

单词 幻彩灯

See also:


fantasy n


hallucinations pl


lantern slides

External sources (not reviewed)

该系列节目使用联合国六种官方语言制作,其中包括电台特辑和一 部音幻灯片。
Produced in the six official United Nations languages, the series incorporated radio
[...] features and an audio slideshow.
项目简介: Xiss
[...] web是一个网络相册Java生成工具用于将存储在本地文件中的图片批量生成基于W3C标准,支 幻灯 播 放 的网络相册。
Project Information: Xiss web is a web album generation tool
for Java will be stored in local files generated image volume based on W3C
[...] standards , to support slide show web album.
首次在周末晚間啟航的貢多拉船,讓賓客一邊夜遊戶外湖畔,一邊欣賞 彩 的 「 幻彩 四 季 」3D光效投射滙演  。
Guests can enjoy the first-ever night-time gondola rides in the outdoor lagoon to capture the perfect moments of the spectacular 3D light and sound show “The Magic of the Seasons” during weekends.
旅 發局近 期 先 後 舉 辦幻 彩詠香 江 ” 、 “ 正貨之都”、 “ 星光大 道 ” 及 6 月 26 日開展的 “香港購 物 節”等大型 旅 遊 項 目,加上迪 士 尼 主 題 公 園、東 涌吊車 等新景 點 將於明年以 後 陸 續 落 成,香港已獲 評 為 亞洲最 具 吸 引 力 的 城 市 是 實 至 名 歸 的 。
Recently, the HKTB has organized large-scale tourist programmes such as "A Symphony of Lights", a "Shopping Paradise for Genuine Goods", the Avenue of Stars and the Hong Kong Shopping Festival which will begin from 26 June. Together with the new attractions like the Disney theme park and the Tung Chung Cable Car which are to be completed next year, Hong Kong has been rated the most attractive city in Asia and we truly deserve this.
有时候我们只要保存整幻灯片中 的部分内容,那可以用PowerPoint打开要制作网页 幻灯 片 文 件,接着点击菜单“文件-另存为网页”,在弹出的“另存为”窗口中点击“发布”按钮,弹出“发布为网页”窗口,选中 幻灯 片 编 号”,在后面的选择框内输 幻灯 片 的 起始编号和结束编号,如果需要显示备注的话,还要把“显示演讲者备注”选中,然后设置一下支持的浏览器版本,一般都是选择第一个“Microsoft Internet Explorer4.0或更高”,最后选择网页保存的目录,可以点击浏览按钮来选择,全部设置好后点击“发布”按钮就可以了(如图2)。
Sometimes we just save the
[...] parts of the slide, then you can use PowerPoint to create web page slide open the file, then click the menu "File - Save as Web Page" in the pop-up "Save As" window, click " release "button, pop-up" Publish to Web "window, select the" slide number "input box in the back of the choice of the starting number and ending slide numbers show [...]
notes if you need it,
but also to" show the speaker Notes "is selected, then set about to support the browser version, generally choose the first" Microsoft Internet Explorer4.0 or higher, "and finally select the saved web page directory, you can click the Browse button to select, all set up and click "Publish" button on it (Figure 2).
这两个控制带有一个弹性磁性附着物和额外 幻彩 表 带 ,用于安全 安装和快速变换位置,或者在扶手上(向上或下)或者在垂直压缩支柱上,或者甚 至在附近拱门形状的减重系统框架的管上。
Both controls come with a flexible magnetic attachment and additional velcro strap for secure mounting and fast changing of positions either on the handrails (facing up or down) or on the vertical telescope pillars or even on the nearby tubes of the arch shaped unweighting system frame.
思邦设计的福州商场,同样会赋予来访者相同的感受,即步入一个令人惊叹的宽敞中庭,里面充满活跃的 彩 和 灯 光。
The experience of entering Spark's proposed mall in Fuzhou is equally dazzling as a voluminous atrium filled with vibrant colour and light greets the visitor.
(b) 除公用事业征收之税捐外,应免因公务活动进口或 出版之出版物、影片幻灯片及 照像资料由海关当 局征收海关税及一般税,此类物品并免受进出口禁 止及限制。
