

单词 广播和未知服务器

See also:


server (computer)

External sources (not reviewed)

我们支持把这服务移交给塞拉利广 播公司,并把未拔出的建和平基金用于进一步发 展该国的国家公共广播事业。
We support
[...] transfer of this service to the Sierra Leone Broadcast Corporation, as well as the use of unallocated peacebuilding funds [...]
for the further development
of the national public broadcasting service.
武器出口国必须将批准的许可和未 批 的 许可情况 知 武 器 目 的国进口管 控办公室,以此作为一项建立信任措施,并预防武器被转用。
[...] countries must notify the import control offices of the arms destination countries of licences granted and permits denied, [...]
as a confidencebuilding
measure and in order to prevent the diversion of arms.
5.4 您应严格遵守并以合理的审慎态度确保节目 广播和 / 或 Skype软件(i)不会被用作攻击个人、组织、信仰、宗教或教派的工具;(ii)不含任何法律禁止的声明或促销信息;(iii)不会被用来对任何产品 服务 提 出 虚假或无理的索赔;(iv)不含任何诽谤、猥亵、亵渎、下流、粗俗、令人生厌或攻击性内容或声明,不论主题还是对待别人的方式;(v)不含任何无法证实的证词;(vi)不含 未 提 及 任何被社会团体视为不可接受的讨论话题(例如不敬之语、猥亵内容),或(vii)不会被用于Skype认为会损害公众、Skype或一般意义上的诚实广告和良好企业利益的广告或公告。
5.4 You will take care
[...] to observe and exercise reasonable diligence to ensure that the Programs, Broadcast and/or the Skype Software will not (i) be used as a medium for attack on any individual, organization, faith, denomination or sect; (ii) contain any announcements or promotions prohibited by law; (iii) be used to make false or unwarranted claims for any product or service; (iv) contain any content or announcements that are slanderous, obscene, profane, indecent, vulgar, repulsive or offensive, either in theme or in treatment; (v) contain any testimonials which cannot be authenticated; (vi) contain any descriptions or references to matters [...]
which are not considered acceptable topics of discussion in social groups (e.g., profanity, obscenity) or (vii) be used in connection with any
advertising matter or announcement which may, in the opinion of Skype, be injurious or prejudicial to the interests of the public, Skype, or honest advertising and reputable business in general.
目前, 广和会议支助科的人员编制为 86 人,由电视、广播/会和特别活动股的 17 名联合国工作人员以及负广播视听 服务的 69 名约聘人员组成。
At present, the Broadcast Conference Support Section
has an overall
[...] staffing of 86, consisting of 17 United Nations staff for its television, radio/conference and special events units, and 69 contractual personnel for broadcast audio-visual services.
游戏系统通过感知我们的行动和运动将玩家体验提升到新的水平;汽车通过自动感应和控制车辆的移动提升固有的安全性;工业设备和机床无需人干预即可执行作业功能;移动电话具有内置的智能,可以响应我们的手 和 位 置 ,从而简化了用户界面,同时还可为我们提供位置 知服务 ; 周 围环境通过配备无线传 器 的 仪 表,对我们进行响应;航空电子设备改装后,性能获得提升的同时还降低了系统成本... 解决方案有效时,可能性是无穷的。
Gaming systems have taken the player experience to new levels by sensing our actions and motion; cars are intrinsically safer by automatically sensing and controlling the movement of the vehicle; industrial equipment and machines perform their functions without human intervention; mobile phones have built-in intelligence so
they can respond to our
[...] gestures and position, simplifying the user interface, and also providing us with location-aware service; the surrounding environment responds to us when instrumented with wireless sensors; avionics [...]
equipment has been retrofitted
with our high performance yet lower cost systems… The possibilities are endless when the solutions are effective.
联苏特派团定期向新闻界介绍人道主义状况和国际社会做出的反应,并通过 制广播和视频公共服务通知,为 全国选举委员会提供协助。
UNMIS conducted regular press briefings on humanitarian conditions and
international response and assisted the National Elections
[...] Commission by producing radio and video public service announcements.
(c) “知识产 权”在某个国际定义中包括以下各方面的权利:“文学、艺术和科学作 品,表演艺术家的表演以及唱 和广播 节 目,人类一切活动领域内的发明, 科学发现,工业品外观设计,商标 服务 标 记以及商业名称和标识,制止不 正当竞争,以及在工业、科学、文学或艺术领域内由于智力活动而产生的一 切其他权利。
(c) “Intellectual property” in one international definition includes “the rights relating to literary, artistic and scientific works, performances of performing artists, phonograms, and broadcasts, inventions in all fields of human endeavor, scientific discoveries, industrial designs, trademarks, service marks, and commercial [...]
names and designations,
protection against unfair competition, and all other rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields.
