









External sources (not reviewed)

就这样,數据墙成为了 Bryant 小学教职员分享挑战、解决问题、调配资源就的特有地方。
In this way, the Data Wall became a place for Bryant staff to share challenges, problem-solve, align resources and celebratesuccess.
武 汉 阳 逻 港 乃 位 於 长 江 中 游 之 深 水 地 区 性 集 装 箱 枢 纽 港 及 往 上 海 港 口 之 支 线 船舶码 头 , 在 往 返 武 汉 及 沿 长 江 流 域 周 边 地 区( 包 括内 属 长 江 上 游 之 地 区及周 边 各 省 )之 集 装 箱 货 物 运 输 方 面 起 着 重 要 之 作 用 。
As a deep water regional container hub port at the mid-stream of Yangtze River and a feeder port to the ports in Shanghai, the WIT Port plays a key role in the transportation of container cargo to and from Wuhan and surrounding areas along the Yangtze River corridor, including the upstream areas of Chongqing and neighbouring provinces.
根据本公司细则第99条,苏开鹏先生、生及赵文先生将於应届股东周年大会退任,彼等符合资格并 [...]
In accordance with bye-law 99 of the bye-laws of the Company, Mr. So Hoi
[...] Pan, Mr.YimHing Wah and Mr. Zhao [...]
Wen, will retire and, being eligible, offer
themselves for re-election at the forthcoming annual general meeting.
007年'月'0日 召 开 的 本 公 司 第 四 届 董 事 会 第 一 次 会 议 上,第 四 届 董 事 会 续 聘 殷 一 民 先 生 为 本 公 司 总 裁;续 聘 史 立 荣 先 生、何 士 友 先 生、韦 在 胜 先 生(同 时 续 聘 为 本 公 司 财 务 总 监 )、谢 大 雄 先 生、周 苏 苏 女 士、田 文 果 先 生 为
[...] [...] 本公司高级副总裁,新聘邱未召先生为本公司高级副总裁;续聘陈杰女士、方榕女士、赵先明先生、丁明峰先生、 庞 胜 清 先 生、生、曾 学 忠 先 生、徐 [...]
慧 俊 先 生、於 涌 先 生、叶 卫 民 先 生、锺 宏 先 生、倪 勤 先 生 为 本 公
司 副 总 裁,新 聘 武 增 奇 先 生 为 本 公 司 副 总 裁;续 聘 冯 健 雄 先 生 为 本 公 司 董 事 会 秘 书。
At the first meeting of the Fourth Session of the Board of Directors held on 30 March 2007, Mr. Yin Yimin was reappointed President of the Company, Mr. Shi Lirong, Mr. He Shiyou, Mr. Wei Zaisheng (concurrently re-appointed as Chief Financial Officer of the Company), Mr. Xie Daxiong, Ms. Zhou Susu and Mr. Tian Wenguo were re-appointed Senior Vice Presidents of the Company, Mr. Qiu Weizhao was appointed Senior Vice President of the Company, Ms. Chen Jie, Ms. Fang Rong, Mr. Zhao
Xianming, Mr. Ding Mingfeng, Mr. Pang
[...] Shengqing, Mr.FanQingfeng,Mr.Zeng Xuezhong, [...]
Mr. Xu Huijun, Mr. Yu Yong, Mr. Ye
Weimin, Mr. Zhong Hong and Mr. Ni Qin were re-appointed Vice Presidents of the Company, Mr. Wu Zengqi was appointed Vice President of the Company and Mr. Feng Jianxiong was re-appointed Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Company.
国官方在港150周年纪念,於香港法国国际学校历史教师François Drémeaux统筹编着下,法国驻港澳总领事馆出版了一本集众人之心血结晶、并辑录了丰富插图的历史书籍「港法关系 – 由19世纪至今」,并有法语及英语两个版本。
In order to celebratethe 150th anniversary of the relations between France and Hong Kong, a collective work in high quality has been carried out, with the support of the Consulate general of France in Hong Kong & Macau, and edited by Mr. François Drémeaux, History teacher at the French International School of Hong Kong.
It may have been a big decision for Shiva to move to Australia to be closer to family—but she is certainly reaping the rewards!
出席者包括长江生命科技总裁及行政总监生、长江生命科技副总裁及营运总监余英才先生、加拿大驻港总領事 Gerry Campbell 先生、香港加拿大商会主席 Bernard Pouliot 先生、加拿大驻港副領事暨 魁北克省政府移民部香港办事处总监郭慧蘭女士、屈臣氏大药房药剂师总监劉宝 珠女士及香港加拿大商会会员等。
It was attended by Mr H L Kam, President and Chief Executive Officer of CK Life Sciences; Mr Alan Yu, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of CK Life Sciences; Mr Gerry Campbell, Canadian Consul-General for Hong Kong; Mr Bernard Pouliot, Chairman of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong; Ms Brigitte Van Coillie-Tremblay, Vice-Consul and Director of the Bureau d’Immigration du Quebec in Hong Kong; Ms Margaret Lau, Chief Pharmacist of Watson’s the Chemist; and members of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong.
