

单词 并发

并发 ()

be complicated by
erupt simultaneously


并发性 n

concurrency n


complications (undesired side-effect of medical procedure)

发现并修理故障 n

troubleshooting n

External sources (not reviewed)

产科护理,包括流并发症的照料,也由医院提供,无 论其原因。
Obstetric care, including
[...] attention to complications resulting [...]
from abortion, was provided in hospitals regardless of their cause.
获得任命的被拘留者穿着鲜明的绿色工作服 并发 挥 许 多不同的 功能,包括协助登记员和护士,并负责牢房内的卫生。
The appointed detainees wore distinctive green overalls, and undertook numerous different functions, including helping the registrar and the nurses, and being responsible for hygiene in the cells.
涉及维和的优先工作领域包括:协调一致地联合 拟定外地方案;通过与联合国伙伴和其他实体合作,开展涉及法治和安全机构的
[...] 域的举措;为专门领域编制政策、技术指导和培训材料并执行培训方案;有针对 性地征聘专并发展和 部署能力;加强总部与外地的协调和支助机制;在维和行 [...]
Priority areas of engagement relating to peacekeeping include: coordinated joint field programming; integrated strategic planning, assessment and direction with regard to the rule of law and security institutions, in collaboration with United Nations partners and other entities; the planning and implementation of transitions of peacekeeping operations; regional and cross-cutting initiatives; the development of policy, technical guidance and training materials and the delivery of training programmes in
specialized areas; the targeted recruitment
[...] of experts and the development and [...]
deployment of capacities; the strengthening
of mechanisms for coordination and support between Headquarters and the field; and communication and outreach activities in peacekeeping settings.
并发用户 容量主要受限于调度信令和业务信道资源,在多小区模 [...]
拟加载环境下,采用 20MHz 带宽的 TD-LTE 系统、2:2 的下行与上行 时隙比例和 10:2:2 的特殊时隙配比,每个小区可支持 200 个终端 同时在线,且下行吞吐量均保持在
100kbps 以上,上行吞吐量均保持 在 50kbps 以上。
Concurrent user capacity [...]
is mainly limited by scheduling signaling and traffic channel resources, in multi-cell simulation
loading environment, by adopting TD-LTE system with 20MHz, 2:2 DL/UL time slot allocation and special time slot allocation of 10:2:2, each cell can support 200 terminals to be on-line at the same time, with downlink throughput being kept above 100kbps and uplink throughput above 50kps.
(d) 会员国合作收集关于使用爆炸性武器对平民造成的伤害的信息,将其提 交给联合国和其他相关行为体并发 表 政 策声明,说明在何种条件下可以或不可 以在居民区使用某种爆炸性武器。
(d) Member States to cooperate with all relevant stakeholders in collecting and making available to the United Nations and other relevant actors information on harm to civilians from the use of explosive weapons and in issuing policy statements outlining the conditions under which certain explosive weapons may and may not be used in populated areas.
阿尔及利亚:教科文组织对学校教育改革的技术支持在增加 并发 展 全 国课程委员 会、国家教育研究所和初等和中等教育教师培训和评估主要部门的能力。
Algeria: UNESCO technical support to the reform of school education was upstream, developing capacity of the National Curriculum Commission, the National Institute for Educational Research and key departments of elementary and secondary education, teacher training and evaluation.
我们确认,需要包括通过联合国来继续解决涉及外债的所有相关问题。我们 将考虑在债权人和债务人的普遍参与下,以现有框架和原则为基础,探索完善主 权债务重组机制办法,确保债务人共同分担同等责任 并发 挥 布雷顿森林机构的 重要作用。
We acknowledge the need to continue to address all relevant issues regarding external debt problems, including through the United Nations, and we will consider ways to explore enhanced approaches of sovereign debt restructuring mechanisms based on existing frameworks and principles, with broad creditors’ and debtors’ participation and ensuring comparable burden-sharing among creditors, with an important role for the Bretton Woods institutions.
法国政府将承担项目其他部分的费用,包括专家(例如专家和演讲人)费 用并发展执法和其他管理工具。
The Government of France would assume the costs of other elements of the project
including experts (such as resource persons
[...] and speakers) and the development of [...]
enforcement and other management tools.
古巴反对美国政府所采用的非法机制,后者正是借此冒称其有权证实其他国 家在恐怖主义方面的行并发布带 有歧视性、选择性和政治动机的名单,同时保 [...]
持双重标准,不将本地区针对古巴和其他国家公然从事骇人听闻恐怖主义行为的 肇事者绳之以法,却让他们逍遥法外。
Cuba rejects this illegitimate mechanism whereby the United States Government
arrogates to itself the right
[...] to certify the conduct of other nations [...]
with regard to terrorism and to publish discriminatory, selective
and politically motivated lists, while maintaining a double standard by failing to try the avowed perpetrators of horrendous terrorist acts against Cuba and other countries in our hemisphere, instead allowing them to remain at large.
