

单词 庆大霉素

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葛兰素史克品牌水痘疫苗中的抗菌素是新霉素,而上生品牌的抗菌素 庆大霉素。
The antibiotic content of the GSK
[...] brand is neomycin and the Shanghai brand is gentamicin.
食典委通过了未加工小麦、大麦和裸麦中赭 霉 毒素 A 的最大限量为 5 μg/kg,注 意到印度对此决定持保留意见。
The Commission
[...] adopted the draft maximum level of 5 μg/kg for OTA in [...]
raw wheat, barley and rye, noting the reservation of India on this decision.
委员会通过了食品中兽药残留委员会第十七届会议提出的粘菌素和 霉素 最 大残 留限量草案和拟议草案。
The Commission adopted the draft and proposed draft MRLs for colistin and erythromycin as proposed by the 17th Session of the Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods.
虽然食物大部分的霉菌毒素都是 在谷物及其产品中发现的,但有时动物吃了受污染的饲料后,乳汁、肝脏和肾脏也可能含有这些毒素。
Although most mycotoxins in food are found in grains and their products, the toxins can sometimes [...]
find their way into milk,
liver and kidney of animals that have consumed contaminated feed.
中海油将南海称 为“海大庆”(大庆为中 国最大的油田)。
CNOOC has called the South China Sea a “海上大庆” [Maritime Daqing] (Daqing is China’s largest oilfield).
2010: 获得庆大学的 高分子工程学博士学位。
2010: Doctorate in macromolecular engineering science from the Pukyong National University.
[...] Marconi)发明了电视;英国广播公司(BBC)成立;英国细菌学家亚历 大 • 弗 雷明发现并命名了 霉素 ; 对 原子结构的探索使得原子弹和原子能发展成为可能。
Among the ground-breaking achievements of this period were: the invention of the television by the EMI-Marconi Corporation; and subsequent founding of the British
[...] Company (BBC); the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming; and insights [...]
into the structure of the atom, which
led to the development of nuclear weapons and energy.
报告覆盖范围包括亚太地区、曼 谷、巴塞罗那、柏林、北京、布里斯班、布里斯托尔、
[...] 布鲁塞尔、布达佩斯、伦敦中心区、成都、 庆 、 大 连、 爱丁堡、欧洲地区、法兰克福、格拉斯哥、广州、杭州、 [...]
胡志明市、雅加达、香港、印度、日本、吉隆坡、卢森 堡、马德里、曼彻斯特、墨尔本、米兰、南京、纽卡斯
尔、巴黎、波兰、布拉格、青岛、罗马、首尔、上海、 沉阳、深圳、新加坡、斯德哥尔摩、悉尼、台北、天津、 乌克兰、华沙、武汉、西安。
Coverage includes Asia Pacific, Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin,
Brisbane, Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Central
[...] London, Chengdu, Chongqing, Dalian, Edinburgh, [...]
Europe, Frankfurt, Glasgow, Guangzhou,
Hangzhou, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, India, Jakarta, Japan, Kuala Lumpur, Luxembourg, Madrid, Manchester, Melbourne, Milan, Nanjing, Newcastle, Paris, Poland, Prague, Qingdao, Rome, Seoul, Shanghai, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Taipei, Tianjin, Ukraine, Warsaw, Wuhan, Xian.
挪威代表团以书面意见(CAC/31 LIM/7)反对批准制定巴西坚果里黄 霉素 总量 的最高限量的新工作,指出,黄 霉素 总 量 的最高限量可以通过实施良好的农业措施、 良好的加工措施以及没有明确记载的操作规范实现。
The Delegation of Norway, referring to its written comments (CAC/31 LIM/7), opposed the approval of new work to
develop maximum
[...] levels for total aflatoxin in Brazil nuts, stating that the levels of total aflatoxin that could be [...]
achievable through
the implementation of Good Agriculture Practices, Good Manufacturing Practices and codes of practice had not been clearly documented.
