

单词 年度报告




make known

External sources (not reviewed)

本公司第一期股权激励计划对本公司财务状况和经营成果的影响等情况详见本公司 2011年度报告要事项部分。
For details of the impact of the Phase I Share Incentive Scheme of the Company on the Company’s financial conditions
and operating results, please refer to the sections headed ‘‘Material Matters’’ in
[...] the 2011 interim reportof the Company.
投票表决程序及股东要求以投票方式表决之权利详情载於随年度报告寄发予股东之 通函内。
Details of the poll voting procedures and the rights of
shareholders to demand a poll are included in the circular to shareholders which is
[...] dispatched together with this annual report.
其他可能造成实际结果与预测说明的预期不同的其他因素之相关资讯,将於公司的「Form 10-K年度报告(与美国证券交易委员会於 2005 年 8 月 1 日的报告相符),以及公司的「Form [...]
10-Q 季度报告」(与美国证券交易委员会於
2006 年 4 月 28 日的报告相符),以及公司的「Form S-4 注册声明」(与美国证券交易委员会於 2006 年 3 月 14 日提出并於同年 4 月 13 日修订的报告相符) 中说明。
Information concerning additional factors that could cause results to differ materially from those
projected in the forward-looking
[...] statementsis contained in the company's Annual Report on Form10-K [...]
as filed with the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission on August 1, 2005; in the company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q as filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on April 28, 2006; and in the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-4, as originally filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on March 14, 2006 and as amended on April 13, 2006.
一百个基点之上升/下降代表管理层评估直至下年度报告该段期间 的利率合理可能变动。
The 100 basis points increase/ decrease represents
management’s assessment of a reasonably possible change in interest rate over the
[...] period until the next annual reportingdate.
4.1.14 不 时 向 行 政 总 裁 及 财
[...] 务 总 监 取 得 适用法律及条例所要求年度 报告他报告,使彼等能向委员会及外聘核数师披露本行的财 [...]
务报告内部监控在设计或运作方面之所有重大不足及弱点,而该 等不足及弱点,可令本行对财务资料,以及涉及管理层或其他担
任本行财务报告内部监控重要职务之职员的作弊行为(不论重大 与否) 之纪录及呈报能力,产生不利影响。
4.1.14 To receive an annual
[...] report,and other reportsfrom time totime [...]
as may be required by applicable laws and regulations,
from the Chief Executive and the Chief Financial Officer to the effect that such persons have disclosed to the Committee and to the external auditor all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal controls over financial reporting which could adversely affect the Bank’s ability to record and report financial data and any fraud, whether material or not, that involves Management or other employees who have a significant role in the Bank's internal controls over financial reporting.
就董事所知悉的公开资料作为基准,本公司刊发本年度报告最後实际可行日期的公众持股量是 足够的。
Based on the publicly available information and to the best knowledge of the Directors, the Company has maintained sufficient public float as at the latest practicable date prior to the date of this interim report.
在这方面,委员会审阅拟提交给董 事会的公年度报告目及年度报 告应特别针对下列事项: (i) 会计政策及实务的任何更改
In reviewing the annual reports, accounts and interim reports to be presented [...]
to the Board, the Committee should pay special
attention to the following matters
新增规定包括对公平值计 量变动(倘重大)之披露, 及要求对最年度报告有关资料作出更新。
Additional requirements cover of changes to
fair value measurement (if significant), and the need to update relevant
[...] information from the most recent annualreport.
投资者应考虑中芯呈交予美国证券交易委员会(「证交会」)的文件资料,包括其於二零零七 年六月二十九日以 20-F 表格形式呈交予证交会的经修订年度报告 别是「风险因素」及 「有关财政状况及经营业绩的管理层讨论及分析」两个部份,以及其於二零零四年三月八日 以 A-1 表格形式呈交予香港联合交易所(「香港联交所」)的登记声明,以及中芯可能不时向 [...][...]
证交会及香港联交所呈交的该等其他文件,包括 6-K 表格。
Investors should consider the information contained in SMIC’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including its annual report on 20-F, as amended, filed with the SEC on June 29, 2007, especially in the “Risk Factors”
and “Management’s
[...] Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Resultsof Operations”sections, and its registration statementon Form A-1 [...]
