

单词 庆阳



Qingyang prefecture in Gansu


Qingyang prefecture level city in Gansu

See also:


sun n

male principle (Taoism)
positive (electric.)

External sources (not reviewed)

本次工程建设在天津、石家庄、呼和浩特、太原、昆明、兰州、阿克苏、珠海、深圳、武汉、长沙、郑州、桂林、南宁、海口、三亚(2)、湛江、汕头、 庆 、 贵 阳 、 拉 萨、济南、青岛、南京、杭州、合肥、南昌、福州、厦门、温州、宁波、长春、哈尔滨、大连等34个物理节点安装多业务板卡、思科3560、思科2851等设备;北京网控中心试验室、首都机场、北京ACC、上海虹桥、上海ACC、广州白云(旧)、广州白云(新)、广州ACC等跟随当地其他节点一起安排工程;在9个原有节点主控板升级、6个新增节点、一级节点三个和北京总局空管局等节点安装网络设备MGX8830/B;在北京及上海节点安装MPLS/VPN网管、安全产品及部分节点光端机扩容等。
In this project, multi-service cards, Cisco 3560 switch, Cisco 2851 router and other devices are installed at 34 physical nodes in Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Hohhot, Taiyuan, Kunming, Lanzhou, Aksu, Zhuhai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Changsha, Zhengzhou, Guilin, Nanning, Haikou, Sanya (2), Zhanjiang, Shantou, Chongqing, Guiyang, Lhasa, Jinan, Qingdao, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Hefei, Nanchang, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Wenzhou, Ningbo, Changchun, Harbin and Dalian.
我们还以为天气会破坏行程庆幸的 是中 阳 光 普 照。
We thought the weather would disrupt the trip but lucky for us, there was sunshine by noon.
其主营业务是在北京、上海、阳、 成 都、 庆 、 天津,盘锦和乌鲁木齐销售名表。
The main business is selling prestigious watches mainly in Beijing,
[...] Shanghai, Shenyang, Chengdu, Chongqing, Tianjin, Panjin [...]
and Wulumuqi.
暮光之城耀获悉,邪恶的噩梦月亮将在即将到来的夏 阳 光 庆 典 返 回后在月亮上千年的监禁。
Twilight Sparkle learns that the evil
Nightmare Moon will return during the
[...] upcoming Summer Sun Celebration after one thousand [...]
years of imprisonment in the moon.
10月1日至6日为中国庆及重阳节假 期,中国部份海关及 EMS 休假,送往中国的订单将于10月7日始行安排邮寄,而投递所需时间将会较平常稍长,各会员下单时请注意。
All China orders placed during that period will be arranged for shipping on 7 October, so please note that the shipping time will take a bit longer than usual.
同样是在这一年,作为地球物理学和天文学研究所与墨西哥国立自治大学 (UNAM)地球物理所之间合作的一部分,为 庆 祝 国际 太 阳 物 理年,在墨西 哥射电望远镜 (MEXART)的信号质量和校准方法以及调整方面取得了重要成 果,该望远镜是用于星际闪烁观察的一个射电干涉计。
Through supervised classification of five images from the enhanced thematic mapper plus (ETM+) sensor on board Land Remote Sensing Satellite 7 (Landsat-7), researchers from the CITMA Institute of Oceanology identified and mapped five benthic habitats in Cuba’s Gulf of Batabanó, taking into account the substratum and submarine vegetation (seagrass and macroalgae).
在这种情况 下,阳性结 果进行初步审查的反兴奋剂组织将考虑该结果是否与治疗用药豁免到期或撤销的 时间相吻合。
In such cases, the Anti-Doping Organization conducting the initial review of an adverse finding will consider whether the finding is consistent with expiry or withdrawal of the TUE.
加纳:办事处帮助开展了众多活动,包括对联发援框架的中期审查、各种联合国日庆祝活 动(世界新闻自由日、世界水日、世界文化多样性促进对话和发展日、贩卖黑奴及其 [...]
Ghana: The Office contributed to the mid-term review exercise of the
[...] UNDAF, to the celebration of various United [...]
Nations days (World Press Freedom Day,
World Water Day, World Day for Cultural Diversity and Development, World Day for the Remembrance of Slavery and its Abolition, World Teachers’ Day, World Women’s Day) and led the preparation and publication of a joint United Nations study on the response of the education sector to HIV and AIDS in Ghana.
2009年4月28日,科学技术部在“关于同意开展“十城万盏”半导体照明应用工程试点工作的复函”中正式发布在天津市、河北省石家庄市、河北省保定市、辽宁省大连市、黑龙江省哈尔滨市、上海市、江苏省扬州市、浙江省宁波市、浙江省杭州市、福建省厦门市、福建省福州市、江西省南昌市、山东省潍坊市、河南省郑州市、湖北省武汉市、广东省深圳市、广东省东莞市、四川省成都市、四川省 阳 市 、 重 庆 市 、 陕西省西安市等21个城市开展半导体照明应用工程(以下简称“十城万盏”)试点工作。
April 28, 2009, the Ministry of Science and Technology, "agreed to carry out" City 10000, "semiconductor lighting application engineering pilot's reply," the official release in Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Baoding, Hebei Province, Liaoning Province Dalian, Harbin, Shanghai, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, Xiamen, Fujian Province, Fuzhou, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, Weifang City, Shandong Province, Henan Province, Zhengzhou City , Wuhan, Hubei Province, Guangdong Province, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province,
Dongguan City, Sichuan
[...] Province, Chengdu, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, Chongqing, Xi'an, Shaanxi [...]
Province, 21 cities in
semiconductor lighting application engineering (hereinafter referred to as "ten thousand ten cities ") pilot.
[...] 基伍省、南基伍省、马涅马省、加丹加省坦噶尼喀地区的政治和安全进展情况; 监测各项政治进程,包括阳城各项决议、内罗毕公报、承诺书、3 [...]
月 23 日协定 及任何其他协定;勘察安全事件、流离失所、犯罪及军事活动的趋势,协助与当
前政治、安全及军事举措相关的决策;每周向协调员提供一次分析报告;以及必 要时向访客和前方总部的参谋提供口头和书面简报。
