

单词 广东医学院

See also:

广东 pl

hillsides pl


medical science
study of medicine

学院 n

academy n
Academy n
colleges pl
college n
faculties pl

External sources (not reviewed)

日内瓦学附属医院和Ar tères基金会联合发展RAFT/Altiplano计划,致力于在玻利维亚安第斯山脉高原地区 广 远 程 医疗。
The RAFT/ Altiplano project developed by Geneva University Hospitals and Fondation Artères sends telemedicine tools to the high plains of the Andes Cordillera [...] [...]
in Bolivia to provide universal access to healthcare using new technologies.
严重关切包东耶路 撒冷在内巴勒斯坦被占领土内,特别是在加沙地带的难 民营中的巴勒斯坦难民生活条件极其艰难,原因是以色列继续实行实际上等于封 锁的长期关闭措施以及严厉的经济和流动限制,并于 2008 年 12 月至 2009 年 1 月在加沙地带采取军事行动,尤其是给包括妇女和儿童在内巴勒斯坦平民造成大 量的伤亡,巴勒斯坦人的住宅、财产、关键基础设施和包 医院 、 学 校 和 联合国 设施在内的公共机广遭破 坏和损毁,平民在境内流离失所
Gravely concerned about the extremely difficult living conditions being faced by the Palestine refugees in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, particularly in the refugee
camps in the Gaza Strip,
[...] as a result of the continuing prolonged Israeli closures and severe economic and movement restrictions that in effect amount to a blockade and the militar y operations in the Gaza Strip between December 2008 and January 2009, which caused extensive loss of life and injur y, particularly among Palestinian civilians, including children and women; widespread damage and destruction to Palestinian homes, properties, vital infrastructure and public institutions, including hospitals, schools and United Nations facilities; and internal displacement of civilians
除工业领域,窑炉还广泛用于陶瓷厂、陶瓷作坊医院 、 学 校 和 私人住所等领域,特别是那些需经常焙烧、要求窑炉坚 固耐用且温度分布良好的场所。
You will find these
[...] kilns in industry as well as in ceramic workshops, studios, clinics, schools and private [...]
homes – practically every place where
a rugged, capable of frequent firings and excellent temperature uniformity is required.
东北大学大学院医学系研 究科放射性同位素中心的本桥Hozumi准教授,与同医化学领域的光石阳一郎博士、田口惠子助教、山本雅之教授、东京大学先端科学技术研究中心的油谷浩幸教授、国立癌研究中心研究所癌基因组学研究领域的柴田龙弘领域长的研究小组,共同研究发现了导致癌细胞恶化的代谢控制组织。
Associate Professor Hozumi Motohashi at Center for Radioisotope Sciences, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Dr. Yoichiro Mitsuishi, Assistant Professor Keiko Taguchi, and Professor Masayuki Yamamoto at Division of Medical Biochemistry, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Professor Hiroyuki Aburatani at Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo, and Division Leader Tatsuhiro Shibata at the National Cancer Center have jointly discovered the metabolic control mechanism that drives the malignant evolution of cancer cells.
教育部正在促进一广泛的奖 学金计划,以便大量东帝汶学生可以入学于公认的国际学术机构。
An extensive scholarships programme promoted by the Ministry of Education is in place, allowing large numbers of Timorese students to enrol in recognized international academic institutions.
在向半导体照明产业升级的过程中,南海区集聚了雪莱特、南海奇美,旭瑞光电、昭信集团、济胜光电、金邦电子等一大批优质企业,与中山大学、华中科技大学、香港科技大学等高校建立了紧密的LED产学研合作,拥有中山 学 佛 山研 究 院 、 广东 平 板 显示产业技术研究院等公共服务平台,并正在筹建香港科技大学LED产业工程技术研究开发中心,现有LED相关企业和服务机构数十家,2009年半导体照明产业产值超20亿元。
In the semiconductor lighting industrial upgrading in the process of gathering the snow Wright, Nanhai District, Nanhai Chi Mei Optoelectronics Xu Rui, Akinobu Group, Ji Sheng Optical, GeIL large number of high-quality electronics and other companies, and Zhongshan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Science and Technology
[...] University and other universities to establish a close co-operation of the LED production and research, with Sun Yat-sen Institute Foshan, Guangdong, Flat Panel [...]
Display Industrial Technology
