會出現,讓您在此方塊中排列素材順序。
If you selected multiple clips,
[...] the Change Clip Sequence dialog box will [...]
appear where you can arrange the order of the clips.
[...] 過程可知本演算法在無使用者介入情況下,根據影像間的色彩特徵值差異,有效 評估色彩轉換的程度,調整成最適合的色彩資訊,產生出適合的結果影 序列。
From experimental results, the proposed algorithm can automatically and
effectively produce the suitable color
[...] information and images sequence by the attributes [...]
differences between image colors.
如會,請按預計檢討的序列出當 局進 行檢討的各項步驟;有否與環境諮詢委員會討論有關檢討?
If yes, please list the whole process in accordance with the
[...] expected time sequence of the review.
兒童的母語習得,在 學習社會文化和行為規範的同時發生,在自然的語言環境中透過豐富 的言語輸入而日積月累,其中並無一定的學 序列 積 累 ,語言的發展 和思維的形成幾乎同步。
Children’s mother tongue acquisition takes place simultaneously with the learning of social culture and the norms of conduct.
如名單上序排列 的候 選人已用盡仍未能填補空缺,則直至下次大選前,有關議 席會懸空而不會填補。
If there are no more candidates in the order of preference on the party list, the vacancy will remain vacant and will not be filled until the next general election.
請按檢討的序列出當 局進行 檢討的各項步驟,包括與市區重建局及其執行伙伴(請列出伙伴的名稱)討論 [...]
Please provide a chronological breakdown of steps [...]
for carrying out the Review including the number of discussions with the
Urban Renewal Authority and its partner organisations (please state their names), the names of bodies that have been consulted and the frequency of such consultation; and the number of literature surveys that have been conducted.
2.5 閣下於收到新支票簿後,應在使用前核對支票上印示 序列 號 碼 、戶口編號及於支票簿上 載印的閣下姓名,並核對支票數目。
2.5 Upon receipt of a new cheque book from us, you agree to verify the cheque serial numbers, account number as well as name of the account holder printed thereon and to count the number of cheques before use.
為了更確切理解本港勞工的生產能力,本文就不同層面結算了香港的人力 資本,並編為時序列,以 囊括不同教育程度和年齡的工人在生產力和賺 錢能力方面的重大差距。
A number of human capital stock series have been constructed for the Hong Kong economy, in order to take stock of the huge gaps in productivity and earnings potentials amongst workers with different education and demographic profiles.
第541D章亦須作出相應修訂,訂明區議會(第二)功能界別 的候選人須根據名單制獲得提名,以及相關的選舉安排(例如候選人 如何委任代理人、如何從總選舉事務主任取得正式登記冊的文本及從 選舉主任取得各類通知、採用甚麼格式的選票、如何訂出候選人在選 票上的序排列、如何填劃選票和把選票放入投票箱、採用甚麼格式 的選舉結果公告等)。
Consequential amendments are also required for Cap. 541D to provide that the candidates for the DC(second) FC are to be nominated under a list system and the related electoral arrangements (e.g. how the candidates appoint agents, how they receive copy of final register and notices from the CEO and the RO respectively, what is the form of the ballot paper, how is the order of appearance of lists of candidates arranged, how to mark the ballot paper and put it into the ballot box, what is the form of the notice of election result, etc.).
舉行選舉委員會界別分組選舉的選舉程序在《選舉 管理委員會( 選舉程序)(選舉委員會) 規例》( “《選舉委員會選 舉序規例》")中列明。
The electoral procedures for conducting EC subsector elections are
provided in the Electoral Affairs
[...] Commission (Electoral Procedure) (Election Committee) Regulation (“EAC (EP) (EC) Reg”).
申請人須按照上文第 5 段列的程序,向 環保署提供所需的文件。
The applicant should provide the required documentation to
[...] EPD following the procedures set down in Section [...]
5 above.
舉例來說,從城市規劃觀點來看,許多生產 序 都 可 列 為 工 業大廈的 准許用途,但規管有關大廈的土地契約通常把有關大廈的用途限制為工業 用途及其他與工業運作相關的附屬用途,而很多生產程序都不被視為契約 下容許的工業或倉庫用途。
For example, many production processes may be included as permitted uses in an industrial building from town planning’s point of view, but they may not be regarded as industrial or godown uses under the land leases governing the industrial buildings, which normally restrict the uses to industrial purposes and other uses ancillary to industrial operations.
