单词 | 广泛性 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 广泛性 noun —breadth nless common: extensiveness n See also:广泛 adj—wider adj • widespread adj • broad-based adj • broader 泛 adj—extensive adj • general adj 泛—float • be suffused with • non-specific • pan- (prefix)
中国正在鼓 励缅甸政府切实实现选举的广泛性和 包 容性,但是, 我们可以确信,只要不会带来重大不稳定因素,中 国将欣然接受几乎任何选举结果。 crisisgroup.org | China is encouraging the government to make the process genuinely inclusive, but will certainly accept almost any result that does not involve major instability. crisisgroup.org |
这是因为其范围的广泛性以及 它有权实施能给国内政策施加重大影响的制裁措施。 iprcommission.org | This is because of the generality of its scope and [...] the fact that it has the power to impose sanctions that may significantly affect national policy. iprcommission.org |
总的来说,在调 [...] 整整个规划过程方面取得了很大的成绩,同时在各部 门、中央服务单位和研究所的参与下,这一过程更具 广泛性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Much has been accomplished in terms of [...] streamlining the overall planning process, while [...] making it more inclusive by involving [...]all sectors and central services, as well as the Institutes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
鉴于这一威胁的规模、严重性和 广泛性 , 我 们次 区域所经历的危机产生了积累的效果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given their [...] scale, gravity and widespread nature, the crises [...]being experienced by the subregion have a cumulative effect. daccess-ods.un.org |
建立了 具有广泛性而且 无所不包的非洲同侪审议机制全国理事会,以管理莱索托非洲同 [...] 侪审议机制进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | A broad-based and all-inclusive APRM [...] National Governing Council (NGC) was set up to manage the APRM process in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于教育不平等根源的广泛性,不 可能详尽地描述或分析为促进 平等教育机会之宣称目标所采取的措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the broad nature of sources of [...] inequalities in education, it would be impossible to provide an exhaustive description [...]or analysis of measures adopted with the declared aim of promoting equal opportunities in education. daccess-ods.un.org |
我感到非常骄傲,因为这些美国青年学生展示了我们国家真正 的 广泛性 和 多 样性。 embassyusa.cn | And I was so proud because these young American students represented the true breadth and diversity of our country. eng.embassyusa.cn |
教科文组织,尤其是国际生物伦理学委员会和政府间生物伦理学委员会在基因数据方 [...] 面所做的工作,特别是与拟定一份国际基因数据文件有关的工作,不但证明了基因数据问题 的复杂性和广泛性,而 且也证明了面对为非医学目的利用这些数据和从伦理观点看有时是令 [...] 人怀疑的利用这些数据的不断增加的情况,确实急需制定国际上公认和采用的原则和准则。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The work undertaken by UNESCO in respect of genetic data, notably by IBC and IGBC and with special reference to the drafting of an international [...] instrument on genetic data, has [...] highlighted not only the complexity and scope of the [...]question of genetic data, but also the [...]urgent need to define principles and standards that are recognized and adopted at the international level, given the increasing use of such data for non-medical and sometimes ethically questionable purposes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如需针对年长者及婴儿的娇弱肌肤配制顺滑、精致而温和的乳液产品,请选择用 途 广泛 、 性 能 超 卓的Glucate和Glucamate乳化剂。 cn.lubrizol.com | For smooth, elegant and mild emulsions for the tender skin of both grandparents and [...] babies, discover the versatility and performance [...]of Glucate and Glucamate emulsifiers. lubrizol.com |
亚太经社会是联合国五个区域委员会中最 具 广泛性 的 机构;其成员包括 62 个国家的政府,侧重于通过区域合作最有效解决的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | ESCAP is the most comprehensive of the five United Nations regional commissions; with the membership of 62 Governments, it focuses on issues that are most effectively addressed through regional cooperation. daccess-ods.un.org |
影响学龄儿童的两种焦虑症类型是: 广泛性 焦 虑 症(GAD)和恐慌症。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The two types of anxiety disorders that affect [...] schoolchildren are Generalized Anxiety Disorder [...](GAD) and Panic Disorder. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
