

单词 幸事




See also:



surname Xing
(of the emperor) visit

External sources (not reviewed)

我们在悲叹幸事生之余,要积极想出预防惨剧发生的方法,避免有 更多儿童遭受不必要的虐待及无辜丧命。
Besides lamenting these unfortunateincidents, we should also [...]
take positive actions to devise ways to prevent these tragedies
so that no more children will be abused and killed.
第二点,即使出现有如 SARS 和九一一等幸事我刚才也说过,我 们还有另一项条文,便是第 17 条。
The second point is that, as I
mentioned just now, even
[...] when weface incidentsas unfortunateas the SARS outbreak and the September11 incident, there is [...]
still another provision,
namely, section 17 of the Ordinance.
但是,我们能够也必须更加努力避免附带损害和 友军误击,如昨天发生的导致五名阿富汗军人丧生的幸事
However, we can and must do more to prevent
collateral damage and friendly
[...] fire, such as in the unfortunateincident yesterday that [...]
cost the lives of five Afghan servicemen.
第二,我还要代表我的全体 900
[...] 多位同事,感谢 所有与会者就我的同事们正在作出的牺牲和在 Mazar-e-Sharif 发生的幸事说的非常友好、温 馨的话。
Secondly, on behalf of all my 900-plus colleagues, I also wish to thank all participants for their very kind
and warm words regarding the
[...] sacrifice that my colleagues aremaking and the sad eventsthat took [...]
place in Mazar-e-Sharif.
有关该问题有一种更高尚的见解,一种被认为是更加与时俱进的见解,这种见解真诚 地欢迎发明天才的成果—不管它来自何处,高兴地称之为全球的共同财产,人类 幸事助于人类生活的改善。
There is a loftier view of this question, and one deemed more in harmony with the progressive spirit of the age -- a view which hails the fruits of the inventive genius, in whatever clime matured, as the common property of the world, and gives them cordial welcome as the common blessings of the race to whose amelioration they are devoted.
Sonko 先生的 死亡是“一起幸事,而不是残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚。
Thus, the State party alleges, the death of
[...] Mr. Sonko was “an unfortunate accident”rather than [...]
an act of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment.
执 行委员会也对巴基斯坦政府由于幸事 丧失其臭氧机构的设施表示同情,并希望体制 建设项目的这个新阶段将帮助巴基斯坦的全国臭氧机构重建其档案材料,从而支持其工作。
The Executive Committee also wishes to convey to the Government of Pakistan its sympathy for the loss of its Ozone Office due to unfortunate events, and is hopeful that this new IS project phase will support the NOU of Pakistan in helping rebuild its files.
她强调,年 内在海地和智利发生的幸事明,仅仅拥有一个良好的预警系统是不够的:如果不知道 [...]
She stressed that
[...] the year’stragic events inHaiti and [...]
Chile had demonstrated that a good warning system did not suffice
if the system’s efficiency was impaired by lack of knowledge of disaster preparedness at the local level.
我们更加感到不安的是,这些 做法由于一部分人的性取向和性行为对其给予关注,
[...] 但却忽视了全世界都存在不容忍和歧视的 幸事大量歧视性因素,例如仇外心理,都是导致法外处决、 [...]
We are even more disturbed at the attempt to focus on certain persons on the grounds of
their sexual interests and behaviours
[...] while ignoring thefact that intolerance [...]
and discrimination regrettably exist all
over the world and that a multitude of inexhaustible discriminatory factors, including xenophobia, are among the reasons leading to extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.
就落实独立调查委员会的建议采取后续行动,以克服 幸事影响( 科威特)
Follow up on implementation of recommendations made by the BICI, in order to
[...] overcome the effects of unfortunateevents (Kuwait)
此外还必须指出,“人的安全”概念确认,面对 某些幸事 例如自然灾害或灾难,人们可能面临 不安全状况和突发的匮乏,不仅可能使多年的发展努 [...]
It is also important to point out that the concept of
human security recognizes that, in
[...] the face of certain unfortunateevents, such as natural [...]
catastrophes or disasters, people
may be confronted by insecurity and sudden privations that may not only set back years of development efforts, but also generate conditions of serious tension.
卡塔尔大使在会晤中向瑞士代表解释说,“向利比亚反对派送交 上述弹药是在卡塔尔支持北约利比亚行动期间发生的 幸事
On this occasion, the Ambassador of Qatar explained to the Swiss representatives that “the transfer of the
aforementioned ammunition to the Libyan
[...] opposition was amisadventure in the course [...]
of his country’s support of the NATO engagement in Libya”.
(A) 各董事或本公司其他负责人有权从本公司之资产中获得弥 偿,以弥偿其在或有关行使其职务或於其他方面有关行使其
