

单词 广东省

See also:

广东 pl

hillsides pl

External sources (not reviewed)

As the VAT pilot reform will be soon
[...] implemented in the Guangdong Province, certain number of [...]
companies, particularly services companies
will need to adopt new tax methods.
此外,Emerson 公司董事长和总裁,分别担任江省 和 广东省省 长 经 济顾问,分享Emerson在 业务发展和成长中的经验并为地区发展提供建议。
In addition, Emerson’s chairman and president have been
appointed as economic advisors to the
[...] Jiangsu and Guangdong provinces respectively, [...]
to share on growth and development experiences with the local governments.
真的,正是来广东省的华 人,来到美国,帮助美国完成了从东部到西部的铁路。
It was the
[...] Chinese from Guangdong Province, really, that [...]
came to the United States, that helped the United States finish
the railroads that went from the east to the west.
Its importance as the capital of the
[...] historically powerful province of Guangdong [...]
makes it the centre of politics, economy and culture for South China.
伟易达电讯产品的生产设施均取得ISO14001认证,并根据香港特区政府 广东省 政 府共同推出的计划,获得粤港清洁生产伙伴地位。
The manufacturing facilities of our TEL products are ISO14001 certified, and
have been awarded
[...] “Hong Kong – Guangdong Cleaner Production Partners” status, under the scheme jointly launched by the HKSAR Government and the Guangdong Provincial Government.
广东省:极 端天气情况(即洪水与灾害风险的削减)、卫生。
Guangdong: Extreme weather [...]
events (i.e. flooding and disaster risk reduction); health.
... 汕头市欧格包装机械有限公司 广东省 民 营科技企业、国家高新技术企业,专注于涂布和印刷等软包装技术的研究和应用,现已形成了光学级高精密涂布生产线、宽幅卫星式柔版印刷机等特色产品,具有先进的研发理念和自主开发创新能力,成为中国同行业领先和最具成长性企业。
Ltd. is a Guangdong private-owned enterprise, [...]
national high-tech enterprise ,focus on research and application of coating
and printing etc. Soft packing technology...Shantou Olger Packing Machinery Co, .
甲基苯丙胺被从缅甸偷运到中 国云南省,并被偷运到中广东省和 广 西 省
Methamphetamine was smuggled out of Myanmar
[...] into Yunnan Province, of China and also into the Chinese provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi.
近年来,广州分所承办了多项具有广泛影响力的大型项目,包括:花旗集团牵头财团并购广东发展银行项目、粤财控股接收处置不良资产项目 广东省 建 设 银行打包处置不良资产项目 广东省 内 多 家农村金融机构的改制、引资及上市项目、成都银行重组引资项目、港珠澳大桥项目、东方电机承接巴西Jirau AHE电站(目前全球最大的水利工程项目)设计采购施工总承包项目、四季酒店落户广州项目、长沙水务行业市场化运作系列项目、民安证券有限责任公司关闭清算项目、广东科龙电器股份有限公司重组项目、粤高速常年法律顾问项目以及包括广州富力地产股份有限公司、越秀房地产信托投资基金、合生创展集团有限公司、广州日报集团旗下粤传媒在内的数十家大型企业的私募及境内外上市项目。
Ltd-Brazil Jirau AHE Power Station Project (the biggest hydro project in the world); the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge project; the Four Seasons Hotel, Guangzhou; a series of deals privatizing the water industry of Changsha City; the liquidation of Mingan Securities Ltd; the restructuring of Guangdong Kelong Electric Ltd; the provision of routine legal advice to Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development; and, a private placement / offshore IPO transaction involving several dozen large enterprises including R&F Properties Ltd (Guangzhou), Yuexiu REIT Fund, Hopson Group, and GZ Daily Group's Guangdong Media.
这些中国学院包括乐山职业技术学院、南宁职业技术学院、四川省质量技术监督学校,目前WBIT还 广东省 多 所 学院积极开展合作。
They include Leshan Vocational and Technical College; Nanning College for Vocational Technology; Quality Technical
and Supervision College of Sichuan province and WBIT is currently working with a
[...] number of colleges in Guangdong province.
然后,他回到中国,结婚,组建家庭,我父亲就在中国这里出生,然后我祖父回到美国工作并会寄钱回来以供养 广东省 的 家
He then went back to China, got married, had a family where my father was born, here in China, and then my
grandfather went back to the United States to work and would send money back to