注意:如果病人对霉素过敏 ,切记要马上告知医生,以便医生使用其他 种类的抗生素。
Note: If the patient
[...] is allergic to penicillin, be sure to tell [...]
the doctor right away so that he or she can prescribe a different antibiotic.
自去年 12 月 31 日起,當局開始實施《公眾 生(動物及禽鳥) (化學物殘餘)規例》及《2001 年食物內有害物質(修訂)規例》, 就 7
[...] 種違禁化學物(包括在是次事件備受歐盟關注的 霉素 )和 10 種訂有最高殘餘限量的受限制化學物在食物、食用動物和飼料 [...]
These two pieces of legislation
regulate the use of seven prohibited chemicals
[...] (including chloramphenicol, EU's major [...]
concern in this incident) and 10 chemicals
to be used with restriction (with maximum residue limit) in food, food animals and feed.
长期以来,公司秉承“ 和谐、创新、学习、勤奋、共同发展”的经营理念凝聚了一批具有丰富经验及雄厚实力的管理型 、技术型 素 质 人 才,其中博士学位、硕士学位、本科和专科学历多人,他们拥有多个国家发明专利和实用新型专利,并与中国国家信息产业部、中国国家知识产权局、 庆大 学 、 深圳大学等信息、科技和学术单位保持紧密的交流关系。
For a long time, the company of "harmony, innovation, learning, diligence, common development" business philosophy gather a group of rich experience and solid strength of the management type, technology-based high-quality personnel, including a doctorate, master's degree, undergraduate and specialist educated people, they have more than one national
invention patent and
[...] utility model patents, and with the Chinese Ministry of Information Industry, China's State Intellectual Property Office, Chongqing University, Shenzhen University, and other information, technology and academic units to maintain close communication [...]
and relationships.
中国海洋石油天然气年产超 5100 万吨 ”海大庆”梦 想成真”》,《人民日报》(海外版),2011 年 1 月 5 日。
CNOOC annual oil and gas production exceeds 51 million tonnes, ‘Maritime Daqing’ dream comes true”, People’s Daily Overseas Edition, 5 January 2011].
墨西哥公司莱默里被美国投资的以色列跨国公司 Teva 买下,使古巴无 法继续购买毒杀更霉素,这是治疗肉瘤(骨骼、软骨和血管等结缔组 织所生的恶性肿瘤)的最有效药物。
The Mexican company, Lemery, was bought by the United States venture Israeli transnational, Teva, preventing Cuba from making further purchases of the cytostatic drug, Dactinomycin, the most effective drug for the treatment of sarcomas (malignant neoplasia that originates in connective tissue, such as bone, cartilage and blood vessels).
因應兩種藥劑製品的註冊申請,管理局訂立該等修訂規 例,把下列兩種物質加入《毒藥表規例》附表第I部的A分部及 《藥劑業及毒藥規例》附表1和附表3的 A分部  (a) 艾立布林;其鹽類;及 (b) 多霉素。
Arising from an application for registration of two pharmaceutical products, the Amendment Regulations were made to add the following two substances to Division A of Part I of the Schedule to PLR and Division A of the First and Third Schedules to PPR (a) Eribulin; its salts; and (b) Spinosad.
国际葡萄与葡萄酒局积极参与了食品污染物标准委员会制定《预 防和减少葡萄酒中赭霉素 A 污 染的行为守则》(CAC/RCP 63-2007)方面的工作, 没有参加修订某些限量,尤其是葡萄酒的铅含量方面的工作。
OIV contributed very actively in the work of the CCCF in the development of the Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Ochratoxin A Contamination in Wine (CAC/RCP 63-2007) and was participating in the work on the revision of certain limits and in particular lead in wines.
