单词 | 幸运抽奖 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 幸运抽奖 —lucky draw (almost always used)less common: lottery See also:幸运 adv—fortunately adv 幸运 n—fortune n 抽奖 n—lucky draw n • raffle n 抽奖—a lottery • a raffle • draw a prize 抽运 v—pump v
最后,让我们祝贺在每日幸运抽奖中 获 奖的玩家们- 赢家将在大发得到SGD 12,000。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Finally, we would like to congratulate one of our big winners in [...] the Daily Lucky Draw Promo – the lucky winner picks [...]up SGD 12,000 simply for placing a bet on Dafabet! sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
要了解每月亚洲美食胜地及超级 幸运抽奖 的 全 部条款及条件,请访问 uob.com.sg/dining。 zh.marinabaysands.com | For full terms and conditions of the Asia’s Dining Destination [...] Monthly and Grand Lucky Draw visit uob.com.sg/dining. marinabaysands.com |
晚餐会的节目包括美食和多文化音乐欣赏以 及 幸运抽奖 活 动。 norway.org.cn | Excellent food, multicultural music [...] entertainment and lucky draw were on the [...]evening’s program. norway.cn |
(iii) 征求主办单位安排 4 位同一组别的球员将失去参赛资格,并只限 参与幸运抽奖时段。 chinesechamber.org.my | (iii) 4 golfers with demand of same flight shall result in [...] disqualification and only entitled for lucky draw. chinesechamber.org.my |
赛事组还设置了Lucky 9 奖项和幸运抽奖环节 ,并准备了丰富的奖品,有康怡口腔门诊券,咖啡礼盒,宝格丽香水,富士相机,虹桥元一希尔顿酒店住宿券,东方航空国内始发的任意航线往返程机票,丹玛月亮女神钻石腕表(RMB8800)等大奖,让前来参赛的女士们在享受高尔夫的同时,收获丰厚的奖品,满载而归。 silport.com.cn | Silport also planed Luck 9 prize and lucky draw, rich [...] gifts as Alpha Dental Center Coupons, coffee gifts, BVLGARI perfume, [...]Fuji camera, Daumier moon goddess Diamond watch (RMB8800),Hilton Hotel Coupons, Air tickets of China Eastern Airlines. silport.com.cn |
还要, 还要!再来一次!然后去玩 旋转木马,赫尔辛基大转轮,过山 车,幸运抽奖,疯狂大峡谷...最 后,才去玩山脊冲浪,因为在那里 可以把全身都能溅上水花。 visithelsinki.fi | And then on the cars, then the Ferris wheel, then the roller coaster, then the games, then the wild rapids… We can go on the water coaster last of all, because you always get wet on that one. visithelsinki.fi |
颁奖宴会在幸运抽奖环节被推向了高潮,本次球会的赛事组别出心裁的设计了独特的互动桌奖的抽奖方式,奖项卡被秘密的贴在椅子下面,客人们随机的选择座位进行抽奖,最终有10位幸运之星诞生,获得了希尔顿酒店餐券及Adams推杆等丰厚的奖品。 silport.com.cn | The club also made [...] another special lucky plan for the whole members named as ¡°Chair Lucky Draw¡± and [...]all the members chose [...]the chairs themselves freely and then checked if there was a lucky card under the chair and 10 winners awarded with the big prizes as the Hiltons Hotel coupons and the Adams putters. silport.com.cn |
连同早前於6月16日及7月14日举行的首两场「金沙龙者百万巨注」 大 抽奖 , 是 次推广活动共向三 位 幸运 儿 送 出港币1,750,000元现金奖。 cn.sandsmacao.com | The first two rounds of the Sands Dragon Million Bet Promotion were held on June 16 and [...] July 14; including [...] Saturday’s third round prize, the Dragon Million Bet Promotion has awarded a combined prize pool of HK$1,750,000 to its three lucky winners. ko.sandsmacao.com |
幸运饼干 赢彩 ——2005年,110人赢取美国强力球彩票的二 等 奖奖 金。 thelotter.com | Fortune Cookie Win - In 2005, 110 people won second place prizes in the USA Powerball. thelotter.com |
现场还举行了抽奖活动,获得一等奖 的 幸运 嘉 宾 得到了一条重达10公斤的挪威三文鱼。 norway.org.cn | A lucky guest went home with a 10kg Norwegian salmon. norway.cn |
此次大奖的幸运得主为…来自泰国的Panjapol Laopoonpat先生!他与其贵宾将和我们一同参与今年的巴塞尔世界钟表珠宝展,享受热血沸腾的冒险旅程。 oris.ch | That lucky winner is Mr. Panjapol Laopoonpat from Thailand! oris.ch |
每个月的开始我们都会从上一个月的评论者中随 机 抽 出 一 名 幸运 获 奖 者 , 只需要简单写下对产品的评论,获奖者即可赢得价值 ¥1100 的Wiggle 礼券。 wiggle.cn | At the start of every calendar month we [...] will draw one lucky winner, at random, from all the reviews we have received in the previous month, and they will be sent a great £100 gift [...]voucher, just for writing [...]a few words about the product they purchased. wiggle.co.uk |