[...] support the family in Guangdong Province.
(h) 在由贸易法委员会、贸发会议、知识产权组织和香港城市大学联合协 办并广东省知识 产权局在广州主办的知识产权争端的仲裁和调解培训班上作 专题演讲(2009 年 11 月 22 日至 25 日,中国广州)。
(h) Giving a presentation at the Workshop on Arbitration and Mediation of Intellectual Property Disputes in Guangzhou, jointly organized by UNCITRAL, UNCTAD, WIPO and CITYU and hosted by The Intellectual Property Office of Guangdong Province (Guangzhou, China, 22-25 November 2009).
也就说福建省的关键指标采用的是福州而非厦门的数据, 广东省 的 关 键指标采用的是广州而非深圳的数据。
That means for Fujian Province we used Fuzhou and not Xiamen as the key
[...] indicator, and for Guangdong Province we used Guangzhou [...]
and not Shenzhen.
华格照明的总部位于美国,是一家领先的轨道灯、嵌入式灯、橱柜灯、单轨灯和装饰灯设计商和制造商。其几乎全部负责任的产品都是在位于中 广东省 的 家庭式、经ISO 9001质量体系认证的制造基地开发的,该基地内设UL认证测试实验室并享有零掩埋地位。
WAC Lighting, a leading US-based designer and manufacturer of
track, recessed, undercabinet, monorail
[...] and decorative lighting, develops nearly [...]
all of its Responsible products in the
family owned, ISO 9001-certified manufacturing campus in Guandong, China, with in-house UL approved testing labs and zero landfill status.
此外,孟瑟目前担任艾森豪威尔基金会理事,兰肯技术学院(Ranken Technical College )董事会主席、圣路易斯科学中心理事会理事、伊利诺理工大学监管理事会理事、The Backstoppers 公司董事会成员、及中广东省经济发展顾问团成员。
Monser currently serves on the board of trustees for the Eisenhower Fellowships, is chairman of the board at Ranken Technical College, is a trustee for the St. Louis Science Center, and is a member of the Board of Overseers at Illinois Institute of Technology, the board of directors of The Backstoppers, Inc.
广东省地处 沿海,毗邻港澳,音像市场规模大、情况复杂,历来是不 法分子走私非法音像制品关注的重点,因此,广东各海关通过集中缉私力量,提高出航率, [...]
重点打击来往港澳小型船只走私光盘的办法,加强了对海上光盘走私活动的打击力度,取得 了良好战果。
Bearing in mind that as a
[...] coastal area, Guangdong province provided a huge [...]
market for smugglers of illegal audio-visual
products, customs at all ports in Guangdong strengthened its anti-smuggling forces with focuses on smuggling by small boats between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao.
公司的信息化建设成果也得到了社会各界的认同和肯定,先后获得全国CAD应用工程示范单位(2000年) 广东省 信 息 化应用示范单位(2002年)、佛山市首批信息化应用示范单位(2003年)、中国企业信息化500强(2003年~2008年)等荣誉;2008年11月, 广东省 “ 企 业信息化技术改造优秀示范工程”之“装备制造业信息化示范工程”招标项目中,我公司“数字化制造与设计信息集成系统”项目中标,获 广东省 以 及 顺德区政府超过100万元资金奖励,这也是我公司信息化应用领域首次通过公开竞标方式获得的省级奖励。
The achievements of the company's information construction has also been a recognition and affirmation of the community, has won the National CAD Application
[...] Demonstration Unit (2000), Guangdong Province of information technology application and demonstration units (2002), Foshan City, the first application of information technology demonstration unit(2003) enterprises in China 500 (2003 to 2008) and other honors; November 2008 in Guangdong Province "enterprise information technology excellence project" of the equipment manufacturing industry information technology demonstration project "tenderdigital manufacturing and design information integration system "project of the project, the company won the bid, Guangdong Province Shunde District Government [...]
more than 1 million
yuan of financial incentives, this is also my company's information technology applications for the first time through the open bidding provincial awards.
经过二十年的努力,现已发展成为产品种类齐全、配套能力较强的集科研、设计、生产于一体的交通设施企业,享 广东省 高 新 技术企业等多项荣誉称号,并于2000年通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证,是 广东省 通 讯 交通设施工程技术研究开发中心”的依托企业,承担的“中小城市智能交通控制系统”项目荣获国家科技型中小企业技术创新基金资助;同时也是中国道路交通安全协会理事单位。
