

单词 广岛



Hiroshima prefecture, Japan

External sources (not reviewed)

自 1983 年起,日本邀请了
[...] 700 多位联合国裁军研究金方案参加者前来日本, 包广岛和长崎两个城市。
Since 1983, Japan has invited more than 700
participants in the United Nations Disarmament Fellowship Programme to Japan, including to
[...] the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
美国广岛长崎的核袭击使朝鲜民主主义人民共和国民族直接遭受苦难,朝 鲜人民在这场核袭击中的丧生人数仅次于日本。
Koreans suffered directly from the United States
[...] nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; [...]
the death toll of Koreans resulting from
the above-mentioned attacks is the second largest in the world, behind only that of Japanese.
[...] 洋公约组织正式宣布的令人深恶痛绝的理论表明, 始终未广岛和长 崎的噩梦中汲取教训。
That abhorrent doctrine, officially proclaimed by the United States of America and the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, indicated that no lesson had been learned from the
[...] nightmare of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
[...] 关于妇女地位委员会的几次咨询和公开会议;(b) 与 销毁核武器有关广岛/长崎年度纪念活动方案;(c) 关于妇女与和平、裁军、 [...]
非暴力和可持续清洁能源问题的国家会议;(d) 关于执行安全理事会第 1325 (2000)号决议的各种讨论和活动;(e)
“让贫穷成为历史”等运动;(f) 关于放 弃战争、妇女与发展、打击贩运以及非军事化等问题的公开讲座;(g) 在卢旺达 举行的建设和平专题讨论会;(h) 研究战争对青年的影响以及庆祝《世界人权宣 言》通过六十周年的演讲;(i) 响应妇女地位委员会商定结论中的呼吁,为索马 里青年举办的支持两性平等教育的讲习班;(j) 反对核武器的公共论坛。
It also participated in: (a) consultation tours and public
meetings on the Commission on the Status of
[...] Women; (b) annual Hiroshima/Nagasaki commemoration [...]
programmes pertaining to the abolition
of nuclear weapons; (c) national conferences on women and peace, disarmament, non-violence and sustainable clean energy; (d) various discussions and events on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000); (e) campaigns such as “Make Poverty History”; (f) public lectures on the abolition of war, women and development, anti-trafficking and demilitarization; (g) a peacebuilding symposium in Rwanda; (h) presentations to examine the impact of war on youth and to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; (i) workshops for Somali youth in support of gender equality education, as called for in the Agreed Conclusions of the Commission on the Status of Women; (j) a public forum against nuclear weapons.
为改进亚--太地区的保护工作,中心还将寻求与下列机构开展积极合作:已经建立的教 科文组织其它中心和办事处,包括教科文组织曼谷办事处(它在推动该地区的遗产保护、提 高管理意识和能力、以及促进亚-太地区从事培训和教育的机构网络方面发挥了关键作 用)、与国际文化财产保护与修复研究中心一起建立的亚洲遗产管理学会(AAHM)、设在
日本奈良的教科文组织亚太地区文化中心(ACCU-NARA)、设在泰国的东南亚教育部长组 织考古与美术中心(SEAMEO-SPAFA)、教育与传播委员会-国际自然及自然资源保护联盟
[...] (CEC-IUCN)和联合国培训与研究所亚太地 广岛 办 公 室(UNITAR—HOAP),以及设 [...]
The institute will also seek to cooperate actively with other UNESCO centres and offices already established to improve conservation in the Asia and the Pacific region, including the UNESCO Bangkok Office (which has played a pivotal role in advancing heritage conservation and management awareness and capacity in the region, and its network of cooperating training and education institutions in the Asia and the Pacific region – the Asian Academy for Heritage Management (AAHM), founded together with ICCROM), the ACCU Nara
centre in Japan, SEAMEO-SPAFA in Thailand,
[...] CEC-IUCN and UNITAR-HOAP in Japan, as well [...]
as institutions with UNESCO Chairs established for conservation purposes.
[...] 合作所获得的在统计和实证研究方面的知识正在为坦桑尼亚、乌干达和赞比亚的大学,以广岛大学 教育国际合作研究中心的性别研究框架提供信息。
IIEP's knowledge in quantitative and evidence-based policy research, gained through its cooperation with SACMEQ, is informing the gender-related
methodological research frameworks of
[...] universities in the United Republic of Tanzania, [...]
Uganda and Zambia, as well as of the
Centre for the Study of International Cooperation in Education of the University of Hiroshima (Japan).
(h) 裁军:配合联大举行的关于恢复裁军问题会议工作的高级别会议;秘书 长访广岛和长 崎以及秘书长关于无核武器世界的五点建议。
the high-level meeting on revitalizing the work of the Conference on Disarmament, held on the sidelines of the
General Assembly, the visit of the
[...] Secretary-General to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, [...]
and his five-point proposal for a world free of nuclear weapons.
[...] 唱团在一名钢琴家伴奏下表演了一个节目,钢琴家使用的钢琴是一架 广岛 遭轰 炸过程中受损的 Hibaku 钢琴。
A special feature of the event included performances by a