职务而蒙受或招致之一切损失或责任(包括《公司条例》第 165条之条文(c)段所述之任何有关责任),而董事或其他 负责人在对其在或有关行使其职务或於其他方面有关行使
[...] 其职务而可能出现或招致之任何损失、损害或 幸事无 需负责,惟本章程细则仅於条文并无遭《公司条例》废止之 [...]
(A) Every Director or other officer of the Company shall be entitled to be indemnified out of the assets of the Company against all losses or liabilities (including any such liability as is mentioned in paragraph (c) of the proviso to Section 165 of the Companies Ordinance) which he may sustain or incur in or about the execution of the duties of his office or otherwise in relation thereto, and no Director or other officer shall be liable for any loss, damages or misfortune which may happen to or be
incurred by the Company in the execution of
[...] the dutiesof his office or in relation [...]
thereto, provided that this Article shall
only have effect in so far as its provisions are not avoided by the Companies Ordinance.
ο 积极面对生命中的挑战,就是在幸事生后,仍能充满希望,并持积极态度。
o Positive attitude toward life challenges, such as staying hopeful and positive when undesirable changes occur.
关于被破坏的礼拜场所问题,代表团指出,其中5 个已经重 建,其余正在考虑当中;对许多建筑进行了审查,以便为重建去年发生 幸事后遭到破坏的所有礼拜场所拨出必要的资源。
Regarding the issue of the places of worship that had been destroyed, the delegation stated that five had been reconstructed, and the rest were under consideration; also a number of buildings were being reviewed with a view to allocating the necessary budget for the reconstruction of all the places of worship that had been destroyed during last year’s unfortunate events.
2009 年初发生的幸事加沙造成了破坏, 并给那里的难民造成了巨大痛苦。
The tragic events at the start of [...]
2009 had devastated Gaza and imposed tremendous hardship on the refugees there.
[...] 国民卫队巡逻艇帮助几名在海中游泳者,将其送往岸边时发生了 幸事
6.4 The State party considers that the facts set out in the complaint do not reveal the occurrence of torture or ill-treatment, but rather an unfortunate accident that
occurred when the Civil Guard patrol assisted several persons who were swimming in
[...] the sea and tookthem close [...]
to shore.
[...] 或与此有关而使本公司蒙受或产生之任何亏损、损失或 幸事责,惟本章程细 则仅以其条文未经该条例上述章节废除方为有效。
No Director, manager, Secretary or other officer or Auditor
shall be liable for any
[...] loss, damage or misfortune which may happen [...]
to or be incurred by the Company in the execution of the duties of his officeor in relation thereto.
友邦保险的人寿保险计划,能确保您的家人,於意外、疾病,甚至死亡等 幸事生时,得到最妥善的保障,同时免却经济顾虑。
To ensure your family is
[...] protected against unfortunateevents in lifesuch [...]
as accident, illness, disability or death, AIA’s
life insurance plans can help avoid financial strains should the needs arise.
(A) 本公司各董事或其他主管人员有权就彼於执行职务时或就此而可能
[...] 承担或引致之所有损失或债务,从本公司之资产中获得赔偿,而各董事或其他主管 人员对其於执行职务时或就此令本公司可能承担或引致之任何损失、损害或幸事一概毋须承担责任,惟本项细则条文须不会因与公司条例相抵触而被废止,方 才有效。
(A) Every Director or other officer of the Company shall be entitled to be indemnified out of the assets of the Company against all losses or liabilities which he may sustain or incur in or about the execution of the duties of his office or otherwise in relation thereto, and no Director or other officer shall be liable for any loss,
damages or misfortune
[...] which may happen to or be incurred by the Company in the execution of the duties of his office or in relation [...]
thereto, provided
that this Article shall only have effect in so far as its provisions are not avoided by the Companies Ordinance.
1.不伤害任何一名儿童;避免使用批判性或无视文化价值差异的问题、态度或者评论;避免将儿童置于危险或使其受到羞辱的境地;避免重新勾起 幸事儿童带来的痛苦和悲伤。
Do no harm to any child; avoid questions, attitudes or comments that are judgmental, insensitive to cultural values, that
place a child in danger or expose a child to humiliation, or that reactivate a child's
[...] pain and grief from traumatic events.
由于 可能出现危险的燃油泄漏情况,因此要持续监测这一 幸事
This tragicevent isconstantly monitored because of the possibility of a dangerous oil spill.
任何该等人士均 毋须就其他人士的行为、收入、疏忽或过失而负责,亦毋须为符合规定以致参与任何收入、或为本公
[...] 何款项或财产的抵押不充分或不足、或为该等人士执行各自的职务或信托时发生的任何其他损失、幸事 损害而负责,惟本弥偿不延伸至与上述任何人士的任何蓄意疏忽、蓄意过失、欺诈或不忠诚 [...]
