

单词 床虱

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任何缝纫线种类,粗度或颜色均可以使用 Coats Insectiban 的床虱处理 而不会影响车缝性能或化学性能。
Any thread substrate, size or colour can be treated with the Coats Insectiban technology without affecting sewing performance or chemical properties.
我们很自豪地介绍我们的最新创新产品:Coats Insectiban - 世界首创的床虱缝纫线及拉链。
We are proud to introduce our latest innovation: Coats Insectiban - the world’s first range of sewing threads and zips
[...] that helps protect against bed bugs.
由于北床虱的抵 抗力和类型不同,它们所需的Insectiban配方会略微不同。
Slightly different formulations of Insectiban are required for North America due to the different resistance and type of bed bugs.
如若床垫的其他构成部分经过床虱 处 理 ,则使用Insectiban缝纫线和拉链更为重要,其能确保 床虱 最 常 出没的地方(如接缝和连接位)提供更为有效的保护。
Where the other
[...] components of the mattress have been treated, using Insectiban threads and zips is essential to ensure that the favoured locations for bed bugs (i.e. seams [...]
and joins) provide a higher degree of protection.
你 的 意 思 是 否 儘 管 城 規會批准了 工 程 ,但我們仍以“捉虱 ” 的方法不 准它興建,還 是 怎 麼 樣 ?
Do you mean that even though the TPB has approved the project, we can still disallow the construction of the building by exploiting some loopholes in the contract or whatever?
爆破工程所需炸藥由土木工程拓展署屬下的 礦務部供應,每天從位於大嶼山虱 灣 的 政府爆炸品倉庫以水路運送 到特定碼頭,再轉由陸路運送到各經審批的爆破地點。
At present, explosives supplied by the Mines Division of the CEDD are delivered daily by waterborne transport from the government explosives depot at Kau Shat Wan on Lantau Island to designated piers and then by land transport to various approved blasting sites or magazines.
这是没有,不过,直到Anatolius死(7月3日,458),并已成功地由圣烟 虱 , 即皇帝落实到了解决的意见,他已引起了所有的主教“东Encyclia”,由流放Ælurus首先Gangrus在帕夫拉戈尼亚,然后在460至Cheronesus。
It was not, however, till Anatolius was dead (3 July, 458) and had been
[...] succeeded by St. Gennadius, that the [...]
Emperor put into effect the opinion he had elicited
from all the bishops of the East in the "Encyclia", by exiling Ælurus first to Gangrus in Paphlagonia, and then in 460 to the Cheronesus.
根據香港鐵路有限公司("港鐵公司")的資料,在南港島線(東段)建造期間,土木工程拓展署礦務部("礦務部")每日會從大嶼山 虱 灣 提 取炸藥,從北角碼頭途經多區繁忙道路進入南區經深水灣道、南風道、黃竹坑道及南朗山道等道路,先到黃竹坑地盤派送炸藥,然後由黃竹坑地盤再經南朗山道和黃竹坑道等道路,於下午3時前將炸藥運送到舂坎山臨時爆炸品貯存倉("舂坎山貯存倉"),而港鐵公司則會每日兩次(清晨4時至5時及下午4時前),由舂坎山貯存倉提取炸藥,經淺水灣道及黃竹坑道等道路,運送到南風道及鴨洲港鐵地盤進行隧道爆破。
According to the information provided by the MTR Corporation Limited ("MTRCL"), during the construction of the South Island (East) Line, explosives are collected daily by the Mines Division ("Mines D") of the Civil
Engineering and Development
[...] Department from Kau Shat Wan on Lantau Island, and transported [...]
from North Point Pier through
busy roads across various districts to the Southern District for delivery to the sites in Wong Chuk Hang ("WCH") first via Deep Water Bay Road, Nam Fung Road, WCH Road and Nam Long Shan Road, etc., and from the sites in WCH, the explosives are then transported via Nam Long Shan Road and in WCH Road, etc. to the temporary explosives magazine site at Chung Hom Shan ("CHS Magazine Site") by 3:00 pm for storage, and from where the explosives are collected twice daily (from 4:00 am to 5:00 am and before 4:00 pm) by MTRCL for transporting via Repulse Bay Road and WCH Road, etc. to the MTR sites at Nam Fung Road and in Ap Lei Chau for tunnel blasting.