通过在八 个试点国家――乍得、哥伦比亚、刚果民主共和国、埃及、格鲁吉亚、肯尼亚、 马来西亚和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国――的针对性行动,难民署在业务管理周期的每 个阶段都积极跟踪近期改革的落实情况 并发 现 进一步改进的机会。
Through targeted engagement with eight operations – Chad, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Georgia, Kenya, Malaysia and the Syrian Arab Republic – the Office is actively tracking the implementation of recent changes at each stage of the operations management cycle, in order to identify opportunities for improvement.
人权高专办只需极 为一般的指导方针就能继续开展其工作,尽管迄今 为止尚未达成共识,但她希望各代表团能继续就该 问题建设性地开展工作,找到折衷的措辞以处理各 代表团真正关注的问题并发出明 确的信号支持人 权高专办极其重要的工作。
OHCHR required only very general guidelines to be able to continue with its work, and although no agreement had been reached thus far, she hoped that delegations would continue to work constructively on that issue and find a compromise that addressed delegations’ genuine concerns while sending a clear signal of support for the very important work of OHCHR.
在她作为任务负责人各方面工作中,独立 专家将寻求接触来自少数群体的年轻人,了解他们的意见和想法,并鼓励他们积 极参与促进不同文化间对话的活 并发 挥 领 导作用。
In all aspects of her work as mandate holder, the independent expert will seek to engage with young people from minorities to learn about their views and ideas and to encourage them to take leadership roles and engage in positive activities to promote inter-cultural dialogue.
她的声音将回荡在每次宣读的誓言中,她的火焰将在每次点燃火炬时亮起,她的伟大遗产将通过世界上每天举办的每次竞赛和每位运动员而继续存 并发 扬 光 大。
Her voice will echo each time the oath is recited, her fire will burn each time the flame is lit and her legacy will live and grow through every athlete in every competition, daily, around the world.
它在各方面的设计都是规模级的包括:索引网页的数量,检索速度,查 并发 数。
It is in all aspects of design are the size of class , including: the number of indexed pages , search speed , the number of concurrent queries .
在早期的哲学家阿那克萨哥拉有助于一个纯粹的精神灵魂的概念,但更直接的贡献是由宗教的Eleusinian和奥尔弗斯奥秘,在道德说教的亮化和未来生活的希望,我们 并发 见 证 到了影响哲学家,诗人,历史学家。
Among early philosophers Anaxagoras contributes to the notion of a purely spiritual soul; but a more directly religious contribution is made by the Eleusinian and Orphic mysteries, to the influence of which in brightening and moralizing the hope of a future life we have the concurrent witness of philosophers, poets, and historians.
还应指出的是,随着收入进并发生 支 出,用这些基金开展的活动 所跨时期往往超过某个单一的两年期或与之重叠。
It should also be noted that these funds generally provide for activities spanning a period of time exceeding or overlapping a single biennium, as income is received and expenditure incurred.
该等风险、不定因素及假设包括,但不限于公司在2012年3月22日提 并发 布 在 SEDAR的“管理层讨论及分析”中“风险及不定因素”一节所描述的情况,并且可能使实际事件或结果与任何前瞻性陈述预测的结果大不相同。
These risks uncertainties and assumptions include, but are not limited to, those described in the section of the Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) entitled "Risk and Uncertainties" as filed on March 22, 2012 on SEDAR, and could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking statements.
与会者强调了国际旅游业对最不发达国家的社会经济进步和减少贫穷作出 的贡献并提出了以下建议: (a) 在国家一级,㈠ 建立安全稳定的有利环境,鼓励旅游业的可持 发展 并鼓励投资;㈡ 把旅游业可持续发展纳入各项国家发展战略文件的主流;㈢ 利 用产品专业化和品牌化,加强最不发达国家旅游目的地的市场地位;㈣ 更加注 重保护环境资产和自然和文化遗产;㈤ 在更广泛的旅游部门促进体面工作和对 个人权利的尊重;㈥ 制定和实施支持国家旅游业可持续发展战略的投资、旅游 和贸易政策;㈦ 为减少贫穷加强旅游部门和其他经济、环境和文化部门的联并发挥它 们间的增效作用;㈧ 发展支持旅游企业生存和竞争的国家机制。
(a) At the national level, to (i) create a safe and stable enabling environment to encourage sustainable tourism development and encourage investments; (ii) mainstream sustainable tourism development in all national development strategy documents; (iii) harness product specialization and branding to strengthen market position of least developed country tourism destinations; (iv) pay more attention to the preservation of environmental assets and of natural and cultural heritages; (v) promote decent work and respect the rights of the individual in the wider tourism sector; (vi) adopt and implement investment, tourism and trade policies that support national strategies for sustainable tourism development; (vii) strengthen linkages and create synergies between tourism and other economic, environmental and cultural sectors for poverty reduction; and (viii) develop national mechanisms to support tourism enterprise viability and competitiveness.
亚太经社会正在同联合国其他伙伴一道,计划在亚太区域设 并发展 一个新兴领导人网络,提供有利环境,让青年人成为充满活力的社会变革促进者, 利用适当工具发挥积极作用,克服影响到他们的许多问题。
