单词 | 幸福 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 幸福noun—well-beingnhappinessnless common: blissn 幸福adjective—happyadj luckyadj 幸福—blessedExamples:快乐幸福adj—happyadj 金钱不能买来幸福—money can't buy happiness 快乐幸福—cheerful 幸福学—hedonomics eudemonics See also:幸adj—luckyadj fortunateadj 幸—intimate surname Xing (of the emperor) visit trusted 福n—happinessn luckn good fortunen
文化塑造并反映个人、个人的团体和社区的 幸福价值观和经济、社会和政治生 活。 daccess-ods.un.org | Culture shapes and mirrors the values of well-being and the economic, social and political life of individuals, groups of individuals and communities. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了所宣布的伦理原则,该宣言还说明,希望科学技术的进步能增进世界各国人民的健康与幸 福。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Alongside the ethical principles it states, the Declaration articulates the hope that progress in science and technology will advance the health and well being of the people of the world. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在第六十五届会议上,大会邀请各会员国进一步制定能更好地体现追求幸福和福祉在发展中的重要性的措施,以指导其公共政策,此外请秘书长征求会员国 及有关区域和国际组织对追求幸福和福祉的意见,并向大会第六十七届会议通报 这些意见以便进一步审议(第 65/309 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly invited Member States to pursue the elaboration of additional measures that better capture [...] the importance of the [...] pursuitof happiness andwell-being in development with a view to guiding their public policies, and invited the Secretary-General to seek the views of Member States and relevant regional and international organizations on the pursuitof happiness andwell-being [...]and to communicate [...]such views to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session for further consideration (resolution 65/309). daccess-ods.un.org |
不丹在经济、社会和文化 权利领域按照它的“总体国民幸福”理 念作出了巨大的努力,同时建设坚实的民 [...] 主制度,增进和保护公民权利和政治权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Bhutan had made significant efforts in the area of economic, social and cultural [...] rights, consistent with its philosophy of [...] gross national happiness, whileat the [...]same time building a strong democracy that [...]promoted and protected civil and political rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这种财政困 难的情况下也坚定地致力于实现一个无杀伤人员地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严地过着 幸福生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity. daccess-ods.un.org |
从本次首脑会议开始,让我们不仅重申执行八项目标 [...] 来消除饥饿、疾病和赤贫,并且追求第九个自愿目标: 实现一个全球今天和尚未出世的所有人民可持续幸 福的世界。 daccess-ods.un.org | Let us go forth from this summit not only rededicated to the eight goals to banish hunger, disease, and extreme poverty, but also to the new [...] ninth voluntary goal: to achieve a world [...] that cansustain happiness for all its people, [...]today and for generations yet to be born. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国人口福利基金会开展了以救助贫困母亲为 宗旨的“幸福工程”,募集资金帮助贫困母亲参与经济和社会发展,提高健康和 文化水平。 daccess-ods.un.org | The ChinaPopulation WelfareFoundation has launched the“Happiness Project”, [...] aimed at providing assistance to poor mothers, [...]gathering funds to help them take part in economic and social development and improve their health and educational levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
假 若我们为人父母并育有其他子女,我们无疑希望他们在成长过程中爱与被爱、有亲近 和可贵的朋友、有亲密的关系、有自己的家庭、透过他们选择的工作及其他活动为社 会做贡献、幸福、开心、过上富裕和有益的生活、不断学习和成长,并且体验人生中 的各种奋斗、挑战和复杂性。 pavetheway.org.au | If we are parents and have other children, we undoubtedly want them to grow up to love and be loved, to have close and valued friends, to have intimate relationships, to live in homes of their own, to contribute to society through work and other activities of their choosing, to be happy, to have fun, to lead rich and rewarding lives, to continue to learn and to grow and to experience all the struggles and challenges and complexities of life. pavetheway.org.au |