It is understood, however, that articles imported free of duty may not be transferred to other parties on French territory, save on conditions to be agreed upon between the Organization and the competent French authorities; (b) From all duty and taxes, except taxes payable for services rendered, collected by the customs authorities, and from all prohibitions and restrictions on imports and exports in respect of publications, cinematograph films, photographic slides and documents which the Organization may import or publish in the course of its official activities.
会议中 心配有可供放幻灯、电 影或录相的音像设施和器材,以及备有液晶显示装置。
The conference centre has audiovisual facilities and equipment for the
[...] projection of slides, films and videos, [...]
and liquid crystal display units.
用PowerPoint打开要做成网页幻灯片文 件,接着点击菜单“文件-另存为网页”,在弹出的“另存为”窗口中点击“更改标题”按钮来改一 幻灯 片 在 网页中的标题名称,在“保存类型”中选择“单个文件网页”,然后设置一下保存的文件名和保存目录,点击“保存”按钮,生成网页文件后,我们只要把它们上传到网上的空间就可以了(如图1)。
with PowerPoint slides open and making a web page file, then click the menu "File - Save as Web Page" in the pop-up "Save As" window, click the "Change Title" button to change it slides in the page in [...]
the title name in the
"Save as type" select "Single File Web Page", then set about saving the file name and save the catalog, click the "Save" button, generate HTML files, we just upload them to the online space is be a (Figure 1).
要产生有说服力的立体感,主体和每层背景要 分得清清楚楚,这效果可以由灯及 色 彩 运 用 达成,用光线的反差将浅色的放在深色前, 或深色放在浅色前,以及有计划地把光和色彩元素布置在画面中。
This is accomplished with light or color, creating contrasts of light against dark or dark against light, and by strategic placement of lights and color elements.
夜晚,悬挑的商街透过彩灯饰所 渲染的雨棚显得更加生动。独特的购物步道流线的设计,形成一系列有趣的景观广场,其中,坡道之上24小时营业的拥有运河无敌美景的商街则俨然成为景致之极。
At night, the elevated street
[...] comes alive via multicoloured illuminated [...]
canopies, and the building's unique retail footprint
results in a series of interesting landscaped plazas, the largest of which is the ramped 24-hr street which takes advantage of the spectacular view of Yunhe.
托雷斯时常幻灯片的 方式来创作作品,这也可以只是艺术家的方案、工作申请、旅行记录或者就是一些资料。
Torres often
[...] uses the means of slide to create works, [...]
which could be merely the artist’s plan, work application, travel record, or just some data.
很多旅客也投訴,無論 是在山頂俯瞰香港一向十分美麗的景色,或是在晚上在維港兩岸觀賞 幻彩 詠香 江”,他們的視線皆受到一層由污染物形成的煙霞所影響。
Many visitors have also complained that regardless of whether they were admiring the magnificent view of Hong Kong from the Peak, or enjoying "A Symphony of Lights" at the harbour-front of the Victoria Harbour, the views are always obscured by a blanket of haze formed by a layer of pollutants.
文化局於2011年首次舉辦「澳門拉丁城 幻彩 大 巡 遊」轟動全城;文化局於2012年12月20日回歸紀念日再度舉行大巡遊活動,並特別設計出吉祥物「VIVA仔」,為眼疾兒童籌募救盲經費,實行與澳門市民及奧比斯「攜手慈善,與愛同行」。
During the “Parade through Macao, Latin City” hosted by Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macau S.A.R. Government (ICM) in December 2012, ICM joined hands with ORBIS to share the love from Macau to the visual impaired children in the developing countries.
幻彩洗发 水配方可用于临时增亮或保护颜色,产品呈凝胶状,易于使用。
This color shampoo formula, used for temporary highlights or color maintenance, [...]
gives easy application through a gel form.
在以计算机幻灯片进 行演示时,他解释说,报 告涉及一系列与可持续发展议程相关的广泛问题,尤 [...]
其是关于脆弱性、废物、污染、能源、水、土地、粮 食和技术问题。
Accompanying his statement with
[...] a computerized slide presentation, [...]