On 5/17/2008 in the last session of our children’s program,
[...] CPAD held a celebration party, in appreciating [...]
our instructors and volunteers from
Alhambra High School, and in the same time to congratulate Alhambra High School Student Clubs President, Stephanie for her graduation.
邀请到澳门金融管理局行政委员会主席丁连星先生担任主礼嘉宾,众多澳门社 会贤达、同业先进、财经及工商界领袖均到贺,嘉宾冠盖云集,与澳门友邦保险一起见证成 立 30 年的历史性时刻,携手共创光辉未来。
Mr. Anselmo L.S. Teng, Chairman, Monetary Authority of Macau, was invited as Guest of Honour at the reception. Community and business leaders, as well as representatives from the financial and insurance industry also shared in this historic occasion to celebrate AIA Macau‟s 30th anniversary as it embraced a bright future.
同样地,这些建议与工作坊所得的意見相若,即 包括有户外表演 (有组织的及自发的)、户外小型音樂会、及嘉年华、户 外展览 (定期或短期的)及比赛活动(公众、慈善等比赛);除了「比赛活动(公众、 慈善等比赛)」没有在这次意見收集中被提及。
This is again similar to those popular suggestions from the brainstorming workshop, i.e. outdoor performances (organized and spontaneous); outdoor mini-concerts; festivals and carnivals; outdoor exhibitions (fixed and temporary); competitions (public, charities, etc.) (see Appendix D) except that “competitions (public, charities, etc.)” has not been suggested in this exercise.
近几年参加的展览有:「前戏—当代艺术展」(2005,「新介面—UP一代登陆展」(2006,上海)、「新介面—超衰酷一代」(2006,上海)、「双城记—北京与2006,北京)、「新门面工作室开幕展」(2007,「上海当代艺术博览会」(2008,上海)、「台北国际艺术博览会」(2008,台北)、「HK Art Fair」 ( 2008,香港)、「中艺博国际画廊博览会2008」(2008,北京)。
He works and lives in Chongqing. His exhibitions in recent years include: "Foreplay - Contemporary Art Exhibition" (2005, Chongqing ); "New Interface Landing of UP Generation Exhibi- tion" (2006, Shanghai ); "New Interface A Super Lost-and-Cool Generation" (2006, Shanghai ); "Two Cities- Beijing & Chongqing" (2006, Beijing); "New Interface 3-Searching the future", (2007, Chongq- ing); "SH Contemporary Art Fair"(2008, Shanghai); "Art Taipei" (2008, Taipei) "HK ART FAIR" (2008, Hong Kong); CIGE 2008", (2008,Beijing).
我们很荣幸环境保护局 的长者环境就业计划全国部长 Susan Street 及全美亚太裔 耆老中心 (NAPCA) 主席及行 政总裁
[...] Christine Takada 都 可以参加会。
We were delighted that Susan Street, the National SEE Program Director for the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Christine Takada, NAPCA President and CEO, were
[...] able tojoin the celebration.
根据本公司之公司细则第100(A)条,周伟伟先生、生、郭炳联先生、康百祥先生及杨杰圣先生会於即将举行之 股东周年大会上轮席告退及符合资格并愿意重选连任。
In accordance with Bye-law 100(A) of the Company’s Bye-laws, Mr. Chow Wai Wai, John, Mr. Au Hing Lun, Dennis, Mr. Kwok Ping Luen, Raymond, Mr. Hong Pak Cheung, William and Mr. Yeung Kit Shing, Jackson will retire by rotation at the forthcoming annual general meeting and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election.
集团於主要城市如 北京、上海、广州、深圳、厦门、杭州及国内其他二线城 市如明、渖阳、天津、大连、福州等地积极参与 多项讲座、论坛及展览会,逐步建立集团的据点及品牌知 名度。
Through active participation in seminars, forums and exhibitions in major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Hangzhou, as well as second-tier cities suchas Chongqing, Kunming, Shenyang, Tianjin, Dalian, Fuzhou, the Group has begun the process of building brand recognition and presence.
生乃香 港会计师公会会员及特许公认会计师公会资深会员,故根据上市规则第3.10(2)条之规定,彼拥有适当专业资 格。
Mr. YimHing Wah, an associate [...]
member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and a fellow member of
the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants, possesses the appropriate professional qualification required under Rule 3.10(2) of the Listing Rules.
To some people, June may be a happy month to celebrate the end of the colonial rule.