到店填写客人问卷告诉我们您最喜爱的一件景福艺门珠宝,我们将每周从填写问卷的客人 中 抽 取 一 位 幸运 儿 , 送出价值人民币2,000元精美木质珠宝箱一个! parkviewgreen.com | Filling in the shop questionnaire and telling us your [...] favorite Masterpiece by king fook [...] jewellery to enter the lucky draw every week to win [...]a fancy wooden jewellery box worth RMB2,000. parkviewgreen.com |
美国强力球彩票的历史性大奖包括:2006年2月八人共享的3.65亿美元,2002年12月一 个 幸运 家 庭 得到的3.4亿美元,以及2007年8月的3.14亿美 元 奖 金。 thelotter.com | The USA Powerball’s historic jackpots include: $588 million shared by two winners in 2012, $365 million shared by eight people in February of 2006, $340 million won by a fortunate family in December of 2002, and a prize of $314 in August of 2007. thelotter.com |
澳门特别行政区政府旅游局主办,澳门基金会赞助的“澳门世遗护照”大抽奖,今天下午(1日)举行首次每 月 抽 奖 仪式,来自香港的 大 奖幸运 旅 客获得一座价值澳门币十万元的千足黄金澳门大三巴牌坊立体模型。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | A visitor from Hong Kong won a golden miniature of the Ruins of St Paul's at the first monthly lucky draw of the "Macau Heritage Passport" campaign held this afternoon at the lobby of Macau Business Tourism Centre (MBTC). industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
活动及旅游的另一个任务是组织的各种活动 的 抽奖 , 特 别注意四强水球,水球世界上最优秀 的 运 动 员表现出他们的个人能力和团队合作发挥的事件。 eventsandtravel.it | Another task of Events & Travel is to organize the draw of the various events, with particular attention to the Final Four water polo event where the best athletes in the water polo world exhibit their individual skills and team play. eventsandtravel.it |
在发布了新游戏规则不到一年后,即在2012年11月,该彩票大奖经过15轮滚存累积就达到了5.88亿美元!这个惊人的巨额奖金是由来自密苏里州和亚利桑那州的两 个 幸运 的 彩票 中 奖 者 共 同分享。 thelotter.com | Setting a New Record - When the U.S. Powerball changed its rules in January 2012, to provide more excitement and bigger jackpots, they [...] foretold that they would have a $500 [...] million plus jackpot by the end of the year, and reach a $1 billion jackpot by 2022. thelotter.com |
我们将致信上次调查的幸运获奖者。 harting.com.cn | We have written to the lucky winner of the [...] last survey. harting.ca |
只要回答三个有关制表方面的问题, 幸运 的 获 奖 者 就 有可能前往瑞士日内瓦,参加仅对专业人士开放的下一届高级钟表展。 piaget.com.cn | You just have to answer three questions about the ultra-thin experience of Piaget and you could win your trip to the SIHH in Switzerland, the leading watchmaking salon reserved for watchmaking professionals. piaget.com |
您也可以点击图片,观赏Myoris活动直至目前为止,所有的 大 奖幸运 儿 及 其获得的独家奖品。 oris.ch | To see pictures of all of our MyOris winners so far, [...] and the exclusive prizes they’ve won, please [...]visit the gallery. oris.ch |
阿联酋航运主席兼行政总裁简维思(Vikas Khan)表示:「我们确实很高兴能够从亚洲航运及Lloyd’s List的读者手上取得这项大奖,亦十分 荣 幸 获 得 专业的评审团选出阿联酋 航 运 去 领 受这 个 奖 项。 emiratesline.com | We are absolutely delighted to receive this award from the readers of [...] Maritime Asia and Lloyd’s [...] List and we are honoured that such an eminent panel of judges selected Emirates Shipping Line to receive this award,” said Vikas Khan, Chairman and CEO of Emirates Shipping Line. emiratesline.com |
此外,本会也准备了100份丰富的 幸运奖 品 ,供参赛者赢取。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | In addition, a lucky draw will also be held to thank and reward 100 lucky golfers for their support. english.sccci.org.sg |
第一重獻禮是「您是銀家幸運大 抽獎」 :凡於 2012 年 12 月 1 日至 2013 年 2 月 28 日期間,搭乘澳門航空前往澳門,於各地 機場辦理登機手續即可獲得抽獎券 1 張,旅客只需把填妥的抽獎劵投入當地澳門航空登機櫃位 的指定抽獎箱內,或投入澳門航空位於澳門國際機場票務櫃位的指定抽獎箱內,即可參加每月 一次的幸運大抽獎,有 機會成為真正「銀家」。 yp.mo | The first is by filling out a lucky draw ticket upon check-in at any Air Macau counters and depositing it in the designated box at the local counters or Macau International Airport ticketing counters between 1 December 2012 and 28 February 2013. yp.mo |
