

单词 广州市

External sources (not reviewed)

为适应业务不断发展壮大的需要,富沅模型于3月21日搬迁 广州市 白 云区沙太北路283号天健广场A座T4129。
To accommodate the continuously growing
business, Fuyuan R/C Model has moved to No. T4129, Building A,
[...] Tianjian Plaza, 283 North Shatai Rd, Guangzhou since March 21th.
美术馆与一座位广州市北部 新建的19层居住建筑交织在一起。
The museum is interwoven in a newly built 19 stories residential building block in the north of Guangzhou.
文化市场服务平台移动应用系统安装方广州市文化市场管理工作领导小组办公室在推出文化市场服务平台移动应用的同时,亦提供不同下载点予市民选择下载安装,包括手机输入网址http://gzwgb.talentvalley.cn:8080/apkdownload/index.html 点击下载,手机扫描二维条形码下载、及于“安卓市场”、“苹果商城”、“广东电信掌上营业厅”、“天翼空间”搜索 广州 文 化 市场服务平台””下载以及手机蓝牙相互传输等途径。
Installing the “Guangzhou Cultural Market Services Platform” mobile applications In parallel with the launch of “Guangzhou Cultural Market Services Platform” mobile applications, GZCMMO provided various ways for the Public to choose and download from, which include : input the link http://gzwgb.talentvalley.cn:8080/apkdownload/ind ex.html on your phone and click, or scanning the QR code, o r search in various online stores such as “Android Market”, “App Store”, “廣東電信掌上營業廳”、“天翼空間”搜索“廣州文化市場服務平臺”.
案例之一:五名来自三个不同地区的警察(番禺区警察 广州市 警 察 ,和武汉市警察)骚扰扬帆的家,并强迫他交出神韵香港演出的入场卷。
In one case, five police officers from three
different districts (Panyu District
[...] police, Guangzhou city police, and Wuhan city police) harassed [...]
the family of Yang Fan and forced
them to hand over four tickets to see Shen Yun in Hong Kong.
德国莱茵TÜV是该项目唯一的 第三方认证机构合作伙伴,为实训基地提供汽车维 修、焊工技术培训等专业技术课程,全力支持区政府 加快推进高技能人才队伍的建设,共同推 广州市产 业转型升级。
As the only partnered certification organization at the Talent Training Base, we will fully support the district government in
accelerating the
[...] establishment of a high-skill talent corps by providing professional technical courses such as automotive after-sales [...]
and welding.
有鉴于此,我们不难理解为什广 州市长和徐局长对于这个新的垃圾 收集技术寄予了如此大的期望。
In the light of this, it is understandable why both Mr. Xu and Guangzhou’s mayor have great expectations of the new waste collection technology.
[...] 体工作;香港成立的市区重建局的做法值得借鉴;旧城改造之前应该有社会影响评估,要为 居民提供合法的意见表达渠道 广州市 还 可 以考虑在旧城改造地区开展旧城改造服务队工 作,以保障居民的合法权益,维护社会的稳定。
This article makes a comparison between Guangzhou and Hong Kong for participating patterns and roles of different actors of old city transformation and thinks that old city transformation of Guangzhou must have a long-term plan and clear thread; the government cannot excessively intervene concrete works of old city transformation; the measures taken by the Urban Renewal Authority of Hong Kong should be used for reference; evaluation on social influence should be performed before old city transformation to
provide residents a
[...] legal channel for opinion expression; and also Guangzhou can consider to launch the works [...]
of service team in the
area of old city transformation to safeguard legal interests and rights of residents and keep the society stable.
他同时担任多项义务公职:于2006及2007年获委任为香港特别行政区政府中央政策组非全职顾问;现任香港社会服务联会执行委员会委员、香港复康联会管理委员会委员、香港中文大学社会工作学系咨询委员会委员、香港理工大学康复治疗科学系咨询委员会委员、香港医院管理局沙田医院管治委员会委员,以 广州市 义 务 工作者联合会名誉理事等,积极参与推动香港以至中国内地的社会工 作及康复服务发展。
He was a Part-time Member of the Central Policy Unit of the HKSAR Government (2006 & 2007) and is now a member of: The Executive Committee of Hong Kong Council of Social Service; The Management Committee of Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities; Advisory Committee of Social Work Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Departmental Advisory Committee on Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Hospital Governing Committee, Shatin Hospital, Hong Kong Hospital Authority and etc. He is also an Honorary Council Member of the Guangzhou Volunteers’ Union.
