

单词 广大

广大 ()

(of an area) vast or extensive
(of people) numerous



Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine


Guangdong University of Foreign Studies


Guangdong Ocean University

External sources (not reviewed)

教科文组织继续努力鼓励行业自律、调查性报道以及高道德标准,以便 广大 公 众 提供公平准 确的信息,促进国家当局及其他机构的透明度和问责制。
UNESCO continued its efforts to encourage
professional self-regulation, investigative
[...] journalism, as well as high ethical standards [...]
to provide the general public with fair
and accurate information, thereby promoting transparency and accountability of national authorities and other institutions.
关于“科技伦理,特别是生物伦理”项下的活动,建议更加重视 广大 公 众 和决策者 进行宣传和提高他们的认识,制订更多的准则性文件、促进伦理教育、利用科技的伦理、能 力培养和多学科活动。
As regards activities under the “ethics of science and technology, in particular bioethics”, the suggestion was made to place more emphasis on information and sensitization of the public-at-large and decision-makers, on the development of further normative instruments, on the promotion of ethics education, on the ethics of the use of science and technology, capacity-building and on multidisciplinary action.
尽管存在这种挑战,该办公室仍然 取得了许多重要成绩,包括:(a) 对向该办公室提出的多数索赔案件作出了答复, 包括向 80 多个国家客户提供简要咨询意见(206 例);(b) 在这一年里向工作人员
法律援助办公室提出了 938 个案件,该办公室了结或解决了其中的
[...] 54%;(c) 在 争议法庭的办案成功率很高;(d) 针对外地工作人员开展了外联工作;(e) 与联 合国工作人员工会和协会广大工作 人员、联合国监察员和调解事务办公室、秘 书处和联合国各机构、基金和方案的法律部门、提供无偿法律顾问服务的法律事 [...]
Despite such challenges, there were many important accomplishments, including: (a) responding to the majority of the claims brought to the Office, including the provision of summary advice (206 instances), to clients in more than 80 countries; (b) closure or resolution of 54 per cent of the 938 cases filed with the Office of Staff Legal Assistance during the year; (c) a high success rate before the Dispute Tribunal; (d) undertaking outreach to staff in the field; and (e) the development
of relationships
[...] with internal and external partners, including United Nations staff unions and associations, staff-at-large, the Office [...]
of the United Nations
Ombudsman and Mediation Services, the legal offices of the Secretariat and United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, law offices providing pro bono legal counsel, schools and universities.
[...] 和人权问题,例如,国内流离失所者返回家园或迁移到甚至在流离失所前就被忽 视和贫困的地方,或那里广大人民 也面临国内流离失所者在参加选举或其他公 [...]
IDPs who have achieved a durable solution may still face needs or human rights concerns that are not displacement-specific, e.g. when IDPs return or relocate to an area that was neglected and
impoverished even before their
[...] displacement or where the wider population faces [...]
the same challenges as IDPs participate
in elections or other public affairs.
图瓦卢尽管没有对全球变暖有过任何规模的推动, 这一分布广大海域 的小幅员岛屿国家只有非常狭窄的经济基础,下定决心 要实施绿色增长举措作为走向可持续发展和实现经济、社会和环境目标的正 确平衡的途径。
Despite not having contributed to global warming on any scale, Tuvalu, a small island State stretched over a vast oceanic area [...]
with a very narrow economic
base, was committed to implementing green growth initiatives as a way of moving towards sustainable development and finding the right balance between economic, social and environmental objectives.
至于上帝军,我欢迎非洲联盟在这方面的举措,并敦促区域内国家 广大的 国 际社会与非洲联盟合作,更好地确定可行步骤以采取协调战略,旨在保护平民 [...]
As for LRA, I welcome the initiatives of the African Union
in that regard and urge the States of
[...] the region and the broader international community [...]
to work together with the African
Union to better define feasible steps towards a coordinated strategy aimed at protecting civilians from the LRA threat and, ultimately, eliminating the group’s capacity to terrorize civilians.
本组织必须继续提高其所传递信息的清晰度和一致性,提高其广 大公众 编制的内容的价值,提高其传播的有效性。