鉴于本组织工作的业务性质及其活动 的 广泛性 , 框架允许有一个强大的业务 组成部分,并概述在各项活动和工作环境中易于遵循的灵活结构,从而不致于产 [...] 生额外的工作人员行政管理费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the operational nature of the work of the [...] Organization and the broad range of its activities, [...]the framework allows [...]for a strong operational component and outlines a flexible structure that can easily be adhered to across the spectrum of activities and work environments without resulting in additional administrative overhead for staff members. daccess-ods.un.org |
其广泛性的媒 体覆盖与网络性的视觉冲击,使得到达青岛的旅客对新鸿基的品牌有了更加深层次的感受。 samdecaux.com | This extensive media coverage [...] and consecutive networks visuals impact will enhance the “Sun Hungkai Properties” brands recognition upon arrival passengers. samdecaux.com |
由于《宣言草案》适用于文化遗产和与其相关的自然遗产,这就使其比其它有关文书(例如 1954 年在海牙签署的《关于在武装冲突情况下保护文化财产的公约》及其两个议定书)更 具广泛性,并 部分地采用 1972 年签署的《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》有关文化遗产和 自然遗产的两分法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | By application to both cultural heritage and natural heritage when the former is linked to the latter, the Draft Declaration has a wider scope than specific instruments such as the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its two Protocols, and partially follows the dichotomy between cultural and natural heritage embodied in the 1972 World Heritage Convention. unesdoc.unesco.org |
报告期间,该组织变更了名称,由此前的“Guild of Service”更名为“Guild for [...] Service”,以突出它为赋权处于社会边缘地位的妇女所开展项目 的 广泛性。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the reporting period, the organization changed its name from the [...] Guild of Service to the Guild for Service, to [...] underscore the wide spectrum of projects [...]it undertakes to empower marginalized women. daccess-ods.un.org |
绿色经济的概念要有足够的广泛性和 灵 活性,才能顾及和适应处于不同发展 水平、能力和重点不尽相同国家的需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | The green economy [...] concept needed to be broad and flexible enough [...]to be relevant and adaptable to the needs of countries [...]at different levels of development, with differing national capacities and priorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
相反,草案根据各类利益相关者提供的经验,举例说明选择 的 广泛性 , 从 而使利 益相关者在考虑获取和利益分享事项时,有更实用的信息来评估各种选项。 wipo.int | These guidelines draw on reported experience from a range of stakeholders to illustrate the range of choices and thereby to enhance the practical information available to stakeholders assessing their options when considering access and benefit-sharing. wipo.int |
除了过分担心之外,广泛性焦虑 症的临床表现可能包括:烦躁、易怒、疲劳、注意力不集中、睡眠障碍和偶尔肌肉紧张。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | In addition to excessive worrying, symptoms may include restlessness, irritability, fatigue, poor concentration, [...] sleep disturbances [...]and occasional muscle tension. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
外显子组测序研究已经发现了数百个突变基因,它们可能是自闭症谱系障碍,如阿斯伯格综合症及未分类 的 广泛性 发 育障碍(PDD-NOS)的起因,但在大的人群中对那些候选基因做精确的再测序以寻找致病突变是十分昂贵的。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Exome sequencing studies have identified hundreds of mutated genes that may underlie autism spectrum [...] disorders, like Asperger [...] syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), but accurately re-sequencing [...]those candidate genes [...]in large groups of people to look for causative mutations is expensive. chinese.eurekalert.org |
广泛性在于 我们必须讨论该国面对的诸多相互关联的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is extensive in that we must [...] address a number of challenges confronting that country, all of which are interrelated. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会考虑到从双方收到的请求,于 2003 年 2 月调整了今后提交索赔和 举行听讯的时间安排,以考虑到涉及双方的其他诉讼以及剩余工作 的 广泛性 和复 杂性。 daccess-ods.un.org | In light of requests received from both parties, the Commission, in February 2003, adjusted its schedule of future filings and hearings to take account of other proceedings involving the parties and of the breadth and complexity of the work remaining to be done. daccess-ods.un.org |