有关文化市场服务平台移动应用 电视台台新闻报导, 可参考以下链接http://youtu.be/CVjDgvJ1lbY 其他转载自广州电视台新闻报导内容及信息时报的文字,兹综合报导 如下:   其他转载自广州电视台新闻报导内容及信息时报的文字,兹综合报导 如下:市民可通过手机终端查询正版、举报侵权广州市文化 市场管理工作领导小组办公室相关负责人介绍,目前盗版市场猖獗,去年 广州市 文 化市场管理部门共查获非法出版物846万册,其中音像制品820多万张,纸质书籍26万册。
For related TV news coverage, please refer to the link below:http://youtu.be/CVjDgvJ1lbY The other news coverage from Guangzhou TV station and “Information Times” was summarized as follow:   Citizens could enquire Genuine copies and report piracy through Mobile Phone “Last Year, Guangzhou Cultural Market Management Office seized a total of 8.46 million copies of illegal publications, of which audio products accounted for 8.2 million whereas paper publications amounted to 260,000 copies.
三名“未来之星奖”分别被广州某酒店 广州市 某 医院综合楼工程以及成都市某酒店数码多联机空调设计三个项目夺得,另有八个项目获得了优胜奖。
In the category, the three Future Star awards went to a hotel and a hospital’s multifunction building, both in Guangzhou, as well as a multi-connected digital air conditioning project of a hotel in Chengdu.
该项赛事在位广州市的广州军区 射击场举行。
The championship took place inside the shooting range facilities
[...] for Guangzhou Military Region in Guangzhou city.
公司的生产基地位广州市天河 区东圃粤安工业园,园内设有办公大楼、实验室、厂房、仓库等,其中工业厂房占地面积20000多平方米,拥有系列先进机械加工设备和高精度的生产线,包括引进日本全自动风管生产线、风柜、风机盘管生产线、日本AMADA数控冲床、日本AMADA折弯机、日本AMADA剪板机等。
The production base of our company is
located in Dongpu Yuean industrial park,
[...] Tianhe District, Guangzhou City; the office building, [...]
laboratory, plant, warehouse,
etc. are situated in the park with an industrial plant floor area of more than 20000 square meters; our company owns a series of advanced mechanical processing equipment and high-precision production line including the fully automatic air duct production line and wind cabinet and wind coiler production line introduced from Japan, AMADA numerical control machine tool, crib crimper, cutting machine imported from Japan, etc.
7月广州市的官 员强迫组织者取消一次有关艾滋病毒感染者/艾滋病人法定权利的国际会议。
In July officials in Guangzhou forced organizers to cancel an international conference on the legal rights of HIV/AIDS patients.
The purpose of Guangzhou Environmental [...]
Protection Bureau Office Building IT construction is to improve environmental monitoring,
early warning and emergency response system, realize data interoperability, resource sharing among different departments, improve emergency response capabilities, fully control and supervise environmental pollution, improve environmental quality and provide protection for socio-economic development and sustainable development of Guangzhou.
广州市也建立了公共汽车快速交通系统,每天运载乘客 80 万(不包括转车,转车在公共汽车 快速交通系统车站内是免费的),达到地铁运送人数(或更多),超过广州任何一 条地铁线路。
Guangzhou in China has also established a bus rapid transit system that has now reached metro-level (or greater) volumes, carrying 800,000 passengers per day (not including transfers, which are free inside bus rapid transit stations), more than any of Guangzhou’s metro lines.
公司总部位广州市繁华 的商业中心,我们工厂拥有多条顶级水平的模型产品生产线以及30多台专业的CNC数控机床。
We have top quality production lines for RC products and over 30 professional CNC machines at our factory.
(2010年1月22日 – 東京) - NTT Communications (NTT Com)
[...] 今日宣布将于本年二月假湖北省武汉市成立办事处,同时集团于广东 广州市 新 增 设之Arcstar™ 环球IP-VPN网络连接点 [...]
(POP) 亦已正式启用,进一步扩展集团在中国的业务。
TOKYO, JAPAN — NTT Communications (NTT Com) today announced its further
expansion in China with the opening of a new branch office in
[...] Wuhan, Hubei Province in February and the [...]
launch of a new point of presence (POP)
for its Arcstar™ Global IP-VPN managed network services in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province.
本船广州市协尔 达船舶设计有限公司详细设计和生产设计,入级CCS,国际无限航区,船型为IMO-2型,舱型为2 G型,液货舱为不锈钢材料,共设有14台液压深井货泵(12x200m3/h+2x100m3/h)),适于运载闪点 60C以下的IMO-2和IMO-3类散装液体化学品、以及汽油、柴油、重油等成品油,可同时装运6种不同的化学品。
The ship’s detail design and workshop design was conducted by Guangzhou XED Ship Design Co,Ltd, class approved by CCS, international unrestricted area, ship type is IMO-2, tank type is 2G, liquid cargo tank is made of stainless steel, equipped with 14 hydraulic deepwell cargo pump (12x200m3/h+2x100m3/h), it can carry IMO-2 and IMO-3 liquid chemicals whose flash point is under 60C, and product oil like petrol, diesel, heavy oil, it can carry 6 different kinds of chemicals at the same time.