(a) 用户不得违反或试图违反人才网的安全规定, 包括但不限于:(i)访问该用户无访问权限的数据 或进未被授权访服务器或帐 户; (ii)试图探测、扫描或测试 系统或网络的漏洞,或在没有适当授权的情况采用了违反安全保护或认证的措施; (iii)企图干涉用户、主机或网络的服务, 包括但不限于将计算机病毒上传至人才网、 超载、“泛洪”、 邮件炸弹、 或“崩溃”; (iv) 发送垃圾广告邮件,包括促和/或产 品 广告 或服务广告; (v)伪造TCP/IP数据包标头或 电子邮件或新闻组张贴的标头信息。
(a) Users are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of the Talent Network, including, without limitation: (i)
accessing data not
[...] intended for such User or logging into a server or account which the User is not authorized to access; (ii) attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or to breach security or authentication measures without proper authorization; (iii) attempting to interfere with service to any User, host or network, including, without limitation, via means of submitting a virus to the Talent Network, overloading, "flooding", mailbombing or "crashing"; (iv) sending unsolicited e-mail, including promotions and/or advertising of products or services; (v) forging any TCP/IP packet [...]
header or any part
of the header information in any e-mail or newsgroup posting.
18.53 通过向成员国提服务和协助将取得预期成就,具体办法有:(a) 需求评 估;(b) 文件编和传播知识; (c) 提供宣传工具和研究方法;(d) 分享知识和 经验;(e) 确保政府间辩论适当探讨与提高妇女地位和赋予妇女权利有关的社会 经济发展问题;(f) 协助成员国制定和实施国家政策和国际公约;(g) 提供关于 两性平等问题的培训和能力建设活动。
18.53 The expected accomplishments will be
[...] achieved by servicing and providing assistance to member countries through: (a) needs assessments; (b) documentation and dissemination of knowledge; (c) the provision of advocacy tools and research methodology; (d) the sharing of knowledge and experience; [...]
(e) ensuring that
socio-economic development issues related to the advancement and empowerment of women are adequately addressed in the intergovernmental debate; (f) assisting member countries in the development and implementation of national policies and international conventions; and (g) providing training and capacity-building activities on gender issues.
这些广播电台—— 属于同居住在美国境内反对古巴的臭名昭著的恐怖 分子有关的组织或为这些组织提 服务 — — —中有 一播出节 目,号召搞破坏、进行政治攻 和 暗 杀知 名人士,并涉及恐怖主义无线电广 播 常 会谈到的其 它议题。
Several of those radio broadcasters — which belong or provide their services to organizations linked to known terrorist elements who reside in, and act
against Cuba from, United
[...] States territory — broadcast programmes calling for sabotage, political attacks and the assassination of prominent persons and dealing with other subjects typical of terrorist radio broadcasts.
EJB 和 Web 容器必须 支持使用基本认证将凭证信息 播 到 下 Web 服务请求
The EJB and Web containers must support propogation of credential information to a downstream Web services request using BASIC-AUTH.
根据该 方法,曾经得益于导师服务的成功企业家将每人指导一些有潜力的未来企业家, 作为对此前获得的导服务的“ 回报”,通过以具有成本效益的方式利用隐含知识和未充分 利用的技能和时间,产生乘数效应。
Under this approach, successful entrepreneurs – having themselves profited from mentorship services in
the past – would
[...] “pay” for these services by committing themselves to each in turn mentoring several further prospective beneficiaries, producing a multiplier effect by harnessing tacit knowledge and underutilised [...]
skills and time in a cost-efficient manner.
和比较质量与成果能够促进社 服务 取 得更佳成绩,而开放 式的比较还可以使良好及不良成绩更 广 为 人 知。
Measuring and comparing quality and results stimulates better performance of the social services, while open comparisons allow for broader dissemination [...]
of both good and bad performance.
在这方面,许多组织开发并利用了有关可持续消费和生产实践及工具 知识 和 技能,其中包括在亚洲及太平洋区域倡导绿色采购、生态标签和生命周期管理 的国际绿色采购网络和泰国环境研究所,但这些实 和 工 具 尚 未广 泛 传 播。
In that respect, knowledge and know-how concerning sustainable consumption and production practices and tools had been developed and utilized by many organizations, including the International Green Purchasing Network and the [...]
Thailand Environment Institute, which advocated green procurement, eco-labelling and life-cycle management in the region of Asia and the Pacific.
培训还着重把公服务广播作为 关于重大的 发和社会问题的优质内容的提供者。
Training also focused
[...] on public service broadcasting as a provider of quality content on major development and societal issues.
