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干旱地区水资源及其发展信息全球网的行动得到了很大的关注,多国办事处四国 目前均是该网络亚洲网络的积极成员 并从 各 种 能力建设活动中受益。
Great attention was given to the actions of the IHP Global Network on Water and Development Information for Arid Lands (G-WADI) in which the four countries of the cluster
are currently active members of its Asian G-WADI network and thus
[...] benefited from the various capacity-building [...]
该仪器将自动寻找选定的颗并从每 个 颗粒的中心收集拉曼光谱。
The instrument will automatically find the selected
[...] particles and collect a Raman spectrum from the center of each one.
卸下转轴板 (A)上的两个螺丝、旋转接头轴 (B)(如果 有必要)并从旋转 接头轴上卸下耦合接头 (C)。
Remove two screws on pivot plate (A), swivel shaft (B) if necessary, and remove coupling (C) from swivel shaft.
阻吓贩卖人口措施关注委员会为跨部门的 多元性质公共实体,负责探讨、评估和研究贩卖人口对澳门特区社会的影响,推 动社会研究和分析并从预防人口贩卖、保护及协助受害人重返社会这些方面, 向负责打击贩卖人口的部门作出建议及监察其开展的项目。
This Commission is an interdepartmental public body with a multidisciplinary nature with a mandate to diagnose, evaluate and study the social aspects of trafficking in persons in the MSAR, to promote its sociological research and analysis, to issue recommendations and to monitor the activities of the departments which fight against trafficking in persons in the perspective of its prevention and of protection and social reintegration of the victims.
可以选 择一种颜色, 并从右边的表格中增 加或插入一种手柄颜色的代号, 以 便于面板安装和颜色代号都是按 照字母顺序排列的。
For an optional color, add or insert a handle color designator from the table at right so that the panel-mounting and color designators are in alphabetical order.
这些问题包括有必要:加强诉诸司法的机会,尤其是在农村地区和针对特 定的人群,例如妇女、流离失所者、土著人和非洲裔哥伦比亚人;解决积压的案 例并从速处 理当前的司法程序,确保在全国各地都安置训练有素的法官和检察 官并确保他们的安全;对循私舞弊的律师和法官实行适当的制裁;并且在检察官 办公室内制订策略并提供充分的资源,以便有系统地调查侵犯人权的事件。
These issues include the needs: to improve access to justice, especially in rural areas and for specific groups, such as women, displaced persons, indigenous and Afro-Colombians; to resolve the backlog and expedite existing processes; to ensure the presence, and security, of well-trained judges and prosecutors throughout the country; to adopt appropriate sanctions for corrupt lawyers and judges; and to design strategies and provide sufficient resources in the Attorney General’s Office to systematically investigate human rights violations.
咨 询委员会获悉,虽然规模较小组织的组织单位可以通过外部供应商获得信通技术 服务,但对秘书处而言,这种做法不利于实现规模经济 并从 长 远角度看,将使 信通技术能力进一步分散,导致成本增加。
It was informed that, while it was feasible for organizational units in smaller organizations to obtain ICT services from external vendors, in the context of the Secretariat such an approach would have a negative impact on the realization of economies of scale and would, in the long run, introduce additional fragmentation of ICT capacities and cost more.
它能够收集指定的Web页并从这些 页面中提取有用的数据。
It is able to collect the specified Web page and extracts from these pages useful data .
设立一个常设委员会将是一种在更广泛的会议中确保对这一至关重要的问题 给予充分的时间和注意力的方式,以便所有代表团能够参 并从 中 受 益。
The introduction of a Standing Committee would be a way of ensuring that adequate time and attention is devoted to this critically important issue in the wider meeting so that all delegations can participate and benefit.
这也使文莱达鲁萨兰国有机会分享其最佳做法 并从 其 他国 家学习如何增进和保护人权。
It was also an opportunity for Brunei Darussalam to share its best practices as well as learn from others on ways to promote and protect human rights.
员国将这种技术应用于其文化和自然遗产,从而加强在遗产管理、保护、介绍、文献编辑和 可持续发展方面与教科文组织有关的活动;加强会员国利用从卫星图象中获取的所有数据的
[...] 能力,以支持可持续发展方面的决策工作 并从 数 据 上支持评估气候变化;使所有成果都能 [...]
The overall objective of the Centre is to assist the Asia region, by bringing the benefit of space technologies to UNESCO Member States desiring to use earth observation from space in order to strengthen their UNESCO related activities in the areas of management, conservation, presentation, documentation and sustainability, as applied to their cultural and natural sites; reinforcing the current capacity of Member States to make use of all data derived from satellite images to support
the decision-making process for sustainable
[...] development and as data-support to [...]
assess climate change; making all the results
available as new educational material to support the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.
