单词 | 幸好 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 幸好 —fortunately幸好 adverb —luckily adv • thankfully adv See also:幸 adj—fortunate adj • lucky adj 幸—surname Xing • intimate • (of the emperor) visit • trusted
當 時,我對 坐 在 唐 英 年 司 長 旁 邊 ,即好 像 現 時 [...] 坐 在局長旁 邊 的 年 青 有 為 的 政 務 官 同 事 說 : 幸 好你不是修讀 醫 科 。 legco.gov.hk | At that juncture, I told the young Administrative Officer by the side of Financial Secretary Henry TANG, just like the young [...] and promising colleague by the side of [...] the Secretary now, "Fortunately, you did not opt for [...]the medicine in university. legco.gov.hk |
幸好,为 期两个月的 旨在保护教育系统的学生爱国罢工取得了胜利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fortunately, the patriotic two-month [...] student strike to defend the education system had been victorious. daccess-ods.un.org |
幸好,在 《明報》的報導中,亦有一則是引述政府消息人士的說話,謂音頻電話訪問與專業調查的嚴謹程度不同,不能直接比較,總算有個平衡。 hkupop.hku.hk | Luckily, in Ming Pao Daily's [...] report, there is one piece of news quoting a message from the government, suggesting that the [...]levels of seriousness of IVR surveys and professional surveys are not identical, hence cannot be compared directly. hkupop.hku.hk |
幸好 的是 ,本集團擁有強大的客戶基礎,與客戶簽訂了長期合約,財務狀況非常穩健,且完全沒有負 債。 asiasat.com | Fortunately, the Group has a blue-chip [...] customer base with long-term contracts and is financially robust and debt free. asiasat.com |
幸好我的 褲子是防水的,但是它也不能撐太久。 4tern.com | However it couldn’t stand too long under the rain. 4tern.com |
幸好香港 已 經回歸祖國,所以,在 2003 年,香港特區可以以世貿成員的身份,與中央 [...] 簽訂“內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排”(下稱“CEPA”), 從而為香港經濟復甦帶來一個契機、一個景象。 legco.gov.hk | Thanks to the reunification of Hong Kong [...] with the Motherland, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) signed in [...]its capacity as a member of the World Trade Organization with the Central Authorities the "Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement" (CEPA) in 2003, which provided an opportunity and vision for economic recovery in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
幸好,有 一些捐助者表示,它们对经常资源的捐款额将保持不变 或略有增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fortunately, some donors have [...] indicated that they will maintain the same level or slightly increase the level of their contributions to regular resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
一艘運油船撞到海灣大橋橋躉,船身損毀 , 幸好 大 橋結構沒有受損。 ktsf.com | An oil tanker hit one of the towers of the Bay Bridge this morning, causing no oil spill or injuries. ktsf.com |
况且外聘审计员注意到,诸多情形也说明了这一问题:在审计时,安装一个新的用户管理工 具导致了 FABS 和 STEPS 系统的所有用户被解锁,幸好时间 不长。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This was brought home to the External Auditor during the audit when, owing to a concatenation of [...] circumstances, all FABS and STEPS users had [...] unimpeded access, fortunately for a short time, [...]after a new user management tool had been installed. unesdoc.unesco.org |
当他在审核我的背包的时候,我心中的OS说:“天啊,千万别把背包的东西拿出来,我很难才塞一切东西进去的! ” 幸好 他 没 有。 4tern.com | When he was checking my backpack, my heart whispered,”Please don’t pull out my things from my backpack, you would never know how to restore it back. 4tern.com |
令 人遗憾的是,这并没有能够制止扔石块的青年进行更多攻击,最近一次是用自动 武器向一个回返者家庭的帐篷开枪, 幸好 没 有 任何人受伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regrettably, this did not stop further attacks by stone-throwing youths and, most recently, [...] the firing of automatic weapons against the tent of a [...] returnee family, which fortunately did not result in [...]any injuries. daccess-ods.un.org |
以 上的基本認識能讓您有效處理孩子行為,但僅抱此正面想法尚未足夠 , 幸好 幼 兒 啟蒙和教育界已經 發展出許多具體有效,可以培養孩子的正面行為以及處理挑戰性行為的技巧。 4c-alameda.org | Fortunately, the early care and education [...] field has developed many specific, effective techniques both for fostering positive [...]behavior and for responding to challenging behavior. 4c-alameda.org |
这次经历丰富了我的见识,不过, 幸好 没 有干扰我的创意。 iwc.com | This enriched me but, fortunately, did not interfere [...] with my creativity. iwc.com |
幸好,Sc ala提供了“组件对象”的概念,它担负起工厂的职责,可以灵活实现构造逻辑。 infoq.com | Fortunately, Scala provides the [...] construct of ‘companion objects’ which are designated to take on factory responsibilities, [...]where constructor logic such as autowiring neatly fits in. infoq.com |