建 立并提高文职能力是国际社会必须为刚刚摆脱冲突 的国家提供的支助的一个至关重要因素,其目的是确 保有关国家和社会在中长期能够独立地提供服务和 公共资产,不仅使稳定和建设和平成为可能,而且也 加强旨在促进国家统一、发展以及人民 幸福安康的各 项进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | The establishment and improvement of civilian capacities are crucial to the support that the international community must provide to countries emerging from conflict so as to ensure that, in the medium and long terms, the State and society in question are able independently to deliver the services and public assets that make it possible not only to stabilize and build peace, but also to strengthen processes towards national unity and the well-being and development of their people. daccess-ods.un.org |
更具特色的仍然是饶的巴勒斯坦当代河Johanan查看:所有由先知所承诺的未来 幸福只是指救世主的时候,而在这方面的商店是为在世界上是正义来说:“没有你的眼睛也看见旁边,阿神”(以赛亚lxiv [...] 3 [影音4]苏贝34B条;比赛,但是,前河第四十五,在年底,根据该神展示给。 mb-soft.com | More characteristic still is the [...] view of Rab's Palestinian contemporary R. [...] Johanan:All the bliss for the future [...]promised by the Prophets refers only to the [...]Messianic time, whereas in regard to that which is in store for the righteous in the world to come it is said: "No eye hath seen it beside thee, O God" (Isa. lxiv. 3 [AV 4]; Ber. 34b; comp. mb-soft.com |
只有经过谈判的全面协 定才能为该区域带来持久的和平与稳定,并为该地 区的人民带来安全和幸福。 daccess-ods.un.org | Only a negotiated, comprehensive agreement could bring long-lasting peace and stability to the region, and security and well-being to its population. daccess-ods.un.org |
又认识到家庭对养育和保护儿童负有主要责任,并认识到,为了使每个儿童 [...] 的个性得到全面和谐发展,必须让他们在家庭环境中,在充满 幸福、关爱和理解 的氛围中成长 daccess-ods.un.org | Recognizing also that the family has the primary responsibility for the nurturing and protection of children and that children, for the full and harmonious [...] development of their personality, should grow up in a family environment and in an [...] atmosphere ofhappiness,loveand understanding daccess-ods.un.org |
不可救药的邪恶的人注定要在地狱永刑,或漠不关心的少恶人还要到地狱或向Acherusian湖,但只有一个时间,那些善良杰出到一个 幸福的家庭,所有这些存在的最高奖赏谁拥有自己的哲学纯化。 mb-soft.com | The incurably wicked are condemned to everlasting punishment in Tartarus; the less wicked or indifferent go also to Tartarus or to the Acherusian Lake, but only for a time; those eminent for goodness go to a happy home, the highest reward of all being for those who have purified themselves by philosophy. mb-soft.com |
每个人都对其他人的和平与幸 福负有责任,人人都获得自由,才有个人的自由。 daccess-ods.un.org | Every person was responsible for everybody else’s peace and well-being and nobody was free until everybody was free. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据“国民幸福总值”理念,不以性 别、族裔、宗教、语言、政治见解、经济地位或其他理由进行歧视的原则始终是 [...] 政府各项政策和行动的核心,旨在促进一个包容与和谐的社会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consistent with the philosophy of [...] Gross National Happiness (GNH), the principle [...]of non-discrimination irrespective of gender, [...]ethnic origin, religion, language, political opinion, economic status or other grounds, has always been central to all government policies and actions, which are designed to foster an inclusive and harmonious society. daccess-ods.un.org |
许多青少年和成人没有获得幸 福、具有生产力的生活所必备的知识,因为教育内容不当,教和学的过程非常不适合。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Many children, youth and adults are ill-equipped to lead happy, productive lives as a result of inadequate education content and badly adapted teaching and learning processes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这项政策一直是制定具体方案和项目的基础,使委内瑞拉政府能够在其建设 [...] 二十一世纪社会主义的任务中取得进展,其最终目标是实现“最大的社会 幸福”。daccess-ods.un.org | This policy has been the basis for designing specific programmes and projects which have enabled the Government of Venezuela to progress in [...] its task of building the socialism of the twenty-first century, the ultimate goal of which is [...] “supremesocial happiness”. daccess-ods.un.org |
家庭计划的目的是提高家庭健康及幸福,包括向个人和夫妇提供 资讯、知识和方法,使他们能够以负责任的方式自行决定孩子的数目及生育孩子 的时间。 daccess-ods.un.org | Family planning is intended to improve the health and well-being of the family, and consists of providing individuals and couples with information, knowledge and the means that will enable them to decide freely, and in a responsible fashion, the number of children they wish to have and the timing for such. daccess-ods.un.org |
确保所有利奥人实现幸福和谐是我们的内部企业社会责任(CSR)策略的最终目标。 leo.com.hk | Ensuring that all Leonians continue to feel this security is the ultimate goal of our internal Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies. leo.com.hk |