因为同轴电缆的广泛性和‘快速EoC’的许多独特的管理功能,HomePNA已成为我们把宽带引入印度的最好和最可靠的途径之一。 tipschina.gov.cn | Due to the wide availability of coax and the [...] many unique management features of Fast EoC, HomePNA has become one of the [...]best, most reliable ways for us to bring broadband to India. tipschina.gov.cn |
2004 年,秘书长认识到,涉及联合国维持和平人员的普遍的性剥削和性虐待 [...] 指控突出显示缺乏预防性剥削和性虐待及消除其他形式不端行为的适当措施,秘 书长因此要求进行审查,确定联合国人员不端行为问题的严 重 性 和 广泛性。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2004, recognizing that allegations of widespread sexual exploitation and abuse involving United Nations peacekeeping personnel underscored a lack of adequate measures to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse and eliminate other forms of misconduct, the [...] Secretary-General requested a review to determine the [...] seriousness and breadth of the problem [...]of misconduct by United Nations personnel. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,尽管医生加强对病人进行健康教育非常重要;考虑到问题的 严重性以及受威胁人群的广泛性,只 有医疗卫生人员呼吁采取有效的控烟政策,才能真正解 [...] 决此问题。 world-heart-federation.org | While it is vital that physicians do more to educate their patients, given the magnitude of the problem and the [...] number of people at risk, this is a [...] problem that will be overcome only if physicians [...]and health care professionals demand [...]that these population-based solutions be implemented. world-heart-federation.org |
FlowChartX具有广泛性并且能为那些需要绘制示意图提供所有重要的特征。 evget.com | FlowChartX is rich in functionality and offers you all important features for graphical representation of any sort of data that might need schematic drawing. evget.com |
此外,还提出以下问题供理事会审议:(a) 将培训中心的业务延续到 2011 年以后;以及(b) 通过由联合国主管并由各成员自愿作出的经常年度 捐助,扩大对培训中心机构性支持的 广泛性。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the following issues were highlighted for the consideration of the Council: (a) the extension of the Centre’s operations beyond 2011; and (b) broadening the sources of institutional support for APCICT through regular annual contributions by members on a voluntary basis, to be administered by the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于这一点以及最近 [...] 的金融危机,我们必须确保各国际机构的改革努力具 有 广泛性 , 从 而确实建立起 一种更加着眼发展、具有包容性、并且得益于政策更加协调一致的金融体系。 daccess-ods.un.org | In view of that and the recent financial crisis, it was important to [...] ensure the comprehensiveness of the international [...]institutions’ reform efforts [...]to ensure the creation of a financial system which was much more developmental and inclusive, and benefited from greater policy coherence. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然近几年来 INB 也取得了引人注目的进步(尤其 是 2000 年实现电脑化后,出版和数据交换更加顺利),看到 [...] INB 从出版业的萧 条中复苏是非常令人鼓舞的,但是它的及 时 性 和 广泛性 仍 然不那么令人满意。 conference.ifla.org | Although INB has improved dramatically during the last few years (especially after computerization in the year 2000 resulting in smooth publication and opportunity for data exchange)also, it is heartening to see that INB has [...] recovered from the illness of sluggishness in publication; but its [...] currency and comprehensiveness is not at all [...]satisfectory. conference.ifla.org |
计生联认识到人发会议的广泛性和持续相关性,并欢 迎大会呼吁继续执行《行动纲领》和 2014 年联合国大会特别会议审查的决议, [...] 但促请更加重视执行质量,而不仅仅是增加执行《行动纲领》的时间。 daccess-ods.un.org | IPPF recognizes the breadth and continuing relevance of [...] the ICPD and welcomes the General Assembly resolution calling for [...]the continued implementation of the PoA and an UNGASS review in 2014 but urges increased priority of implementation and not just increased time to implement the PoA. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国欧盟商会商业信心调查2010》由中国欧盟商会与罗兰•贝格管理咨询公司联合出版,共有超过500家在中国经营的欧盟企业于今年三四月间受访,数据全 面 性 和 广泛性 创 历 年之最。 rolandberger.com.cn | The European Union Chamber of Commerce Business Confidence Survey 2010 surveyed over 500 European companies based in China between March and April of 2010. rolandberger.com.cn |