The Organization must continue to improve the clarity and consistency of the messages it delivers, the value of the content it produces for a diverse public, and the effectiveness of its dissemination.
行政方式还有利于更积极地吸纳包括受害者在 内的广大的人 口群体参与赔偿所有阶段的工作,从拟订赔偿计划,到联系受害 者,以及理解侵权行为的结构性因素,包括国家因行为或不行为而应承担的责任 的份额,以及暴力对妇女和女童生活的性别具体的影响。
The administrative arena also enables a more proactive approach to the involvement of a larger group of people, including victims, at all levels — from conceptualization of reparation schemes, to reaching victims, to understanding the structural component of the violations — including the share of State responsibility by either action or omission, and the gender-specific impact of the violence on women’s and girls’ lives.
最不发达国家尤其要奉行环境可持续的劳动密集型公平增长战略, 广大民 众 特别是大量男女青年提供体面工作以及获取新技能和改善生计的机会。
In particular, LDCs should pursue an environmentally sustainable and equitable growth strategy that is labour intensive,
which provides decent work
[...] opportunities to a wider range of people, [...]
especially the large numbers of young women and men,
coupled with opportunities to gain new skills and improve their livelihoods.
纽约市警察局报告说,纽约警察于上午 11 时 26 分离开古巴代表团附近街区,
[...] 他们这样做是警方确定示威人群对古巴常驻代表团、其成员 广大 公 众 不构成任 何威胁。
The New York City Police Department reports that their officers departed the vicinity of the Mission at 11.26 a.m., doing so only after the police
determined that the group of demonstrators posed no threat to the Permanent Mission,
[...] its members or the public at large.
小组委员会满意地注意到会员国开展的各项活动有助于提供和使用更多的 天基解决办法来支持灾害管理,以及支助天基信息平台方案,这些活动包括:
[...] 害时协调使用空间设施的合作宪章》(又称《空间与重大灾害问题国际宪章》) 以及在地球观测组方面为扩大向更 广大 的 用 户提供卫星数据而作了相关努 力;中美洲区域观察和监测系统。
The Subcommittee noted with satisfaction the ongoing activities of Member States that were contributing to increasing the availability and use of space-based solutions in support of disaster management, and also supporting the UN-SPIDER programme, including the following: the Sentinel Asia project and its coordination of emergency observation requests through the Asian Disaster Reduction Centre (ADRC) and the Charter on Cooperation to Achieve the Coordinated Use of Space Facilities in the Event of Natural or Technological Disasters (also called the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters), as well as related efforts in the
context of GEO to expand the provision of
[...] satellite data to a broader range of users; [...]
and the Mesoamerican Regional Visualization
and Monitoring System (SERVIR).
It also supplies both public servants and the general public with the results of its analyses.
作为由此而产生的结 果、以及同时正在平行演进的社会一体化进程,便是通过增强劳动力的流 动性和旅游业的发展而实现的,使 广大 民 众 、新概念和新创意、以及不同 的文化得以在各国之间更为方便地传播和交流。
As a consequence and in parallel, social integration is taking place through enhanced labour mobility and tourism, allowing for the more fluid movement of peoples, ideas and cultures across borders.
(c) 鼓励缔约国组办该国公共官员参与恢复和法律援助方案,并为那些直 接与受害者接触的人员,诸如法官、法律人员、执法人员和福利事务工人等开展 广泛提高意识的运动,要广大民众 基本上知晓这些方案。
(c) Encourages the State party to organize the participation of its public officials in rehabilitation and legal assistance programmes and to conduct broad awareness campaigns for officials such as judges, law officers, law enforcement agents and welfare workers, who are in direct contact with victims.
一位代表提到了人类目前面临的多重危机,包括贫困、被迫迁移、海平 面升高等,并敦促包括《蒙特利尔议定书》在内的各项环境条约和文书运用创
[...] 造性思维,确保在审议工作中充分考虑人权问题,包括采取更具协同性的方 法,鼓广大利益攸关方的参与。
One representative spoke of the crises currently facing the human family, including poverty, forced migration and sea-level rise, and urged environmental treaties and instruments, including the Montreal Protocol, to employ creative thinking to ensure that human rights issues were given full cognizance