(二 ) 土 木 工 程 署 現 正 在大嶼山的虱灣 進 行 一 項 實 地 研究,建 立一個 由 太 陽 能 板 發 熱 的 灌溉系 統。
(b) The Civil Engineering Department is conducting a site trial in Kau Shat Wan on Lantau Island to develop an irrigation system powered by solar panels.
对于成年人、风险群体及慢性疾病患者的医疗服务,总体上包括评估健康 状况及风险因素,提供健康生活方式建议,检测健康问题及评估期 床 分 期 ,根 据病患情况对其进行医疗跟踪,对患有多种病症及服用多种药物的病患进行关注 [...]
In general terms, care for adults, risk groups and chronically sick persons consists of assessment of the state of health and risk factors, advice on healthy lifestyles, the detection of
health problems and
[...] assessment of their clinical status, referral of patients for clinical follow-up appropriate [...]
to their condition,
care and follow-up for persons receiving more than one course of medicine or suffering from more than one illness and the provision of health information and health advice on the illness, and the precise nature of the care required, to the patient or the carer as appropriate.
法律规定向人口贩运受害者提供以下几类无偿 国家援助:提供包床位和 食物的临时住所;包括无偿法律协助在内的法律援 助;医疗和心理援助;为未成年的人口贩运受害者寻找家庭或安排他们在其他家 庭或儿童寄宿机构接受教育;协助受害者获得固定工作。
Legislation makes provision for the following aspects of free government assistance for the victims of trafficking in persons: supply of temporary accommodation, including board and lodging; legal assistance including legal aid; medical and psychological assistance, tracing the family of underage victims of trafficking or their placement in a foster family or children’s home and helping victims to find a permanent job.
They were followed by Gennadius, [...]
who continued Eusebius, by St. Isidore of Seville, and by St. Ildephonsus of Toledo.
[...] (leptospirosis),影响患者的皮肤、眼部、肌肉、肾脏和肝脏;莱姆病 (Lyme Disease),经虱叮咬 传播,引致发疹,随后更出现神经、心脏和关节异常。
Examples include brucellosis (a disease marked by prolonged fever), leptospirosis (a disease that can affects the skin, eyes, muscles,
kidneys, and liver) and Lyme Disease (a
[...] disease spread by tick bites that can [...]
cause a characteristic skin rash followed
later by neurologic, cardiac, or joint abnormalities).
虱看起 来并不雅观,尤其是在显微镜下。
Head lice are not a pretty [...]
sight, especially under the microscope.
正如我曾經在一些公開論壇上說過,中國人有一句話,是“一物 治一物,糯米治虱”, 沒有說哪樣是特別好、哪樣是特別差的,而 由於特首有這種超然的地位,便可以有這種為他特別度身訂造、為這 個職位度身訂造的一套彈劾機制,正好用來處理特首任何這方面的缺 失,而不能或不應只單靠其他故有的機制,例如廉政公署( 下稱 “ICAC”)機制、任何刑事調查機制,甚至所謂不信任議案,或是很多 同事均不斷主張使用的《立法會(權力及特權)條例》(“《權力及特權 條例》”)的調查程序。
It is a mechanism that addresses misconduct in that regard and we should not and cannot only rely on other existing mechanisms like the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), or any other criminal investigation mechanism, or even the so-called vote of no confidence motion, or what many other Honourable colleagues have advocated using, that is, the investigation procedures under the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance (P&P Ordinance).
美国虱子是 棕色至红棕色到黑色米色的亮点。
American Dog Ticks are brown to [...]
reddish brown with black to beige highlights.
受传染者头皮会很痒,您也许能看到头发里 虱 子 和 虫卵。
The scalp gets very itchy and you may see bugs and eggs in the hair.
運輸及房屋局局長:主席,也許讓我解釋一下,主要的運送 ⎯⎯ 即是 由虱灣至特定碼頭,然後再到倉庫,其實不是由港鐵公司負責,而是 [...]
SECRETARY FOR TRANSPORT AND HOUSING (in Cantonese): President, perhaps let me
explain here, the bulk of the delivery work ― that
[...] is, from Kau Shat Wan to the designated [...]
pier, and then to the magazine ― is
in fact not carried out by the MTRCL, but by the Mines Division for it is the regulatory body with expert experience.