(25) 讨论还围绕编制文件 33 C/5 应考虑的其他一些问题进行:因特网时代的言论自由;记者的安 全;制订利用信息的指导原则;关于公有信息的政策;图书馆和档案馆在建 知 识 社 会中的作用 (还建议将其作为部门间合作的新专题);继续把世界记忆计划作为旗舰活动;关于使用开放源软 件的思考和指导原则;播和信息 的能力建设以及媒体专业人员的培训;公 广播 事 业 ;发展社区 多媒体中心;开发多种多样的和多语言的本地内容。
(25) The debate also highlighted other themes which should be taken into account in the preparation of document 33 C/5: freedom of expression in the Internet age; safety of journalists; development of guidelines for access to information; policies on public domain information; the role
of libraries and
[...] archives in building knowledge societies (also proposed as a theme for new intersectoral cooperation); continuation of the Memory of the World Programme as a flagship activity; reflection and guidelines on the use of open source software; capacity-building in communication and information and training of media professionals; public service broadcasting; development of community [...]
multimedia centres;
and development of diverse and multilingual local content.
(b) 许多公广播机构未能获得为公 服务 的 明 确授权任务。
(b) The fact
[...] that many public broadcasters have not been given a clear public service mandate
(i) 彼等製造、裝配產品以及提服務 (包 括 未 經 授 權監 器 及 電視),並於美國出售該等產品,知 悉、預 期 及 計 劃 將 於 美 國 市 場 出 售 該 等 產 品(包 括 未 經 授 權 監 視 器)。
(i) they
[...] manufacture, assemble, service, including unlicensed monitors and televisions, and sell those products through the United States of America, and know, expect, and intend [...]
that the products,
including unlicensed monitors, will be sold in the market of the United States of America.
因為電子器是醫療界的新通訊工具,有些保險公司 未知 道這 些工具的醫療性和它們的功能。
Since electronic communication devices are new
[...] the medical field, some insurance companies have not yet been made aware of the medical nature of the devices or of the function [...]
they serve.
企业类型:制造办公机械和计算机,配电及控制设备,化学电源(电池,电池和电池),广播,电视和通信设备,传输设备,有线通讯设备设备接收,记录和制造音频和视频,仪器仪表,计算机和相关的自然科学和工程领域的主要产品群信息技术研究和开发活动:视频设备及配件,音响设备及配件,数字电视设 和服务 , 广播 , 数 字音频,计算机图形和动画,计算机硬件和软件,卫星电视,音响和电视发射机,天线,宽带技术,计算机信息存储(CD - ROM,DVD,视频服器等。
Business Type: Manufacture of office machinery and computers, electrical distribution and control equipment, chemical power sources (batteries, cells and batteries), Manufacture of radio, television and communication equipment, transmission equipment, equipment for wired communications equipment for the reception, recording and audio and video, instrumentation, activities related to computers and information technology research and development in the field of natural sciences and engineering major product groups: video equipment and accessories, audio equipment and
accessories, digital
[...] television equipment and services , broadcasting, digital audio, computer graphics and animation, computer hardware and software, satellite TV, audio and TV transmitters, antenna, broadband technology, computer information storage (cd-rom, dvd, video servers, etc. ), IPTV, interactive [...]
television, wireless
technology, test equipment, equipment for production of films.
它们呼吁核器国家 和无核器国家 加强努力,防止核材料的 播和扩 散 ,支持加强原子能机构的工作,并敦促 未 成为《不扩散核武器条约》缔约国的国家作为无核武器 国家加入该项文书。
They called on nuclear-weapon States
[...] and non-nuclearweapon States alike to consolidate efforts to prevent the spread and proliferation of nuclear materials and support the strengthening of the work of the IAEA and urged States not yet parties to the [...]
Non-Proliferation Treaty
to accede to it as non-nuclear-weapon States.
有意见认为,应当特别关注所有国家平等利用地球静止轨道上的轨道—频 谱资源,同时认识到其在有益于享 服务 最 少的社区的社会方案方面的潜力, 使教和医疗项目成为可能,保障人们能够使用信 和 通 信技术,改善与必要 信息来源的链接以加强社会组织性,在没有商业利益介入的情况下 广知 识并 促进知识交流。
The view was expressed that special attention should be given to equitable access for all States to orbit-spectrum resources in geostationary orbit while recognizing its potential with respect to
social programmes that
[...] benefited the most underserved communities, making educational and medical projects possible, guaranteeing access to information and communication technology and improving links to necessary sources of information in order to strengthen social organization, as well as promoting knowledge and the exchange [...]
thereof without commercial
interests acting as intermediaries.