金黄色葡萄球菌的感染已经变得越来越难以治疗,因为出现的菌株能耐受诸如甲氧西林和万 霉素 等 强有力的抗生素。
S. aureus infections have become
increasingly difficult to treat as strains emerge that are
[...] resistant to powerful antibiotics such as methicillin [...]
and vancomycin.
或者,如果是逆转录病毒,可能需要对Phoenix细胞进行 霉素 B 和 白 喉毒素双重筛选以确保所有的细胞都表达两个包装构建体。
Alternatively, in the case of retroviruses, the phoenix cells may
need to be doubly selected with hygromycin B
[...] and diphtheria toxin to ensure that [...]
all of the cells express both packaging constructs.
大利亚 人还发明了许多日常用品,如记事本(1902年)、阿司匹林(1915年)、心脏起搏器(1926年)、 霉素 ( 19 40年)、可升降的晾衣架(1946年)、一次性塑料注射器(1949年)、葡萄酒纸箱(1965年)、仿生耳(1978年)、双冲水马桶冲水装置(1980年)、钞票防伪技术(1992年)和长期配戴型隐形眼镜(1999年)。
Australians were also responsible for more everyday inventions such as notepads (1902), aspirin (1915), the pacemaker (1926), penicillin (1940) the Hills Hoist [...]
clothesline (1946),
the plastic disposable syringe (1949), the wine cask (1965), the bionic ear (1978), dual-flush toilet flush (1980), anti-counterfeiting technology for banknotes (1992) and long-wearing contact lenses (1999).
食典委根据食品中兽药残留规范委员会第十四届会议的建议,对食典规定的牛奶 中双氢霉素/链霉素最大残留限量作了修改以作为绝对最大残留限量。
The Commission revised the Codex Maximum
[...] Residues Limit of Dihydrostreptomycin/Streptomycin in [...]
cow’s milk as a full MRL as recommended
by the 14th Session of the Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods.
可能有人不知道 Ruth(加拿大),她从 1991-2007 年一直都是建华的成员,据我所知,在这期间她在深圳、锦州 大庆、 哈尔滨、宜春、黑龙江等地教授英语。
For those who didn't know, Ruth (a Canadian) was a JHF associate from 1991 through to 2007 and taught English in Jinzhou, Shehezi, Daqing, Harbin and lastly in Yichun, Heilongjiang.
欧盟对肉类和奶类中霉素的最大残 留 限量作出了明确的规定,其中,肌肉和肝脏中不得超过500 ppb,肾脏中不得超过1000 [...]
ppb,奶类中不得超过200 ppb。
The EU-regulations for streptomycin are fixed in MRLs (maximum residue [...]
limits) for meat and milk (muscle and liver: 500
ppb, kidney: 1000 ppb and milk: 200 ppb).
2011年,在得知其种 种不正当行为后,德勤上海分公司拒绝为东南融通金融技术公司(财务软件供应商)提 供审计服务。67 2012年3月,德勤停止了对在香港上市的博士蛙国际(儿童服装生产商)大庆乳业控股(配方奶粉生产商)的审计工作,因为这两家公司无法对某些交易作出 合理解释。
In 2011, Deloitte’s Shanghai branch resigned as the auditor of Longtop Financial Technologies (financial software provider) after uncovering numerous improprieties.67 In March 2012, Deloitte resigned as auditor of two Hong Konglisted Chinese companies, Boshiwa International (manufacturer of children clothing) and Daqing Dairy Holdings (producer of milk formula).
在中国已建成的有南宁和深圳的会议展览中心、上海浦东展览馆、佛山世纪莲体育场中心、 庆大 剧 院 、青岛大剧院、中国航海博物馆和中国国家博物馆改扩建工程,另外还有一系列项目正在建设和设计中,其中包括天津大剧院、中国移动南方基地等。
Amongst others in China, the exhibition and congress centers in Nanning and Shenzhen, the Shanghai-Pudong museum and the Zhongguancun Cultural Center in Beijing as well as the Foshan Sports Park have been built.
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