

单词 广东科学技术职业学院

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External sources (not reviewed)

这包括支持扫盲工作,其中包含广 实 用 扫盲,从幼年开始并持续终身的正规和 非正规教育,在学习的初始阶段推行母语教育,包括社会道德意识在内的价值观教育,发展 对话文化,宣传和平文化,促进可持续发展教育、教师培训、技术职业教育和培训(着眼于 增加就业机会和利用教科文组织国际技术 职业 教 育 与培训中心的优势),以 科学技术教 育
This should include support for efforts to promote literacy, including functional literacy, formal and non-formal education, beginning with early childhood and continuing on a lifelong basis, education in the mother tongue in the early stages of learning, values education including social and moral awareness, the development of a culture of dialogue, a commitment to a culture of peace, education for sustainable development, teacher training, technical and vocational education and training (geared towards enhancing employability and drawing on the expertise of UNEVOC) as well as science and technology education.
在向半导体照明产业升级的过程中,南海区集聚了雪莱特、南海奇美,旭瑞光电、昭信集团、济胜光电、金邦电子等一大批优质企业,与中山大学、华中科技大学、香港科技大学等高校建立了紧密的LED产学研合作,拥有中山大学佛山研 院 、 广东 平 板 显示 业技术 研 究 院等公共服务平台,并正在筹建香 科 技 大 学 L E D 产业工程技术研究开发中心,现有LED相关企业和服务机构数十家,2009年半导体照明产业产值超20亿元。
In the semiconductor lighting industrial upgrading in the process of gathering the snow Wright, Nanhai District, Nanhai Chi Mei Optoelectronics Xu Rui, Akinobu Group, Ji Sheng Optical, GeIL large number of high-quality electronics and other companies, and Zhongshan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Science and Technology University and other universities to establish a close co-operation of the LED production and research,
with Sun Yat-sen
[...] Institute Foshan, Guangdong, Flat Panel Display Industrial Technology Research Institute and other public service platform, and are planning to build the LED industry in Hong Kong University of Science Engineering [...]
and Technology Research
and Development Center, the existing LED-related dozens of businesses and services in 2009, semiconductor lighting industrial output &#118alue of over $ 2 billion.
职业生涯大部份时间都在海外度过(1962年至1970年期间,先后在安哥拉、几内亚及帝汶等地服务;于1974年至1976年,抵澳担任总督),是一位国际性的指挥家(于1987年至1990年间,在北大西洋公约组织(NATO)担任葡萄牙军事顾问代表;于1996年,担任联合国西撒哈拉公民投票特派团(Minurso / ONU)的军事指挥官、高级军事研究学院和国防研究学院院长及陆军副参谋长),除此之外,亦是位高等教育机构人员(分別於高级军事研 学院 、 里斯 本 技术 大 学 社 会 与政 科学 高 等 学院及葡萄牙天主教大学政治学院,担任专家导师)。
His professional life was divided between the ancient colonies (Angola from 1962 to 1964 and from 1970 to 1972, Guinea-Bissau from 1965 to 1967 and Timor from 1968 to 1970, and was Governor of Macau between 1974 and 1979), the command and international roles (Military Counselor of the Portuguese Delegation of NATO between 1987 and 1990, Commanding Officer of Minurso/ONU-1996 Military Component, director of the High Military Studies Institute and of the National Defense Institute, and Vice-Chief of the Army Staff), and the universitary teaching (IAEM and masters degrees from the Superior Institute of Social and Political Sciences, IEP/UCP).
2007年被广东省科技厅授予“广东省高 技术 企 业 ” 和 “ 广东 省 民 营 科技 企 业 ”;2008年成为“ 广 东 省 工程技术研究开发中心”;同年我司建立的标准体系达到AAA级,获广东省质量技术监督局颁发“标准化良好行为证书”、“ISO9000质量管理体系认证”、“ISO14000环境管理体系认证”、“OHSAH 19 0 0 1 职 业 健 康安全管理体系认证”;同年被认定委员会认定为广东省著名商标;2010年被授予“广东省名牌”;2011年“永利坚”商标荣获国家工商行政总局的“中国驰名商标”认定。
In 2007, the company was entitled "Guangdong High and New Tech Enterprise" by Science and Technology Department of Guangdong Province and "Guangdong Private-owned Science and Technology Enterprise"; in 2008, it became " Guangdong Engineering Technology Research and Development Center"; in the same year, the standard system established by the company reached AAA [...]