ESCAP is planning, together with other United Nations partners, to establish and develop a network of emerging leaders in Asia and the Pacific and provide an enabling environment for young people to be dynamic agents of social change and play active roles using the appropriate tools to overcome many of the problems that affect them.
有必要建立一个框架,来预防不同政策间的紧张关系 并发 布 一 个总体政府文 件,说明其发展和经济目标及政策的总体愿景。
It was necessary to create a framework aimed at preventing tensions between different policies and to issue an overarching government document that provided a global vision of its development and economic objectives and policies.
深为关切地注意到,媒体对某些宗教进行负面报导,有的国家制定和执行歧 视性法律和行政措施,专门针对具有某些族裔和宗教背景的人,特别是穆斯林少 数群体,而这很可能阻碍他们充分享受人权和基本自由,而且,世界许多地区都 发生基于宗教或信仰的不容忍、歧视和暴力行为 并发 生 由 宗教或其他性质的极 端主义挑起的恐吓和胁迫等严重事件,包括由仇视伊斯兰教、反犹太主义和仇视 基督教挑起的事件
Noting with deep concern the serious instances of intolerance, discrimination and acts of violence based on religion or belief, intimidation and coercion motivated by extremism, religious or otherwise, occurring in many parts of the world, including cases motivated by Islamophobia, Judeophobia and Christianophobia, in addition to the negative projection of certain religions in the media and the introduction and enforcement of laws and administrative measures that specifically discriminate against and target persons with certain ethnic and religious backgrounds, particularly Muslim minorities, and that threaten to impede their full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms
代表团还可就一并审议的分项(b)和(c)各发言一次,最好 是并发言一次,单个代表团的发言以 7 分钟为限,代表若干代表团的发言以 15 分钟为限。
Under sub-items (b) and (c), which are to be considered jointly, delegations may make two separate statements (one under sub-item (b) and one under sub-item (c)), preferably combined together and not exceeding 7 minutes for individual delegations and 15 minutes for statements made on behalf of a group of delegations.
我们认为可以不夸张地说,此时此刻,巴勒斯坦 人民、该区域各国人民乃至几乎整个国际社会都共同 呼吁安理会为巴勒斯坦主持正义 并发 挥 作用,以达 成公正、全面和持久的解决办法,最终实现巴勒斯坦 和以色列之间以及整个中东地区的和平与安全。
We believe that it would not be overstating the case to say that the Palestinian people, the peoples of the region and virtually the entire international community have joined in an appeal to the Council at this moment to do justice by Palestine and fulfil its role in the attainment of a just, comprehensive and lasting solution that will finally make peace and security a reality between Palestine and Israel and throughout the Middle East.
主席( 以俄语发言) :我感谢爱尔兰外交部长参加我们的工 并发 表 全 面的演 讲,这表明爱尔兰政府对裁谈会工作的支持。
The President (spoke in Russian): I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ireland for taking part in our work and for his comprehensive statement, which demonstrates the Irish Government’s support for the work of the Conference.
为预防和尽量减少新的残疾而酌情提供的医疗卫生服务、 早期诊断和干预方案,重点关注儿童、妇女和老年人,包 括在农村地区 第 148-2007-TR 号部长决议现已生效,该决议批准通过了 委员会成立和运作条例,规定了劳动安全和劳动保健监督 员的职责并发布了 相关文件,如劳动安全和劳动保健管 理体系基本指南以及登记处技术指南。
Health services, early detection and intervention programmes, as appropriate, to prevent and minimize the emergence of secondary disabilities, paying attention to children, women and the elderly, including in rural areas Ministerial Decision No. 148-2007-TR establishes the regulations governing the establishment and work of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee and the functions of the Occupational Health and Safety Supervisor, as well as approving documents such as a basic guide to occupational health and safety management systems and a technical guide on record-keeping.
(d) 铭记经秘鲁各政党和政治运动赞同的并提交给拉丁美洲和加勒比各国 禁毒执法机构负责人第二十次会议的一份文件述及关于禁止贩毒活动对政党和 政治运动进行渗透的道德承诺,因此建议该区域的各国政府提出相关举措,促并发展透明的选举竞争,以防止贩毒活动干扰政治。
(d) Bearing in mind the document on the ethical commitment against the infiltration of drug trafficking in political parties and movements subscribed to by the political parties and movements of Peru and presented to the Twentieth Meeting of HONLEA, Latin America and the Caribbean, it was recommended that the Governments of the countries of the region could put forward initiatives to promote and develop transparent electoral competition with a view to preventing drug trafficking from interfering in politics.




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