特別 是在申請截取的個案裏,如尋求發出的授權是以服務為對象並涉 及多於一項的設施,便應在授權擬稿的附表, 序 獨 立 載 列 該授權尋求涵蓋的每項設施的詳情,讓小組法官可分別就每份附表所 載列的設施作出決定;如申請的授權屬以人為對象,有關申請應 清楚說明,尋求發出的授權擬截取的設施為目標人物“正使用或 按理可被預期會使用"的設施。
(See paragraphs 106 to 114 below.) In particular, in the case of an application for interception, where a service-based authorization involving more than one facility is sought, the details of each and every facility sought to be covered by the authorization should be provided in separate consecutive schedules attached to the draft authorization so that the panel judge may make a determination in respect of each facility identified on the respective schedule; and where a subject-based authorization is applied for, the application should clearly state that the authorization sought for covers interception of facilities which the subject “is using or is reasonably expected to use”.
雖然調查結果及由顧問專家進行的獨立檢討均顯示,九鐵的 維修標準及程序,並非導致底盤組件支架出現裂紋的成因, 但九鐵會進一步加強翻列車的維修 序 , 務 求及早發列 車底 盤支架的裂紋,亦會在列車及路軌加裝儀器,不斷監察 路軌及車輪的接面,務求在有需要時主動作出適當的修正措 施。
Although the findings of the investigation and independent reviews by specialist consultants show that the KCRC
maintenance standards and procedures
[...] have not been a contributory factor in the occurrence of cracks in the underframe equipment mounting brackets, the maintenance procedures for the MLR trains [...]
will be further
strengthened to support the early detection of mounting bracket cracks.
3.13 為防止農畜受傷及/或患病,以及更妥善管理和照顧農 畜,現進一步建議修訂《條例》附表 2 第 4 段,容許根
據《公眾衞生(動物及禽鳥)(牛隻、綿羊及山羊的飼養)規 例》(第 139C 章 )、《奶場規例》(第 139D 章 )或《公眾衞 生 (動物及禽鳥)(禽畜飼養的發牌)規例》(第 139L 章
[...] )獲發 牌照的禽畜飼養人( 或其僱員或家庭成員) ,進行列程
3.13 For the prevention of injury and / or disease and better management and care of farm animals, it is further proposed to amend paragraph 4 of Schedule 2 of the VSRO to allow a livestock farmer who is a licensee under the Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Keeping of Cattle, Sheep and Goats) Regulation (Cap. 139C), the Dairies Regulation (Cap. 139D) or the Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Licensing of Livestock
keeping) Regulation (Cap. 139L) (or his / her employee or a member of his / her household) to
[...] perform the following procedures
4.15 為了讓私營和政府化驗所有足夠時間研發測試方法,以測試新附 屬法例列的除 害劑,以及讓業界有充分時間為遵守新的法例規定作準 備,我們建議給予業界兩年寬限期,才實施這項新的附屬法例。
4.15 To allow sufficient time for laboratories (both private and government) to develop testing methods for pesticides as listed in the new subsidiary legislation and the trade in complying with the new regulatory requirement, it is proposed to grant a two-year grace period for this new piece of subsidiary legislation.
最終安排與原建議的安 排大致相同,即學校將不會再純粹分為採用英語作為教學語言的 學校(下稱"英中")和採用中文作為教學語言的學校(下稱"中中"); 如學校在過去兩年獲派屬全港" 前列40%"的中一新生平均比例達 到一班學生人數的85%,該校便可全權酌情決定其教學語言安排; 以母語教授學科的其他學校可運用總課時的25%進行英語延展教 學活動;以及學校可將英語延展教學活動的課時,轉化為以英語 教授個別科目(最多兩個科目)。
The finalized arrangements were largely the same as originally proposed in that there would no longer be pure bifurcation of schools into schools using English (EMI schools) and Chinese (CMI schools) as the medium of instruction; schools would be given full discretion to determine its MOI arrangements if the average proportion of Secondary One intake admitted to a class belonging to the "top 40%" group in the previous two years reached 85% of the size of the class; other schools adopting mother tongue for teaching content subjects could use 25% of the total lesson time for extended learning activities (ELA) in English; and schools could transform the ELA time into the adoption of EMI for individual subjects, up to a maximum of two subjects.
於本組織章程大綱的一般詮釋及特別是本第3條的具體詮釋中,當中所訂明或提述的目的、 業務或權力不會因任何其他目的、業務或權力,或本公司名稱,或兩項或以上目的、業務 或權力列的提 述或據此作出的推論而受到規限或限制,而倘本條或本組織章程大綱其他 地方有任何歧義,將根據有關詮釋及註解闡釋,該等詮釋及解釋將可擴大及擴展(而並非 限制)本公司的目的、業務及可行使的權力。
In the interpretation of this Memorandum of Association in general and of this Clause 3 in particular no object, business or power specified or mentioned shall be limited or restricted by reference to or inference from any other object, business or power, or the name of the Company, or by the juxtaposition of two or more objects, businesses or powers and that, in the event of any ambiguity in this Clause or elsewhere in this Memorandum of Association, the same shall be resolved by such interpretation and construction as will widen and enlarge and not restrict the objects, businesses and powers of and exercisable by the Company.