Japanese youth choir accompanied by a pianist playing a Hibaku piano that had been
[...] damaged during the bombing of Hiroshima.
世界上现有近 23
[...] 000 件核武器,其中每一件都比重广岛 和 长 崎的原子弹 强大无比;这些核武器中,只要一百件,就会迎来核冬天,在很短时间内导致人 [...]
Of the nearly 23,000 nuclear weapons currently existing in the world, each incomparably more
powerful than those that cast a pall over
[...] the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, [...]
it would take no more than about a hundred
to usher in a nuclear winter that would in a short space of time cause the death of all human beings and destroy the earth’s environment.
婚后,我和丈夫、还有他的双亲(公公:龟三郎、婆婆: Sekiyo)一家四口人住广岛市比治山本町的鹤见桥附近。
After the marriage, we lived with my husband‘s
parents (father-in-law Kamesaburo and mother-in-law Sekiyo) near the Tsurumi Bridge in
[...] Hijiyama-honmachi, Hiroshima City.
[...] 洲和亚洲的维和培训中心提供支持;在亚洲和其他地 方借助我们设广岛的中 心培养和培训建设和平专 家;在包括阿富汗、乍得和索马里在内的多个国家建 [...]
In particular, we are interested in supporting peacekeeping training centres in Africa and Asia; in creating and training
peacebuilding experts in Asia and elsewhere through
[...] our centre in Hiroshima; and in building [...]
national police capacity in many countries,
including Afghanistan, Chad and Somalia.
广岛和长 崎的一批核爆炸幸存者饶有兴致地听 取了大会的各项意见;这一结果并不能令他们满意。
A group of survivors of the nuclear
[...] explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki [...]
had been following the deliberations at the Conference
with interest; that outcome was not satisfactory to them.
根据这一成果,本组织广岛举行了到 2020 年彻底废除核武器会 议,通过了广岛呼吁 》——一套新的运动准则,包括呼吁开始关于核武器公约 的谈判。
Based on this outcome, the organization held a
[...] conference in Hiroshima for the total abolition of nuclear weapons by 2020 and adopted the Hiroshima Appeal, a new [...]
set of campaign guidelines,
including the appeal to start negotiations on the nuclear weapons convention.
本校医学院细胞生物学讲座生物化学专攻的武藤哲彦讲师、五十岚和彦教授的研究小组,与本校国际高等研究教育机构 广岛 大 学 原子弹放射线医学研究所等小组合作,把转录因子Bach2和Blimp-1基因结合,发现通过控制这一结合能抑制浆细胞的分化和抗体的产生。
A research group led
[...] by Professor Kazuhiko Igarashi and Senior Assistant [...]
Professor Akihiko Muto at Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine discovered that Bach2, a transcription
factor, represses Blimp-1gene to inhibit plasma cell differentiation and to promote antibody class switch.
重申《不扩散核武器条约》1 作为国际核不扩散机制的基石以及核裁军及 和平利用核能的关键基础,具有至关重要的意义,对将于 2010 年,即日广岛 和长崎遭受原子弹轰炸六十五周年之际举行的不扩散核武器条约缔约国审议大 会的筹备委员会第三届会议的结果表示欢迎,并注意到审议大会取得成功的重 要性,回顾不扩散核武器条约缔约国 1995 年审议和延期大会的决定和决议
Reaffirming the crucial importance of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons1 as the cornerstone of the international nuclear non-proliferation regime and an essential foundation for the pursuit of nuclear disarmament and for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, welcoming the results of the third session of the Preparatory Committee for the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to be held in 2010, the year of the sixtyfifth anniversary of the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, and noting the importance of achieving the success of the Review Conference
这本商品集刊载的是,广 岛大学与中国地区的企业 合作共同研究的成果的一 [...]
The products are a selection of results of collaborative
[...] research between Hiroshima University and [...]
companies in the Chugoku Area.
物理学家、地震学家和其他科学家,医生和律师,妇女组织,研究机构和主张裁军的非政府组织,市长和议员,暴露在大气层核试验生成的放射性污染物中的“下风居民”以 广岛 和 长 崎原子弹轰炸的幸存者和更广的公众,他们都曾为此努力。
Physicists, seismologists, and other scientists; physicians and lawyers; women’s organizations; research institutes and disarmament NGOs; mayors and parliamentarians; “downwinders” exposed to radioactive contaminants resulting from atmospheric testing and the hibakusha, the survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; and the wider public - all have been involved.
两个 姐姐也是,一枝姐姐广岛储蓄 分局,鹤江姐姐 广岛 陆 军服装分厂工作。
My two older sisters also worked, with Kazue
[...] working at the Hiroshima Postal Savings Branch and Tsurue at the Army Clothing Depot, Hiroshima Branch.
在和平船及其 900 名乘客的倡议下,2010 年 4 月 22 日至 23 日,由越南和平 与发展基金会主持,在岘港(越南)召开了千年发展目标亚洲圆桌会议,与来自
文莱、中国、日本、老挝人民民主共和国、马来西亚、菲律宾、大韩民国和越南 的非政府组织代表、柬埔寨国会议员、来自亚洲理工学院(泰国)、联合国训练