幸好,在 经历了制表业历史上最严重的危机后,机械时计便迅速再度复兴。 iwc.com | Fortunately, after the biggest [...] crisis in the industry’s history, the renaissance of mechanical timepieces was not long coming. iwc.com |
在没有基础设施的村落,幸好Dkaik a尚有一所小学,45名学生在此就读。 unicef.org | In a village with no basic [...] infrastructure, the good news is that this [...]poor Bedouin community has one elementary school, which serves 45 students. unicef.org |
幸好后来 出现了计算机和图书馆应用软件(OPACs), [...] 现在类似没完没了填写卡片之类乏味的文书工作已成为历史,通过自由词和/或关键词检索, 我们能够获得一条记录的每一个可能的信息点。 conference.ifla.org | Thanks to computers and library [...] software’s (OPACs), tedious clerical jobs such as filing are now history and we have access [...]to every possible piece of information in a record through free and/or keyword searching. conference.ifla.org |
东帝汶幸好有来 自石油基金管理的自然资源的 收入,这是透明和善治的成功实例。 daccess-ods.un.org | Timor-Leste is fortunate to be blessed with [...] income from natural resources managed by the Petroleum Fund, a success story [...]in transparency and good governance. daccess-ods.un.org |
回歸過後,我們的資源並沒有增加,工作壓力沒有減少,需要調查的項目反而多了 。 幸好 , 我 們並沒有受到什麼政治壓力或行政迫害,可算是學術自由的一個見證。 hkupop.hku.hk | Although there was no increase in resources, nor reduction in workload (our research items have, in fact, increased), we are glad to say that we have not faced any political pressure, or administrative encroachment. hkupop.hku.hk |
且这一片只有10度左右水温的海洋,实在非常冰冷刺骨 , 幸好 一 直有温水持续打入我们的潜水衣里,取得适度保暖。 oris.ch | The sea is really cold here – only around 10 degrees but we have warm water pumped into our suits constantly to keep us warm. oris.ch |
幸好卓璋 不偏食,也喜歡吃蔬菜水果,莫太於是先從飲食入手,每餐多菜少肉,並減少煎炸食物,改以蒸煮為主。 news.gov.hk | Once she understood the problem, Mrs Mok began to alter his diet, giving Cheuk-cheung more vegetables and less meat. news.gov.hk |
幸好Conce pt有超柔軟舒適的肩帶與背墊,讓您長時間下來依然維持舒適度。 everki.com.hk | Luckily for the weary traveler, [...] the Concept comes with pillow-soft shoulder straps and a padded back panel that pitch in [...]to help you shoulder the load over long periods of time. everki.com |
乳癌及子宮頸癌是婦女最常見的癌症 , 幸好 , 若 能在普查中及早發現,並得到適當的治療,這兩種癌症的存活率是很高的。 hksh.com | Fortunately, both can be diagnosed [...] early with proper screening and as a result, a good survival rate can be achieved after treatment. hksh.com |
幸好中心於去年購備了一台TIGER專業刻印機,它能直接由視窗刻印以細點組成的圖形。 hksb.org.hk | To handle the large number [...] of diagrams, it was fortunate that CBPC had obtained [...]a Tiger Professional embosser the year before [...]that could emboss finer dots of non restricted array directly from Microsoft Windows. hksb.org.hk |
幸好网络 上有一些Wicket的介绍文章和指南。 infoq.com | Fortunately there are several [...] introduction-to-Wicket articles and other guides on-line. infoq.com |
生日派对, 弟弟, 幸好, 鬼, 鬼, 心脏病发作的, 演习, 末底改, 肌肉的男人, 派对帐篷, [...] 令人震惊的启示, 苏打 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | birthday party, brother, fortunately, ghost, ghosts, heart [...] attack, maneuver, mordecai, muscle man, party tent, shocking revelation, soda seekcartoon.com |
幸好當谷歌在Android Market上發現惡意程式時,會馬上刪除它和暫停相關的開發人員帳戶。 hkcert.org | When malware were found in Android Market, Google [...] removed it right away and suspended [...]the associated developer accounts.9 For PCs, [...]rogue security software is still popular. hkcert.org |
这其中,不仅要考虑到它们的经济 [...] 和金融影响力,而且首先要考虑到它们已经在提供 部队和提供预算资金方面发挥的作用,因为联合国 活动必须有预算,而且也必须有国家 幸好 愿 为 此提 供资金。 daccess-ods.un.org | We must act so that a more open space can enable other Members to enter and play the role envisaged for them today, given their economic and financial clout, surely, but above all given the role that they are already playing as troop contributors and financial providers in the budgetary realm — because there must [...] be a budget and there must also [...] be countries that, fortunately, contribute to financing [...]the activities of the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
幸好,在香港,18年来只有两宗疯狗症个案,最后一宗发生于2001年,个案是由菲律宾传入的。 hsbc.com.hk | Fortunately, for the last 18 years, [...] only two cases were reported in Hong Kong, including the last case in 2001 imported from the Philippines. hsbc.com.hk |
故事大綱:真達拉(Jan Dara)出生在曼谷一戶富貴人家,因為母親難產而死,真達拉自幼被父親視為剋星,終日承受咒罵、虐打 ; 幸好 繼 母華姨(Aunt Wad)對他寵愛有加,真達拉的僕人兼好友阿基(Ken)亦非常關照。 buyoyo.com | The boy is Jan Dara, and his father believes that the child is the reason for the death of his dear wife. buyoyo.com |