Treatment is aimed at killing the bugs and eggs and relieving the itchy scalp.
(b) 在第 3 項中,在第 2 欄中,廢除在“瘡或"之後的所 有字句而代以“蟯蟲虱或蠅蟲侵染。
(b) in item 3, in column 2, by repealing everything after “roundworm” and substituting a full stop
這種施工形 式在現有的或填取的土地內進行,以便提供從地面至施工 地點的必要通道,如果隧道走線越過 床 , 則 需要進行填 海首先填取土地,方可在填取的土地建造地下連續牆。
This form of construction is carried out in existing or formed land to provide the necessary construction access from the surface – should the tunnel alignment cross over seabed, reclamation will be required to first form the land through which the diaphragm walls need to be constructed.
例 如:香港灣 仔 政府大
[...] 樓、機 電 工程署新總部 、 大 嶼山竹篙灣消防 局、青 山 醫院第 ㆓ 期 重建和科 學 園 設有附 設 於 建 築 物 的光伏 系統;寶馬山 消 防 局 使 用 太陽能 熱 水 系統;虱灣 的 斜 坡 自 動 灌溉系統靠 光 伏 系統供 電,偏 遠 的 氣 象 站 則 採用風 能 和 太陽能 。
Examples are building-integrated photovoltaic panels installed at the Wanchai Tower, EMSD Headquarters, the fire station at Penny Bay on Lantau Island, Castle Peak Hospital Redevelopment Phase II, and Science Park; the solar panels
installed at the Braemar
[...] Hill Fire Station for water heating; the automatic irrigation system powered by a photovoltaic system installed on hill slopes at Kau Shat Wan; and the [...]
wind energy and solar
energy systems installed to support remote weather stations.
上日托的学龄前儿童和小学生染虱 子 (这和卫生习惯无关)之后会喜滋滋地把它传染给家人和朋友们。
Preschoolers in daycare and grade school children get infected (no, it’s not related to hygiene) with this bug and happily share it with the rest of their family and friends.
政府當局亦指出,由於爆炸品只可 在日出至日落之間的時間,由大嶼山 虱 灣 的政府儲存倉在海港 內以海路運送,所以須設置臨時爆炸品儲存倉庫通宵儲存爆炸 品,以便可於清晨進行爆破及每日可進行兩次爆破,以免晚上造 成噪音及導致工程延誤。
The Administration also pointed out that explosives could only be delivered by marine transport from the government explosives depot at Kau Shat Wan on Lantau Island within the harbour between the hours of sunrise and sunset. A temporary magazine site was thus required for overnight storage of explosives to enable early morning blast and to allow two blasts per day to avoid noise impact in the evening and the delay of the project.
马赛虱巨大 的利润继续向我们的工作。
Gennadius of Marseilles continued [...]
this work with great profit to us.
虱通常 是通过直接接触受污染的头发而传染的,通过接触患者衣物或物品受传染的情况很少见。
It’s usually spread by direct contact with infected hair and rarely by contact with clothing or objects.
我有两个女儿的头发非洲的头发和一个超光滑的的头发光滑科不知道还能做些什么来摆脱JA科所做的一切,直到可乐度过了她的头吸烟和其他的东西,我被教导 虱 子 最 后说会员 虱 子 死者,谁最终有没有想过柯甚至更多的血是甜的PQ她的妹妹quaze没有处 虱 内 服 JA科,我说更多的TBM影响的儿童非常。
I have two daughters a hair african hair and a hyper smooth the hair smooth ke not know what else to do to get rid of the lice ja ke did everything I was taught until Coke spent her head smoking
and other things
[...] finally say she has louse deceased who end up not ever think ke has even more blood is sweet pq to her sister quaze not handle the lice medicine orally ja ke I say [...]
more tbm affect the child goes very much.
结果发现:典型海弯虱对鲮 鱼的感染率、感染强度和平均密度均从2006年5月份开始上升,至7月份达到高峰,然后逐渐下降,于次年的2月份达到最低点,从3月份开始有所回升。
Results indicated that infectivity (prevalence, Mean infection intensity and Mean density of the parasites) on mud carp increased from May and peaked in July, then gradually declined to the lowest point, during February the following year.




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