(e) 本公司可任意將股東名冊中列首位 之人士視為任何股份之聯名持有人之 一,彼可單獨享有就該等股份寄發股票,或從本公司接收通知,或出席本公 司股東大會或在會上投票,向該人士發出之任何通知應被視為向所有聯名持 有人發出之通知;但任何一名聯名持有人均可委任有權代表該等聯名持有人 投票之人士作為代理,代表出席本公司股東大會並在會上投票,但倘超過一 名該等聯名持有人親自或通過代理出席任何大會,則就該等股份在股東名冊 中列首位 之如此出席大會之該名人士將單獨有權就此投票。
(e) the Company shall be at liberty to treat the
[...] person whose name stands first in the register as one of the joint holders of any shares as solely entitled to delivery of the certificate relating to such share, or to receive notices from the Company, or to attend or vote at general meeting of the Company, and any notice given to such person shall be deemed notice to all the joint holders; but any one of such joint holders may be appointed the proxy of the persons entitled to vote on behalf of such joint holders, and as such proxy to attend and vote at general meetings of the Company, but if more than one of such joint holders be present at any meeting personally or by proxy that one so present whose name stands first in the [...]
register in respect of
such shares shall alone be entitled to vote in respect thereof.
(d) 就股份選擇權已被正式行使的股份(「已行使選擇權股份」) 而言,有關股息(或已獲授選擇權的該部份股息)不得以股份 支付,而為了取代及支付該股息,須基於上文所釐訂的配發基 準向已正式行使前述股份選擇權的股東以入 列 為 繳 足的方式 配發股份,而就此而言,董事會可按其決定把本公司可供分派 溢利的任何部分或本公司儲備賬的任何部分(包括任何特別賬 戶、股份溢價賬及資本贖回資金)撥充資本並加以應用,金額 相當於按有關基準配發的股份面值總額,有關金額將悉數用作 繳足將按有關基準配發及分發予已行使選擇權股份承配人的恰 當數目股份。
(d) the dividend (or that part of the dividend in respect of which a right of election has been accorded) shall not be payable on shares in respect whereof the share election has been duly exercised (“the elected shares”) and in lieu and in satisfaction thereof shares shall be allotted credited as fully paid to the members who have duly exercised the said share election on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Directors shall capitalise and apply out of any part of the profits of the Company available for distribution or any part of any of the Company’s reserve accounts (including any special account, share premium account and capital redemption reserve fund) as the Directors may determine, a sum equal to the aggregate nominal amount of the shares to be allotted on such basis and apply the same in paying up in full the appropriate number of shares for allotment and distribution to and amongst the allottees of the elected shares on such basis.
所有列本申 請書第一部分的人士(包括其配偶在內),從未獲得「自置居所貸款計劃」或「置業資助貸款計劃」貸款/按揭還 [...]
款補助金或購得「居者有其屋計劃」或「私人機構參建居屋計劃」或「中等入息家庭屋邨」美樂花園或「重建置業計劃」或 「居屋第二市場計劃」或「租者置其屋計劃」或「可租可買計劃」或房屋協會轄下任何房屋資助計劃的住宅樓宇單位。
None of the
[...] persons listed in Part I of this [...]
application form (including their spouses) have obtained any loan or mortgage
subsidy under the Home Purchase Loan Scheme (HPLS)/Home Assistance Loan Scheme (HALS), or have purchased any domestic flat under the HOS, the PSPS, the Middle Income Housing Project at Melody Garden, the Mortgage Subsidy Scheme, the SMS, the TPS, the Buy or Rent Option or any subsidized housing scheme administered by the HS.
(c) 與公眾的溝通-借助額外的設備如數碼資訊柱和巨型 顯示屏等加強與乘客溝通,以告知乘客事故的成因列車服 務的改動及其他交通路綫/工具;全面檢討與 乘客溝通的方式,以期作出迅速、準確及更加以客為 本的廣播。
(c) Communication with the Public - To enhance communication with passengers with the aid of additional equipment such as digital stanchions and giant information displays to advise passengers of the cause of incident, loop service patterns and alternative transport routes / modes; to conduct a system-wide review of passenger communication to deliver swift, accurate and more customer-oriented public announcements.




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