as filed with the Stock
Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK) on March 8, 2004, and such other documents that SMIC may file with the SEC or SEHK from time to time, including on Form 6-K. Other unknown or unpredictable factors also could have material adverse effects on SMIC’s future results, performance or achievements.
Please refer to Part I, Item 1A
[...] of the Company's Annual ReportonForm10-K, filed [...]
with the Securities and Exchange Commission
on March 16, 2009, and other filings that have been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
其他可能造成实际结果与预测说明的预期不同的风险、不确定性和其他因素之相关资讯,将於公司的「Form 10-K年度报告「Form 10-K/A」及「Form 10-Q 季度报告」中说明,与美国证券交易委员会分别在 [...]
2011 年 8 月 17 日、2011 年
8 月 24 日、2011 年 10 月 27 日提出的报告相符,本新闻稿亦包含此预测说明以供参考。
Information concerning risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking
statements is contained in the
[...] company's Annual Report onForm 10-K, Form 10-K/A and Quarterly Reports onForm 10-Q [...]
as filed with the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission on August 17, 2011, August 24, 2011 and October 27, 2011, respectively, which statements are incorporated into this press release by reference.
审 核 委 员 会 的 主 要 职 责 为 审 阅 本 公 司年度报 告合 财 务 报 表 、 中 期 报 告 及 季 度 报 告 , 以 及 就 此 向 董 事 会 提 供 意 见 。
The primary duties of the Audit
Committee are to review the
[...] Company’s annual reportsand consolidated financial statements, interim reportsand quarterly reportsand to provide [...]
comments thereon to the Board.
(d) 监督公司的财务报表年度报告 目、年度报告若拟刊发) 季度报告的完整性,并审阅报表及报告所载有关财务申报的重大意 见。
(d) monitor integrity of the Company’s financial
[...] statementsand annual report andaccounts, half-year reportand, if prepared for publication, quarterly reports, and to review [...]
significant financial
reporting judgements contained in them.
2.2 本公司向股东及投资人士传达资讯的主要渠道为:本公司的财务报告 (中期年度报告股东周年大会及其他可能召开的股东大会;并将 所有呈交予香港联合交易所有限公司(「联交所」)的披露资料,以及 [...]
2.2 Information shall be communicated to Shareholders and the investment community
mainly through the Company’s
[...] financial reports (interim and annual reports), annual general meetings [...]
and other general meetings
that may be convened, as well as by making available all the disclosures submitted to The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“SEHK”) and its corporate communications and other corporate publications on the Company’s website.
2011年3月15日召开第一届董事会审计委员会2011年第一次会议,会议主要 内 容
[...] 为:(1)审 议 并 通 过 公 司2010年 度 报 告绩 公 告;(2)听 取 [...]
外 聘 核 数 师 关於公司2010年度财务报告审计情况的汇报;(3)审议并通过公司2010年度财
On 15 March 2011, the 2011 first meeting of the audit committee of the first session
of the Board was held, at which (1) the
[...] Companys 2010 annualreport andresults announcement [...]
were considered and approved;
(2) the report was made by the external auditor in respect of the auditing of the Company’s 2010 annual financial statements; (3) the Company’s 2010 annual financial statements were considered and approved; (4) the reappointment of auditors for 2011 and their remuneration were considered and approved
本公年度报告目及中期报告载有本公 司活动的详细资料,该等报告及账目会寄给股东及投资 者。
Annualreports, accounts and interim[...]
reports containing full details of the Company’s activities will be despatched to shareholders and investors.
就此而言,在 检讨呈交给委员会前的公司年报和账目、年度报告如拟刊印)季 度报告时,委员会应特别集中处理
In this regard, in reviewing
[...] the Company’sannual reportand accounts, half-year report and, [...]
if prepared for publication, quarterly reports before submission to the
Board, the Committee should focus particularly on
Starting from the 2011 AnnualReport, we have combined the information which previously appeared in our separate annual and sustainable development reports.
(f)与本公司核数师就季度、中期年度报告生之事项及事宜,以及核数师可 能欲提出之任何其他事项进行讨论(如认为适合,於管理层避席之情况下)。
(f)to discuss with the auditors of the Company in respect of the