After two decades of e orts, has become the product range, supporting the ability of scientific research, design, production and transport facilities in one
enterprise, enjoy the high-tech
[...] enterprises in Guangdong Province and many other honorary titles, and in 2000 through ISO9001 international quality system certification, the "Guangdong Province, communication and [...]
transportation facilities
engineering technology research and development center" based on business, take the "small city intelligent tra ic control system" project won the national SME Technology Innovation Fund; but also road tra ic in China Security Association unit.
瑞士驻广州总领事洪立焜先生、瑞士国家形象委员 会代表Nicolas Bideau先生、伯尔尼历史博物馆馆长Jakob Messerli先生广东省人民 政府外事办公 室副主任李坚先生、广东科学中心主任王可炜先生出席了开幕仪式,并共同为展览揭幕。
Mr. Ulrich Hunn, Consul General of Switzerland, Mr. Jakob Messerli, Director of Historical Museum Bern, Mr. Nicolas Bideau, Director of Presence Switzerland (PRS), Mr. Li Jian, Deputy Director-General of Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office, and Mr. Wang Kewei, Director of Guangdong Science Center, attended the ceremony to inaugurate the exhibition.
并且公司还将于2013年中期完成位于中 广东省 的 新 厂建设。
It will complete the construction of a
[...] new plant in Guangdong Province of China in mid-2013.
广东省人民 政府也将介绍改革开放以来广东的经济社会发展情况和一些主要投资项目,如基础设施、工业园、食品加工、家具、服饰、机械、电子零件、医药产品、旅游业与各项服务等。
The Guangdong Provincial Government will be [...]
introducing the social and economic development of its province and some key
investment projects in various sectors including infrastructure and industrial parks, food processing, furniture, garments, machinery, electronic components, pharmaceutical and medical products, tourism and other services.
两年来广东省标准 化研究院根据路线图、标杆体系的规划和要求,组织全省各龙头企业、科研院所、检测机构、行业协会等共134家单位,从半导体照明技术及产品研究、开发、生产的企业进行标准化研究;建立LED产品标杆指数即产品质量综合评价体系,标杆指数随着技术发展水涨船高,保持标准与研发技术的同步性,实现了对LED路灯技术质量的动态评估,动态LED照明产品质量评价体系覆盖产业链各个领域,促使LED产品生产成本下降,生产企业经济效益得到了提升。
Two years, guangdong institute of standardization [...]
according to the map, benchmarking system planning and requirements, the
organization the leading enterprises, scientific research institutes, testing agencies, industry associations, and other common 134 units, from semiconductor lighting technology and product research, development and production of enterprise standardization research; Establish LED products benchmarking index that product quality comprehensive evaluation system, pole index as technology development a rising tide lifts all boats, keep the standard and the synchronicity of the technology research and development, realize the LED street lamp technology quality dynamic evaluation, dynamic LED lighting product quality evaluation system of industrial chain to cover every field of LED products production cost down, production enterprise economic benefit was improved.
北京时间2007年6月28日早上8时35分左右,在新西兰基督城召开的联合国教科文组织第31届世界遗产委员会大会上,“开平碉楼与村落”申报世界文化遗产项目顺利通过表决,被正式列入《世界遗产名录》,成为我国第35处世界遗产 广东省 第 一处世界文化遗产。
Beijing June 28, 2007 around 8:35 am, held in Christchurch, New Zealand 31st session of UNESCO's World Heritage Committee meeting, "Diaolou" World Cultural Heritage project successfully passed the vote was formally included in the "World Heritage
List", and has become the first 35 World Heritage,
[...] First Department, Guangdong Province, the world's cultural [...]
2007年广东省科技厅授予广东省高 新技术企业”和 广东省 民 营科技企业”;2008年成为 广东省 工 程技术研究开发中心”;同年我司建立的标准体系达到AAA级, 广东省 质 量技术监督局颁发“标准化良好行为证书”、“ISO9000质量管理体系认证”、“ISO14000环境管理体系认证”、“OHSAH19001职业健康安全管理体系认证”;同年被认定委员会认定 广东省 著 名 商标;2010年被授予 广东省 名 牌”;2011年“永利坚”商标荣获国家工商行政总局的“中国驰名商标”认定。