大会重申巴勒斯坦难民有权享有其财 并从 中 获 得收益;请秘书长同联合国 巴勒斯坦和解委员会协商,采取一切适当步骤,保护以色列境内的阿拉伯财产、 资产和产权;敦促巴勒斯坦和以色列按照双方所达成的协议,在中东和平进程最 后地位谈判框架内处理关于巴勒斯坦难民财产及其收益的重要问题;此外请秘书 长就决议的执行情况向大会第六十七届会议提出报告(第 66/75 号决议)。
The General Assembly reaffirmed that the Palestine refugees were entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom; requested the Secretary-General to take all appropriate steps, in consultation with the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine, for the protection of Arab property, assets and property rights in Israel; urged the Palestinian and Israeli sides, as agreed between them, to deal with the important issue of Palestine refugees’ properties and their revenues within the framework of the final status negotiations of the Middle East peace process; and requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 66/75 ).
因此,下文各段将介绍过去或当前经常被各国援引的种种其他 理由并从国际 实在法的角度审查这些理由的相符合、可接受或违禁程度。
In the paragraphs below, we will present various old and recent grounds that are commonly invoked by States, and also examine the extent to which they are consonant with, acceptable to, or prohibited by positive international law.
缔约方第二十一次会议要求“执行委员会依照第 XX/7 号决定继续审议第 5 条缔约 方的其他试点项目并从这个 意义上考虑当前销毁活动范围内的一次性窗口费用,以便解 决那些原产缔约方无法使用的低量消费国家的出口和以环保方式处置臭氧消耗物质库问 题”(第 XXI/2 号决定第 2 段)。
The Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties requested “the Executive Committee to continue its consideration of further pilot projects in Article 5 Parties pursuant to decision XX/7 and, in that context, to consider the costs of a one-time window within its current destruction activities to address the export and environmentally sound disposal of assembled banks of ozone-depleting substances in low-volume-consuming countries that are not usable in the Party of origin” (decision XXI/2, paragraph 2).
一名小组成员建议,它 们应该首先确定需求所在的领域,决定如何满足这些需求 并从 别 人 的错误中学 习,避免再犯同样的错误。
One panellist suggested that they should first identify the areas where the needs lay, decide how to meet those needs and learn from the mistakes of others to avoid repeating the same mistakes.
在国家一级, 该项目的工作重点是在最不发达国家及其他国家的议会中设立协调人,帮助审查
[...] 议会工作方法和结构(委员会等),与联合国和政府的实地协调机构联络 并从总 体 上协助将《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》纳入整个政策系统。
At the country level, the project would revolve around the creation of focal points in both least developed country and non-least developed country parliaments to help review the parliaments’ working methods and structures (committees, etc.),
liaise with United Nations and government focal
[...] points on the ground, and generally [...]
assist with the mainstreaming of the Istanbul
Programme of Action into the entire policy spectrum.
专家组还获得了 2010 年 7 月 6 日的一份文件,该文件详细记录了经济和财 政部向科特迪瓦石油公司,即科特迪瓦国家石油公司提出的要求,要求石油公司 核准向某公司付款,以采购农用物资 并从 2010 年国家预算划拨了 1 400 万美 元用于此目的(见附件 46)。
The Group also obtained a document dated 6 July 2010 detailing a request from the Ministry of Economy and Finance to the Ivorian oil company Société nationale d’opérations pétrolières de la Côte d’Ivoire (PETROCI) to authorize payments to a company for the purchase of agricultural material, assigning $14 million of the State’s 2010 budget for the purpose (see annex 46).
我们强调,促进持续、包容各方和公平的经济增长对加快实现千年发展目标 的进展以及促进可持续发展十分必要,但这还不够:增长应该使每个人,特别是 穷人,都有经济机并从中得 益,并创造工作机会和收入机会,同时辅之以有效 的社会政策。
We stress that promoting sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth is necessary for accelerating progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, as well as for promoting sustainable development, but it is not sufficient: growth should enable everyone, in particular the poor, to participate in and benefit from economic opportunities and should lead to job creation and income opportunities and be complemented by effective social policies.
汞在全球范围交易,用于产品生产和氯碱厂 并从 燃煤电厂、焚化炉、水泥窑和受污染的场所向外释放。
Mercury is traded globally and is used in products and chlor-alkali plants; it is emitted from coal-fired power plants, incinerators, cement kilns and contaminated sites.
一般来说,部署工具将验证内容是否为正确装配的部署构件 并从 部 属程序收集绑定信息、部署模块中定义的组件和 Web 服务、发布代表被部署 Web 服务的 WSDL 文档、部署任何使用 Web 服务客户机、配置服务器并启动应用程序。
In general, the deployment tool validates the content as a correctly assembled deployment artifact, collects binding information from the deployer, deploys the components and Web services defined within the modules, publishes the WSDL documents representing the deployed Web services, deploys any clients using Web services, configures the server and starts the application.
世界知识产权组织及其成员国应当考虑采取这些措施的最有效方法 并从 世 界 知识产 权组织自身的预算中提供资金。
It would be for WIPO and its member states to consider how this might most effectively be done and financed from WIPO’s own budgetary resources.