Under the direct supervision of the Coordinator, the incumbent of the post of Political Affairs Officer (P-3) would monitor and analyse the regional political situation and developments in Burundi, Rwanda, the Sudan and Uganda; monitor and analyse political and security developments in Orientale, North Kivu, South Kivu and Maniema Provinces and the Tanganyika territory of
Katanga Province; monitor the political
[...] processes, including the Sun City resolutions, [...]
the Nairobi Communiqué, the statements
of commitment (actes d’engagement), the 23 March Agreement and any further agreements; map trends in security incidents, displacement, crime and military activity to assist in decision-making related to ongoing political, security and military initiatives; provide weekly analytical syntheses to the Coordinator; and provide oral and written briefs as necessary to visitors and staff officers in the forward headquarters.
上述所列物质,包括其他具有相似化学结构或相似生物作用的物质,诊断标识物、激素 的释放因子的存在,或其他任何发现提示所检测到的物质为外源性来源,则报告 阳 性 检 测结 果。
The presence of other substances with a similar chemical structure or similar biological effect(s), diagnostic marker(s) or releasing factors of a hormone listed above or of any other finding which indicate(s) that the substance detected is of exogenous origin, will be reported as an Adverse Analytical Finding.
14 个拟设员额的任职者将负责一般设施管理职能,包括地面维护、垃圾收
[...] 集和处置、办公室之间的家具和设备搬运、道路标志的维护,以及支持用于举行 “全体员工”会议和正庆祝活 动的设施的布置。
The incumbents of the 14 proposed posts would be responsible for general facilities management functions, including grounds maintenance, garbage collection and disposal, movement of furniture and equipment between
offices, maintenance of road signs and support for the set-up of facilities for “town hall”
[...] meetings and formal celebrations.
5 月 3 日世界新闻自由日庆祝和该日在斯里兰卡科伦坡举行的关于“媒体、发展和消除贫 [...]
困”的国际会议的成果重申了表达自由和新闻自由的基本原则,同时强调指出,新闻自由是基于人 权的发展和消除贫困方式议程的组成部分,正如《联合国千年宣言》和“千年发展目标”所阐明 的。
The celebration, on 3 May, of the [...]
World Press Freedom Day, and the outcomes of the international conference on “Media, Development
and Poverty Eradication” held on that day, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, reaffirmed the fundamental principles of freedom of expression and press freedom, while highlighting that press freedom is part of the agenda for a human-based rights approach to development and poverty eradication as elaborated in the United Nations Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
委员会通过了题为“《2002 年马德里老龄问题国际行动计划》第二次审查和 评估的方式”、“与青年有关的政策和方案”、“进一步促进由残疾人、为残疾人、 同残疾人一起创造均等机会并将残疾问题纳入发展议程主流”、“筹备 庆 祝 国际 家庭年二十周年”和“非洲发展新伙伴关系的社会层面”的决议草案。
The Commission adopted draft resolutions entitled “Modalities for the second review and appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, 2002”, “Policies and programmes involving youth”, “Further promotion of equalization of opportunities by, for and with persons with disabilities and mainstreaming disability in the development agenda”, “Preparation for and observance of the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family” and “Social dimensions of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development”.
[...] 头――来获得信息、传播信息和交流信息;有权以少数民族语言组织大众媒体, 出版文学作品;决定其宗教理念庆 祝 其 民族节日和纪念其历史性事件,参加其 [...]
本族的仪式活动、尤其是使用其民族符号;以其母语所接受的形式使用自己的 姓、名和教名(包括在公务行为中)。
Persons belonging to national minorities have the right to free use of their mother tongue, both in written and orally, to have access to information in this language, to disseminate it and to exchange information; the right to organise mass media, to publish literature in the language of national
minorities; to determine their attitude
[...] towards religion; to celebrate their national [...]
holidays and commemorate their historical
events, to participate in the exercise of the rituals of their nations, to use in particular their national symbolic; to use their family name, given name and patronymic, including in official acts, in the form accepted by the mother tongue.
任务的艰巨的,其原因一部分是锁在褐色能源技术上面的巨大投资,以及 其与更广泛的经济体系的相互依存关系;另一部分原因是,如现有知识所显示
[...] 的,以现有的转换效率,加上在部署这些技术和提高其能源使用效率方面的限 制,想大大扩大可再生能源(如风能和 阳 能 )技 术的规模可能会受到技术上的 限制。
The task will be daunting, partly because of the massive investments locked into brown energy technology and its interdependencies with the broader economic system; and partly because, as present knowledge suggests, there may be technical limits to the massive
scaling up of renewable energy
[...] technologies (such as wind and solar power), given present [...]
conversion efficiency as well as the
limits to deployment of those technologies and improvements in their energy-use efficiency.




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