[...] 研究所、国际经济和社会理事会的代表,以 广岛 核 爆 炸中的幸存者,共同讨论 2010 [...]
At the initiative of Peace Boat and its 900 passengers, hosted by the Viet Nam Peace and Development Foundation in Danang (Viet Nam), on 22 and 23 April 2010, a Millennium Development Goals Asian round table was convened to discuss the 2010 annual ministerial review theme, with non-governmental organizations representatives from Brunei, China, Japan, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea and Viet Nam, parliamentarians from Cambodia, and
representatives from the Asian Institute of Technology
[...] (Thailand), the United Nations Institute [...]
for Training and Research, the International
Association of Economic and Social Councils, and survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
联合国训练研究所(训研所)总部设在日内瓦,但在纽约、日 广岛、 尼 日利亚哈科特港和巴西利亚也设有办事处。
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is Headquartered in Geneva, with offices
[...] in New York, Hiroshima, Japan, Port [...]
Harcourt, Nigeria, and Brasilia.
马克斯普朗克研究所、东北大学、京都大学 广岛 大 学 、理化学研究所与高辉度光科学研究中心所组成的共同研究小组利用将X射线自由电子激光(XFEL)照射蛋白质微结晶所得到的X射线反射,成功从蛋白质分子内天然存在的硫黄原子中检出了异常散乱信号。
A joint research study team composed of the
Max-Planck-Institut, Tohoku University,
[...] Kyoto University, Hiroshima University, Riken [...]
SPring-8 center, and Japan Synchrotron
Radiation Research Institute succeeded in the detection of the anomalous signal of the naturally occurring sulfur atoms in a protein, utilizing SACLA, an X-Ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) at RIKEN Harima.
自从美国广岛和长 崎施核轰炸以来,世界就一 直处于核武器的恐怖阴影之下。
Since the
[...] nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki [...]
by the United States, the world has been under the dreadful shadow of nuclear weapons.
实现千年发展目标:计划生育的贡献:孟加拉国,美国国际开发 署 / 广岛 和 平 协会》,计生联 总干事 Gill Greer 博士在联合国大会 2010 年千年发展目标首脑会议非正式筹备会议上演讲时 引用。
Achieving the MDGs: The Contribution of Family Planning: Bangladesh, USAID/HPI cited by Dr. Gill Greer, Director-General of IPPF during her speech at the UN General Assembly informal session in preparation of the 2010 MDG Summit.
应指出的是,联合国秘书长潘基文先生今年参加 广岛 和 平 纪念仪式,还访 问了长崎,成为联合国秘书长进行这类访问的首例。
It should be highlighted that this year the
Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon,
[...] attended the Hiroshima Peace Memorial [...]
Ceremony and visited Nagasaki as well, in
the first trip of its kind by a Secretary-General of the United Nations.
破 坏的严重程度令人忆起第二次世界大战末期德 累斯顿广岛的惨状。
The level of destruction recalled images
[...] from Dresden or Hiroshima at the end of [...]
the Second World War.
该建筑物有多个计算机室并广岛大 学提供了一个全新的高清录音室。
This building consolidates computer rooms and provides a new studio for high-definition
[...] recording at Hiroshima University.
广岛和长 崎发生原子弹爆炸后,冯·阿登纳和其它著名的德国科学家,包括诺贝尔奖得主古斯塔夫·赫兹、物理学家马克斯·施滕贝克和核化学家尼古劳斯·里尔一起开始了前苏联的核武器装备研究工作。
After the dropping of the
[...] atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, [...]
von Ardenne and other leading German scientists , including
Nobel Prize winner Gustav Hertz, the physicist Max Steenbeck and the nuclear chemist Nikolaus Riehl, became caught up in the network of Soviet nuclear armaments.
在这里,您可以一边饱览濑户内海 广岛 市 的 360度景观,一边品尝世界名酒及富有季节性特色的美味鸡尾酒。
Enjoy the 360-degree panoramic views of the Seto
[...] Inland Sea and Hiroshima along with a [...]
drink selected from the world's best liquors and seasonal cocktails.
美国在第二次世界大战趋近结束时向日本投放了两颗原子弹:一颗是未经试验的枪式原子弹“小男孩”,于1945年8月6日 广岛 投 放 ;另一颗是投放前一个月首次在阿拉莫戈多试验的内爆型原子弹“胖子“,于8月9年在长崎投放。
The United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan towards the end of World War II: one an
untested gun-type fission bomb called
[...] “Little Boy” on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945; [...]
another implosion-type bomb tested at Alamogordo
for the first time a month earlier and called “Fat Man” on Nagasaki on 9 August.
广岛大学 大学院工科研究科的河原能久教授的开幕词后对「对洪水泛滥解析技术的通用化课题」作了特别演讲。
The location for this year was set in the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB http://www.ucsb.edu/) as a result of the suggestion of Prof. Marcos Novak during the last International VR Symposium.




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