level and granted "Standardized Good Practice
Certificate", "ISO 9000 Quality Management System Certification", ISO 14000 Environment Management Certification", and "OHSAH 19001 Occupation Health Safety Management System Certification"; in the same year, the brand was attested by the Brand Attestation Council to be " Guangdong Famous Trademark"; in 2010, it was awarded “Guangdong Famous Brand”; in 2011, "Yonglijian" trademark was awarded the attestation of "China Renowned Trademark" by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce.
同样,关于淘汰消耗臭氧 层物质和使用替代制冷剂的培训模块将被纳入该 职业学 校 和 研究 院 的 课 程,并且/或 者纳技术员认证方案。
Similarly, a training module on ODS phase-out and the use of alternative refrigerants
would be included in
[...] the curricula of vocational and graduate schools in the country and/or through the technicians certification [...]
两年来广东省标准化研究院根据路线图、标杆体系的规划和要求,组织全省各龙头 业 、 科 研 院 所 、 检测机构、行业协会等共134家单位,从半导体照 技术 及 产 品研究、开发、生产的企业进行标准化研究;建立LED产品标杆指数即产品质量综合评价体系,标杆指数随着技术发展水涨船高,保持标准与研发技术的同步性,实现了对LED路灯技术质量的动态评估,动态LED照明产品质量评价体系覆盖产业链各个领域,促使LED产品生产成本下降,生产企业经济效益得到了提升。
Two years, guangdong institute of standardization according to the map, benchmarking system planning and requirements, the organization the leading enterprises, scientific research institutes, testing agencies, industry associations, and other common 134 units, from semiconductor lighting technology and product research, [...]
development and
production of enterprise standardization research; Establish LED products benchmarking index that product quality comprehensive evaluation system, pole index as technology development a rising tide lifts all boats, keep the standard and the synchronicity of the technology research and development, realize the LED street lamp technology quality dynamic evaluation, dynamic LED lighting product quality evaluation system of industrial chain to cover every field of LED products production cost down, production enterprise economic benefit was improved.
这个项目着眼于那科学、技术、工 程和数学 业 的 学 生;巴尔 的摩县马里兰大学 (UMBC) 的麦耶霍夫学者项目旨在帮助那些 有前途的本科学生取得成功,为他们能够进入研究 院 的 科 学和 工程专业就读做好准备;院校合作委员会(涉及十大高校和芝加 哥大学)通过其暑期研究机会项目 (SROP) 为学生和职员工提 供很多研究机会。
For example, the University of California’s Leadership Excellence through Advanced Degrees (UC LEADS) program focuses on students in the STEM disciplines; the Meyerhoff Scholars Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) works to help promising undergraduates thrive and prepare themselves for graduate school in the fields of science and engineering; and the Committee for Institutional Cooperation (involving the Big Ten schools and the University of Chicago), has provided opportunities for both students and faculty as part of the Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP).
(b) 建筑行业关于消耗臭氧层物质相关问题的干预措施(考虑到建筑物内的大部 分能源需求与运行所安装的制冷和空调设备有关),为了让城市发展部、能 源效率局、新能源和可再生能源部等制定建筑物规则/标准的管理当局能够 参与进来并且将使用氟氯烃的设备替代品的适 技术 规 范纳入这些规则之 中;通过绿色建筑大会等本地机构 广 无 氟 氯烃建筑设计和方程式;通过建 筑学理事会提高建筑师的能力,为修改建 学院 课 程 准备一个模板,以便将 无氟氯烃建筑设计和施工纳入建筑 业 主 流
(b) Building sector interventions on ODS related issues (given that most of the energy demand in building is associated with the operation of the refrigeration and air-conditioning deployed), in order to engage with regulatory authorities like the Ministry of Urban Development, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, that have issued codes/standards for buildings and incorporate appropriate
specifications for
[...] alternatives to HCFC-based equipment in these codes; promote HCFC-free building design and construction through local agencies such as the Green Building Congress; enhance the capacity of architects through the Council of Architecture, and prepare a template for amending curriculum in architectural institutes to mainstream HCFC [...]
free building design and construction.