Research Institute and other public service platform, and are planning to build the LED industry in Hong Kong University of Science Engineering and Technology Research and Development Center, the existing LED-related dozens of businesses and services in 2009, semiconductor lighting industrial output &#118alue of over $ 2 billion.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部
[...] [...] 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区 东区 的 11 家三医院的病 人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 [...] [...]
合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients
are regularly visited in
[...] the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional [...]
headquarters perform
outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
为了扭转这一局面,医疗保险基金处理报销单的管理信息软件应考虑以下因素: ( i) 东 道国 和世界的医业变得日益复杂,(ii) 一个管理为数有限受保者(仅约 8000 人)的保险基金 很难适应许多改革和在这方面的预期变化,尤其是行政 医学 信 息 的交流借助因特网而变得 越来越虚拟化,(iii) 在东道国社会保险制度中,医疗保险基金的报销额约占 80%,东道国 的 社会保险制度已进行深入改革,一项最重要的改动主要涉及处方 医学 术 语,最终这些术语 将会有数千个“处方编码”,而不是现在的二十几个。
To redress the situation, the Medical Benefits Fund’s reimbursement management software must take account of the following factors: (i) medical treatment in the host country and worldwide is becoming more and more complex; (ii) a Fund managing a small number of insured persons (about 8,000 persons only) will have great difficulty in adapting to the many foreseeable changes and developments in this
field, especially as
[...] exchanges of administrative and medical information will increasingly take a non-tangible form owing to the use of the Internet; and (iii) the social security system of the host country, in which about 80% of the expenditure reimbursed by the Medical Benefits Fund is incurred, is undergoing in-depth reform entailing, in particular, a major change in the nomenclature of medical treatment, which will eventually consist of several thousand codes for medical services instead of the score [...]
at present used.
(b) 建筑行业关于消耗臭氧层物质相关问题的干预措施(考虑到建筑物内的大部
[...] 源效率局、新能源和可再生能源部等制定建筑物规则/标准的管理当局能够 参与进来并且将使用氟氯烃的设备替代品的适当技术规范纳入这些规则之 中;通过绿色建筑大会等本地机构 广 无 氟 氯烃建筑设计和方程式;通过建 筑学理事会提高建筑师的能力,为修改建 学院 课 程 准备一个模板,以便将 无氟氯烃建筑设计和施工纳入建筑行业主流。
(b) Building sector interventions on ODS related issues (given that most of the energy demand in building is associated with the operation of the refrigeration and air-conditioning deployed), in order to engage with regulatory authorities like the Ministry of Urban Development, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, that have issued codes/standards for buildings and incorporate appropriate specifications for alternatives to HCFC-based equipment in these codes; promote HCFC-free building design and construction through local agencies such as the Green Building Congress; enhance the capacity
of architects through the Council of
[...] Architecture, and prepare a template for amending curriculum in architectural institutes to mainstream HCFC free building design and construction.
博士山学院致力于通过如下校区,为学生开创教育升学途径:上海机电学院、上海 医 药 学 校、浙江机电职业技 学院 、 广东 省 食 品药品职业技术学校等。
Box Hill Institute is dedicated to providing education pathways to its students through campuses that include:
Shanghai Di Jian
[...] University, Shanghai Pharmaceutical School, Zhejiang Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Guangdong [...]
Food and Drug Vocational School, to name a few.
理事会核准了培训中心在期 2010
[...] 年工作计划中提出的各项活 动,其中包括在更多国家广学院教 学计划,在已设立学院课程的国家 扩大教学计划规模,在目前学院教学大纲的基础上实现本土化和更新, [...]
尽力将教学方案扩大到更多群体,通过虚拟学院扩大学院教学的范围并 通过综合研究、知识分享和提供咨询服务进一步加强相关工作。
The Council endorsed the activities proposed by APCICT in its work
plan for 2010,
[...] including the roll-out of the Academy programme [...]
in new countries, scaling up the programme in countries where it was already underway,
