单词 | 庄 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 庄noun—villagen庄—manorless common: banker (in a gambling game) holdings of a landlord in Imperial China grave or solemn place of business surname Zhuang farmstead Examples:酒庄n—vineyardn chateaun 庄园n—manorn ranchn 村庄pl—villagespl hamletspl
庄氏为中国中信集团有限公司之香港全资附属公司中信裕联投资有限公司(「中信裕联」)项目管理部总经理。 asiasat.com | Mr. Chong is theGeneral [...] Manager, Project Management Department of CITIC United Asia Investment Limited (“CITIC United Asia”), [...]a wholly-owned subsidiary of CITIC Group in Hong Kong. asiasat.com |
请写一个关於连结村庄间的道路与欲兴建的捷径数量的程式,并且估算捷径的所 [...] 在地让巡逻队每天需巡查的总距离为最短。 apio.olympiad.org | Write a program that reads the information about the roads between [...] the villages and the number of [...]shortcuts to be built and computes the location [...]for the shortcuts that minimizes the total distance the patrol has to travel each day. apio.olympiad.org |
这项精心打造的计划致力进一步提高保险界优秀从业员的 专业水平,让一众专才早日踏上百万圆桌会 (MDRT) 的康庄大道。 aia.com.hk | It is a strategic initiative to enhance the high standards of the sales force by taking them through a fast track route to Million Dollar Round Table (“MDRT”) membership. aia.com.hk |
范 先 生 亦为庄士中国 投 资 有 限 公 司( 股 票 代 号 : 298 )的 非 执 行 董 事 及 米 兰 站 控 股 有 限 公 司( 股 票 代 号 : 1150 )的 独 立 非 执 行 董 事 。 cigyangtzeports.com | Mr. Fan is also non-executive director of Chuang’s China Investments Limited (Stock Code: 298) and independent non-executive director of Milan Station Holdings Limited (Stock Code: 1150). cigyangtzeports.com |
市 场 或 会 有 特 定 的 市场庄家以提 升 ETF 基 金 单 位 於 证 券 交 易 所 之 流 通 量 , 而 传 统 开 放 式 投 资 基 金 的 投 资 者 则 可 於 有 关 基 金 的 交 易 日 内 认 购 、 赎 回 及 / 或 转 换 基 金 单 位 。 bank.hangseng.com | Market makers may be designated to promote the liquidity of ETF units on the stock exchange on which they are traded while investors of a traditional open-ended investment fund can subscribe for, redeem and/or switch their fund units on any dealing day of that fund. bank.hangseng.com |
亦概无保证将 作出任何庄家活动安排,以为所有人民币收益工具开价及报价。 htisec.com | There is also no guarantee that market making arrangements will be in place to make a market and quote a price for all RMB income instruments. htisec.com |
回顾期内,本集团位於山西省柳林县的三个优质焦煤矿(兴无煤矿、金家庄煤矿和寨 崖底煤矿)运作良好,并且录得良好的安全生产纪录。 shougang-resources.com.hk | During the period under review, the three quality coal mines of the Group (Xingwu Coal Mine, Jinjiazhuang Coal Mine and Zhaiyadi Coal Mine) located in Liulin County, Shanxi Province, operated smoothly and maintained excellent safety record. shougang-resources.com.hk |
顶级酒庄Château de Beaucaste传人Pierre [...] Perrin先生精选五款佳酿,配上御膳房法籍主厨Guillaume Galliot以多宝鱼及黄麖等法国食材精心主理的晚宴,正宗法国风味只此一夜。 yp.mo | Mr. Pierre Perrin will showcase five vintages from his [...] family’s top estate Château de [...]Beaucastel to pair with Chef Guillaume Galliot’s [...]exquisite creations featuring turbot from Brittany and venison from the Loire Valley. yp.mo |
然而,这个宇宙是他并不陌生:“我在德国南部的一个小村庄长大,近普福尔茨海姆是住在附近的钟表业和珠宝一半的人口。 zh.horloger-paris.com | And yet, this universe was not unknown to him: "I grew up in a small village insouthern Germany, near Pforzheim is the watch industry and jewelery allowed to live near the half of the population. en.horloger-paris.com |
这两家公司亦为多个村庄的饮用水供应提供基础设施,并为省农业部捐赠农用物资。 glencore.com | Both operations have also provided infrastructure to supply drinking water for several villages. glencore.com |
大庄园的存 在 造 成 越 来 越 多 的 愤 恨 ﹔ 各 种 政 治 要 求 和 土 地 重 新 分 配 的 要 求 反 映 了 人 民 的 阶 级 情 绪 。 hkahe.com | The existence of the large estates came to be resented more and more, and class feeling began to take the form of political demands for further redistribution of land. hkahe.com |
本院位於中环诊所之眼科中心亦已迁至庄士大厦3楼,将一如以往,继续为病人提供各类普通眼科服务,包括诊症、角膜切割激光矫视手术(LASIK)检查及白内障普查。 hksh.com | Our Eye Centre at the Central Clinic has been relocated to the 3rd floor of the same building, providing general ophthalmology services like general consultation, LASIK screening and full cataract screening. hksh.com |