在区域和国家两级有外派机构的一些组织设有重要的南南合作/三角合作组 成部分和专职工作人员:粮食署在拉丁美洲和加勒比区域设有监测和支持股;禁 毒办巴西和南锥体区域办事处设有专职协调南南合作事务的单位;人口基金巴西 国家办事处自 2004 年起一直将南南合作作为其国家方案的成果内容之一,并拨 出经费,与巴西政府分配给优先事项的经费一起用于 广 此 种经验;开发署巴西 国家办事处和中国国家办事处均东 道 国 为其 职 人 员 提供经费;在原子能机 构,由各方签署并获得理事会核准的区域协定(《非洲 科技 协 定 》、《拉加科技协定 》、《亚阿国家核科技协定》、《亚太核科技协定》)为各自区域内的 南南合作开展了协调工作。
Some organizations with field presence at regional and country levels have major components of SSC/TC and dedicated staff: WFP Monitoring and Supporting Unit in Latin America and the Caribbean; UNODC regional office for Brazil and the Southern Cone, which has a unit dedicated to SSC coordination; UNFPA country office in Brazil, which has included SSC as one of its country programme outcomes since 2004 and has assigned funds to facilitate the experience along with funds allocated by the Government of
Brazil to its priority issues; UNDP country
[...] offices in Brazil and China, for which dedicated staff are funded by the host countries; and at IAEA, the regional agreements (AFRA, ARASIA, ARCAL, RCA), concluded among the parties and endorsed by the Board of Governors, provide coordination for SSC within their own regions.
通过以下方法进一 步推动了科学教育科学职业:在 物理学中采用主动学 技术 ; 支持制订科学课程;就微观科学实 验的使用进行传播、转化和培训;正在同教育部门合作制订转基因生物(GMO)教学资料包;以及开 发并开放在线教学资源。
The promotion of
[...] science education and careers in science was strengthened through active learning techniques in physics, support [...]
for science curriculum
development, dissemination, translation and training in the use of microscience experiments, the ongoing development in collaboration with the Education Sector of a pedagogical teaching kit on GMOs, and development and access to online teaching resources.
Lintag 先生持有地处菲律宾马尼拉的东亚信 技术学院 ( 远 东 大 学)的计算机与信 科 学 学 士学位。
Mr. Lintag received a BS in Computer and
[...] Information Science from East Asia College of Information Technology (Far Eastern University) [...]
in Manila, Philippines.
... 汕头市欧格包装机械有限公司广东 省 民 营 科技 企 业 、 国 家高新 术 企 业,专注于涂布和印刷等软包装技术的研究和应用,现已形成了 学 级 高 精密涂布生产线、宽幅卫星式柔版印刷机等特色产品,具有先进的研发理念和自主开发创新能力,成为中国同行业领先和最具成长性企业。
Ltd. is a Guangdong private-owned enterprise, national high-tech enterprise ,focus on research and application of coating and printing etc. Soft packing technology...Shantou Olger Packing Machinery Co, .
博士山学院致力于通过如下校区,为学生开创教育升学途径:上海机电学院、上海市医药学校、浙江机职业技术学院 、 广东 省 食 品药 职 业 技 术学校等。
Box Hill Institute is dedicated to providing education pathways to its students through campuses that include: Shanghai Di Jian University, Shanghai Pharmaceutical
School, Zhejiang Institute of Mechanical and
[...] Electrical Engineering, Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational School, to name a few.
委员会仍然 深为关切,居高不下女性文盲率和男女性别定型角色使妇女无法平等参与就 业,导职业隔离现象,包括很 科学技术 领 域普遍缺少妇女和女孩的现象, 这是人才和洞察力的损失,阻碍了经济发展和妇女经济权能的增强,而且可 能助长性别工资差距。
It remains deeply concerned by the persistence of high female illiteracy rates and gender stereotyped roles of women and men, which inhibit women’s equal
participation in
[...] employment, leading to occupational segregation, including the widespread underrepresentation of women and girls in many fields of science and technology, which represents [...]
a loss of talent and
perspectives, hinders economic development and women’s economic empowerment and can contribute to the gender pay gap.