政府當局亦鼓勵隧道公司訂定市場推廣策略和宣傳計劃,以 [...] 提高隧道的使用量;其中的一些例子是舉 辦 幸 運 抽 獎 , 贈送汽油券, 以及向購買大量隧道代用券的人士提供折扣優惠。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration also encourages tunnel companies to devise [...] marketing strategy and promotional campaigns to [...] boost patronage. Lucky draws, fuel coupons [...]and discount for bulk purchase of tunnel [...]coupons are some of the examples. legco.gov.hk |
在其目前的形式核准父亲名单包括塞浦路斯,格雷戈里nazianzen,罗勒,亚他那修,金口,西奥菲勒斯,希拉里的亚历山德里亚(在一个想要手稿),刘汉铨,奥古斯丁,杰罗姆,繁荣,狮子座,西里尔(“每一丝一毫的”到弗拉维安托梅是根据诅咒接受),和“的论文也对所有东正教神父,谁偏离在从神圣罗马教会的团契什么,并没有从她的信心和说教分离,但通过参与者神的恩典,直到他们在她的共融生活的结束,也是法令的信件,其中 最 幸运 教 皇 在不同时代赋予不同的父亲咨询时,要与崇拜“收到。 mb-soft.com | In its present form the list of approved Fathers comprises Cyprian, Gregory Nazianzen, Basil, Athanasius, Chrysostom, Theophilus, Hilary, Cyril of Alexandria (wanting in one manuscript), Ambrose, Augustine, Jerome, Prosper, Leo ("every iota" of the tome to Flavian is to be accepted under anathema), and "also the treatises of all orthodox Fathers, who deviated in nothing from the fellowship of the holy Roman Church, and were not separated from her faith and preaching, but were participators through the grace of God until the end of their life [...] in her communion; also the decretal [...] letters, which most blessed popes have given [...]at various times when consulted by various [...]Fathers, are to be received with veneration". mb-soft.com |
余若薇議員在今年1月便有幸被抽中,因而可在席上直接詢 問行政長官,當局何時才落實執行世界衞生組織所訂的空氣質素指 標。 legco.gov.hk | In January this year, it happened that Ms Audrey EU was in the same table as the Chief Executive and she could directly ask the Chief Executive when the authorities would achieve the air quality objectives proposed by the World Health Organization. legco.gov.hk |
除了1998年在USWeb/CKS发展一项完全整合的在线营销平台以外,他的团队是首先全面整合使用搜索引擎营销,网 上 抽奖, 电子优惠券和其他宣传产品,ROI可测量活动的先行者。 tfmchina.com | In addition to developing one of the first fully integrated online marketing platforms while at USWeb/CKS in 1998, his team pioneered [...] some of the first uses of search engine [...] marketing, online sweepstakes, e-coupons [...]and other online products within fully-integrated, ROI measurable campaigns. tfmchina.com |
她续称,他们将会推出“世遗护照”及与Visa国际组织合作再度推出“澳门寻寳游”两项促销计划,旅客可获折扣优惠及参 加 抽奖 , 相 信在推广之余也有助增加旅客消费。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | She also unveiled that on the consumer front, MGTO will launch 2 campaigns, "Heritage Passport" and in conjunction with VISA International "Macau Treasure Hunt II" which offer discounts and lucky draws to boost visitor spending. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
从通过互动荧屏进行报名的20,000多名女性乘客中,触动传 媒 抽 取 了100 名 幸运 女 性参加了“美丽一日游”的免费培训,包括化妆、美发、纤体、植物种植、刺绣、系领带和鸡尾酒社交等多项旨在激发女性内外兼修的魅力小课程。 touchmedia.cn | Of over 20,000 women who registered via Touchmedia interactive screens, 100 lucky winners were invited to attend the first "Beauty GPS" workshop. In the event they were taken on a day long journey of discovery of their inner and outer beauty, with sessions for makeup, hair, weight management, seed planting, embroidery, tie tying, and socializing over cocktails. touchmedia.cn |
受到幸运女神的眷顾,另一位财气横溢的幸运儿成功在3小时内4次刷出 大 奖 , 幸运 地 独 揽港币3,000,000元,最後这位幸运儿合共造出7次中奖的奇迹,总共赢得港币8,500,000元的巨额奖金。 cn.sandsmacao.com | One repeat winner took home an impressive HK$8.5 million in combined winnings from seven jackpot hits, including a four-hit, three-hour lucky streak that netted him a total of HK$3 million. sandsmacao.com |