in their deliberations, including through adoption of a more synergistic
[...] approach involving a wide range of stakeholders.
吸食鸦片最初主要是爪哇上层阶级社交生活的一部分,但是 19 世纪吸食鸦片渐渐蔓延到不断扩张的殖民经济中 广大 劳 动 者身上。
Opium smoking was at first mainly a part of social life among Javanese upper classes, but in the 19th century it increasingly spread to the laborers who served the expanding colonial economy.
以往冲突所遗留的大量武器的存在,以及武装团体及贩运网络的存在,领土面广大、往 往难以控制,国家所提供的安保有限,周边地区体制驻留人员有限,以 [...]
及难以实施国际和国家两级的实体安保和库存管理最佳做法——这些都是助长 武器不法扩散的因素。
The presence of large quantities of weapons left over from previous conflicts, the
existence of armed groups and trafficking
[...] networks, the very large and often difficult [...]
territory to control, the limited provision
of security by the State, lack of institutional presence in peripheral areas, and the difficulty of implementing international and national physical security and stockpile management best practices are all factors that encourage the illicit proliferation of weapons.
鉴于实现千年发展目标关键一年,即 2015 年越来越近,“全球倡议”有望更
[...] 有力地推动世界范围促进教育的运动,从而(a) 提高教育的政治形象,团广大 的行为体;(b) 推动开展全球运动,以便到 [...]
2015 年,实现全民教育的高质量、 相关性和包容性,同时在广泛的发展议程,包括各项千年发展目标方面取得其他
伴随收益;(c) 通过持续的宣传努力,产生额外的和足够的资金。
As 2015, the critical year for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals approaches, the Global Initiative is expected to give greater impetus to the worldwide movement for education and to: (a)
raise the political profile of education
[...] and rally together a broad spectrum of actors; [...]
(b) spur a global movement to achieve
quality, relevant and inclusive education for all by 2015, with concomitant gains for the broad development agenda, including the Millennium Development Goals; and (c) generate additional and sufficient funding through sustained advocacy efforts.
鼓励他 们的社会和文化机构,同时支持他们参与 广大的 社会。
Their social and cultural institutions were encouraged, while their engagement in the larger society was supported as well.
(k) 通过教育系统和其他途径,促进对所有涉及宗教或信仰自由的事项的相
[...] 互理解、宽容、不歧视及尊重,为此鼓 广大 社 会 更多地了解不同宗教和信仰以 及国家管辖范围内现有各个宗教少数群体的历史、传统、语言和文化
(k) To promote, through the education system and other means, mutual understanding, tolerance, non-discrimination and respect in all matters relating to freedom of
religion or belief by encouraging, in the
[...] society at large, a wider knowledge of [...]
different religions and beliefs and of the
history, traditions, languages and cultures of the various religious minorities existing within their jurisdiction
中华全国妇女联合会是中国最大的维护妇女权益、促进妇女发展的妇女组 织,其基本职能是:团结、动广大 妇 女 参与经济建设和社会发展;教育、引广大妇女 ,增强自尊、自信、自立、自强的精神,全面提高素质,促进妇女人才 成长;代表妇女参与国家和社会事务的民主管理、民主监督,参与有关妇女、儿 童法律、法规、规章的制定,维护妇女儿童合法权益,促进男女平等;为妇女儿 童服务。
Its basic functions are to focus and mobilize women’s broad participation in economic production and social development;
provide education and leadership
[...] to women in order broadly to strengthen their self-respect, self-confidence, independence and self-improvement, thereby comprehensively enhancing their quality and fostering the development of talented women; [...]
represent women in participating
in the democratic management and democratic supervision of national and social affairs, and participate in the drafting of laws, regulations and codes regarding women and children, thereby protecting the lawful rights and interests of women and children and promoting gender equality; and serve women and children.
目前在安理会内部以广大会员 国中间,对于保护责任实际上意味着什么,迄未形成 统一的看法,但我希望,最近在这方面开展的工作, 包括秘书长特别代表所做的工作,可以很快使我们对 于我们需要采取哪些行动以解决保护平民问题,达成 共同的谅解。