« 世界人权宣言 »六十周年纪念,法国人权大使François Zimeray先生於2008年11月17日(星期一)、下午6时30分於香港外国记者会举行晚餐演讲,探讨「在2008年人权仍是否全球性事务?
As we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Mr. François Zimeray questions the universality of Human Rights.
To celebrate our 20th Anniversary on January 25th, 2013, a FREE MEAL at Café Panorama will be offered if your birthday falls on the same day!
在1954年,我们家仍然住在承德路,当时的经济部长尹仲容先生知道了我的父亲 王拥有全台湾最多的现金存款,便邀请他以美国政府七十八万八千美元的特别贷款,开展PVC塑胶工业项目,那就是台塑的开创,而我大妈王月兰女士和 我妈妈就是其中的无名英雄。
In 1954, while our family still resided at Chengde Road, the then Minister for Economics, Mr. Yin Zhong-rong found out that Mr. Y. C. Wang was the largest cash depositor in Taiwan and thus invited him to lead the PVC production project with a special loan of USD 798,000 from the U.S. government.
Still basking in the excitement of hosting the Olympics in 2004, Athens showcases some remarkable historic sites, together with a laid-back approach to life that make every visit a distinct pleasure.
她所获奖项及荣誉包括三个新加坡(1984、2004及2008年)、2006年旅游业杰出贡献奖、2006年「女性世界」精英大奖、2005年旅游业年度人物奖、2005年全国职工总会奖章、2003年25大亚洲之星、2002年「亚太地区年度人物」奖(酒店业)、2002年国家生产力奖、2000年太平洋地区旅行协会名人堂成员、1999年「年度酒店经营者」奖、1999年年度女性、1999年最佳艺术推动者奖(Champion of the Arts)及1997年「世界独立酒店经营者」奖。
Awards and accolades which she has received include three Singapore National Day Awards (1984, 2004 & 2008), Outstanding Contribution to Tourism Award 2006, Women’s World Excellence Awards 2006, Travel Personality of the Year Award 2005, National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) Medal of Commendation 2005, 25 Stars of Asia Award 2003, Person of the Year – Asia Pacific (Hotel) 2002, National Productivity 2002, Pacific Area Travel Writers Association Hall of Fame 2000, Hotelier of the Year 1999, Woman of the Year 1999, Champion of the Arts 1999 and Independent Hotelier of the World 1997.
学校欢迎家长在学年内随时 到学校辅助学生上课,又或跟教师和校长会面,以及一同分享生成就。
Families are invited to the school throughout the year to support students, meet with faculty and administrators, and celebrate student achievements.
In a spirit equally retro, the watchmaker released in 2008 to celebrate his hundred and forty years, the Vintage Collection: includes the reissue of the six watches brand icons (the Portuguese, the Aviator, the Da Vinci, 'Ingenieur, Portofino and the I'Aquatimer) at prices ranging between € 5,000 and € 10,000 for the steel models.
At the moment when these lines appear, some crazy ideas arise
as new timepiece, the result of constant renewal of this
[...] artist growing celebrating 25 years of [...]
watchmaking experience.
When the pan-blues were just beginning to celebrate their victory, KMT chairman Ma Ying-jeou told his supporters, 「Just one night』s
celebration is enough. There are still many problems and challenges ahead, we shouldn』t waste
[...] too much time celebrating.
一辑Voices of Youth(VOY)的回归和发表一项「亲子情绪虐待调查」的结果,联合国儿童基金香港委员会在7月2日举行了一次新闻发报会。
A press release was held on 2nd July to launch the new series of Voices of Youth (VOY) and to announce the survey findings on ‘Emotional Maltreatment in Family’ conducted by VOY and Young Envoys 2011 through street interviews and questionnaires.
生日并向其卓越的音乐成就致敬,Oris赠送Kroll先生一只Dizzy Gillespie限量表,这款腕表是Oris向爵士大师致敬的经典之作,而Dizzy Gillespie亦是Kroll先生最喜爱的爵士艺术家之一。
To mark both his birthday and his long and illustrious career, Oris Russia presented Mr. Kroll with the Limited Edition watch dedicated to Dizzy Gillespie – one of his favourite jazz artists of all time.
4 月6 日晚上,澳门人气娱乐热点新濠天地「娇比」将摇身一变成为经典小说《金银岛》的藏宝地!场内饰以故事中的巨型海盗船,让进场的宾客有如踏上寻宝之旅,寻觅新濠天地「娇比」所呈献顶尖刺激派对!主题派对还有「梦幻花园」场景,意念来自周动赞助商 Perrier Jouet 香槟,其瓶身有经典银莲图案,因而有「香槟之花」的称号。
For enquiries, please email info@cubiccod.com. Treasure Island Themed Music Extravaganza On 6 th April, Club CUBIC, City of Dreams is transforming its quintessential nightspot into Treasure Island to celebrate its 2nd Anniversary with over thousands guests.




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