该法规定了打击极端主义活动的基本原则、打击极端主义 活动的主体和防范这类活动的措施 并从 形 式 上规定了非政府组织或宗教组织、 其他组织、决策者、摩尔多瓦共和国公民、外国人和无国籍人员助长极端主义活 [...]
The law provides basic principles of fight against extremist activities, the subjects of fight
against extremist activities,
[...] prevention of such activities, regulates the forms of liability [...]
of nongovernmental or religious
organisations, other organisations, decision making persons, citizens of the Republic of Moldova, foreign citizens and stateless persons for promoting extremist activities, liability of mass media for broadcast of materials with extremist character and promotion of extremist activities, regulates issues of international cooperation in the field of fight against extremism.
重要的措施包括通过对性别问 题敏感的预算并从性别 角度评估预算。
Important measures included the adoption of gender-sensitive budgets and the critical evaluation of budgets from gender perspectives.
伊本欧麦尔花DHI -图瓦晚上在两者之间的Thaniyas,然后他会通过泰尼亚这是在更高的麦加地区,每当他来到到麦加朝觐或进入麦加“Umra,他从来没有他的她的骆驼跪了下来,除了附近的清真寺(神圣的清真寺)门,那么他就进入(IT)和黑(石)角 并从 那 里 开始circumambulating天房克尔白​​七次的:在前三加速轮(Ramal),并在过去四年走。
Ibn 'Umar used to spend the night at Dhi-Tuwa in between the two Thaniyas and then he would enter Mecca through the Thaniya which is at the higher region of Mecca, and whenever he came to Mecca for Hajj or 'Umra, he never made his she camel kneel down except near the gate of the Masjid (Sacred Mosque) and then he would enter (it) and go to the Black (stone) Corner and start from there circumambulating the Ka'ba seven times: hastening in the first three rounds (Ramal) and walking in the last four.
不过,我欢迎希腊外交部长。我认为这是安理会 听取她的看法的好机会,汲取她所领导的组织的经 验并从它与安理会以及与非洲等其他区域组织的工 作中学习教训。
Nevertheless, I welcome the Greek Foreign Minister, and I think that this was a good opportunity for the Council to listen to her and gain from the experiences of the organization that she leads and learn from its work, not only with the Council but also other regional organizations in Africa and beyond.
当样品被分并从色谱 柱洗脱时,可通过单个浓度检测器进行表征,使用“传统校正”得到相对分子量;附加的粘度可通过使用“普适纠正”得出真实的分子量及结构信息;而增加光散射的“三重检测”法,不需要色谱柱校正,得到绝对分子量及分子分布。
As the sample is separated and elutes from the column, it can be characterized by a single concentration detector, using ‘Conventional calibration’, to give a relative molecular weight, the addition of viscosity enables the use of ‘Universal calibration’ to give true molecular weight and structural information, and ‘Triple Detection’, which adds light scattering to eliminate column calibration to give absolute molecular weight and distribution.
[...] 马里问题国际联络小组以及其他论坛关于索马里问 题的讨论并从 2007 年以来提供了 1.244 亿美元的 [...]
援助,其侧重点是以下两个支柱:其一是人道主义援 助和基础设施的恢复,其二是主要通过信托基金来加
强索马里的安全,以支持索马里安全机构和非索特派 团。
Japan, for its part, has been actively engaged in discussion on Somalia issues in the Security Council,
the International Contact Group on Somalia
[...] and other forums, and has provided assistance [...]
of $124.4 million since 2007, focusing
on two pillars: humanitarian assistance and restoration of infrastructure, on the one hand; and the strengthening of security in Somalia, mainly through the trust funds, in support of Somali security institutions and AMISOM, on the other.
召集人强调了对氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的主要修改,即减少计划的总体资金, 减少对维修行业的吨位的供资,该国的总体削减量起点的自愿削减增加 10.13 ODP 吨并 从该国的最终淘汰管理计划转让合共 248,000 美元到氟氯烃淘汰管理计划 ,以淘汰 3.03 ODP 吨。
The Convenor highlighted key modifications to the HPMP, namely: a decrease in overall funding for the project, a decrease in funding for the tonnage in the servicing sector, an increase of 10.13 ODP tonnes in the country’s voluntary deduction from the starting point for aggregate reduction, and the transfer of a total of US $248,000 from the country’s TPMP to its HPMP with an associated phase-out of 3.03 ODP tonnes.
算款次“法官”的预算项目的节余提供的,根据《法庭财务条例和细则》(SPLOS/231, 第 53 段),追加批款(207 450 欧元)中未动用余款(176
[...] 704 欧元)将提前交还各 缔约国并从它们对法庭 2012 年预算的缴款中扣除此数。
It was also decided that, since most of the additional cost of implementing the new salary system for the members of the Tribunal had been financed from savings under other budget lines in the budget section “judges”, the unused balance (€176,704) of the additional appropriation (€207,450) would be
surrendered on an anticipatory basis to the
[...] States parties and deducted from their contributions [...]
to the 2012 budget of the Tribunal
in accordance with the Financial Regulations and Rules of the Tribunal (see SPLOS/231, para. 53).




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