the localizing and continued updating of the Academy curriculum, exploring the extension of the programme to new beneficiary groups, expanding the Academy’s reach through the APCICT Virtual Academy, and reinforcing those efforts through integrated research, knowledge sharing and advisory services.
2013年4月24日,兴医院、东多心脏医 院 和 安盛妇 医 院 等越南专家团,抵 广 州 现 代肿瘤医院进行参观与交流。
On Feb. 28, 2013, Chairman of Boai Medical Investment Group China Lin Zhicheng was invited by Director of [...]
Trang An Hospital and leaders of
Vietnam Ministry of Health to inspect medical condition of Vietnam and discuss related cooperation.
(a) 采取了哪些步骤,确保不因非医学原因违背个人意愿将任何人送入精 神院;确保医学原因 所致非自愿住院以独立精神病专家的建议作为依据;缔约 [...]
(a) The steps taken to ensure that no one is involuntarily placed in psychiatric institutions
for non-medical reasons; that any
[...] involuntary hospitalization for medical reasons is based [...]
on the advice of independent psychiatric
experts; and that decisions by the State party to involuntarily hospitalize individuals in psychiatric institutions may be appealed.
2013年4月24日,兴医院、东多心脏医 院 和 安盛妇 医 院 等越南专家团,抵 广 州 现 代肿瘤医院进行参观与交流。
In the morning of March, 4, 2013, the
[...] President of Boai Medical Investment Group, Mr. Lin Zhicheng leading a delegation arrived in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and had talks on medical academic exchanges [...]
and cooperation
plans with leaders of Cambodian Ministry of Health....
政府协调和提供公共和精神医院服 务 及范广泛的 社区和公共卫生服务,其中包括促进健康、监测和控制传染病、防治非传 染性疾病、人口健康、环境和职业健康。
Public and psychiatric hospital services and a wide range of community and public health services including health promotion, [...]
communicable disease
surveillance and control, non communicable disease control, population health and environmental and occupational health are coordinated and delivered by the Government.
在1991年之前,Lawrence博士从事内科医学和过敏/临床免疫学执业,最近的职务为退伍军人管理局湖畔医疗中心助理主任医师以 东 北 大 学医学院 助 理 教授。
Prior to 1991, Dr. Lawrence practiced internal medicine and allergy/clinical immunology, most recently as the Assistant Chief of Staff
at the Veterans Administration Lakeside Medical Center and
[...] Assistant Professor at Northwestern University Medical School.
(h) 在由贸易法委员会、贸发会议、知识产权组织和香港城市 学 联 合协 办并广东省知 识产权局在广州主办的知识产权争端的仲裁和调解培训班上作 专题演讲(2009 年 11 月 22 日至 25 日,中国广州)。
(h) Giving a presentation at the Workshop on Arbitration and Mediation of Intellectual Property Disputes in Guangzhou, jointly organized by UNCITRAL, UNCTAD, WIPO and CITYU and hosted by The Intellectual Property Office of Guangdong Province (Guangzhou, China, 22-25 November 2009).
雅加达办事处在本地区的其他战略合作 伙伴包括其部分大学、位于曼谷的亚洲理 学院 、 东 南 亚 教育部长组织中心、东 盟、亚洲发展银行、国际科学委员会以及联合国其他机构。
Other strategic partners in the region
[...] include selected Universities, the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok (AIT), the SEAMEO Centres, ASEAN, ADB, ICSU [...]
and other United Nations agencies.
东软飞利医疗设 备系统有限责任公司成立;东软通过CMMI5评估,成为中国第一家获得CMMI5级评估的软件企业;东北大学独 学院 — — 东 北 大 学 东 软 信息学院成立;飞利浦投资东软集团,成为东软集团的战略投资者。
Ltd. was incorporated; Neusoft became the first software company in China to be awarded CMMI Level 5 rating and became the first software company to obtain CMMI Level 5 rating in China; Neusoft Institute of Information of Northeastern University(NEU) was established as an independent college of NEU; Philips became a strategic investor in Neusoft Group; Neusoft started providing BPO services.
此外司各脱,该命令有其他令人向往的教师在1587年,五,如亚历山大黑尔斯理查德米德尔顿,尤其是圣文德埃克尔西亚 医 生 宣布由西斯)中,更适合ascetico神秘主义的趋势,其 学 为 了在 较 广 泛 的各界的关键,冷静,常常深奥博士教学的微妙。
Besides Scotus, the order had other highly-prized teachers, such as Alexander of Hales, Richard of Middleton, and especially St. Bonaventure (proclaimed Doctor ecclesia by Sixtus V in 1587), the ascetico-mystical trend of whose theology was more suited to wide circles in the order than the critical, dispassionate, and often abstruse teaching of the Subtle Doctor.