matters and issues arising from the quarterly,
[...] interim and annual reports and any other matters [...]
the auditors may wish to
raise (in the absence of management, if thought fit).
年度报告 对披露及透明度规则第4.2.8条规定的资料进行公平审阅(即关联方交易及其变化披露)。
theinterimreport includesafair [...]
review of the information required by DTR 4.2.8 (being disclosure of related party transactions and changes therein).
董事欣然呈交年度报告abc Multiactive Limited(辰罡科技有限公司)(以下统称「本公司」)及其附属公司(以 下统称「本集团」)截至二零一二年十一月三十日止年度之经审核财务报表。
The directors have pleasure in
[...] submitting their reporttogether with the audited financial statementsof [...]
abc Multiactive Limited (hereinafter
referred to as the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Group”) for the year ended 30 November 2012.
投资者应考虑中芯呈交予美国证券交易委员会(「证交会」)的文件资料,包括其於二零零八 年六月二十七日以 20-F 表格形式呈交予证交会年度报告别是「风险因素」及「有关财 政状况及经营业绩的管理层讨论及分析」两个部份,以及中芯可能不时向证交会及香港联交 [...]
所呈交的该等其他文件,包括 6-K 表格。
Investors should consider the information contained in SMIC’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including its annual report on 20-F, filed with the SEC on June 27, 2008 especially in the “Risk Factors”
and “Management’s
[...] Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Resultsof Operations”sections, [...]
and such other documents
that SMIC may file with the SEC or SEHK from time to time, including on Form 6-K. Other unknown or unpredictable factors also could have material adverse effects on SMIC’s future results, performance or achievements.
年 年年度报告报告书 度零零年度报告有联合交易所上市规则规定之一切资料,将於二零零二年 三月底登载於联合交易所之网站及本公司网站 www.cathaypacific.com,并於二 零零二年四月四日送交股东。
The 2001 annual reportcontaining all the information required by the Listing Rules of The Stock Exchange will be published on the Exchange’s website and the Company’s website www.cathaypacific.com before the end of March 2002.
本公司已收到全体独立 非执行董事之年度确认书,确认除年度报告露者外,彼等与本集团并无任何业务或 [...]
财务利益关系,且於二零零七年十二月三十一日根据上市规则第3.13条规定符合独立人士 之条件。
The Company has receivedannual confirmations from all independent non-executive directors that, save as
[...] disclosedin the annual report, theydid not [...]
have any business or
financial interest with the Group and were independent as at 31 December 2007 in accordance with Rule 3.13 of the Listing Rules.
4.1.9 审 阅外聘核数师就审核进度提交 年度报告交予管理层之 《审核情况说明函件》、外聘核数师就会计纪录、财务账目或有 [...]
4.1.9 To review the external
[...] auditors annual reportonthe progress [...]
of the audit, its management letter, any material queries
raised by the external auditor to Management in respect of the accounting records, financial accounts or systems of control and, in each case, responses from Management.
(3) 公司通讯指任何已经或将会由本公司刊发,以供 阁下参考或采取行动的任何文件,包括但不限於董事报告年度连同核数师报告副本及(如适用)财务摘要报告;中期报告及(如适用)中期摘要报告;季度 [...]
(3) Corporate Communication refers to any document issued or to be issued by the Company for your information or action, including
but not limit to the
[...] directors' report,annual accountstogether with a copy of the auditors' report and, [...]
where applicable, summary financial
report; the interim report and, where applicable, summary interim report; the quarterly report (if any); a notice of meeting; a listing document; a circular; and a proxy form.
(D) 在本公司网站登载的任何通告或文件乃被视为在本公司网站上登载通 告或文件之日由本公司送交股东,惟倘文件乃本公司的董事 报告年度报表或核数师报告及(如适用)财务报表摘要,则该文件应 被视为在刊登通告被视为送达股东之日的翌日已送达。
(D) Any notice or document placed on the Company’s website is deemed given by the Company to a shareholder on the day the notice or document is placed on the Company’s website except where the
document is the Company’s
[...] directorsreport, annual financial statements or auditorsreport and, where applicable, [...]
summary financial
statement, then such document shall be deemed to be served on the day following that on which a notice of publication is deemed served on the shareholder.




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