

单词 并给

External sources (not reviewed)

土著儿童的教师应尽可能从土著社区内部招 并给 予 充分的支持和培训。
Teachers of indigenous children should to the extent possible be recruited from within indigenous communities and given adequate support and training.
总的来说,关于公众宣传 和人力资源管理的几个部分应该重新考虑 并给 予加强。
Generally, those sections dealing with public information and human resource management should be revisited and sharpened.
采购是联合国的一件大事,必须以最专业和有效的 方式进行并给予适当的监督和控制。
Procurement was big business for the United Nations and must be carried out in the most professional and efficient manner and with proper oversight and control.
外国的研究结果显示,及早识别有读写困难的儿 并给 予辅 导,可有效提高他们的读写能力。
The findings of overseas researches indicate that early identification and intervention for children with dyslexia can effectively improve their literacy skills.
的文化与历史价并给予最 高级别保护的 文化财产; c. 未被用于军事目的或用以保护军事设施, 并且控制它的缔约国已声明确保它不会用 于此类目的的文化财产。
(c) it is not used for military purposes or to shield military sites and a declaration has been made by 35 the Party which has control over the cultural property, confirming that it will not be so used.
7 有人认为这一政策已经促进了 院校发明及其商业化并给社会 带来了更广泛的经济利益。
This policy, according to some, has
stimulated a flow of inventions from universities and promoted their commercialisation, to the
[...] wider economic benefit of society.
六十多年来,大屠杀、房屋拆毁、粮食和药物禁 运、绑架和监禁;以各种方式威胁其邻邦,包括使用 核武器;对巴勒斯坦和黎巴嫩发动无数次战争;暗杀 政治和宗教人士和精英;公开或隐蔽地干涉他国的政 治、经济和文化事务;违反国际法和国际人道主义法 以及肆意侵犯人权,包括杀害儿童和妇女——所有这 一切已构成充足的理由,要求国际社会采取果断措施 来制止这些暴行并给予巴勒斯坦人民几十年来一直 被剥夺的合法权利。
More than six decades of massacre, home demolitions, food and medicine embargos, abduction and imprisonment; the threatening of its neighbours in various ways, including with nuclear weapons; the waging of numerous wars against Palestine and Lebanon; the assassination of people, political and religious figures and elites; overt and covert interference in the political, economic and cultural affairs of other States; violations of international law and international humanitarian law and all-out violations of human rights, including the killing of children and women — all of this should be reason enough for the international community to take decisive measures to stop these brutalities and grant the people of Palestine the legitimate rights of which they have been deprived for decades.
海上救援船只有义务为遇险者提供援助,将其带至 “安全地点”并给予他们人道待遇。
Ships that rescue persons at sea who are in distress or in danger have the obligation to provide them with assistance, to take them to a “place of safety” and to treat them humanely.
(c) 吉尔吉斯斯坦政府应采取一切适当措施,确保可能受到奥什和贾拉拉 巴德《总体规划》影响的个人和家庭尽早提前了解有关拟议规划的信息 并给予 他们充分的时间熟悉这方面的资料,以便他们能够寻求和接受法律及其他方面的 咨询意见,还可采取措施对拟议的规划重新谈判或提出质疑
(c) The Government should take all appropriate measures to ensure that individuals and households who could be potentially affected by the Master Plans of Osh and Jalal-Abad be given access to information on the proposed plans well in advance, as well as due time to become acquainted with the information, and that they be able to seek and receive legal and other advice and to undertake measures to renegotiate or challenge the proposed plans
法国希望以有效协调的方式开展这一进程并给予委 员会所需的影响力,令其在建设和平中发 挥更广泛的作用。
France hoped that the process would take place in an effective and coordinated manner, and would give the Commission the influence it needed to play a broader role in peacebuilding.
法院裁决,在此期间犯下的罪行可以 定义为危害人类罪并给几内 亚当局六个月的时间启动法律程序,确定事实和案 件。
The Court had decided that crimes committed during that period could be defined as crimes against humanity and had given the Guinean authorities sixth month to initiate legal procedures for the determination of facts and cases.
所有发言者都感谢和赞赏土耳其政府主办本次会 并给 予 各 代表团热烈欢 迎和款待。
All speakers expressed thanks and appreciation to the Government of Turkey for hosting the Conference and for extending a warm welcome and hospitality to delegations.
下表显示状态信息 "维护" 中的故障代码和文字信息并给出了 原因和 排除方法的提示。
The following table shows the error codes and text messages in the status message "Maintenance" and provides information on causes as well as corrective measures.
作为让青少年参与活并给予听取他们意见的机会的承诺的一部分,委员会 已努力通过专门由儿童组织的活动,如研讨会、展览、戏剧艺术和视频,或使其 参加工作组,来促进青少年的参与。
As part of the commitment of the Committee to involve young people in the event and to give opportunities for their views to be heard, efforts were undertaken to facilitate their participation, including through specific child-organized activities, such as workshops, exhibitions, dramatic arts and video, and as participants in the working groups.
2001 年《预防犯罪所得和洗钱法》将洗钱行为定为犯罪行为 并给 予 金 融情 报中心跟踪、扣押并最终没收犯罪所得资产的权利;还建立了允许与其他国家对 [...]