在国际上,马亚西亚科 学院是国际科学院组织的活跃成员,自 2001
[...] 它还是国际科学联盟理事会成员,国际科学理事会亚洲中心的东道主,也是第三世界科院 的积极合作者东盟科学院、工程院及类似国家组织理事会 (ASEAN-CASE)主席、亚洲科学 理事会(SCA)前主席以及亚洲科学院与学会联盟(FASAS)主席兼秘书长。
Internationally, the ASM is an active member of the Inter-Academy Panel, a board member of the Inter-Academy Council since 2001, a member of the International Council for ICSU, hosting the ICSU Asia Centre, a close collaborator of TWAS, the
President of the ASEAN
[...] Council of Academies of Science and Engineering and Similar National Organizations (ASEAN-CASE), the [...]
past President of the
Science Council of Asia (SCA), and the President and Secretary-General of the Federation of Asian Scientific Academies and Societies (FASAS).
国际预防学风险 管理联盟与英国预防 学 风 险 管理学会联合举办的 2012 年世界大会(UWC2012)正是在此背景 下诞生的,大会旨在在国际上广医 疗 服务和实践、药 学 、 传染病、食品风险、灾害、辐射风险等方面相关的安 全文化。
For this
[...] reason, UWC2012 is promoting internationally the improvement and promotion of safety cultures for medical service & practice, pharmacology, infectious disease, food risk, disaster, radiation risk, etc. jointly with British Society of [...]
Risk Management
for Preventive Medicine (BSRMPM).
培训中心在解决这些问题和提供支持方面努力征求经社会的建 议,尤其是在以下领域:(a)
在国家一级倡导信通技术促进发展和培训中 心的方案;(b) 为针对国家和地方政府的信通技术的能力建设和促进信通
[...] 技术促进发展方面的培训作出拨款;(c) 为学院教程的推广和就 信通技术 促进发展的各个方面收集和记录案例研究确定潜在的合作伙伴;以及(d) [...]
The Centre seeks the Commission’s recommendations in addressing those challenges and providing support, in particular in the following areas: (a) advocating ICTD and APCICT programmes nationally; (b) allocating budgets for ICT capacitybuilding and promoting ICTD training for national and
local governments; (c) identifying
[...] potential partners for Academy roll-out and for collecting [...]
and documenting case studies
on various aspects of ICTD; and (d) encouraging regional cooperation in sharing resources, experts and trainers, and, in particular, the participation of women.
(d) 设立全国母乳喂养委员会,系统收集关于母乳喂养的数据,同时确保 执行《母乳代用品国际销售守则》, 广 爱 婴 医院 , 并 将母乳喂养列入护士培训 的内容
(d) To establish a national breastfeeding committee and systematically collect data on breastfeeding practices, ensuring at the same time the enforcement of the International Code of
Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes, the
[...] promotion of baby-friendly hospitals and the inclusion [...]
of breastfeeding in the training of nurses
两年来广东省标准化研院根据 路线图、标杆体系的规划和要求,组织全省各龙头企业、科研院所、检测机构、行业协会等共134家单位,从半导体照明技术及产品研究、开发、生产的企业进行标准化研究;建立LED产品标杆指数即产品质量综合评价体系,标杆指数随着技术发展水涨船高,保持标准与研发技术的同步性,实现了对LED路灯技术质量的动态评估,动态LED照明产品质量评价体系覆盖产业链各个领域,促使LED产品生产成本下降,生产企业经济效益得到了提升。
Two years, guangdong institute of standardization according [...]
to the map, benchmarking system planning and requirements, the
organization the leading enterprises, scientific research institutes, testing agencies, industry associations, and other common 134 units, from semiconductor lighting technology and product research, development and production of enterprise standardization research; Establish LED products benchmarking index that product quality comprehensive evaluation system, pole index as technology development a rising tide lifts all boats, keep the standard and the synchronicity of the technology research and development, realize the LED street lamp technology quality dynamic evaluation, dynamic LED lighting product quality evaluation system of industrial chain to cover every field of LED products production cost down, production enterprise economic benefit was improved.




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