很多时候,自然灾难往往突如其来:泥石流令房屋及村庄与外界失去联系,地震在瞬间摧毁整个地区,洪水威胁着无数人的家园,森林火灾危及城镇和村庄,海啸巨浪席卷整个地区,而龙卷风更会摧毁当地的基础设施。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Ever more frequently, nature strikes at lightning [...] speed: mudslides cut houses [...] and villagesoff from the outside world, earthquakes destroy entire regions within seconds, floods threaten people's livelihoods, forest fires endanger towns and villages and tidalwaves [...]devastate whole regions, [...]tornadoes destroy a region's infrastructure. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
庄志阳,四十四岁,於二零一二年一月九日获委任为秘增信先生之替任董事。 asiasat.com | CHONGChi Yeung, aged 44, [...] was appointed an alternate director to Mr. Mi Zeng Xin on 9 January 2012. asiasat.com |
下一个N-1列包含道路资讯, 每一列都包含两个整数A和B (1 ≦ A, B ≦ N),亦即村庄A和村庄B都有一条路 可以连接。 apio.olympiad.org | Each of these lines contains two integers A and B, (1 ≤ A, B ≤ N ), which says that there is a road connecting village A and village B. apio.olympiad.org |
尽管交易所买卖基金多有 一个或以上的证券庄家,但若有证券庄家失责或停止履行职责,阁下或就不能进行买卖。 tanrich.com | Although most ETFs are supported by one or more SMMs, there is no assurance that active trading will be maintained. In the event that the SMMs default or cease to fulfill their role, you may not be able to buy or sell the product. tanrich.com |
您会发现骑马遍布英国,但因为达西先生 (Mr Darcy) 的庄园位於查茨沃斯,在峰区才能体验到真正的骑马。 visitbritain.com | You’ll find horse-riding available all over Britain, but since Mr Darcy’s house was based on Chatsworth, it’ll feel most authentic in the Peak District. visitbritain.com |
我 们 确 实 改 变 了一 切 可 能 ,鉴 於 此 ,我 们 向 全 世界庄严承诺 :负 责 任 地 利 用 资 源 ; 睿智而适当地扩展我们的能力;帮助个人、 企 业 和 社 会不 断 走 向 繁 荣 。 about.van.fedex.com | We have truly changed what’s possible and because of that, we have a commitment to people around the globe: to use resources responsibly; to expand our capabilities wisely and well; and to help people, businesses, and communities thrive. about.van.fedex.com |
至於裤子,当然不能选择棉质的布料,因为看起来并不端庄。 4tern.com | For my trousers, I can’t choose cotton material, it would be un-formal. 4tern.com |
纽西兰每座山、河、湖、森林,甚至是小村庄都有它的名字,唯独纽西兰南北岛却没有。 4tern.com | All the mountains, rivers, forests and even [...] small villages have its own name [...]but not north and south island. 4tern.com |
Boi山谷由8个村庄组成,它的自然景观和人文景观都世界闻名-除了它旁边的国家公园,山谷中还有9个罗马时代的教堂,这9个教堂在2000年被联合国教科文组织评为世界文化遗产,另外这里还有一个40公里的滑雪道。 alberguetaull.com | The Vall de Boí (or Boi Valley) is a municipality formed by eight small nuclei, known the world over for its’ rich natural and cultural patrimony – apart from the National Park, the valley is also home to a group of nine Romanic churches that were together declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO in the year 2000, and there is also the Boí-Taüll ski resort with 40 kilometres of slopes. alberguetaull.com |
另一方面,香港艺术节亦同时委约及制作了多个节目,包括由本地剧作家庄梅岩编写、李镇洲执导的悬疑作品《圣荷西谋杀案》、法越编舞家Ea [...] Sola创作的《白色身体》等。 think-silly.com | The Hong Kong Arts Festival also commissioned and produced [...] various programmes, such as ‘Murder in San José’ [...] (writtenby Chong Mui-ngam and [...]produced by Lee Chun-chow) and ‘The White Body’ [...]by French Vietnamese chorographer Ea Sola. think-silly.com |
在上周的经典德比比赛中,皇马获得了5连胜,正如我上周所说的,胜利可能会继续,庄家支付啤酒钱远远比从我自己口袋里支付得要好喝得多。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Madrid’s win in El Clasico last week gave us a 5th consecutive winning pick - as I said last week long may the run continue, as the beer paid for by the sportsbook is far better than beer paid from my own pocket. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
提问人: 陈淑庄议员答覆: 处理换地及修订土地契约的申请时,地政总署通常会谘询有关部门,包括当区的 民政事务专员,民政事务专员或会进行他们认为所需的地方谘询。 devb.gov.hk | When processing the applications for land exchange and lease modification, the Lands Department (Lands D) normally would consult the relevant departments including the District Officers concerned who may conduct such local consultation as they consider necessary. devb.gov.hk |
都市农园里,也能生产都市蜂蜜,这也正是布鲁克林养蜂场的专业,这座蜂场延伸至长岛市的农庄,提供天然又风味浓厚的蜂蜜,满足地方需求,为生产蜂蜜,蜂场在海军场放置30座蜂巢,以协助作物授粉及增加产能。 thisbigcity.net | The apiary, which is an extension of its flagship farm in Long Island City, will provide natural, distinctly flavored honey that will meet the city’s local demand. thisbigcity.net |