The Proceeds of Crime and Money Laundering
(Prevention) Act, 2001 criminalizes the act of
[...] money laundering; gives the FIU the authority [...]
to trace, seize and ultimately confiscate
criminally derived assets; and builds the necessary framework for permitting the exchange information with counterparts in other countries.
缔约国还应在上述磋商期 间,承认土著人民所作一切决并给 予 应 有的考虑。
The State party should also recognize and take due account of all decisions taken by indigenous peoples during such consultations.
全球妇女基金选中该协会进行妇女方面的调查,该协会认真完成调 并给出 了自己的看法。
It also received a form for a survey on women from the Global Fund for Women, which it only completed and in which it made its opinion known.
因此,我呼吁你迅速行动,制止叙利亚境内的一切暴力行为,并采取保护叙 利亚平民的必要措施,包括增加国际观察员的人数 并给 予 他们结束暴力和犯罪 行为的必要权力。
I therefore call on you to act swiftly to halt all acts of violence in Syria and to take the measures required to protect Syrian civilians, including by increasing the number of international observers and granting them the authority they require to put an end to the violations and crimes being committed.
该组织还向行政部门、立法部门和 决策者请愿,说明在教育和政治领域中实现性别平等的必要性,包括允许妇女 担任政治职务并给予妇女争取选举职位的平等机会。
It also petitioned executives, legislators and policymakers about the need for gender equality in education, as well as on the political scene, including by allowing women to hold political appointments and giving women equal opportunity to seek elective posts.
他能够评估他可以利用哪 些人并给他们分配适当的任务。
He is able to assess what personnel are available to him and to task them appropriately.
如果供料已空和空气被泵入管路 中,则要重新给容器加并给泵和 管路填料。
If the supply is empty
[...] and air has been pumped into the lines, refill the container and prime the pump and lines [...]
with fluid.
(c) 大会应对召开任何修订本条约的外交会议作出决定 并给予 WIPO 总干事筹备此种外交会 议的必要指示。
(c) The Assembly shall decide the convocation of any diplomatic conference for the revision of this Treaty and give the necessary instructions to the Director General of WIPO for the preparation of such diplomatic conference.
[...] 名册作为持有人前任何时候,确认承配人以某一其他人士为受益人放弃获配股份并给予股 份承配人权利以根据董事会认为适合的条款及条件并在其规限下令该放弃 [...]
Subject to the Law and these Articles, the Board may at any time after the allotment of shares but before any person has been entered in the Register as the holder, recognise a renunciation thereof by the allottee in favour
of some other person and
[...] may accord to any allottee of a share a right to effect such renunciation [...]
upon and subject to such
terms and conditions as the Board considers fit to impose.
[...] 面加强努力,包括调查涉嫌贩运人口的案件的所有指控 并给 予 受害者有效补 救,向其提供合理、充足的赔偿以及尽可能完全康复的手段。
The State party should initiate an analysis on the phenomenon of foreign women working as dancers in nightclubs and strengthen its efforts to
prevent and combat human trafficking, including
[...] by investigating any allegation of suspected [...]
cases of human trafficking and provide
victims with an effective remedy for fair and adequate compensation, including the means for as full rehabilitation as possible.
它们的其他关键作用是提供食典委所请求的科学建 并给 发 展 中国家提供技术支 持,以便它们能有效地参与标准制定过程和构建设立合理的食品控制体系的能力。
Their other key roles are to provide scientific advice requested by the CAC and to offer technical assistance to developing members so that they can effectively participate in the standard- setting process and build capacity for the development of sound food control systems.
强制性或自愿性分摊会费虽然可以让食典委在预算上具有更 大的独立性,但也带来了拖欠会费的风险 并给 食 典 秘书处增加行政负担。
Both mandatory and voluntary assessed contributions while offering greater budget independence for the Commission also presented risks of contributions not arriving and a consequential increased administrative burden on the Codex Secretariat.
因此,建议向执行委员会第六十五次会议再次提出这个项目 并给 予执 行机构额外两个星期的时间,供其在截止日期之后提出项目,使其能够把本次会议讨 论的内容列入其中。
It was therefore suggested that the project be resubmitted to the 65th meeting of the Executive Committee, and that the implementing agencies be given an extra two weeks beyond the deadline for project submission to enable them to include input from the discussion held at the present meeting.
继续姑息只会进一步孳生违法不究 行为,而尊重合法性将使当地局势真正改变,并会营 造通过谈判实现公正和持久解决的适当氛围,从而使 巴勒斯坦人民和以色列人民得以和平共处 并给 该区 域带来稳定。
Continued appeasement would only foster further impunity, whereas respect for legality would bring about a real change in the situation on the ground, and create the right environment for negotiating a just and lasting settlement that would allow the Palestinian and Israeli peoples to coexist in peace and would bring stability to the region.




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