国家计划开设 一些新的如下部门和中心职从事:新的技术和管理 广 告 和 图书营销 技术文 献和精科学;民 众组织和文化事件;为残疾人服务;论文、登记和统计;图片 出版物;供暖和卫生设施单位、电子设备和电梯维修单位;防火安全单位、建筑 和维修单位、大众宣传、法律信息中心、塔吉克研究中心、语言中心、展览组办 部、传媒中心、图书管理员深入培训处和图书管理学研究和教学中心。
There are plans to open new departments and centres devoted to the following: new technologies and management, advertising and library marketing, technical literature and exact sciences, organization [...]
of popular and cultural
events, service for the disabled, dissertations, registration and statistics, cartographic publications, a heat and sanitation unit, a unit to service electrical equipment and elevators, units for fire safety, construction and repair, publications, a legal information centre, a centre for Tajik studies, a language centre, a department to organize exhibitions, a media centre, a service for further training of librarians and a centre for library science studies and teaching.
各代表团提议设立一个全科学、 技术 和 创 新中心,以此便利众多利益攸 关方继续通过知识分享提高生产和行政能力, 广 最 佳做法,以及支持 业 协作 和投资。
The establishment of a
[...] global centre for science, technology and innovation was proposed as a means to facilitate ongoing knowledge sharing among various stakeholders to improve productive and administrative capacities, disseminate best practices, and support commercial collaboration and investment.
东京大学生产技术研究 所的佐藤琢哉(Sato takuya)助教、黑田和男(Kuroda Kazuo)教授(当时,现在是宇都宫大学特任教授、东京大学名誉教授)、志村努(Shimura Tsutomu)教授等人的研究小组,共同与东北大学原子分子材 科 学 高 等研究机构的齐藤英治教授等人、乌克 科 学 学 院 的 鲍 里斯•伊万诺夫总经理,只通过对磁石照射光脉冲使其发生磁波,并通过改变了光点的形状成功控制了波的传播方向。
A research group led by Assistant Professor Takuya Sato, Professor Emeritus Kazuo Kuroda, and Professor Tsutomu Shimura of the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo in cooperation with Professor Eiji Saitoh et al. of the Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University along with Director Boris Ivanov of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine [...]
succeeded in the emission
of magnetic waves (spin waves) through exposing magnets to light pulses and was also able to directionally control the spin waves by changing the shape of the light spot.
东京技术学院的数学和计算科 学 系的 Shigeru Chiba 所创建的。
From the Tokyo
[...] Institute of Technology Department of Mathematics and Computer Science created by [...]
Shigeru Chiba .
他设计了“斯大林大街”的部分区域以 东 柏 林的其他很多标志性建筑,并且在施威特、霍耶斯维达和哈勒新城的新居住区项目中任总设计师,还担任了德国建 科学院 住 宅 建造 院 院 长 一 职。
He designed parts of the “Stalinallee” any
many other
[...] representative buildings in East-Berlin and became head architect for the new settlements in Schwedt, Hoyerswerda and Halle-Neustadt as well as director of the institute for residential construction at the German Architecture Academy.
预算文 件第 29C.35 段列出这一构成部分下将交付的产出,其中包括:提供范 广 泛的 旨在建立和维持本组织领导及管理能力的培训方案;增进方案管理人员和负有行 政管理职责的工作人员的人力和财政资源管理专门知识;提高秘书处工作人员的 信技术技能; 建立和强化语文能力;支 职业 发 展和提高实务技能。
The outputs to be delivered under this component are set out in paragraph 29C.35 of the budget document, and include the provision of a wide array of training programmes designed to build and sustain the
Organization’s leadership and managerial
[...] capacity; improve the human and financial resources management expertise of programme managers and staff with administrative responsibilities; upgrade the information technology skills of Secretariat staff; build and strengthen linguistic capabilities; and support career development and upgrade substantive skills.
中华全国总工会,是全国各地方总工会和各产业工会全国组织的领导机关, 主要社会职能是:维护职工的合法权益和民主权利;动员和组织职工群众参加建 设和改革,完成经济和社会发展任务;参与 业 的 民 主管理,教 职 工 不 断提高 思想道德科学技术文化素质。
Its primary functions are to protect the lawful rights and interests of workers and staff as well as their democratic rights; mobilize and organize mass participation by workers and staff in construction and reform to complete the task of economic and social development; and take part in the
democratic management of enterprises and bring about continuous improvement in
[...] the ideological and moral education and scientific, technical and cultural development of workers and [...]
staff through education.