(2) Each Member agrees to waive any claim or right of action he might have, whether individually or by or in the right of the Company, against any Director on account of any action taken by such Director, or the failure of such Director to take any action in the performance of his duties with or for the
Company; PROVIDED THAT such waiver shall not
[...] extend to any matter inrespect of [...]
any wilful negligence, wilful default, fraud
or dishonesty which may attach to such Director.
我们感到失望的是,尽管我们在 9 年前商定,我 们将不允许我们关于在加强措施、立法、建立国家武 器管制结构、标记和追踪、中间商交易、储存和保管 以及边界控制等领域中执行工作的分歧意见,阻止我 们以协商一致方式通过决议草案,这一 幸事展 还是发生了。
We are disappointed that this unfortunate development is also taking place in spite of the fact that we agreed, nine years ago, that we would not allow our differences on implementation in such areas as reinforcement, legislation, setting up national arms control structures, marking and tracing, brokering, storage and safekeeping and border controls to prevent the adoption of the draftresolution byconsensus.
在你的“个人身份信息”(的条款或类似条款所定义的任何适用的法律,需要一个安全漏洞的通知後)被泄露的 幸事我们可以通过e-mail通知您(我们唯一及绝对酌情权)然而,你已经为我们提供了在最合适的时间,合理的情况下,到最後的e-mail地址,通知的延误可能发生,而我们采取必要措施,确定的范围,违反合理的完整性和恢复系统以及执法的合法需求的通知会妨碍了刑事调查。
In the unfortunate event that your "personally identifiable information" (as the term or similar terms are defined by any applicable law requiring notice upon a security breach) is compromised, we may notify you by e-mail (at our sole and absolute discretion) to the last e-mail address you have provided us in the most expedient time reasonable under the circumstances; provided, however, delays in notification may occur while we take necessary measures to determine the scope of the breach and restore reasonable integrity to the system as well as for the legitimate needs of law enforcement if notification would impede a criminal investigation.
自从 2011 年 3 月在我国爆发这些幸事来,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国总统巴沙 尔·阿萨德阁下颁布了三项法令,对囚犯予以大赦,获赦者包括被关押的各政治 [...]
Since the unfortunateevents beganin the [...]
country in March 2011, His Excellency Bashar Al-Assad, President of the Syrian
Arab Republic, has promulgated three legislative decrees which provided a general amnesty for prisoners that encompassed all detainees who were adherents of political factions.
Coutts坦言:「与这样享有盛誉的世界知名品牌合作──该品牌因与顶级赛事和杰出人士合作而闻名,不但对甲骨文船队来说是个好消息,对整个美洲杯帆船赛来说也是一 幸事
Having such a prestigious world-renowned brand, famous for its involvement with top-level sporting events and
personalities, join our team is not just great news
[...] for ORACLE Team USARacing [...]
but for the America’s Cup as well,” said Coutts.
Coutts坦言:“与这样享有盛誉的世界知名品牌合作——该品牌因与顶级赛事和杰出人士合作而闻名,不但对甲骨文船队来说是个好消息,对整个美洲杯帆船赛来说也是一 幸事
Having such a prestigious world-renowned brand, famous for its involvement with top-level sporting events and
personalities, join our team is not just great news
[...] for ORACLE TeamUSARacing [...]
but for the America’s Cup as well,” said Coutts.
未能 ,入住公屋的低㆘阶层市民,他们唯有接受㆒年复㆒年的等待,另㆒方 面就是尝试以自己的能力去解决住屋问题。
For those grassroot people who do not have the chance to live in public housing in the meantime, they have to wait year after year or try to resolve the housing problem themselves.
在第六十五届会议上,大会邀请各会员国进一步制定能更好地体现追福祉在发展中的重要性的措施,以指导其公共政策,此外请秘书长征求会员国 及有关区域和国际组织对追福祉的意见,并向大会第六十七届会议通报 这些意见以便进一步审议(第 65/309 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly invited Member States to pursue the elaboration of additional measures that better capture
the importance of the
[...] pursuitof happiness andwell-being in development with a view to guiding their public policies, and invited the Secretary-General to seek the views of Member States and relevant regional and international organizations on the pursuitof happiness andwell-being [...]
and to communicate
such views to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session for further consideration (resolution 65/309).




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