

单词 庄重

庄重 verb ()

grave v


庄重的 adj

formal adj

See also:

banker (in a gambling game)
place of business
grave or solemn
surname Zhuang
holdings of a landlord in Imperial China

External sources (not reviewed)

教 科文组织代表在这庄重的活 动中表示,“玻利维亚的经验是一个典范,它无疑将激励其他 国家开始采取类似的举错”。
During this formal ceremony, the representative of UNESCO stated that Bolivia’s experience was an example and would surely inspire other countries to take similar initiatives.
[...] 时,应该铭记所提供的办公室和审判室必须有助于加强两法庭在人们心目中庄 重性和独立性。
The Council confirms that in identifying suitable space for the Tribunals, it should be borne in
mind that the offices and courtrooms provided must foster the
[...] perception of the dignity and independence [...]
of the Tribunals.
2 月 10
[...] 日法兰西共和国总统对伊拉克的访问庄 重表明了法国对伊拉克的民主、恢复主权和重建努力 [...]
The visit of the President of the French Republic to Iraq on 10
[...] February was a solemn indication of [...]
France’s resolute support for democracy,
for the restoration of sovereignty and for reconstruction efforts in Iraq.
巴黎香格里拉大酒店是在一座19世纪府邸基础上改建而成的,地处巴黎 庄重 的 街 区之一,即巴黎第16区。
Shangri-La Hotel, Paris, is located in a
19th-century residence in the elegant 16th arrondissement of Paris,
[...] one of the most revered neighbourhoods [...]
in the city.
第二次世界大战无疑是一场令人恐怖的冲突,记 住以下事实既有裨益又严庄重:二战是若干不必要 的人为全球灾难中最糟糕的一次,它使 20 世纪成为 人类所经历的最痛苦的时期之一。
There is no doubt that the Second World War was a terrible conflict, and it is both salutary and sobering to recall that it was the worst of several unnecessary man-made global catastrophes that made the twentieth century one of the most bitter that humankind has ever known.
庄重却不 舒服的“路易十四的大寝宫”不远的地方,路易十五在1738年让人为自己布置了一个更小的朝南的寝宫,因此房间的采光取暖条件更好。
Not far from the great "bedchamber of Louis XIV" as impractical as it was majestic, Louis XV had a new, smaller, south-facing room installed in 1738, which was easier to heat.
中国亚太地区世界遗产培训与研究中心的建立,对教科文组织、该地区的会员国和国 际社会都有巨大的好处,中国政府关于提供必要资源和指导,确保研究所可持续开展活动庄重承诺值得欢迎。
The high degree of commitment made by the Government of China to provide the necessary resources and direction to ensure the sustainable operations of the institute is to be welcomed.
奉我国政府指示,谨此转递 2012 年 4 月 15 日马里政治利益攸关方全国会庄重声明 (见附件);此次会议是在西非国家经济共同体(西非经共体)调解人布莱 斯·孔波雷先生阁下主持下、在瓦加杜古举行的。
On instructions from my Government, I have the honour to transmit herewith a copy of the Solemn Declaration of 15 April 2012 of the National Conference of Political Stakeholders in Mali (Conférence des Forces vives du Mali), held in Ouagadougou, under the auspices of His Excellency Mr. Blaise Compaore, Mediator of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) (see annex).
5 如果受到 Hut Gyi 大坝影 响的庄重新安 置,泰国将面临又一次大规模的难 [...]
Ongoing offensives by Burma’s army in Karen State have led to massive displacement, with estimates of over 43,000
newly displaced people from 20062007 alone.5
[...] When the villages that will be impacted [...]
by the Hut Gyi Dam are relocated,Thailand
can expect another surge of refugees fleeing across the border.
一些代表团还 赞 扬 了博茨瓦纳在强 有力的多 党 民 主 制 支持下的民主 文化, 《宪法 》庄 重 规 定了平等权 利 和 基 本 自 由,法制和良好治理。
A number of delegations also praised the democratic culture of Botswana backed up by a strong multiparty democracy, the enshrinement of equal rights and fundamental freedoms in the Constitution, the rule of law and good governance.
我要以一种不同的庄重的口 气结束我的发言。
I wish to
[...] conclude on a separate, most solemn note.
74. 我们着重指出,必须根据《宪章》的宗旨和原则预防武装冲突,我 庄重地 再 次承诺促进预防武装冲突文化,以此有效应对全世界各国人民所面对的相互关 [...]
We stress the importance of prevention of armed conflict in
accordance with the purposes and principles of
[...] the Charter and solemnly renew our commitment [...]
to promote a culture of prevention
of armed conflict as a means of effectively addressing the interconnected security and development challenges faced by peoples throughout the world, as well as to strengthen the capacity of the United Nations for the prevention of armed conflict.
Casual Dining 的确是足有佳肴的一餐、不过庄重 或 价格昂高,大家都可以在什么时候都能来用膳而不需要先打一个计划或有任何准备。
Casual Dining should be a really delicious and sufficient meal but not the one too luxurious and expensive so everyone can visit anytime and with any person but without the need to plan or prepare beforehand.
位于石垣市中心街的字登野城,在每年的旧历7月16日,也就是盂兰盆节的第二天,当地的老人和狮子保存会的成员都会在狮子和弥勒的本家新城 庄重 地 举 行“狮子祭”,用以祈求居民的无病消灾和平安无事。
In the Azatonoshiro area, which lies at the heart of Ishigaki City, the Shishimatsuri Festival is held on the 16th day of the 7th month, the day after the bon according to the Lunar Calendar, in the household of Arashiro which is the head family of the shishi (lion) and the Miroku (Maitreya).
在向双方宣布裁决时,委员会主席埃利胡·劳 特帕赫特爵庄重指出 :“委员会忆及,双方均同意委员会关于划界的决定是具 [...]
In delivering the Award to the
Parties, the Commission President, Sir
[...] Elihu Lauterpacht, solemnly noted: “The [...]
Commission recalls that the Parties have agreed
that the Commission’s Decision on the delimitation is final and binding, and that the Parties have agreed to respect the border identified by the Commission.