There is not yet a unified view within the Council or within the membership at large about what the responsibility to protect means in practice, but I hope that the recent work done in that area, including by representatives of the Secretary-General, can shortly bring us to a common understanding of what needs to be done as part of our work to address the question of enhancing the protection of civilians.
除了提供防故障更新机制以外,IGEL 还支持随时恢复所中断 的更新,而不存在发生技术问题的风险,这对于 BCS 这种广大地区 中分布有多家办事处的组织来说是一个非常有用的 工具。
In addition the fail-safe update mechanism provided by IGEL enables interrupted updates to be resumed at any time without the risk of technical problems, which is a very useful tool for an organization such as BCS, with thin clients at multiple offices across a wide area.
此外,缔约国应加强努力,除其他外通过旨在提高社会 对性别平等的认识,消除妇女在家庭 广大 社 会中的作用和责任的根深蒂固的家 长制陈旧观念。
Furthermore, the State party should enhance its efforts to eliminate existing patriarchal and gender stereotypes on the roles and responsibilities of women and men in the family and in society by, inter alia, adopting programmes that seek to raise awareness in society of gender equality.
确认增强女童权能和对女童的投资对于 经济增长、实现包括消除贫穷和极端贫穷在内
的所有千年发展目标,以及女童有效参与影响 其自身的决定,是打破歧视和暴力循环、促进 和保护女童切实充分享受人权的关键所在,又 确认增强女童的权能需要她们积极参与决策进
[...] 程,得到其父母、法定监护人、家人和抚养人 以及男孩和男子乃广大社区 的积极支持和参 与。
that empowerment of and investment in girls, which are critical for economic growth, the achievement of all Millennium Development Goals, including the eradication of poverty and extreme poverty, as well as the meaningful participation of girls in decisions that affect them, are key in breaking the cycle of discrimination and violence and in promoting and protecting the full and effective enjoyment of their human rights, and further recognizing that empowering girls requires their active participation in decision making processes, active support and
engagement of their parents, legal guardians, families and care providers, as well as
[...] boys and men, and the wider community;”.
犯罪司法所协助各国政府广大国际 社会应对犯罪对 和平、安全和可持续发展构成的威胁,特别是为此加强公正和高效率的刑事司 [...]
法制度,制定和实施经改进的政策,以及通过发展机构能力促进各国自我依 赖。
UNICRI assists Governments and the
[...] international community at large in tackling the [...]
threats that crime poses to peace, security
and sustainable development, in particular by fostering just and efficient criminal justice systems, the formulation and implementation of improved policies, and the promotion of national self-reliance through the development of institutional capacity.
为了更好体现社会公益与责任担当,今年,CNNIC 联合国内外业界知名专家,根据 IP 地址、域名等互联网基础资源技术的最新发展,尤其是 IPv6 与下一代互联网、IDN 与多语 种邮箱电子邮件、DNSSEC 与域名安全等技术方面的最新发展,并结合这些新技术在物联网、
云计算、大数据等新兴领域的应用,首次编写和发布了《互联网 IP 地址与域名技术发展研
[...] 究报告》,并将逐步使之常态化、系统化,适时反映、分析和预测 IP 地址与域名技术的最 新进展、特点规律和未来趋势,以供互联网领 广大 管 理 者、研究者、从业者参考。
In order to do a better job for the public interests and assume its social responsibility, CNNIC, together with experts of the industry in and out of China, prepared and published for the first time Research Report of the Development of IP Address and Domain name Technology of the Internet based on the latest technological development of the fundamental resources of Internet such as IP address and domain name, especially the latest technological development of the IPv6 and nextgeneration Internet, IDN and multilingual e-mail address, DNSSEC and domain name security as well as the application of these new technologies in the emerging fields of Internet of things, cloud computing and big data, and will make the reporting regular and systematic so as to reflect the latest progress, analyze the characteristics and predict the
development trend of IP
[...] address and domain name technology for the reference by the managers, researchers [...]
and workers in the Internet industry.




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