广州市是中国五大中心城市之一,是华南地区的经济、文化、科技和教育中心和交通枢纽,是继上海,北京之后的城区建成面积和经济规模第三大 市 , 广州 更 被 评为中国大陆生活质量最好的城市。
China's third largest city is really starting to make waves on the Asian business landscape. The exploding economy is attracting everyone from start-ups to multinationals.
本船技术设计广州市协尔 达船舶设计有限公司提供,入级CCS,载重量约3000吨,装载闪点60度以下的成品油、燃料油等,总吨小于2000,为无限航区航行的港口加油船。
Ltd, classed by CCS, dead weight is abt 3000t, carrying product oil and fuel oil below 60C flash point , gross tonnage is less than 2000, international unlimited navigation area for port bunkering.
广州市环卫局来说,如何改变 垃 圾 储 存 和 收 集 过 程 中 的 卫 生 状 况,从而改善居民的居住和清运工 人的工作环境是他们未来工作的主 要挑战。
The main challenge facing the Waste Services Department in Guangzhou is to improve the hygiene of the waste storage and collection - for the residents and the waste management employees.
广州市环保 大楼为一座L型钢筋混凝土框架结构,主楼为16层,附楼为8层,总建筑面积13458平方米,实用面积10109平方米,大楼首层为833平方米,其中,主楼1至13层每层为554平方米,14至16层每层为487平方米,附楼每层为279平方米,地下2层,每层为1138平方米。
GZEPB Office Building is an L-shaped reinforced concrete frame structure building.
2010年11月8日,德国柏林——在庞巴迪运输(集团)与其客户中 广州市 地 铁 总公司的通力合作下,庞巴迪 INNOVIA APM 100全自动旅客捷运系统成功投入运营。
Bombardier Transportation, in partnership with its
customer, the Guangzhou Metro
[...] Corporation (GMC), Guangzhou Municipality, People's Republic [...]
of China (PRC), has successfully
delivered the BOMBARDIER INNOVIA APM 100 automated people mover (APM) system in Guangzhou into service.
Recently, based on related right owner’s complaint, Guangzhou AIC Yuexiu Branch conducted inspections of 5 stores suspected of selling counterfeit TOYOTA auto parts in an auto parts city under its jurisdiction and seized over 2,100 pieces of counterfeit suspect counterfeit TOYOTA auto parts, packaging boxes, anti-counterfeiting labels, etc.
除汽车模具及加工专区外,本届展览会在得到政府大力支持下,广东工业设计培训学院将联 广州市 模 具 工业协会和创新科技与管理研究院共同组织「中国创造工业设计展示/i创新设计.制造力2011」专区,设有展示区及论坛活动,主题环绕产品设计,展示精密制模工艺下的成果,以激发国内模具工业的创意。
In addition to automotive tooling and processing area,
the exhibition in support of the
[...] Government, the Guangdong Industrial Design Institute, [...]
together with training Mould Industry
Association and the Guangzhou Science and Technology and Innovation Management Institute co-organized "Made in China Industrial Design show / i Innovation design manufacturing edge 2011 "area, with exhibition area and forum activities, theme around the product design, precision molding process under show results in order to stimulate the creativity of domestic mold industry.
广州市耀纳 舞台道具有限公司是一家集设计,生产,租赁,销售的专业舞台设备制造工厂,现代化花园式厂房,有7000多平方的生产车间,400多平方的办公室,500多平方舒适的员工宿舍和员工饭堂,拥有国内外先进的桁架生产定型模具及校正设备,进口数控车床,台湾数字铣床,自动送料铝料切割机,钻床,CNC机工中心等配套设施,公司拥有素质优良、富有活力和凝聚力的团队,以及完善的组织体系,标准工艺和现代化的管理模式.我厂顺利通过ISO9001和德国TUV认证,建立了国内最具规模的生产结构体系,为客户提供了最经济、最安全、最优质的产品。
Such as, the facility to finalize the truss production's design mould and calibration, numerical control lathe, Taiwan digital milling machine, aluminum alloy raw material automatic cutting machine, drilling machine, CNC center mechanic and of the auxiliary facilities.
公司副总经理刘艳春同志介绍了红日公司先进的核心技术项目——功能性多孔陶瓷制备技术及应用,该项目先后获得了2008年 广州市 科 技 进步一等奖 广州市 白 云 区2008-2009年度科技进步一等奖等奖项。
Comrade Liu Yanchun, deputy general manager at the company introduced the advanced red core technology projects - Functional Porous Preparation and application of ceramic technology, the
project has won the 2008
[...] Guangzhou Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award, 2008-2009, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City Science and Technology [...]
Progress Award and other awards.




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