为了最佳履行其任务授权,应提高知名度,广泛加 强对 WIPO 在促进创新和创造力方面所发挥作用的认识;提高对 WIPO 在促进 知识产权事宜多边对话方面所发挥作用的认识;以及,最重要的是要认识到 WIPO 是国际知识产权 专业技能、信和服务的值 得信任的供应商。
To optimize delivery of its mandate, there is a need for greater visibility, coupled with wider recognition of WIPO’s role in encouraging innovation and creativity; in facilitating multilateral dialogue on IP issues; and, as the primary, trusted provider of international IP expertise, information and services.
随着Marketwire在拉丁美洲大力进行拓展活动,例如收购布宜诺斯艾利斯Medio x Medio的研究资源,在布宜诺斯艾利斯、里约热内卢和圣保罗增设公司旗下的媒体研究机构,改善免费剪辑报 服务 以 及 提升HTML格式编排和超链接的保持能力,并在本地建立美国翻译协会(ATA)认证翻译人员网络,Marketwire目前可为拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区的新 和广播 发 布提供新闻业界最广泛、最强大的新闻发布平台。
As a result of aggressive expansion activity in Latin America that includes the acquisition of research assets of Buenos Aires-based Medio x Medio, the addition of company-owned media research facilities in Buenos Aires, Rio
de Janeiro and Sao
[...] Paulo, and enhanced services such as complimentary clip reporting, the ability to retain HTML formatting and hyperlinks, and a network of local translators certified by the American Translators Association (ATA), Marketwire now offers the newswire industry's broadest, most robust [...]
press release distribution platform for news and announcements distributed to Latin America and the Caribbean.
对于以下情况下的任何侵权索赔,Citrix 概不负责:(i) 客户在收到因任何侵权索赔 而应停止使用此服务的通知后, 仍继续访 和 / 或 使 用 服务 ; (i i) 客户本人或指示他人对务进行任何未经授权的修改;(iii) 客户将服务与第三方程序、数据、硬件或其他资料进 行合并;或者 (iv) 以任何形式侵犯商标权,涉及非 [...]
Citrix 采用的任何标记或品牌,或者 涉及因客户请求而采用的任何标记或品牌。
Citrix assumes no liability, and shall have no liability, for any Infringement Claim
[...] on (i) Customer’s access to and/or use of the Services after notice that Customer should cease use of such Services due to an Infringement Claim; [...]
(ii) any modification of the Services
by Customer or at its direction; (iii) Customer’s combination of the Services with third party programs, data, hardware, or other materials; or (iv) any trademark infringement involving any marking or branding not applied by Citrix or involving any marking or branding applied at Customer’s request.
該 等 前 瞻 性 陳 述 乃 反 映 中 芯 國 際 高 級 管 理 層 根 據 最 佳 判 斷 作 出 的 估 計,存 在 重 大知 及 未 知 的 風 險、 不確定性以及其他可能導致中芯國際實際業績、財務狀況或經營結果與前瞻性陳述所載資料有重大差異的因素, 包 括(但 不 限 於)與 半 導 體 行 業 週 期 及 市 況 有 關 風 險、激 烈 競 爭、中 芯 國 際 客 戶 能 否 及 時 接 收 晶 圓 產 品、能 否 及 時 引 進 新 技 術、中 芯 國 際 量 產 新 產 品 的 能 力、半 導 體 代服 務 供 求 情 況、行 業 產 能 過 剩、設 備、零 件 及 原 材 料 短 缺、製 造 產 能 供和 終 端市 場 的金 融 情況 是 否穩 定。
These forward-looking statements are necessarily estimates reflecting the best judgment of SMIC’s senior management
[...] involve significant risks, both known and unknown, uncertainties and other factors that may cause SMIC’s actual performance, financial condition or results of operations to be materially different from those suggested by the forward-looking statements including, among others, risks associated with cyclicality and market conditions in the semiconductor industry, intense competition, timely wafer acceptance by SMIC’s customers, timely introduction of new technologies, SMIC’s ability to ramp new products into volume, supply and demand for semiconductor foundry services, industry overcapacity, shortages in equipment, [...]
components and raw materials, availability of manufacturing capacity, and financial stability in end markets.
如果在 DHCP 喜好設定中選擇已 停用,則您必須輸入 IP 位址 (如未由 DHCP 伺服器指派則輸入本機設定的 IP 位址)、子 網路遮罩 (用於將 IP 位址分割為網和主機識別號和預 設 閘道器 (系統預設閘道器的 IP 位址)。
If you choose Disabled for the DHCP preference, you must enter an IP address (the locally configured IP address if not assigned by a DHCP server), Subnet Mask (used to partition the IP address into a network and host identifier), and Default Gateway (the IP address of the default gateway the system uses).




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