he explained that the reports covered a wide range of
issues that were pertinent to the sustainable development agenda, notably matters of vulnerability, waste, pollution, energy, water, land, food and technology.
這個全球其中一個最大型戶外3D光效投射滙演 幻彩 四 季 」,以春夏秋冬四季為主題,利用數碼視頻映射技術,投射覆蓋面超過43,000平方。
A dazzling holiday light show supported by digital video mapping technology will take spectators on a journey themed on the four seasons.
有意境的灯光是电影摄影的精髓,电影经常被认为是用光绘图的艺术,所以这门艺术需要 对胶片灯光、色彩、滤 光片有技术知识,对以上各种工具的工作原理有基本概念,如: 曝光、色彩理论及光学知识。
Often referred to as painting with light, the art requires technical knowledge of film stocks, lighting instruments, color, and diffusion filters, and an understanding of their underlying concepts: exposure, color theory, and optics.
停⽌前幻灯⽚显 ⽰会重复进⾏;按下任何按钮都可结幻 灯⽚显⽰。
The slide show repeats until stopped; press any button to end the slide show.
Johnson 总是在活动 开始前播放音乐幻灯片, 创造轻松的气 氛并能保持与会者的关注,同时让他们确 信已经成功登录到了在线活动中。
Johnson keeps attendees comfortable and engaged by offering pre-show music and presentations, reassuring viewers that they’re in the right place and that they’ve successfully logged into the program.
Most of these have very useful power-point presentations that can be used by Project Staff for future dissemination.
色彩豐富的「水蛇」郵票運用壓印技術來突出其與眾不同的鱗身肌理,配襯燙壓 幻彩 全 息 箔片的票邊,為農曆新年增添節日氣氛。
The colourful "Water Snake" has been printed with an embossed printing technique to highlight its scales, along with hot foil stamping with a symphony holographic image on the stamp border, to represent the festive spirit of Lunar New Year.
在黑板上或幻灯片上将这些内容 列出来。
List these things on a chalkboard or overhead transparency.
[...] Wilding)於一九五二年所攝的肖像,以及採 幻彩 變 色 油墨印刷的特別鑽禧郵票。
Featuring images taken from Britain's stamps, banknotes and coins, the souvenir
Sheet takes us from Dorothy Wilding's lovely 1952 portrait, to a special Diamond Jubilee
[...] Machin printed with iridescent ink.
对于艺术爱好者而言,广受欢迎的艺术周期间将有三场独特的艺术活动,该艺术周将于3月14日至24日间举行,其间,游客还可尽情欣赏世界级的戏剧,其中包括3月29日至4月13日上演的传奇音乐剧《约瑟夫与 幻彩 衣 》(Joseph and The Amazing [...]
Technicolor Dreamcoat)。
For lovers of art three unique art events will come under the umbrella of the popular Art Week from 14-24 March while visitors can also savour
world-class theatre including the legendary musical Joseph and
[...] The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat from [...]
29 March to 13 April.
如任何兒童身高少於107 厘米,則負責看管或照顧該兒童的人須 盡其最大的努力防止該兒童乘幻彩 旋 轉 馬上的戰車(由海洋公園公司命名者), 但如該兒童由年滿15 歲且身高107 厘米或以上的人陪同乘坐,則不在此限。
(5) A person who is responsible for the custody or care of a child whose height is less than 107 cm shall use his best endeavour to prevent the child from riding a Chariot (as called by the Corporation) on the Merry-Go-Round without being accompanied by a person who has attained the age of 15 and is of 107 cm or above in height.
幻灯⽚显⽰过程中、多画⾯回放模式下或在电视机上显⽰ 时,图像不会旋转。以下情况时图像也不会旋转:倒持照相机进⾏ [...]
Pictures are not
[...] rotated during slide shows, in multi-frame [...]
playback, or when displayed on a TV, nor are they rotated when
the camera is upside down or if the camera is rotated during playback zoom or while skew correction is in progress.




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