In 2007, the company was entitled "Guangdong High and New Tech Enterprise" by Science and Technology Department of Guangdong Province and "Guangdong Private-owned Science and Technology Enterprise"; in 2008, it became " Guangdong Engineering Technology Research and Development Center"; in the same year, the standard system established by the company reached AAA level and granted "Standardized Good Practice Certificate", "ISO 9000 Quality Management System Certification", ISO 14000 Environment Management Certification", [...]
and "OHSAH 19001 Occupation Health Safety Management System Certification"; in the same year, the brand was attested by the Brand Attestation Council to be " Guangdong Famous Trademark"; in 2010, it was awarded “Guangdong Famous Brand”; in 2011, "Yonglijian"
trademark was awarded the attestation of "China Renowned Trademark" by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce.
策划及制作广东省王杰 巡迴演唱会」、「国际华裔小姐」 (2002年、2004年及2008年)、「金利来集团特约从国宝文物看西安特辑」、「全球华人黄帝陵大祭祖活动」、「樟木头第3届香港人旅游节」、「家燕家你皆大欢喜演唱会」、「祟福皮革之夜明星演唱会」、「哈尔滨成龙好朋友慈善演唱会」、「2006同心同根太阳计划走进西安演唱会」、「香港明星足球队多伦多慈善之旅2007」、「2009国际欢乐嘉年华」、「All [...] [...]
for Ken 2011枫再起时蔡枫华广州演唱会」、「哈尔滨.
Planned and produced "Wong Kit Concert in Guang Dong", "Miss Chinese [...]
International" (2002, 2004 & 2008), "Goldlion - Xian
Special", "Memorial Ceremony of the King in Xian", "The 3rd Hong Kong People Tour Festival", "Nancy Sit Concert", a sponsored concert in Zhang Mu Tou, "Jackie CHAN and Friends Concert", "The Sun Project: Xian Concert", a contect organised by All Star Sports Association, a mobile game event in Harbin, concert "All for Ken 2011", "Style Hong Kong Show in Harbin", and "Harbin-Hong Kong Economic and Trade Cooperation Meeting and Signing Ceremony".
2012年广东省质监 局为推动新兴产业标准化体系建设,提升在新一轮产业发展中的竞争力,以标准化研究院为技术支撑,制定了针对LED照明新兴产业发展的标准体系规划和路线图。
In 2012, the guangdong province pledges inspect bureau [...]
to promote new industry standardization system construction, improve
the competitiveness of industry development in the new round to standardization institute for technical support, set up in LED lighting emerging industry development of the standard system planning and the roadmap.
经过多年不断发展,我司已成为英国CLOCKAUDIO话筒、美国McCauley音箱、丹麦Cornered Audio角落音箱、英国LA
AUDIO周边设备、英国Audinet录音产品中港澳地区总代理商,同时是芬兰GENELEC 4020监听系列音箱唯一中国代理商以及真力家庭影院产品全国经销商,A&H
[...] GL2800调音台、VENUE系列数字台全国总经销商,日本Y AM A H A 广东省 代 理 商。
After years of development, our company has become a British CLOCKAUDIO microphone, the United States McCauley speakers, Denmark Cornered Audio corner speakers, British LA Audio peripherals, Britain Audinet recording products in general agent in Hong Kong SAR or Macao SAR, and at the same time is Finland GENELEC 4020 monitoring series speaker the only agent in China and really force home cinema product national
distributor, A&H GL2800 mixer, VENUE series digital platform national total dealers, Japan
[...] YAMAHA agent of guangdong province.
地方上早已先行一步,广东省将于 2012年逐步开展室内照明补贴,并且规划到 2015年,LED照明要占广东室内照明的3成;在市政照明方面,未来两年将有超过60万盏LED灯具用于路灯照明。
Local governments have already
[...] started, take Guangdong province as an example, it will [...]
gradually begin to subsidy indoor
lighting in 2012, and it is planned that till 2015 LED lighting is supposed to cover one third of Guangdong’s indoor lighting; for the lighting of the city government, the next two years there will be more than 0.6 million LED lights to be used for street lighting.




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