然而,反对派团伙将平民和它们的 庄 当 作隐 蔽所,这也是需要考虑的一个问题。
However, opposition groups had been using civilians and their villages as a shelter, which was an issue that also needed to be considered.
尼泊尔代表团要求秘书处帮助最不发达国家和内陆国家:开展关 于主要出口和进口产品的分析;采用单一窗口和开展无纸化贸易,并 推动关于执行贸易和过境便利化措施的公私营部门的对话;提供一个 讨论共同关切问题的平台,尤其重 点 放 在最不发达和内陆国家;促 进农业和林业产品的价值链,包括诸如“一个 庄 一 个 产品”方案那 样的举措,以及就有机食品认证和动植物卫生检疫标准领域,传播相 关信息和提供能力建设援助;加入《亚太贸易协定》;以及在总体上 援助制订适当的贸易和投资政策的努力。
The delegation of Nepal requested that the secretariat help least developed and landlocked countries to conduct analyses on key export and import products; introduce single windows and paperless trade and the promotion of public-private sector dialogue on the implementation of trade and transit facilitation measures; provide a platform to discuss issues of common concern, paying particular attention to least developed and landlocked countries; promote value chains for agricultural and forestry products, including under initiatives such as “one village one product” programmes; and disseminate information and provide capacity-building assistance on the certification of organic foods and sanitary and phytosanitary standards, accession to APTA and overall assistance in the formulation of appropriate trade and investment policies.
此責任包括設計、實施及維持與編制及真實兼公平地呈列財務 報表有關的內部監控,以確保並重 大 錯 誤陳述(不論是否因欺詐或錯誤引起);選擇及應用適當之會計 政策;以及在不同情況下作出合理的會計估計。
This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and the true and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.
在 1974
[...] 年大会第六届特别会议上,联合国会员 庄 严 宣 布他们“一致决心 紧急地为建立一种新的国际经济秩序而努力,这种秩序将建立在所有国家的公 [...]
正、主权平等、互相依靠、共同利益和合作的基础上,而不问它们的经济和社会 制度如何,这种秩序将纠正不平等和现存的非正义并且使发达国家与发展中国家
之间日益扩大的鸿沟有可能消除,并保证目前一代和将来世世代代在和平和正义 中稳步地加速经济和社会发展”(第 3201(S-VI)号决议)。
At the sixth special session of the
General Assembly in 1974, States Members of the
[...] United Nations solemnly proclaimed their [...]
“united determination to work urgently
for the Establishment of a New International Economic Order based on equity, sovereign equality, interdependence, common interest and cooperation among all States, irrespective of their economic and social systems which shall correct inequalities and redress existing injustices, make it possible to eliminate the widening gap between the developed and the developing countries and ensure steadily accelerating economic and social development and peace and justice for present and future generations” (resolution 3201 (S-VI)).
以色列的政策蔑视所有具有国际合法性的相关决 议,特别是尤其是第 497(1981)号决议——(该决议规 定,以色列侵占叙利亚戈兰的决定无效,没有法律效
力);作为这类同样政策的一部分,以色列正继续拒不 把被占领的叙利亚戈兰归还给它的祖国叙利亚,并正 在奉行其定居点政策、恐怖主义行动、种族歧视行为,
[...] 试图羞辱叙利亚公民,分割被占领的叙利亚戈兰,并 在戈兰 Majdal Shams 村庄以东建造一道隔离墙。
As part of the same Israeli policy that flouts all relevant resolutions of international legitimacy, in particular resolution 497 (1981), which provides that the Israeli decision to annex the Syrian Golan is null and void and has no legal effect, Israel is continuing to refuse to return the occupied Syrian Golan to its motherland, Syria, and is pursuing its settlement policies, terrorist actions, acts of racial discrimination, attempts to humiliate Syrian
citizens, divide the occupied Syrian Golan and build a separation wall in the Golan
[...] east of the village of Majdal Shams.
[...] 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛重新启 动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; [...]
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media
practitioners from both regions; the holding of
[...] youth forums; reactivation of the Committee [...]
for the Translation of Literary Works
and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為,政府當局必須(a) 確保撥款資源在演藝團體之間得到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當 局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業
[...] (d)探討有何方法可盡量減少在營辦藝術活動方面的員工和行政開 支,以便把節省下來的款重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 [...]
撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的成效,例如鼓勵藝術與文化 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體
Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in generally considered that the Administration should (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and administrative expenses in the
operation of arts programmes so that the
[...] savings could be re-allocated to the [...]
use of arts development; (e) examine the
effectiveness of the current funding policy in achieving the policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人
从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11
[...] 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;重要的 活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 [...]
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices
twice a week; support is provided to the
[...] Government during important functions and to [...]
the United Nations country team as part
of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.




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