科文组织同促进非洲教育发展协会(ADEA) 学职 业工作 组、国际劳工组织和教育国际等机构合作,并且得到多个多边及双边合作 伙伴提供技术和财政支持。
UNESCO is working in partnership with
[...] institutions such as ADEA Working Group on the Teaching Profession, the International Labour Organization and Education International, with technical and financial support from various multilateral and bilateral [...]
东救济工程技术职业教育 和培训的主要问题与制约包括:缺少机会和公平;技术职业教育 和培训的供资限制与能力;没有高质量的技术职业教育和培训框架与标准;需要 [...]
The major issues and
[...] constraints of UNRWA technical and vocational education and [...]
training include: low access and equity;
funding constraints and capacity of vocational training centres; lack of a quality framework and standards for technical and vocational education and training; need for redesign of curricula and implementation mechanisms; and weak linkages with industry and labour markets.
(d)鼓励从体制和财政上支持能够产生针对性别的知识,并为所有涉及教育、 培训和研究的政策和方案提供信息的 术 科 目 ,支持为找出教育 职业 发 展 道路 上的具体差距而进行的研究,包括纵向政策研究,以促 科学技术 各 领 域和其他 相关学科保留妇女和女孩
(d) Encourage the provision of institutional and financial support for academic studies that can
[...] gender-specific knowledge and feed into all policies and programmes on education, training and research and support research, including longitudinal policy research, to identify specific gaps in education and career pathways, so as to promote the retention of women and girls in different fields of science and technology and in other relevant [...]
(a) 一个教科文组织小组访问了马来西 科学院 、 马 来西亚标准与工业研究院 (SIRIM)、世界业技术研究 组织协会秘书处(WAITRO)、马来西亚国际伊 斯兰大学、以及科技与创新部(MOSTI)下属的几个机构,如科技处、马来西亚 [...]
科技园、多媒体开发公司、马来西亚气象局、马来西亚遥感研究所和马来西亚国 家科学中心等。
(a) A UNESCO team visited the Academy of Science Malaysia, The Malaysia Standards and Industrial Research Institute [...]
of Malaysia (SIRIM), the Secretariat
of the World Association of Industrial Research Organizations (WAITRO), the International Islamic University Malaysia, and several institutions under the umbrella of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), such as: Division of Science and Technology, Technology Park Malaysia, Multi-Media Development Corporation, Malaysia Meteorological Department, Malaysia Remote Sensing Institute and National Science Centre Malaysia.
东莞市欣光源电子有限公司(原鑫光源电子厂),创建于1998年,地处广东省东莞市东部工业园区,是一家集LED研发、生产、销售为一体的高新科技企业,并 广东 工 业 大 学 、 北 京 科技 大 学共同建立“产学研”结合基地。
LTD(XGY lighting) has undergone a steady growth over 12 years and now
enjoys a leading market
[...] position in the optoelectronic field as one of China leading manufactures of high quality LED illuminating lighting products, LED decorative lighting products.
2009 年职员学院还推广了关 于联合 国共同国家方案编制过程电子学习工具包,把它作为汇集国家一级方案 业 务编 写和实施的各种经验和工具的在线资源。
Also in 2009, the e-learning toolkit on United Nations common country programming processes was rolled out as an online resource to bring together all the country-level [...]
and tools relating to programme and operations development and implementation.
[...] 代表团,而且许多其它地区的代表团,都对非洲优先事项表示了支持,其中尤其强调了教育(特别是扫盲、教 师培训、技术职业教育 、艾滋病防治教育 ) 、 科学 与 技术 ( 科学 政 策 、科学教育及科学与技术基础设施,特 别是《非盟科技综合行动计划》)、社会科学及人文科学、文化以及传播和信息的重要作用。
Support was given by virtually all African delegations, but also by delegations from other regions to Priority Africa, with special focus on education (in particular
literacy, teacher training,
[...] technical and vocational education, HIV/AIDS preventive education), science and technology (science [...]
policies, science education and the building of a scientific and technical infrastructure, in particular
the African Union Consolidated Plan of Action for Science and Technology), social and human sciences, culture and communication and information.




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