与会者注意到,本区域对生态和谐和可持续能力深为关注,具体例子 包括不丹的“国民幸福总指数”、泰国的“充足经济”、大韩民国的“低碳绿色增 [...] 长战略”和中国的“和谐社会”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Participants observed that the concern to foster ecological harmony and sustainability was deeply [...] rooted in the region, as exemplified by the [...] “gross nationalhappiness index” in Bhutan, [...]the “sufficiency economy” in Thailand, [...]the strategy for “low-carbon green growth” in the Republic of Korea and the “harmonious society” in China. daccess-ods.un.org |
我认为,今后必须逐渐过渡到一种新型经济模式,提 高精神层面的幸福感。 itochu.co.jp | I think that we have to gradually transition to an economic model of seeking and [...] increasing spiritualhappiness. itochu.co.jp |
这种方法依据的是“幸福生活”的概念,这与 当今世界的主流发展模式形成鲜明对比,后者建立在 资本主义积累的基础上。 daccess-ods.un.org | That approach was based on the concept of living well, in direct contrast to the currently dominant development model in the world, which was based on capitalist accumulation. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些优先方向的目的在于指导政策的制定和执行,以便实 现成功地适应老龄化世界的具体目标,从而可以按照社会发展、老年人生活品质 方面和维系一生幸福的各种,正式的和非正式,制度的持续性方面改善的程度来 衡量成败。 monitoringris.org | The priority directions are designed to guide policy formulation and implementation towards the specific goal of successful adjustment to an ageing world, in which success is measured in terms of social development, the improvement for older persons in quality of life and in the sustainability of the various systems, formal and informal, that underpin the quality of well-being throughout the life course. monitoringris.org |
最後,幸福的家庭是标准的跨国公司和沟通,,周围的汉普顿收集的生活方式重复的,地上到处是基於。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Finally, the standard happy family is transnational and communication around the Hampton collection is based on a lifestyle reproducible everywhere on earth. en.horloger-paris.com |
毒品和犯罪问题办公室在非洲进行的调查表 明,接受调查的 11 个国家的个人一年当中有 15%的机会成为入室盗窃、袭击/威 胁或抢劫的受害者,正因为此,非洲常规(而且实际上是有组织的)犯罪严重 阻碍了发展,并且对人们的安全感和 幸福感产生了消极影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNODC surveys conducted in Africa suggest that individuals in the 11 countries surveyed have about a 15 per cent chance of becoming victims of a burglary, an assault/threat or a robbery in one year. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,通过2005年土耳其-欧盟预 加入金融合作方案,在非政府组织赠款机制下,启动了有关“加强保护儿童权利 ,特别是预防强迫童工”的次级项目,其目的是增强儿童 幸福并促进防止童工被 强迫劳动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, through 2005 Turkey-EU Pre-Accession Financial Cooperation Programme, under the NGO Grant Facility, the Sub-Project on “Strengthening the Protection of Children’s Rights with Specific Reference to the Prevention of the Forced ChildLabour”, which aims at increasing the well-being of the children and promoting the prevention of the forced child labour was launched. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些咨询中心的宗旨是:改善和加 强家庭生活,确保家庭幸福、快乐和完整,促进家庭关系协调,强化家庭联系, [...] 帮助家庭成员个性健康发展,加强他们成为独特个体的潜力,确保与他们社会生 活和谐,发展他们有关健康育儿的知识和技能,在家庭系统内实现自由、责任和 社会价值的平衡。 daccess-ods.un.org | These centres aim at improving and strengthening [...] family life, ensuringwelfare,happiness,and [...]integrity of the family, contributing to [...]compatibility in family relations, strengthening the family ties, helping for the healthy development of members’ characters, strengthening their potential of becoming individuals, ensuring their harmony with social life, developing their knowledge and skills concerning healthy child raising, achieving a balance concerning liberty, responsibility, and social values in the family system. daccess-ods.un.org |
不,相当的全部,有”最大,Zombozo的 幸福,排水的影响下,提及已被恐高症作为一个孩子和那么,当“够了,够了”,最大“爬上了顶端的水塔“,”吓“出来的他的恐惧。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | A “not-quite-all-there” Max, under the effects [...] of Zombozo’s happiness-draining, mentions [...]having been afraid of heights as a kid [...]and then, when “enough was enough”, Max “climbed up to the top of the water tower” and “scared the fear” right out of him. seekcartoon.com |